32 research outputs found

    Estructura gramatical i normativa lingĂŒĂ­stica : a propĂČsit dels verbs psicolĂČgics en catalĂ 

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    En aquest article s'estudien els trets estructurals mĂ©s rellevants de la sintaxi i la semĂ ntica de dues classes de «verbs psicolĂČgics» del catalĂ , els verbs transitius causatius (e.g., alegrar) i els verbs intransitius estatius (e.g., agradar). Un dels objectius principals Ă©s tambĂ© deixar clar que la majoria dels parlants nadius del catalĂ  tenen la doble possibilitat d'usar verbs com ara sorprendre, preocupar o molestar com a transitius o intransitius, tot i que l'Ășs intransitiu continua essent negligit pel diccionari normatiu del catalĂ , el DIEC. Es demostra que hi ha una clara motivaciĂł darrera d'aquesta alternança suposadament lliure: quan els verbs del tipus sorprendre tenen un Ășs transitiu, aleshores la seva conducta sintĂ ctica i semĂ ntica Ă©s idĂšntica a la dels verbs del tipus alegrar, mentre que, quan tenen un Ășs intransitiu, es comporten com els verbs del tipus agradar. D'altra banda, les gramĂ tiques o els diccionaris sobre el catalĂ  normatiu accepten com a formes normatives aquelles que sĂłn clarament agramaticals per als parlants del catalĂ . Aquest Ă©s el cas de verbs com ara interessar o desagradar, els quals han estat entrats en el DIEC com a verbs transitius. Queda clar, doncs, que els lexicĂČgrafs o les gramĂ tiques del catalĂ  (normatiu) no haurien de continuar negligint les contribucions dels lingĂŒistes teĂČrics.In this paper we study the most relevant structural facts concerning the syntax and semantics of two classes of «psychological verbs» in Catalan, namely causative transitive verbs like alegrar (to cheer up) and stative intransitive verbs like agradar (to be pleasing to). On the other hand, one of our main goals is to make it clear that a vast majority of Catalan native speakers can use verbs like sorprendre (to surprise), preocupar (to worry) or molestar (to bother) sometimes as transitive and sometimes as intransitive, the latter use being clearly neglected by the Standard Catalan Dictionary (DIEC). We show that there is a clear motivation behind this apparently free alternation: when verbs like sorprendre have a transitive use, their syntactic and semantic behaviour is identical to that of verbs like alegrar, whereas their behaviour is identical to that of verbs like agradar when they have an intransitive use. The opposite point is also true: we point out that unfortunately grammars or dictionaries on Standard Catalan should not qualify as regular some patterns that are clearly ungrammatical for Catalan native speakers: it is the case of verbs like interessar (matter to) or desagradar (to be displeasing to), which are said to be transitive verbs according to DIEC. It is then clear that lexicographers or grammars on (Standard) Catalan should not neglect anymore the Contributions of theoretical linguists

    Diagnosis and Management of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia and Its Nutritional and Respiratory Complications in the Elderly

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    Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a major complaint among older people. Dysphagia may cause two types of complications in these patients: (a) a decrease in the efficacy of deglutition leading to malnutrition and dehydration, (b) a decrease in deglutition safety, leading to tracheobronchial aspiration which results in aspiration pneumonia and can lead to death. Clinical screening methods should be used to identify older people with oropharyngeal dysphagia and to identify those patients who are at risk of aspiration. Videofluoroscopy (VFS) is the gold standard to study the oral and pharyngeal mechanisms of dysphagia in older patients. Up to 30% of older patients with dysphagia present aspiration—half of them without cough, and 45%, oropharyngeal residue; and 55% older patients with dysphagia are at risk of malnutrition. Treatment with dietetic changes in bolus volume and viscosity, as well as rehabilitation procedures can improve deglutition and prevent nutritional and respiratory complications in older patients. Diagnosis and management of oropharyngeal dysphagia need a multidisciplinary approach

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown

    Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

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    This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown