163 research outputs found

    Modelling of Deceleration Process of Spatial Movements

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    Solution of breaking problem of moving mechanical object is discussed. Five boundary values are used for the problem. Mathematical model of the process has been obtained. Also all dynamic functions and characteristics are represented. They shoe the accuracy of terminal positioning of deceleration.Terminal control, moving objects, boundary problems, adaptive control, reduction, acceleration, transient process, deceleration, positioning of deceleration

    Analysis and Synthesis of Terminal Control Reduction Problem

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    One of the most important problems of terminal control reduction problem is considered and solved. On the base of spinor representation of spatial rotation group, the control law functions are obtained. A mathematical model of reduction process is constructed. The results can be used for practical purposes to elaborate simple control algorithms of spatial movement reduction process in many different fields.Terminal Control, Moving Objects, Boundary Problems, Adaptive Control, Reduction, Acceleration, Transient Process

    Synthesis of Control of Terminal Acceleration of Spatial Rotations

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    Among the problems of Adaptive Terminal Control, one of the most important is the problem of control of acceleration process of moving objects. Two cases are discussed: Control with arbitrary terminal acceleration and control with certain value of terminal acceleration. The control law functions are obtained and analysis of the both process is represented. The obtained results can be used for practical purposes to elaborate simple control algorithms.Terminal Control, Moving Objects, Boundary Problems, Adaptive Control, Reduction, Acceleration, Transient Process

    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and High Temperature Susceptibility Measurements in Cesium Hexabromide.

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    To our knowledge the research reported here represents the first attempt to understand the 4f electronic structure in CeB6 using EPR. We report extensive temperature and angular dependent EPR measurements on a single crystal of CeB6 in the paramagnetic phase from 4 to 300 K at 35, 95, and a few measurements at 220 GHz. The 35 GHz measurements were performed at LSU and the 95 and 220 GHz measurements were performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL. These experiments were made using a standard microwave frequency-locked spectrometer and magnetic field modulation. The measurements are supplemented by temperature and field dependent DC measurements of the sample magnetization. From the EPR line shapes, g-value and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) were extracted. The EPR results for CeB6 showed one absorption peak at the magnetic field corresponding to temperature independent g-value of g = 1.98 and T1 = 6.35*10 -11 seconds at room temperature. The g factor for this transition is independent of temperature between 4 and 300 K, depends on magnetic field (measurement frequency) in a non-monotonic manner, and depends slightly on crystal orientation with respect to the applied field direction in the [100] plane. The line width of the EPR spectra decreased and the relaxation time increased with increasing temperature because of exchange narrowing. Similar measurements were performed on ferromagnetic EuB6 and g values and spin-lattice relaxation times were extracted

    Worldviews and identity discernment of Turkish youth and the role of religious education: An investigation of imam-Hatip High Schools' senior students' meaning-making of the world in the 21st Century

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    The religious and cultural landscape in Turkey has been dramatically affected by modernization and secularization in the last 20 years. It is visible from the diverse forms of dress and the languages spoken on the street, secular Muslim subjectivities and modernist pious Muslim young people have shown around the cities. Alongside this increasing religious and cultural diversity is a growth in ‘secularism’, which creates challenges for social cohesion, policy and education in Turkey today. These new challenges force Turkish young people to find their place in a complex world and to seek satisfying ways of gaining a sense of meaning and belonging. Many young people search for individual meaning in dealing with the uncertainties of the world; they are relatively open to the spiritual dimension; questioning and exploring faith from a range of religious traditions and spiritual practices according to their own eclectic tastes and needs. In this respect, youth’s worldview becomes significant to understand their world and how they are making sense of the new world in the postmodern era. Thus, this study will explore the worldview of a particular group of Turkish youth, the religious dimension of their lived reality will be given serious consideration for it is a religiously-based value system, specifically Islam, that shapes their overall attitudes and identities. The Worldview Theory has been popular in the West, but has not yet found a proper place in the Turkish context. Therefore, the Worldview Theory has been chosen as a framework for this study, in an attempt to fill the existing gap in Turkish literature. As a qualitative research method, semi-structured and focus group interviews with Imam-Hatip High School’s students were conducted for our data, to explore how they negotiate and experience the changes in their lives between Western culture and Islamic culture; and the role of religious education while they negotiate the worldviews. Thus, the study presents young people’s worldviews and their outlook on life, with a special focus on their attitudes to religion and social changes in the context of Western secular and Muslim collective identity

    A Voltammetric Study on the Aqueous Electrochemistry of Acid Red 1 (Azophloxine)

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    Aqueous electrochemistry of Acid Red 1 (AR 1) was studied using cyclic voltammetry and square-wave voltammetry in Britton-Robinson buffers (pH = 2–12). The recorded cyclic voltamograms of AR 1 displayed one-irreversible peak which was attributed to reduction of the azo group in the entire pH values. However, two adsorption peaks on the square-wave voltamograms were also seen except for the reduction peak of azo group in the AR 1 molecule. In the pH range from 3.0 to 11.5, the first adsorption peak was observed at more positive potential from that of the azo group, and its potential depended on the pH of electrolyte solution. As the contrary to the first adsorption peak, the second one at more negative potential from that of the azo group was observed over the pH range from 2.0 to 6.5, and its potential was not practically dependent on the pH. According to the obtained voltammetric data, a plausible mechanism for the reduction of AR 1 was suggested. Moreover, the adsorption of AR 1 at the mercury-electrolyte interface was also investigated at different pH values. The peak current variations with the deposition time and AR 1 concentration were present. The Henry isotherm was employed for adjusting the experimental results at pH = 4.0 while the Langmuir isotherm was used for the data at pH = 7.0 and 10.0, and the values of the Gibbs free energy of adsorption were calculated. Nevertheless, the adsorption isotherm at pH = 10.0 showed that small repulsive interactions between the adsorbed AR 1 molecules on mercury electrode were present at longer deposition times. The pH of the supporting electrolyte played an important role on the adsorption behaviour of AR 1. </p

    Variation Approach in Adaptive Control of Mobile Robots

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    In this article, various problems of movement control of mechanical objects like problem of guidance, problem of acceleration, problem of control with excluded time and problem of control as a function of time have been discussed and solved. The simple expressions for relevant optimum phase trajectories and algorithms of adaptive movement control have been obtained, which allow their effective practical realization to be carried out.Terminal Control, Moving Object, Boundary Value Problem, Adaptive Movement Control

    Investigations on the Effect of Manufacturing on the Contact Resistance Behavior of Metallic Bipolar Plates for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

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    Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have emerged as a strong and promising candidate to replace internal combustion engines (ICE) due their high efficiency, high power density and near-zero hazardous emissions. However, their commercialization waits for solutions to bring about significant cost-reductions and significant durability for given power densities. Bipolar plate (BPP) with its multi-faceted functions is one of the essential components of the PEMFC stacks. Stainless steel alloys are considered promising materials of choice for bipolar plate (BPP) applications in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) due to their relatively low cost and commercial availability in thin sheets. Stainless steel materials build a protective passive metal oxide layer on their surface against corrosion attack. This passive layer does not demonstrate good electrical conductivity and increases interfacial electric contact resistance (ICR) between BPP and gas diffusion layer GDL in PEMFC. Lower ICR values are desired to reduce parasitic power losses and increase current density in order to improve efficiency and power density of PEMFC. This study aimed to bring about a broader understanding of manufacturing effects on the BPP contact resistance. In first stage, BPP samples manufactured with stamping and hydroforming under different process conditions were tested for their electrical contact resistance characteristics to reveal the effect of manufacturing type and conditions. As a general conclusion, stamped BPPs showed higher contact conductivity than the hydroformed BPPs. Moreover, pressure in hydroforming and geometry had significant effects on the contact resistance behavior of BPPs. Short term corrosion exposure was found to decrease the contact resistance of bipolar plates. Results also indicated that contact resistance values of uncoated stainless steel BPPs are significantly higher than the respective target set by U.S. Department of Energy. Proper coating or surface treatments were found to be necessary to satisfy the requirements. In the second stage, physical vapor deposition technique was used to coat bipolar plates with CrN, TiN and ZrN coatings at 0.1, 0.5 and 1 μm coating thicknesses. Effects of different coatings and coating thickness parameters were studied as manufactured BPPs. Interfacial contact resistance tests indicated that CrN coating increased the contact resistance of the samples. 1 µm TiN coated samples showed the best performance in terms of low ICR; however, ICR increased dramatically after short term exposure to corrosion under PEMFC working conditions. ZrN coating also improved conductivity of the SS316L BPP samples. It was found that the effect of coating material and coating thickness was significant whereas the manufacturing method and BPP channel size slightly affected the ICR of the metallic BPP samples. Finally, effect of process sequence on coated BPPs was investigated. In terms of ICR, BPP samples which were coated prior to forming exhibited similar or even better performance than coated after forming samples. Thus, continuous coating of unformed stripes, then, applying forming process seemed to be favorable and worth further investigation in the quest of making cost effective BPPs for mass production of PEMFC

    Worldview Theory and its relation to Islam and Muslim İdentity

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    Since the 18th century to the present, the concept of worldview has been used in various forms by various writers and extensively in several fields of academic disciplines. The article provides a brief historical overview of its usage in the discipline and demonstrates how worldview has been perceived differently over time. It presents the evolution of the concept, its essential characteristics, worldviews frameworks, Muslim worldviews, and the identity formation of young Muslims. Thus, it provides a detailed, overview of how the concept has been understood in the core disciplines, particularly in Islam and Western culture, and most relevant for Muslim identity. The Worldview Theory has been popular in the West but has not yet found a proper place in the Turkish context. This study aims to remedy the lack of the concept of worldview in the current literature. Nevertheless, exploring the Muslim identity is important. The meaning of identity is defined with Tariq Ramadan’s four foundational pillars. These four aspects provide a sufficient idea of the basics of Muslim identity, individual and social, in a particular area of the world. Regarding this, religion and religious education have attempted to respond to the challenges faced by many young people seeking to find a worldview that holds the promise of a meaningful life. Thus, the religious worldview dimension of life is significant and is given special attention in this article. This paper is concerned to be one of the few attempts to discuss a need for professional care in dealing with the development of worldview and identity relations

    İlk yıl öğrencilerinin akademik performansına etki eden faktörlerin araştırılması ve bu faktörlere bağlı olarak başarılarının tahminine yönelik bir karar destek sistemi tasarımı

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Öğretici merkezli" eğitim anlayışından "Öğrenci merkezli" eğitim anlayışına geçişin yaşandığı yükseköğretim çevrelerinde öğrencilerin kayıtlı oldukları lisans programlarında göstermiş oldukları akademik performans önem kazanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, öğrencilerin yeni akademik ve sosyal ortama "hassas" bir geçiş süreci yaşadığı ilk yıl (Milem&Berger,1997), yükseköğretim sürecinde gösterilecek akademik performansa temel teşkil etmesi bakımından pek çok teorik (Tinto,1975; Astin, 1984) ve uygulamaya dönük çalışmaya (Delen,2010 ; Mishra vd., 2014) konu olmuştur. Konu ile ilgili yapılan literatür taramasında, öğrencilerin ilk yıl akademik performanslarına etki eden faktörleri belirleyen ve bu faktörlere bağlı olarak yılsonu akademik başarılarını tahminleyen herhangi bir yerli "bütüncül" çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu bağlamda; çalışmada karmaşık "yükseköğretimde ilk yıl" sürecine yönelik bir teorik model ortaya konması ve bu modele paralel olarak veri madenciliği süreci yaklaşımı kullanılarak akademik performansı önceden tahmin etmek ve etki eden faktörleri belirlemek suretiyle yöneticilere karar desteği sağlayacak genel bir sistem tasarlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Mevcut çalışmada; 2014-2015 akademik yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi-İşletme Fakültesi lisans programlarında ilk yıllarını geçiren öğrencilere "Yeni Gelen Öğrenci" anketi uygulanmıştır. Bu şekilde tahminleme çalışmasında kullanılmak üzere geleneksel (yaş, cinsiyet, lise not ortalaması vs.) ve geleneksel olmayan (genel özyeterlik, akademik özyeterlik, kurumsal entegrasyon) değişkenler elde edilmiştir. Yöntem olarak; pek çok farklı alanda veri madenciliği uygulama süreçlerine yönelik standart bir metodoloji sunan (Wirth&Hipp, 2000) CRISP-DM benimsenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, veri hazırlama aşamasından (seçme, temizleme, türetme vs.) sonra tahminleme için makine öğrenme teknikleri (Çok Katmanlı Algılayıcılar ve Rassal Orman yöntemi) ve geleneksel istatistiksel sınıflandırıcı teknikleri (Çokterimli Lojistik Regresyon) ile farklı verisetleri (korelasyon katsayılarına göre seçilen bağımsız değişkenlerden oluşan veriseti ve tüm bağımsız değişkenlerin dahil edildiği orijinal veriseti) kullanılarak modeller oluşturulmuştur. Mevcut durum ve farklı senaryolarda denenen bu modeller göstermiş oldukları performanslara göre değerlendirilmiş ve genel bir tasarımı sunulan karar destek sistemlerinde kullanılacak uygun modeller belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, Rassal Ormanlar yöntemini kullanan Model5 en iyi performansı sergilemiştir. Öğrencilerin yılsonu performansı üzerinde etkisi en fazla olan faktör "İlk dönem not ortalaması" olarak bulunmuştur Anahtar Kelimeler: Akademik Performans, Eğitimde Veri Madenciliği, Çok Katmanlı Algılayıcı, Rassal Ormanlar, Çokterimli Lojistik RegresyonA transition has been existing in the approaches to education from "Tutorial-centered" to "Student-centered" in the higher education environment, so the concept of academic performance for undergraduate students is gaining importance. In this context, the first year in which students experience "sensitive" period of transtion to new academic and social environments (Milem&Berger, 1997), has been subject to many studies both practical (Delen, 2010; Mishra et al.., 2014) and theoretical (Tinto,1975; Astin, 1984) to be the basis of the academic performance shown in the higher education process. In the native literature research on the subject, there observed no "holistic" study determining the factors affecting the academic performance of the first year and predicts the year-end achievements based on these factors. In this context, it is intended to design a general system to provide decision support to managers in predicting the academic performance and determining factors by using a theoretical model demonstrated to the process of complex "the first year in the higher education" and data mining process parallel to this model. In the study, "Freshman Student" survey was conducted to the freshmens registered in 2014- 2015 academic year to undergraduate programs of the Business Faculty of Sakarya University. In this way, to be used in prediction study, traditional (age, gender,average point of high school grade, etc.) and non-traditional (general self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy, instutional integration) variables were obtained. As the method of the study, CRISP- DM, which offers a standardized methodology for data mining application process in many different fields (Wirth&Hipp, 2000), is adopted. As a part of the process; following data preparation (selection, cleaning, construct etc.) stage, machine learning techniques (Multilayer Perceptron, Random Forests) and a traditional statistical classifier(Multinomial Logistic Regression) were employed in different datasets (original dataset and the one created with correlation-based feature selection) to build predictive models. The appropriate models which were examined in both current situation and different scenarios were evaluated in accordance with their performance and the ones which will be used in a decision support systems, roughly presented in the current study, are determined. As a conclusion, using the Random Forest method Model5 showed the best performance. It is found that " grade point average (GPA) of the first semester" factor is the most influential variable on the year-end performance. Keywords: Academic Performance, Educational Data Mining, Multilayer Perceptron, Random Forest, Multinomial Logistic Regressio