10 research outputs found

    MV-algebras freely generated by finite Kleene algebras

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    If V and W are varieties of algebras such that any V-algebra A has a reduct U(A) in W, there is a forgetful functor U: V->W that acts by A |-> U(A) on objects, and identically on homomorphisms. This functor U always has a left adjoint F: W->V by general considerations. One calls F(B) the V-algebra freely generated by the W-algebra B. Two problems arise naturally in this broad setting. The description problem is to describe the structure of the V-algebra F(B) as explicitly as possible in terms of the structure of the W-algebra B. The recognition problem is to find conditions on the structure of a given V-algebra A that are necessary and sufficient for the existence of a W-algebra B such that F(B) is isomorphic to A. Building on and extending previous work on MV-algebras freely generated by finite distributive lattices, in this paper we provide solutions to the description and recognition problems in case V is the variety of MV-algebras, W is the variety of Kleene algebras, and B is finitely generated--equivalently, finite. The proofs rely heavily on the Davey-Werner natural duality for Kleene algebras, on the representation of finitely presented MV-algebras by compact rational polyhedra, and on the theory of bases of MV-algebras.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Algebra Universali

    Positive Subreducts in Finitely Generated Varieties of MV-algebras

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    Positive MV-algebras are negation-free and implication-free subreducts of MV-algebras. In this contribution we show that a finite axiomatic basis exists for the quasivariety of positive MV-algebras coming from any finitely generated variety of MV-algebras

    Checking Admissibility Using Natural Dualities

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    This paper presents a new method for obtaining small algebras to check the admissibility-equivalently, validity in free algebras-of quasi-identities in a finitely generated quasivariety. Unlike a previous algebraic approach of Metcalfe and Rothlisberger that is feasible only when the relevant free algebra is not too large, this method exploits natural dualities for quasivarieties to work with structures of smaller cardinality and surjective rather than injective morphisms. A number of case studies are described here that could not be be solved using the algebraic approach, including (quasi)varieties of MS-algebras, double Stone algebras, and involutive Stone algebras

    MV-algebras, infinite dimensional polyhedra, and natural dualities

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    We connect the dual adjunction between MV-algebras and Tychonoff spaces with the general theory of natural dualities, and provide a number of applications. In doing so, we simplify the aforementioned construction by observing that there is no need of using presentations of MV-algebras in order to obtain the adjunction. We also provide a description of the dual maps that is intrinsically geometric, and thus avoids the syntactic notion of definable map. Finally, we apply these results to better explain the relation between semisimple tensor products and coproducts of MV-algebras, and we extend beyond the finitely generated case the characterisations of strongly semisimple and polyhedral MV-algebras