11 research outputs found

    Capture and Storage of Carbon in the Dry Forests of Pomac (Lambayeque, Peru) to Improve the Focus of Reforestation on New Ecosystem Services

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    The estimation of aerial forest carbon storage and capacity (CCS) is a fundamental instrument to evaluate the application of forest management measures and soil recovery under the approach of use in new ecosystem services (CCUS). The research has aimed to evaluate the capture and storage of carbon in the dry forests of Pomac (Lambayeque, Peru) to improve the approach of reforestation in new ecosystem services. For this, the non-destructive method was used, 15 random plots were selected, the tree species were identified, counted and measured, taking into account the diameter at breast height (DBH), the results indicated a total accumulation of aerial biomass ( dry) of 75.09 t/ha and a mass of stored carbon of 37,545 t/ha. The highest contribution of aerial biomass was dominated by three species: Prosopis pallida H.B.K. for Arnata ferreyra (carob tree) (90.99%) > Capparis ovalifolia (Vichayo) (6.13 %) > Capparis scabrida (Sapote) (2.02 %). The quadratic models to estimate the aerial biomass (AGB) of each species and of the plots studied based on the DBH were robust (R2>0.7) and significant and demonstrated a great payment potential in relation to the carbon credit in the Voluntary Market of Carbon. These results can be used to improve forest management and the recovery of degraded soils under the approach of new ecosystem uses that include the CCUS approach

    Bioadsorción de Co(II) y Mn (II) en soluciones acuosas por la bacteria Rhodococcus opacus

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    Se evaluó la bioadsorción de Co(II) y Mn(II) en soluciones acuosas por Rhodococcus opacus inactivado y tratado con NaOH, y se efectuó la caracterización fisicoquímica del bioadsorbente. La caracterización fisicoquímica de la bacteria se realizó mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido acoplada al análisis de dispersión de energía de rayos X (MEBEDS), espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) y potencial zeta (PZ). Asimismo, se determinaron las mejores condiciones de operación en el proceso, evaluando la concentración del biosorbente, concentración inicial del metal (Ci), pH y tiempo de contacto. Los experimentos se hicieron a escala de laboratorio y la bacteria fue previamente tratada con NaOH (0,1 M). La interacción entre R. opacus y los iones metálicos se confirmó por la variación del potencial isoeléctrico (PIE) y grupos funcionales. En las mejores condiciones de operación se alcanzaron remociones y adsorción de 87.8 % y 24.9 mg/g para Co(II), y 79.9 % y 6.1 mg/g para Mn(II). Estas condiciones fueron pH 7, biomasa 4 mg/l, Ci 50 mg/l y 180 minutos de tiempo de operación. Mientras que para el Mn(II): pH 5, biomasa 3 mg/l, Ci 5 mg/l y 10 minutos de tiempo de operación. El presente estudio demuestra que el R. opacus puede ser aplicado en el tratamiento de efluentes conteniendo bajas concentraciones de Co(II) y Mn(II).Campus San Juan de Luriganch

    Scientometric study of treatment technologies of soil pollution: present and future challenges

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    There are few bibliometric studies showing current technologies and their combinations for the remediation of contaminated soils. For this reason, a scientometric study was carried out in order to know the trends in soil contamination treatment technologies. The study considered original articles and reviews published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between January 2010 and June 2021, evaluating: (a) characteristics of the publications, (b) main research sources, (c) citations and production by journals, (d) keywords used, (e) countries, institutions and authors active in research production, (f) most cited articles and (g) trends in soil treatment and remediation techniques. The results showed: (a) continuous growth of publications on soil remediation in the “Environmental Science” subject area and a limited contribution of the “Soil Science” and “Agriculture and Biological Science” subject areas, (b) leadership of countries such as China, USA, India, Italy and Spain in research production, (c) phytoremediation, bioremediation and biodegradation were the most studied treatment technologies in the last decade and (d) recent research (from 2020) studied pesticides and herbicides, including Chlorimuron-ethyl and also microplastics and other emerging pollutants. It is also noted that the current trend of combinations of techniques for the treatment of soil contamination is attractive for future research.Campus San Juan de Luriganch

    Biocarbón derivado de excretas porcinas con capacidad de disminuir la disponibilidad de Pb en suelos agrícolas contaminados

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    The use of organic amendments improves the quality and increases the fertility of the soils due to their adsorption properties, stimulates nutrient cycling and can be used to reduce the availability of heavy metals. The main objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of biochar (BC) derived from pig manure on the availability of Pb in a contaminated and limed agricultural soil. A randomized experimental design was applied, the pig manure was dried at room temperature (23 °C) and pyrolyzed at 500 °C for 2 h. Doses of 5%, 10% and 20% of BC were applied to the Pb soils contaminated (165.7 mg/kg), that were arranged in 2 kg pots except for the control sample, and Lactuca sativa was subsequently grown cultivated to evaluate the Pb availability. The results indicated an improvement in soil quality at higher BC dose, increase of 0.34 pH units, decrease of Pb extracted by EDTA (27% to 62% of decrease), and non-significant Pb content in leachates (< 1 mg Pb/L) and no detection in plant roots (< 0.01 mg/kg), except for the control plant (0.7 mg Pb/kg) in the original soil. A logarithmic relational model between BC dose and Pb adsorbed in the soil was obtained (R2 = 0.9938, p < 0.05) showing that the decrease of Pb availability in the soil increased for higher BC doses, which represents an eco-friendly remediation alternative. It is recommended to investigate the interaction relationships between the soil quality parameters and to establish functional models of bioaccumulation and extractable metal of the amended soil.El uso de enmiendas orgánicas mejora la calidad y aumenta la fertilidad de los suelos debido a sus propiedades de adsorción, estimula el ciclo de nutrientes y puede usarse para reducir la disponibilidad de metales pesados. El principal objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto del biocarbón (BC) derivado de las excretas porcinas sobre la disponibilidad de Pb en un suelo agrícola contaminado y encalado. Se aplicó un diseño experimental aleatorizado, las excretas de cerdo se secaron a temperatura ambiente (23 °C) y se pirolizaron a 500 °C durante 2 h. Se aplicaron dosis del 5%, 10% y 20% de BC a los suelos contaminados con Pb (165,7 mg/kg), que se dispusieron en macetas de 2 kg con excepción de la muestra control, y posteriormente se cultivó Lactuca sativa para evaluar la disponibilidad de Pb. Los resultados indicaron una mejora en la calidad del suelo a dosis más altas de BC, aumento de 0,34 unidades de pH, disminución de Pb extraído por EDTA (27% a 62% de disminución) y contenido no significativo de Pb en lixiviados (< 1 mg Pb/L) y sin detección en raíces de plantas (< 0,01 mg/kg), excepto para la planta de control (0,7 mg Pb/kg) en el suelo original. Se obtuvo un modelo relacional logarítmico entre la dosis de BC y el Pb adsorbido en el suelo (R2 = 0,9938, p < 0,05) que muestra que la disminución de la disponibilidad de Pb en el suelo aumentó para dosis más altas de BC, lo que representa una alternativa de remediación ecológica. Se recomienda investigar las relaciones de interacción entre los parámetros de calidad del suelo y establecer modelos funcionales de bioacumulación y metal extraíble del suelo enmendado

    Statistical modeling approach for PM10 prediction before and during confinement by COVID-19 in South Lima, Perú

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    A total of 188,859 meteorological-PM10 data validated before (2019) and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) were used. In order to predict PM10 in two districts of South Lima in Peru, hourly, daily, monthly and seasonal variations of the data were analyzed. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and linear/nonlinear modeling were applied. The results showed the highest annual average PM10 for San Juan de Mirafores (SJM) (PM10-SJM: 78.7 µg/m3) and the lowest in Santiago de Surco (SS) (PM10 -SS: 40.2 µg/m3). The PCA showed the infuence of relative humidity (RH)-atmospheric pressure (AP)temperature (T)/dew point (DP)-wind speed (WS)-wind direction (WD) combinations. Cool months with higher humidity and atmospheric instability decreased PM10 values in SJM and warm months increased it, favored by thermal inversion (TI). Dust resuspension, vehicular transport and stationary sources contributed more PM10 at peak times in the morning and evening. The Multiple linear regression (MLR) showed the best correlation (r = 0.6166), followed by the three-dimensional model LogAP-LogWD-LogPM10 (r = 0.5753); the RMSE-MLR (12.92) exceeded that found in the 3D models (RMSE < 0.3) and the NSE-MLR criterion (0.3804) was acceptable. PM10 prediction was modeled using the algorithmic approach in any scenario to optimize urban management decisions in times of pandemic.Campus San Juan de Luriganch

    Cinética de descontaminación de aguas de curtiembre utilizando biofloculantes

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    En esta investigación se evaluó la cinética de reducción de la turbidez inicial (1455 UNT) de aguas residuales de una industria curtiembre mediante la aplicación de biofloculantes directos elaborados a partir del alga Chondracanthus chamissoi (alginato) y de las mudas del crustáceo Emerita analoga (quitosano). Se recolecto el material biológico precursor en las playas de Lima, Perú, a partir de este material; se produjo ácido algínico fibroso y posteriormente alginato de sodio. Se usaron los procesos de desmineralización, desproteinización y posterior desacetilación para obtener el quitosano a partir de las mudas del crustáceo. Se evaluó el efecto del pH, la dosis de los biofloculantes, el tiempo de equilibrio del proceso. Además, se determinó el orden cinético de la velocidad de floculación mediante la prueba de jarras. Los resultados indicaron una remoción de la turbidez superior al 99 % dentro de los primeros 30 minutos para dosis de 0.2 a 2 g/l de floculantes y pH ácido (igual a 4); no se registraron diferencias significativas a distintos valores de pH (4-12) y dosis (0.2 a 2 g/l). El ajuste lineal entre el tiempo de floculación y la turbidez generó ecuaciones cinéticas significativas de primer orden para ambos floculantes con constantes de velocidad k1 del orden de 10-4 (1/NUT.min) y tiempos de reducción de la mitad de material particulado (vida media: τ1/2) inferiores a los 10 minutos. Esto se puede considerar como un criterio para medir la eficiencia del proceso de floculación directa en el tratamiento de aguas industriales de curtiembre.Campus San Juan de Luriganch

    Chemical characteristics and identification of PM10 sources in two districts of Lima, Peru

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    This study evaluates the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 andidentifies the sources of pollution in the districts of San Juan de Lurigancho (SJL) and Puente Piedra (PPD) located in the eastern and northern zones of the Metropolitan area of Lima,Peru. The samples were collected between April and May 2017 by the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru (SENAMHI). The concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5, measured using gravimetric techniques, exceeded the international (WHO) and national reference values; with maximum values for PM10 and PM2.5 of 160 and 121.56 µg/ m3 in PPD and 295.06 and 154.58 µg/ m3 in SJL respectively. Pollution sources were identified using the Positive Matrix Factorization Model (PMF 5.0) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and showed similar sources for both districts. In SJL, sources were determined to be a combination of vehicular traffic and the resuspension of soil dust, marine aerosols and iron and steel industry by-products, while in PPD they consisted of the resuspension of soil dust, vehicular traffic, industrial activity and marine aerosols

    Evaluación del impacto de las actividades antropogénicas en la calidad del agua superficial utilizando un índice de calidad del agua y una evaluación ambiental

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    El artículo presenta una evaluación de los efectos de las actividades antropogénicas sobre la calidad del agua en cuatro arroyos que fluyen a través de un campamento con base en una evaluación combinada de los impactos ambientales y el índice de calidad del agua. La evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa del impacto ambiental se realizó luego de identificar las actividades antrópicas realizadas en el campamento. El índice de calidad del agua (ICA) se calculó luego de monitorear diecisiete variables fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas y se aplicó el índice de Montoya. Las muestras fueron recolectadas durante 48 campañas de muestreo, organizadas durante un período de seis meses en ocho estaciones. En cada arroyo se ubicaron dos estaciones, una antes y otra después de su paso por el campamento. Los resultados indicaron que las quebradas 1, 3 y 4 presentan un ligero deterioro en la calidad del agua, afectadas por las actividades antrópicas realizadas en dicho campamento; mientras tanto, el arroyo 2 muestra un deterioro creciente en la calidad del agua. La calidad del agua de los arroyos antes de pasar por el campamento se determinó entre “no contaminada” y “aceptable”, mientras que después de pasar por el campamento se clasificó entre “aceptable” y “ligeramente contaminada”. Los resultados indicaron una diferencia no significativa entre los valores WQI aguas abajo y aguas arriba para las corrientes 1, 3 y 4; mientras que la corriente 2 mostró una diferencia significativa en el WQI entre aguas arriba y aguas abajo; indicando que las actividades antropogénicas alteran la calidad del agua.The article presents an assessment of the effects of anthropogenic activities on the quality of water in four streams flowing through a camp based on a combined assessment of environmental impacts and the water quality index. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of environmental impact was made after identifying the anthropogenic activities carried out in the camp. The water quality index (WQI) was calculated after monitoring seventeen physicochemical and microbiological variables and the Montoya index was applied. The samples were collected during 48 sampling campaigns, organised over the period of six months in eight stations. Two stations were located in each stream, one before and one after it passed through the camp. The results indicated that streams 1, 3, and 4 show a slight deterioration in water quality, affected by anthropogenic activities carried out in the said camp; meanwhile, stream 2 shows an increasing deterioration in water quality. The water quality of the streams before passing through the camp was determined to be between “uncontaminated” and “acceptable”, while after passing through the camp it was classified between “acceptable” and “slightly contaminated”. The results indicated a non-significant difference between the downstream and upstream WQI values for streams 1, 3, and 4; while stream 2 did show a significant difference in the WQI between upstream and downstream; indicating that anthropogenic activities alter the quality of the water

    Scientometric study of drinking water treatments technologies: Present and future challenges

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    The knowledge of the tendencies of the drinking water treatments was changing through the previous decades and it is necessary to improve it for the benefit of the human beings. In this sense, the purpose of the study was to develop a scientometric study about the drinking water treatments in the period 2010–2020 for providing the state of art of the studies about the drinking water treatments in diverse knowledge areas and new orientations for future research. For this purpose, a search of the information was performed both in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases, and all articles and reviews related to the field of water treatment or chemistry were included. The results showed that China, the USA and the Netherlands have the majority of the most cited publications and various related multidisciplinary topics, such as infrastructure, technologies and pollution. Therefore, the study allows concluding that there is a need for research on different technologies that contribute positively to obtaining quality water for consumption and for the use of routine activities, being the combination and integration of the different treatment processes a challenge for future studies

    Scientometric study of treatment technologies of soil pollution: present and future challenges

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    There are few bibliometric studies showing current technologies and their combinations for the remediation of contaminated soils. For this reason, a scientometric study was carried out in order to know the trends in soil contamination treatment technologies. The study considered original articles and reviews published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between January 2010 and June 2021, evaluating: (a) characteristics of the publications, (b) main research sources, (c) citations and production by journals, (d) keywords used, (e) countries, institutions and authors active in research production, (f) most cited articles and (g) trends in soil treatment and remediation techniques. The results showed: (a) continuous growth of publications on soil remediation in the “Environmental Science” subject area and a limited contribution of the “Soil Science” and “Agriculture and Biological Science” subject areas, (b) leadership of countries such as China, USA, India, Italy and Spain in research production, (c) phytoremediation, bioremediation and biodegradation were the most studied treatment technologies in the last decade and (d) recent research (from 2020) studied pesticides and herbicides, including Chlorimuron-ethyl and also microplastics and other emerging pollutants. It is also noted that the current trend of combinations of techniques for the treatment of soil contamination is attractive for future research