488 research outputs found

    Coronary artery properties in atherosclerosis: A deep learning predictive model

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    In this work an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was developed to help in the diagnosis of plaque vulnerability by predicting the Young modulus of the core (Ecore) and the plaque (Eplaque) of atherosclerotic coronary arteries. A representative in silico database was constructed to train the ANN using Finite Element simulations covering the ranges of mechanical properties present in the bibliography. A statistical analysis to pre-process the data and determine the most influential variables was performed to select the inputs of the ANN. The ANN was based on Multilayer Perceptron architecture and trained using the developed database, resulting in a Mean Squared Error (MSE) in the loss function under 10–7, enabling accurate predictions on the test dataset for Ecore and Eplaque. Finally, the ANN was applied to estimate the mechanical properties of 10,000 realistic plaques, resulting in relative errors lower than 3%

    Interacción de la IgM humana con la proteína A de Staphylococcus Aureus : bases estructurales de la reactividad alternativa de inmunoglobulinas con proteína A

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída en 1984.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Interacción de la IgM humana con la proteína A de Staphylococcus Aureus : bases estructurales de la reactividad alternativa de inmunoglobulinas con proteína A

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída en 1984.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Una novela que piensa: la reflexión novelesca en La ceiba de la memoria

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    This essay proposes an approach to the novelistic reflections from a reading of the novel La ceiba de la memoria, by the Colombian writer Roberto Burgos Cantor. For this purpose, it has reconstructed the metaphors that think inside the work and the active principles that constitute the fictional experience of uncertainty. In addition, we want to present the way in which the literary project of the Colombian author approaches the aesthetic proposal of the writer Édouard Glissant. In this way, the reading offered is an invitation to read La ceiba de la memoria as a novel-essay and beyond the interpretation that literary criticism makes of it as a historical novel.Este ensayo propone un acercamiento a las reflexiones novelescas a partir de una lectura de la novela La ceiba de la memoria, del escritor colombiano Roberto Burgos Cantor. Para este fin, se reconstruyen las metáforas que piensan dentro de la obra y las principales características que constituyen la experiencia novelesca de la incertidumbre. Además, se quiere presentar la manera en que el proyecto literario del autor colombiano se aproxima a la propuesta estética del escritor Édouard Glissant. De este modo, la lectura ofrecida es una invitación para leer La ceiba de la memoria como una novela-ensayo y más allá de la interpretación que la crítica literaria hace de ella como novela histórica.Magíster en Estudios Literarios.Maestrí

    Intervenciones enfermeras a la família del paciente en el servicio de urgencias

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    Màster en Lideratge i Gestió d'Infermeria, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2016-2017, Director: M. Carmen Moreno ArroyoEl servicio de urgencias (UCIAS) es una de las unidades más especializadas de un hospital. El ingreso de un familiar en un servicio de UCIAS produce elevados niveles de ansiedad en las familias debido a varios factores, entre ellos la falta de información, no estar próximo al familiar, el miedo a la muerte… Los familiares tienen unas necesidades que es importante satisfacer para reducir dicha ansiedad. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las necesidades de los familiares del paciente atendido en el servicio de urgencias y evaluar la efectividad de un Programa de Intervenciones Enfermeras a Familias en Urgencias (PIEFU). Se plantea un estudio con metodología cuantitativa. Para la primera fase un diseño descriptivo transversal y para la segunda fase un diseño de tipo experimental. El método de selección de la muestra será probabilístico, aleatorizado y sistemático. Se utilizarán instrumentos de medida de elaboración propia y otros validados como el cuestionario sobre necesidades familiares (CCFNI), la escala de Ansiedad- estado (STAI) y la encuesta de satisfacción familiar SF-UCI (24). Para el análisis de los datos se utilizará el programa SPSS versión 24.0. El nivel de significación estadística (P) se fijará en 0.05. El ámbito de estudio será el servicio de urgencias del Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona durante el periodo comprendido entre septiembre del 2017 hasta septiembre del 2019 y se contará con los familiares que cumplan los criterios de inclusión

    Aplicación de la Teoría Potencial para el estudio de las fuerzas ejercidas por una corriente incidente sobre placas rectangulares oscilantes

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    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado consiste en desarrollar un método numérico que nos permita resolver problemas aerodinámicos estacionarios y no estacionarios tanto en dos como en tres dimensiones, consumiendo los mínimos recursos y obteniendo la máxima precisión posible. Siendo así, van a utilizarse diferentes métodos espectrales basados en la interpolación polinómica de Lagrange que nos permitirán resolver de manera eficiente dichos problemas aerodinámicos sobre placas planas rectangulares tanto en régimen estacionario como en no estacionario. A lo largo del trabajo se definirá el problema aerodinámico, se deducirá su solución y se desarrollará el método que va a emplearse para su resolución numérica. Todos los resultados se compararán con los de la literatura, sean éstos analíticos o numéricos, y se propondrán líneas de mejora futuras.The scope of this project consists in developing a numerical method which steady state and unsteady aerodynamics problems are going to be solved with, whether in two or three dimensions, using the minimum resources and calculating a solution as precisely as possible. Therefore, different spectral methods will be used, such as the interpolation polynomial in the Lagrange form, in order to get a solution in an efficient way that allow us to solve the aerodynamic problem of a flat plate with an incident flow that may be steady or unsteady. During this project we will define the aerodynamic problem, deduce its solution and develop the method that will be used in the numerical resolution. All the results will be checked with the ones reported by the literature, whether they are analytical or numerical ones, and some ways of improvement will be suggested.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    Novel application assigned to toluquinol: inhibition of lymphangiogenesis by interfering with VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 signalling pathway

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Lymphangiogenesis is an important biological process associated with the pathogenesis of several diseases, including metastatic dissemination, graft rejection, lymphoedema and other inflammatory disorders. The development of new drugs that block lymphangiogenesis has become a promising therapeutic strategy. In this study, we investigated the ability of toluquinol, a 2-methyl-hydroquinone isolated from the culture broth of the marine fungus Penicillium sp. HL-85-ALS5-R004, to inhibit lymphangiogenesis in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH We used human lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) to analyse the effect of toluquinol in 2D and 3D in vitro cultures and in the ex vivo mouse lymphatic ring assay. For in vivo approaches, the transgenic Fli1:eGFPy1 zebrafish, mouse ear sponges and cornea models were used. Western blotting and apoptosis analyses were carried out to search for drug targets. KEY RESULTS Toluquinol inhibited LEC proliferation,migration, tubulogenesis and sprouting of new lymphatic vessels. Furthermore, toluquinol induced apoptosis of LECs after 14 h of treatment in vitro, blocked the development of the thoracic duct in zebrafish and reduced the VEGF-C-induced lymphatic vessel formation and corneal neovascularization in mice. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that this drug attenuates VEGF-C-induced VEGFR-3 phosphorylation in a dose-dependentmanner and suppresses the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS Based on these findings, we propose toluquinol as a new candidate with pharmacological potential for the treatment of lymphangiogenesis-related pathologies. Notably, its ability to suppress corneal neovascularization paves the way for applications in vascular ocular pathologies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This work has been supported by personal funding by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MGC). Acknowledged are the supporting grants from the Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC) (Université de Liège), the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS), the Foundation Against Cancer (foundation of public interest), the Centre Anticancéreux près l’Université de Liège, the Fonds Léon Fredericq (University of Liège), the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme-Belgian Science Policy (all from Belgium) and the Plan National Cancer (« Service Public Federal » from Belgium). Research in the lab of A.R.Q. and M.A.M. was supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER)

    Simulation models for estimating optimal vaccination timing for infectious bursal disease in broiler chickens in Paraguay

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    This study shows the results of estimating optimal vaccination timing for infectious bursal disease in broiler chickens in Paraguay, using spreadsheet simulation models.Fourteen flocks of broiler chicks were kept under observation.Sera were collected from randomly-selected 20 chicks per flock at 1, 4 and 8 days of age, and assayed by a commercial Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to evaluate Maternally Derived Antibody (MDA) titres.Deterministic (an age-based estimation method called the Deventer formula) and stochastic (through inclusion of uncertainty in the parameters) models were developed with the data.In the deterministic models, all the estimated optimal vaccination timings of each flock at the three sampling time points were between 16 and 24 days of age.In the stochastic models, each of the median optimal vaccination timings was estimated later than the corresponding point-estimate timing, generated by the deterministic version.Uniformity of the MDA titre distribution in the flocks was considered in relation to the number of vaccinations required.The ELISA results provide only a rough indication, in the case of deterministic model in particular.A stochastic version of the same model, in conjunction with the use of a concept of uniformity might give a solution to the problem.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Simulation models for estimating optimal vaccination timing for infectious bursal disease in broiler chickens in Paraguay

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    This study shows the results of estimating optimal vaccination timing for infectious bursal disease in broiler chickens in Paraguay, using spreadsheet simulation models.Fourteen flocks of broiler chicks were kept under observation.Sera were collected from randomly-selected 20 chicks per flock at 1, 4 and 8 days of age, and assayed by a commercial Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) to evaluate Maternally Derived Antibody (MDA) titres.Deterministic (an age-based estimation method called the Deventer formula) and stochastic (through inclusion of uncertainty in the parameters) models were developed with the data.In the deterministic models, all the estimated optimal vaccination timings of each flock at the three sampling time points were between 16 and 24 days of age.In the stochastic models, each of the median optimal vaccination timings was estimated later than the corresponding point-estimate timing, generated by the deterministic version.Uniformity of the MDA titre distribution in the flocks was considered in relation to the number of vaccinations required.The ELISA results provide only a rough indication, in the case of deterministic model in particular.A stochastic version of the same model, in conjunction with the use of a concept of uniformity might give a solution to the problem.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria