30 research outputs found

    Crescimento e desenvolvimento econ么mico

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    Comportamiento de variables econ贸micas y de indicadores de comercio del mango mexicano.

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    The most predominant mango producers are India, Indonesia, China, Mexico and Pakistan, whereas the most important exporters are Mexico, Thailand, the Netherlands, Brazil and Peru. Mexico is the fourth producer and first worldwide exporter of mangoes; and its main partners in the mango trade are the United States of America, Canada and Japan. This work intended to characterize the behavior of economic variables and the trade indicators of mangoes produced in Mexico. The applied methodology consisted of calculating the growth rates of the variables and trade indicators, in order to assess competitiveness in the Mexican mango trade. The growth rates of production, export, total trade and trade balance variables exceeded zero, reflecting expansion in both production and trade; likewise, the relative trade balance coefficients, tradability index, export openness index and export coefficient had values above zero, revealing export competitiveness; while imports represented around 0.1% of national consumption and the trade dependency index was around zero, indicating little national consumption dependence on imports. The positive growth rates for the variables and positive coefficients of the trade indices reflect that mango production and exports are expanding and are competitive.Los mayores productores de mango son India, Indonesia, China, M茅xico y Pakist谩n. Mientras que, los exportadores m谩s importantes son M茅xico, Tailandia, Holanda, Brasil y Per煤. M茅xico es el cuarto productor y primer exportador mundial de mango; y sus principales socios en el comercio del mango son Estados Unidos de Am茅rica, Canad谩 y Jap贸n. El objetivo del trabajo fue caracterizar el comportamiento de las variables econ贸micas y de los indicadores de comercio del mango producido en M茅xico. La metodolog铆a aplicada consisti贸 en los c谩lculos de las tasas de crecimiento de las variables y de los indicadores de comercio, con la finalidad de conocer el comportamiento de la competitividad del comercio del mango mexicano. Las tasas de crecimiento de las variables producci贸n, exportaci贸n, comercio total y balanza comercial fueron mayores que cero, reflejando expansi贸n de la producci贸n y comercio; as铆 mismo, los coeficientes balanza comercial relativa, 铆ndice de transabilidad, 铆ndice de grado de apertura exportadora y coeficiente de exportaci贸n tuvieron valores mayores que cero, los cuales manifiestan competitividad de las exportaciones; mientras que las importaciones representaron alrededor de 0.1% del consumo nacional y el 铆ndice de dependencia comercial estuvo en alrededor de cero, se帽alando poca dependencia del consumo nacional de las importaciones. Las tasas de crecimiento positivas de las variables y los coeficientes positivos de los 铆ndices de comercio reflejan que la producci贸n y exportaci贸n de mango est谩 en expansi贸n y es competitiva

    Evaluaci贸n de rentabilidad financiera en la producci贸n de Bursera glabrifolia (Kunth) Engl en condiciones de vivero

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    Objective: Determine the financial profitability of the production of Bursera glabrifolia (Kunth) Engl in nursery conditions, to carry out forest plantations that allow the regeneration of this type of vegetation, the recovery of soils and to generate the raw material of the alebrijes. Design/methodology/approach: Financial information was collected for the production of B. glabrifolia plant, prices and quantities of inputs were obtained, as well as infrastructure to calculate financial indicators and to determine the profitability of the project, the project evaluation methodology was used to calculate the profitability of the project. investment in terms of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and minimum acceptable return rate (MARR); the financial analysis was carried out for 10 years. Results: The results obtained are an initial investment in mexican pesos: 1,671,690.54,theannualincomefromplantsalesamountsto1,671,690.54, the annual income from plant sales amounts to 850,000.00 and the financial indicators obtained were: NPV=22,440.5IRR=9Limitationsonstudy/implications:ThisprojectisthebeginningoftheproductivechainofthealebrijesandpromotesasustainableforestmanagementthroughthecommercialplantationsofB.glabrifolia.Findings/conclusions:TheprojectisviableconsideringthatithasalowIRRbecauseitisasocialandecologicalprogramtohelptheVallesCentralesregionofOaxaca,Mexico,recoveritsendemicvegetationandatthesametimepromotethegenerationofplantationsofBurseraglabrifoliainthevillageswhosemainactivityistheproductionofalebrijes.Objetivo:DeterminarlarentabilidadfinancieradelaproducciondeBurseraglabrifolia(Kunth)Engencondicionesdevivero,pararealizarplantacionesforestalesquepermitanlaregeneraciondeestetipodevegetacion,larecuperaciondesuelosygenerarmateriaprimaparaelaboraciondeartesanas,comolosalebrijes.Disen~o/metodologa/aproximacion:SerecaboinformacionfinancieraparalaproducciondeplantadeB.glabrifolia,seobtuvieronpreciosycantidadesdeinsumos,ascomodeinfraestructuraparacalcularindicadoresfinancierosyparadeterminarlarentabilidaddelproyectoseutilizolametodologadeevaluaciondeproyectosquecalculalarentabilidaddelainversionenterminosdelvaloractualneto(VAN),latasainternaderetorno(TIR)ylatasaderendimientomnimaaceptable(TREMA);elanalisisfinancieroserealizoa10an~os.Resultados:lainversioninicialenpesosmexicanosesde22,440.5 IRR=9% and cost benefit ratio=1. Limitations on study/implications: This project is the beginning of the productive chain of the alebrijes and promotes a sustainable forest management through the commercial plantations of B. glabrifolia.Findings/conclusions: The project is viable considering that it has a low IRR because it is a social and ecological program to help the Valles Centrales region of Oaxaca, Mexico, recover its endemic vegetation and at the same time promote the generation of plantations of Bursera glabrifolia in the villages whose main activity is the production of alebrijes.Objetivo: Determinar la rentabilidad financiera de la producci贸n de Bursera glabrifolia (Kunth) Eng en condiciones de vivero, para realizar plantaciones forestales que permitan la regeneraci贸n de este tipo de vegetaci贸n, la recuperaci贸n de suelos y generar materia prima para elaboraci贸n de artesan铆as, como los alebrijes. Dise帽o/metodolog铆a/aproximaci贸n: Se recab贸 informaci贸n financiera para la producci贸n de planta de B. glabrifolia, se obtuvieron precios y cantidades de insumos, as铆 como de infraestructura para calcular indicadores financieros y para determinar la rentabilidad del proyecto se utiliz贸 la metodolog铆a de evaluaci贸n de proyectos que calcula la rentabilidad de la inversi贸n en t茅rminos del valor actual neto (VAN), la tasa interna de retorno (TIR) y la tasa de rendimiento m铆nima aceptable (TREMA); el an谩lisis financiero se realiz贸 a 10 a帽os. Resultados: la inversi贸n inicial en pesos mexicanos es de 1,671,690.54, el ingreso anual por ventas de planta asciende a 850,000.00ylosindicadoresfinancierosobtenidosfueron:VAN=850,000.00 y los indicadores financieros obtenidos fueron: VAN=22,440.5 TIR=9% y relaci贸n beneficio costo=1. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: este proyecto es el inicio de la cadena productiva de la producci贸n de artesan铆as llamada alebrijes y promueve un manejo forestal sustentable mediante las plantaciones comerciales de B. glabrifolia. Hallazgos/conclusiones: El proyecto es viable, aunque tiene una TIR baja porque se trata de un programa social y ecol贸gico para ayudar a la regi贸n de Valles Centrales de Oaxaca, M茅xico, recuperar la vegetaci贸nend茅mica y promover la generaci贸n de plantaciones de B. glabrifolia en los pueblos cuya actividad principal es la producci贸n de alebrijes

    Availability, accessibility, and intake of vegetables native to Mexico

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    Objective: The objective of the research was to analyze the consumption of native vegetables in Mexico through the food security approach for the period 1980-2020. Methodology: To carry out the study, the dimensions of availability and access covering food security were taken into consideration, also descriptive statistics and regression models were used. Results: The apparent national consumption of native vegetables grew up in the study period, it was 6 million 821 thousand tons in the year 2020, and per capita consumption was of 148 grams. The real income and quarterly expenditure of families for vegetables, legumes and seeds had a decreasing trend, the latter was 1,890 pesos in 1980 and 1,082 pesos in they year 2020. Limitations on study/implications: It was missing to include the dimensions of biological utilization and stability that encompasses food safety. Conclusions: Public food security policies should promote the production and consumption of native vegetables and increase the real income of the most vulnerable Mexican families, and thus facilitate access to these products.Objective: to analyze the intake of vegetables native to Mexico from 1980 to 2020, based on the food security approach. Methodology: the availability and accessibility dimensions of food security were taken into consideration for this study; in addition, descriptive statistics and regression models were used. Results: the apparent national intake of native vegetables increased during the study period, reaching 6.821 million tons in the year 2020, while the per capita intake was 148 grams in the same year. The actual income and the quarterly family expenses on vegetables, pulses, and seeds decreased from 1,890Mexicanpesosin1980to1,890 Mexican pesos in 1980 to 1,082 Mexican pesos in 2020. Study Limitations/Implications: the food utilization and stability dimensions that encompass food safety were not included in the study. Conclusions: public food security policies must promote the production and intake of vegetables native to Mexico and increase the actual income of the most vulnerable Mexican families, facilitating accessibility to these products

    Sustentabilidad del sistema de producci贸n de lim贸n persa en Mart铆nez de la Torre, Veracruz

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    Sustainability is a process that has the objective of finding balance between the economic, social and environmental areas. The agricultural sector in Mexico has undergone a series of changes for years, and these changes have been reflected directly in the environment, since conventional agriculture has an impact on natural resources. The study was carried out in the Municipality Mart铆nez de la Torre, Veracruz, since it is the most important in Persian lime production (Citrus latifolia Tanaka). The objective of the study was to evaluate the sustainability in the conventional production of Persian lime, using the framework for the evaluation of management systems of natural resources incorporating sustainability indicators (MESMIS). The economic area was evaluated with the result being that it is the one most strengthened because during the year there is Persian lime production, the benefit-cost obtained is economically acceptable, and the environmental area resulted in farmers conducting very few actions for the conservation of natural resources. The social area was the weakest of its indicators, which is why it derives to a large extent in a lack of technical training, low family participation, and lack of women鈥檚 integration in agricultural practices.La sustentabilidad es un proceso que tiene por objetivo encontrar el equilibrio entre el 谩rea econ贸mica, social y ambiental. El sector agr铆cola en M茅xico ha sufrido una serie de cambios durante a帽os, estos cambios se han visto reflejados directamente en el ambiente, ya que la agricultura convencional impacta sobre los recursos naturales. La investigaci贸n, se realiz贸 en el Municipio Mart铆nez de la Torre, Veracruz, siendo este el m谩s importante en la producci贸n de lim贸n Persa (Citrus latifolia Tanaka), el objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue evaluar la sustentabilidad en la producci贸n de lim贸n persa convencional, utilizando el marco para la evaluaci贸n desistemas de manejo de recursos naturales incorporando indicadores de sustentabilidad (MESMIS). Se evalu贸 el 谩rea econ贸mica resultando ser la m谩s fortalecida debido a que durante el a帽o hay producci贸n de lim贸n persa, el beneficio costo obtenido es econ贸micamente aceptable, el 谩rea ambiental arrojo que los productores realizan muy poco la conservaci贸n de los recursos naturales, el 谩rea social fue la m谩s d茅bil en sus indicadores, por lo que se deriva en gran parte a la falta de capacitaci贸n t茅cnica, en la poca participaci贸n familiar y en la falta de integraci贸n de la mujer en las pr谩cticas agr铆colas.

    La producci贸n de bioetanol y su impacto en el precio de productos agr铆colas en M茅xico/Production of bioethanol and its impact on the price of agricultural products in Mexico

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    Los problemas de contaminaci贸n por el uso de los derivados del petr贸leo originan la b煤squeda de nuevas fuentes de energ铆a, como el bioetanol. El objetivo del estudio fue estimar las elasticidades de la demanda Marshallianas y Hicksianas mediante la aplicaci贸n del sistema de demanda casi ideal con ecuaciones aparentemente no relacionadas y el uso del 铆ndice de precio Stone. Los resultados muestran que los cinco productos tienen una demanda inel谩stica, sin embargo, el ma铆z es el 煤nico que mostr贸 ser un bien superior, por lo que se requiere aumentar y redistribuir la producci贸n de ma铆z para evitar da帽ar la capacidad de adquisici贸n de la poblaci贸n

    Fiscal policy, labor market and informal employment in Mexico

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    Los cambios en la pol铆tica econ贸mica y el mercado de trabajo pueden influir en la econom铆a informal en M茅xico. El art铆culo tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos de diversas variables macroecon贸micas sobre el empleo informal en M茅xico. Para determinar estos efectos se dise帽贸 un modelo de ecuaciones simult谩neas y se estim贸 mediante el m茅todo de m铆nimos cuadrados ordinarios en dos etapas. Los resultados indican que el nivel de precios, la producci贸n del sector servicios y el salario m铆nimo tienen un efecto sobre el empleo informal. Son m煤ltiples los determinantes de la informalidad y es complejo incluirlos en un modelo; sin embargo, el modelo estimado aporta elementos para dirigir la pol铆tica econ贸mica en busca de contrarrestar su crecimiento. Se concluye que un aumento del poder adquisitivo de los salarios formales y la creaci贸n de empleos en el sector secundario pueden disminuir el empleo informal. Hasta ahora no se ha estimado un modelo que muestre los factores que afectan el crecimiento del empleo formal e informal.Changes in economic policy and the labor market can influence the informal economy in Mexico. The aim of this article is to analyze the effects of a variety of macroeconomic variables on informal employment in Mexico. To determine these effects, a simultaneous equations model was designed and estimated using the two-stage ordinary least squares method. The results indicate that the price levels, production in the service sector, and the minimum wage have an effect on informal employment. There are multiple determinants of informality and it is complex to include them in one model; however, the estimated model provides elements to guide the economic policy in order to counteract its growth. It is concluded that an increase in the purchasing power of formal wages and job creation in the secondary sector may reduce informal employment. Up till now, no model showing the factors affecting growth in formal and informal employment has been estimated

    Panorama de la producci贸n y comercializaci贸n de naranja en M茅xico

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    Objective: to analyze the variables of production and marketing of orange in the Mexican market. Design/methodology/approach: was calculated the participation of the Mexican market in the world orange market, the exchange rate of the production variables of this citrus in Mexico, the trade balance of the crop in question, producer-export marketing margin, national and per capita apparent consumption and the index of revealed comparative advantages (RCA). Results: Mexico owns about 8% of the world's harvested area of ??orange and produces 6% of the total volume of this citrus. The variation rate of the sown and harvested area of ??this crop was negative; the production volume presented a positive rate of 19.13%, attributable to the increase in the average yield per hectare. The commercial balance of the orange in Mexico had a positive balance in most of the years analyzed; in 2018, the United States of America (USA) consumed 91.33% of exports and provided 100% of Mexican imports of said citrus. Apparent consumption per capita has been greater than 35 kg. The producer's marketing margin with respect to the export price was 24.57%, while, with respect to the final consumer price, in the domestic market, it was 26.92%. The RCA with respect to the USA has been positive from 2014 to 2018. Limitations on study/implications: the databases of international organizations present data with delays of up to two years. There is no repository of marketing margins calculated monthly by the Servicio de Informaci贸n Agroalimentaria y Pesquera (SIAP). Findings/conclusions: the orange producers are not the main beneficiaries of the value of national and international trade in this fruit. The Mexican market has a competitive advantage in the international orange market, the RCA is positive with respect to the USA; however, the volume of Mexican exports is low compared to production.Objetivo: analizar las variables de producci贸n y comercializaci贸n de la naranja en el mercado mexicano. Dise帽o/metodolog铆a/aproximaci贸n: se calcul贸 la participaci贸n del mercado mexicano en el mercado mundial de naranja, la tasa de cambio de las variables de producci贸n de este c铆trico en M茅xico, la balanza comercial del cultivo en menci贸n, el margen de comercializaci贸n productor-exportador, el consumo aparente nacional y per c谩pita, y el 脥ndice de Ventaja Comparativa Revelada (IVCR). Resultados: M茅xico posee alrededor del 8% de la superficie mundial cosechada de naranja y produce el 6% del volumen  total de este c铆trico. La tasa de variaci贸n de la superficie sembrada y cosechada de este cultivo fue negativa; el volumen de producci贸n present贸 una tasa positiva de 19.13%, atribuible al alza en el rendimiento promedio por hect谩rea. La balanza comercial de la naranja en M茅xico tuvo saldo positivo en la mayor铆a de los a帽os analizados; en 2018, Estados Unidos de Am茅rica (EUA) consumi贸 el 91.33% de las exportaciones y provey贸 el 100% de las importaciones mexicanas de dicho c铆trico. El consumo aparente per c谩pita ha sido mayor a los 35 kg. El margen de comercializaci贸n del productor con respecto al precio de exportaci贸n fue de 24.57%, mientras que, con respecto al precio del consumidor final, en el mercado nacional, fue de 26.92%. El IVCR con respecto a los EUA ha sido positivo de 2014 a 2018.  Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: las bases de datos de los organismos internacionales presentan datos con retrasos de hasta dos a帽os. No existe un repositorio de los m谩rgenes de comercializaci贸n calculados mensualmente por el Servicio de Informaci贸n Agroalimentaria y Pesquera (SIAP). Hallazgos/conclusiones: los productores de naranja no son los principales beneficiarios del valor del comercio nacional e internacional de este fruto. El mercado mexicano presenta una ventaja competitiva en el mercado internacional de la naranja, el IVCR es positivo con respecto a EUA; sin embargo, el volumen de las exportaciones mexicanas es poco en comparaci贸n con la producci贸n

    Producci贸n y competitividad del algod贸n mexicano en el contexto internacional

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    Objective: To analyze the production and competitiveness of Mexican cotton in the world market. Design/methodology/approach: Five indicators were calculated: Import Penetration Rate (IPR), Export Coefficient (EC), Tradability Indicator (TI), Lafay Index (LI) and International Competition Exposure Rate (ICER), for the period 1960-2017. Results: The IPR was 0.5% from 1960 to 1985, the imports had little weight in consumption, while the EC was 58.9% for that period; Mexican cotton was competitive. However, from 1986 to 2017, the IPR was 59.8% on average and the EC was 25.9%, the competitiveness of cotton decreased. The TI in the 1960s was 184.8% and since 1991, the capacity to generate exportable surpluses was lost. The LI shows that Mexico had comparative advantages in cotton production from 1960 to 1989, however, as of 1991 such advantages were lost. The ICER indicates that national cotton faces high levels of competition in the international market. Limitations on study/implications: The indicators were calculated with the volume of the variables required. The statistics corresponding to the value are not available for recent years. Findings/conclusions: The indicators show the loss of competitiveness of Mexican cotton; in recent years, production has recovered, but there is no self-sufficiency in its consumption.Objetivo: Analizar la producci贸n y competitividad del algod贸n mexicano en el mercado mundial. Dise帽o/metodolog铆a/aproximaci贸n: Se calcularon cinco indicadores: Tasa de Penetraci贸n de las Importaciones (TPI), Coeficiente de las Exportaciones (CE), Indicador de Transabilidad (IT), 脥ndice de Lafay (IL) y Tasa de Exposici贸n a la Competencia Internacional (TECI), para el periodo 1960-2017. Resultados: La TPI fue de 0.5% de 1960 a 1985, las importaciones ten铆an poco peso en el consumo, mientras que el CE fue de 58.9% para ese periodo; el algod贸n mexicano era competitivo. Sin embargo, de 1986 a 2017 la TPI fue de 59.8% en promedio y el CE fue de 25.9%, la competitividad del algod贸n disminuy贸. El IT en la d茅cada de 1960 fue de 184.8% y a partir de 1991, se perdi贸 la capacidad para generar excedentes exportables. El IL demuestra que M茅xico ten铆a ventajas comparativas en la producci贸n de algod贸n de 1960 a 1989, sin embargo, a partir de 1991 tales ventajas se perdieron. La TECI indica que el algod贸n nacional enfrenta altos niveles de competencia en el mercado internacional. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Los indicadores se calcularon con el volumen de las variables requeridas. Las estad铆sticas correspondientes al valor no est谩n disponibles para a帽os recientes. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los indicadores muestran la p茅rdida de competitividad del algod贸n mexicano; en a帽os recientes la producci贸n se ha recuperado, pero no se tiene autosuficiencia en su consumo

    Current challenges and forecasts in maize grain production and consumption in Mexico

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Characterize the production and consumption of grain corn in Mexico, through time series and artificial intelligence models to determine present and future challenges. Design/methodology/approach: Key variables were analyzed in graphs and maps created in Excel庐 and SCImago Graphica庐, respectively. Forecasts for the year 2050 were obtained in Python庐 with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) type and compared with the years 1980 and 2020. Results: The largest production of white and yellow grain corn was obtained by the United States and China; Mexico ranks seventh, is not competitive in exports and depends on imports of yellow grain corn from the United States to supply demand. The states that implemented technological packages showed the highest yields and production. By 2050, grain corn production in Mexico will increase thanks to the technological advances of Agriculture 5.0, although it will not be enough to supply the apparent consumption of the population with a growing trend, so imports will increase. Limitations on study/implications: Analysis of the possible future, created from time series and RNN-LSTM, helps guide decision making in the present. Findings/conclusions: New agricultural public policies are needed that guide, in the long term, the challenges of the production and consumption of grain corn in Mexico to guarantee food sovereignty. Keywords: Yields, imports, exports, time series, deep neural networks.Objective: to analyze production and consumption of maize grain in Mexico, with time series and recurrent neural networks, to describe the present and future situation of maize cultivation. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: key variables were analyzed in graphs and maps created in Excel庐 and SCImago Graphica庐, respectively. Forecasts for the year 2050 were obtained in Python漏 with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) type, and were compared with the years 1980 and 2020. Results: the largest production of white and yellow maize grain was obtained by the United States and China. Mexico ranks seventh, is not competitive in exports, and relies on imports of yellow maize grain from the United States to supply demand. The Mexican states that implemented technology packages showed higher yields and production. By 2050, maize grain production in Mexico will increase due to the technological advances of Agriculture 5.0 Although it would not be enough to supply the apparent consumption of the growing population, for this reason imports will increase. Limitations/ Implications of the study: analysis of the possible future, created from time series through RNN-LSTM, helps to guide decision-making in the present. Findings/ Conclusions: new agricultural public policies are needed to guide, in the long term, the challenges of maize grain production and consumption in Mexico to guarantee food sovereignty