2,578 research outputs found

    La importancia de la histéresis en las exportaciones de manufacturas de los países de la UEM

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    En este trabajo se pretende comprobar la posible existencia de histéresis en la oferta de exportaciones de manufacturas en algunos países de la zona del euro, es decir, se analiza si los movimientos transitorios del tipo de cambio tienen un impacto permanente sobre las exportaciones. La presencia de costes irrecuperables en la entrada y salida del mercado a los que se enfrentan los productores puede justificar la existencia de histéresis en el comercio, ya que las empresas exportadoras tomarían en consideración el tipo de cambio futuro como una variable adicional a la hora de decidir si se entra o no en el mercado, afectando de esta forma al volumen de exportación agregado. Así, el trabajo presenta una estimación de un modelo de oferta y demanda de exportaciones de manufacturas para la mayoría de los países de la zona euro, donde la oferta toma en cuenta la evolución futura del tipo de cambio a partir de la estimación secuencial de sus dos primeros momentos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, el tipo de cambio esperado no es, en la mayor parte de los casos, una variable explicativa de la evolución de la oferta de exportaciones. De este modo, en contra de la evidencia disponible con datos de empresas, el análisis macroeconómico efectuado no detecta efectos de histéresis significativos en la oferta de exportaciones.Histéresis; tipo de cambio; exportaciones; unión monetaria; zona euro;

    Overview of Neutrino–Nucleus Interactions

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    Neutrino–nucleus reactions are surveyed. The approximations usually made are identified and a comparison to the corresponding electron–nucleus processes is presented. Impulse Approximation (IA), factorization of the cross-section and scaling approaches (SA) to lepton–nucleus scattering are examined in detail

    Overview of neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering

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    A review of quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering will be presented, with emphasis on bringing together the knowledge (and language) of neutrino physics, electron scattering, and nuclear structure communities. Assumptions commonly made which simplify the theoretical calculations will be examined. Finally, an attempt will be made to identify places where improvement from either theoretical or experimental sides would be more significant.Dirección General de Investigación (DGI). España FPA2007-62216, FIS2008-04189 y FPA2006-13807-C02-01Spanish Consolider-Ingenio programme CPAN CSD2007-0004

    A first approach to the Paleoentomology present in the Quaternarian sites of Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain): the subfossil oribatid fauna (Acari, Oribatida)

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    8 páginas, 3 figuras, 2 tablas.[ES] Los yacimientos cuaternarios de la Sierra de Atapuerca ofrecen interés mundial por haber hospedado varias especies de homínidos que vivieron en el último millón de años. En este contexto, durante la campaña de excavaciones de 2003 se realizó un muestreo puntual en algunos de sus yacimientos para obtener los primeros datos de restos de artrópodos que pudieran conservarse en los mismos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de ácaros subfósiles pertenecientes al suborden de los oribátidos (Acari, Oribatida). Después de procesar los sedimentos, se obtuvieron un total de 7 individuos en el conjunto de los yacimientos muestreados, de los cuales 6 aparecieron en Gran Dolina en un nivel con datación en torno a los 300.000 años. Los ejemplares, identificados en su mayoría a nivel taxonómico de especie, pertenecen a las familias Cosmochthoniidae, Scheloribatidae, Oribatulidae y Hemileiidae. Dado el conocimiento que se dispone de la biología de los taxones encontrados, que pertenecen a géneros y especies presentes en la actualidad, se han realizado inferencias sobre los ambientes pretéritos en que los animales vivieron.[EN] The Atapuerca Quaternarian sites are of worldwide interest due to the presence of human remains belonging to the last million years. The oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) found in several archaeological samples extracted from the Atapuerca Quaternarian deposits, have been analyzed during the 2003 excavation campaign to study the Palaeoentomology of the site. The oribatid mite fauna consists of 7 individuals, 6 of which were obtained from Gran Dolina site (about 300.000 years old) and belong to families Cosmochthoniidae, Scheloribatidae, Oribatulidae and Hemileiidae. Most of the taxa were identified to species level. The results obtained were used as a basis to reconstruct the paleo-environments of the site in correspondence with the biological and ecological preferences of the taxa.Las investigaciones entomológicas de Atapuerca se realizaron dentro del Proyecto BOS2003-08938-C03-02.Peer reviewe

    Effect of the use of deslorelin acetate in the induction of ovulation of Peruvian Paso mares

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    Se realizó un estudio en 16 yeguas cíclicas Caballo Peruano de Paso de la provincia de Ascope, La Libertad, Perú, entre enero y marzo de 2017, con el fin de evaluar el efecto de la administración de acetato de deslorelina en el tiempo de ovulación y tasa de preñez. Se trabajó con un grupo control (n=8) que no recibió tratamiento y un grupo experimental (n=8) tratado con 1.75 mg de acetato de deslorelina al observar un folículo dominante de 38-40 mm y un grado 2 a 3 de edema endometrial determinado mediante ultrasonido. Las yeguas fueron inseminadas a las 16-24 h posteriores. El monitoreo mediante ultrasonido se continuó hasta registrar la ovulación y el diagnóstico de preñez se hizo a los 13-15 días pos-ovulación. El tiempo de ovulación fue de 43.13 ± 4.48 y 69.00 ± 8.41 h para el grupo experimental y control, respectivamente. El 87.5% (7/8) de las yeguas en el grupo experimental ovularon dentro de las 48 h, mientras que solo el 37.5% (3/8) del grupo control lo hicieron. La tasa de preñez fue de 87% (7/8) en el grupo tratado y 50% (4/8) en el grupo sin tratar; en todos los casos sin encontrase diferencias estadísticas significativas.The study was conducted in 16 cyclic mares of the Peruvian Paso breed from the province of Ascope, La Libertad, Peru, between January and March 2017, to evaluate the effect of deslorelin acetate administration on ovulation time and pregnancy rate. There was a control group (n=8) without treatment and an experimental group (n=8) treated with 1.75 mg of deslorelin acetate when observing a dominant follicle of 38-40 mm and a grade 2 to 3 of edema endometrial determined by ultrasound. The mares were inseminated at 16-24 h afterwards. The ultrasound monitoring was continued until ovulation and pregnancy diagnosis was done 13-15 days after ovulation. The ovulation time was 43.13 ± 4.48 and 69.00 ± 8.41 h for the experimental and control group, respectively. Ovulation within 48 h occurred in 87.5% (7/8) of the mares in the treated group, while only in 37.5% (3/8) of the control group did. The pregnancy rate was 87% (7/8) in the treated group and 50% (4/8) in the control group; in all cases without finding significant statistical differences

    Analysis of polarized 16O(e→,e′p→) observables within the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation

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    15 págs.; 9 figs. ; PACS number(s): 25.30.Rw, 14.20.Gk, 24.10.Jv, 24.30.GdRecoil nucleon transferred polarization observables in coincidence quasielastic electron scattering are studied within the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation. Results for response functions and polarization asymmetries are discussed for proton knockout from p1/2, p 3/2, and s1/2 shells in 16O. The impact of spinor distortion is examined by comparing the fully relativistic calculation with results obtained by projecting out the negative-energy components. In particular, a careful analysis of effects linked to the description of the bound and scattered relativistic nucleon wave functions is presented. The high sensitivity of some polarization observables to the dynamical enhancement of the lower components, already shown within the relativistic plane wave impulse approximation, is proven to be maintained in the relativistic distorted wave approach. Semi-relativistic approaches based on the effective momentum approximation are also studied. Finally, comparison with experimental data and a brief analysis of effects linked to medium modified form factors is presented. ©2004 American Physical SocietyThis work was partially supported by funds provided by DGI (Spain) and FEDER funds, under Contract Nos. BFM2002-03315, BFM2002-03562, FPA2002-04181-C04- 04, and BFM2000-0600 and by the Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Cooperative Research Agreement No. DE-FC02- 94ER40818. M.C.M. and J.R.V. acknowledge financial support from the Fundación Cámara (University of Sevilla) and the Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid, respectivelyPeer Reviewe

    Shale Water Desalination: Multistage membrane distillation considering different configurations and heat integration

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    This work introduces a simultaneous synthesis of membrane distillation systems with heat exchanger networks (HENs) for desalinating shale gas flowback and produce water. The direct contact and vacuum membrane configurations are the best options for desalination. Moreover, multistage membrane distillation systems usually have higher efficiencies than single-stages processes. For this reason, two different mathematical models for synthetizing multistage direct contact membrane distillation (MSDCMD) and multistage vacuum membrane distillation (MSVMD) are developed and optimized to achieve zero liquid discharge (ZLD) conditions. To this aim, brine discharges are considered to be near to the salt saturation conditions. The multi-stage superstructures are implemented in GAMS and optimized by SBB solver. The mathematical model is formulated via generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) and mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), to minimize the total annualized cost.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 640979

    Environmental Factors Involved in the High Incidence of Bladder Cancer in an Industrialized Area in North-Eastern Spain

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    Neoplasias de la vejiga; Contaminantes atmosféricos; Exposición ambientalUrinary bladder neoplasms; Air pollutants; Environmental exposureCàncer de bufeta; Contaminants atmosfèrics; Exposició ambientalBackground: Bladder cancer (BC) is the most common of those affecting the urinary tract, and a significant proportion of the cases are attributable to tobacco use as well as occupational and environmental factors. Objective: The aim of this study is to estimate the current incidence of BC in an industrialized area in northeastern Spain and to analyze its time trends over three decades from an ecological perspective. Methods: Patients diagnosed with histologically confirmed primary BC, during 2018-2019, in an area in northeastern Spain (430,883 inhabitants) were included. Crude and age-standardized incidence rates were estimated per 100,000 person-years based on the number of individuals getting their first diagnosis. An exploratory time trend analysis was carried out to describe the evolution in tobacco use and occupational or environmental risk factors and the incidence of BC in the same area from the 1990s. Results: 295 patients were included (age 72.5 ± 10.3 years; 89.8% men). The crude rate was 62.6 (95% CI: 51.9-73.2) for men and 6.8 (95% CI: 3.4-10.3) for women. The annual rate adjusted to the European Standard Population was 85.3 (95% CI:75.0-95.5) for men and 7.0 (95% CI:4.5-9.5) for women. From 1994 to 2018, the prevalence of smokers decreased in men (42.3% to 30.9%) as well as in the active population working in the industry (44.36% to 22.59%). Nevertheless, the car fleet, especially diesel, has increased considerably. The annual mean concentrations of air (PM10, PM2.5, O3, and NO2) and water (nitrates, arsenic, trihalomethanes) pollutants were within the regulatory limit values, but not the maximum levels. Conclusions: The incidence of BC is one of the highest in men but not in women, despite the decrease in tobacco use and industrial activity (perhaps related to high latency after carcinogen exposure cessation) and despite the control of environmental pollution (the maximum regulatory limit probably needs to be lowered). Finally, a similar exposure to the carcinogen would result in a gender-specific differential incidence

    Relativistic effects in two-particle emission for electron and neutrino reactions

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    Two-particle two-hole contributions to electroweak response functions are computed in a fully relativistic Fermi gas, assuming that the electroweak current matrix elements are independent of the kinematics. We analyze the genuine kinematical and relativistic effects before including a realistic meson-exchange current operator. This allows one to study the mathematical properties of the nontrivial seven-dimensional integrals appearing in the calculation and to design an optimal numerical procedure to reduce the computation time. This is required for practical applications to charged-current neutrino scattering experiments, in which an additional integral over the neutrino flux is performed. Finally, we examine the viability of this model to compute the electroweak two-particle–two-hole response functions.DGI FIS2011-24149 FIS2011-28738-C02-01Junta de Andalucía FQM-225 FQM-160U.S. Department of Energy DE-FC02-94ER4081