446 research outputs found

    The perception of satisfaction with virtual social networks: A comparative analysis

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    The main aim was to determine the level of satisfaction of users of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by comparing the concept of a 'virtual social network' with the perception of use by the users the subjective evaluation of five features. An empirical study was realized with users of social networks in Latin America by measuring similar features - customization, interactivity, multimedia, privacy, and regulation - which are the features that are the most discussed in the literature. The analysis of the information was conducted with the Hamming distance. This study presents a new assessment of satisfaction with virtual social networks by taking into account features that had not previously been considered as a group; furthermore, no differences in perceptions by gender or age were found and the virtual social network with the best assessment was identified as Twitter. Keywords: Internet, behaviour, consumers, social networks

    The incidence of incentives for t-commerce acceptance: improving television as a distribution channel

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the impact of incentives on the behavioral intention to use electronic commerce through interactive television to enhance a deeper understanding of how television platforms can improve the attractiveness of television to enterprises as a channel of communication and distribution. Design/methodology/approach This research uses a questionnaire to collect empirical data on preferences related to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, attitude toward the use of t-commerce, behavioral intention to use t-commerce and incentives. The measurement scales of the variables were tested using exploratory factor analysis. The hypotheses were tested using the results of forgotten effects analysis applied to the incidences of incentives on the precedents of the behavioral intention to use t-commerce. Findings The findings suggest that there are no significant direct incidences between incentives and the behavioral intention to use t-commerce, but the direct incidence is only part of the total incidence and on many occasions is only a small part, as the result of causal relationships between causes and effects. The results indicate indirect incidences between incentives and the behavioral intention to use t-commerce through its precedents. Practical implications Marketing managers of television platforms may consider the use of incentives to encourage behavioral intention to use t-commerce to achieve the development of interactive television as a distribution channel. Originality/value Research on t-commerce acceptance, especially research that uses extrinsic variables, is scarce. This paper addresses that gap by exploring the use of incentives to attract users

    La contribución de la lengua española al PIB y al empleo: una aproximación macroeconómica

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    This paper provides an estimate of the contribution of the Spanish language to the GDP and the Employment in Spain obtained by applying different procedures based on the combination of macroeconomic tools and techniques such as the National Account data and the Input- Output Tables, the segmentation of the handwork through productive occupations and the application of the theory of sparse matrices to these problems. The paper is, to some extent, an update of the seminal and pioneering study by Martín Municio et al. “The economic value of the Spanish language”, now broadened in scope with the addition of new estimation procedures and economic variables such as the “Employment related to the Spanish language”. En este artículo se presentan sendas estimaciones de la aportación de la lengua española al PIB y el empleo de la economía, a partir de diferentes procedimientos basados en la combinación de instrumentos y técnicas macroeconómicas como las cuentas nacionales y las tablas de origen/ destino, la segmentación de la mano de obra por ocupaciones productivas y la teoría de las matrices dispersas aplicadas al ámbito de este problema. El documento constituye, en buena medida, una actualización del estudio “El valor económico de la lengua española trabajo dirigido por Martín Municio, ahora ampliado a nuevos procedimientos de estimación y nuevas variables como el “empleo vinculado al idioma”.Valor económico de la lengua española, PIB, Empleo vinculado al idioma

    Erythemal Ultraviolet Exposure of Cyclists in Valencia, Spain

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    [EN] UV exposure is considered to be one of the most important risk factors in skin cancers, mainly in outdoor occupational or recreational activities. Outdoor athletes such as cyclists receive regular and significant solar UV erythemal radiation (UVER). The aim of this work was to quantify UVER exposure of amateur cyclists over the course of several days in their training schedules. To quantify UVER exposure of this group, dosimeters (Viospor) were attached at the top of the helmet in the course of their training. The study took place in Valencia, Spain, in June to July 2008 and February to March 2009, and involved a group of five cyclists over a period of 4 days for each period. The mean 2-day personal UV exposure was 32.24 +/- 4.14 SED (standard erythema dose) in summer and 11.30 +/- 5.36 SED in the winter period. One SED is defined as an effective radiant exposure of 100 J m-2 when weighted with the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) erythemal response function. The mean exposure ratio (ER) of cyclists was 0.37 +/- 0.04 in summer and 0.40 +/- 0.11 in winter. The cyclists received the highest UVER exposure in the summer period, but in both training periods UVER exposure was in excess of occupational and recreational guidelines, indicating that protective measures are very necessary.The authors thank the members of the UPV Cycle Club for their cooperation in this study. We also thank the State Agency for Meteorology and the Generalitat Valenciana for providing us with access to their meteorological data. We would like to thank the R&D and innovation Linguistic Assistance Office, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), for granting financial support for the linguistic revision of this paper. The research reported here was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science within the research project CGL2007-61813.Serrano, M.; Cañada, J.; Moreno, J. (2010). Erythemal Ultraviolet Exposure of Cyclists in Valencia, Spain. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 86(3):716-721. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-1097.2009.00693.xS71672186

    A fuzzy asymmetric TOPSIS model for optimizing investment in online advertising campaigns

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    The high penetration of the Internet and e-commerce in Spain during recent years has increased companies' interest in this medium for advertising planning. In this context Google offers a great advertising inventory and perfectly segmented content pages. This work is concerned with the optimization of online advertising investments based on pay-per-click campaigns. Our main goal is to rank and select different alternative keyword sets aimed at maximizing the awareness of and traffic to a company's website. The keyword selection problem with online advertising purposes is clearly a multiple-criteria decision-making problem additionally characterized by the imprecise, ambiguous and uncertain nature of the available data. To address this problem, we propose a technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)-based approach, which allows us to rank the alternative keyword sets, taking into account the fuzzy nature of the available data. The TOPSIS is based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution and the longest distance from the negative ideal solution. In this work, due to the characteristics of the studied problem, we propose the use of an asymmetric distance, allowing us to work with ideal solutions that differ from the maximum or the minimum. The suitability of the proposed model is illustrated with an empirical case of a stock exchange broker's advertising investment problem aimed at generating awareness about the brand and increasing the traffic to the corporative website

    Driving Municipal Recycling by Connecting Digital Value Endpoints in Smart Cities

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    Uncontrolled global economic growth at any cost is having palpable and general consequences for SC (smart cities) environments and sustainability worldwide. The current economic growth model is, according to experts, decidedly unsustainable, and if urgent measures are not taken, the quality of life for future citizens will decline. In the search for solutions that would make cities sustainable, the deployment of the ICT factor is playing a decisive role. However, in its role as a driver, the ICT factor needs to increase the numbers of value endpoint connectors by incorporating citizens, corporations and institutions into city decision-making, thereby becoming a real integrative tool that achieves sustainability and is more than merely a tech flag. In this sense, the present paper proposes that the digital and programmable economy as an ecosystem should become a sustainability city driver because it facilitates the integration of different value endpoints in order to work in the same purpose, allowing, for example, increased sustainability levels in cities such as improving municipal recycling. This paper will apply ICT and digital concepts, the environment-social-economy model and fuzzy logic methodology

    Erythemal ultraviolet exposure in two groups of outdoor workers in Valencia, Spain

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    [EN] UV exposure is considered to be one of the most important risk factors in skin cancers, mainly in outdoor occupational activities. Outdoor workers receive regular and significant solar UV erythemal radiation (UVER). To quantify the UVER exposure of certain groups of workers, dosimeters are used to measure the biologically effective UV radiation received in the course of their daily work. Two groups of outdoor workers, composed of gardeners and lifeguards, were measured for UVER exposure using sensitive spore-film filter-type personal dosimeters (Viospor). The study took place in Valencia, Spain, in June and July 2008, and involved one group of four gardeners and another of five beach lifeguards for a period of 4 and 6 days, respectively. The gardeners' mean UV exposure was 4.13 +/- 0.60 SED day(-1), where 1 SED is defined as effective 100 J m(-2) when weighted with the CIE erythemal response function, whereas the lifeguards received 11.43 +/- 2.15 SED day(-1). The mean exposure ratio (ER) relative to ambient of gardeners was 0.09 +/- 0.01 and for lifeguards was 0.27 +/- 0.05. ER is defined as the ratio between the personal dose on a selected anatomical site and the corresponding ambient dose on a horizontal plane during the same exposure period. The lifeguards received the highest UVER exposure, although both groups had measured UVER exposure in excess of occupational guidelines, indicating that protective measures are necessary.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science within the research project CGL2007-61813. The authors thank the gardening staff of the UPV and the lifeguards and staff of the Red Cross for their cooperation in this study. We also thank the State Agency for Meteorology and the Generalitat Valenciana for providing us with access to their meteorological data. We finally thank the R&D&D&I Linguistic Assistance Office, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), for granting financial support for the linguistic revision of this paper.Serrano, MA.; Cañada, J.; Moreno, J. (2009). Erythemal ultraviolet exposure in two groups of outdoor workers in Valencia, Spain. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 85(6):1468-1473. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-1097.2009.00609.x1468147385

    Ultraviolet exposure for different outdoor sports in Valencia, Spain

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Serrano, M.-A., Cañada, J. and Moreno, J. C. (2011), Ultraviolet exposure for different outdoor sports in Valencia, Spain. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, 27: 311–317., which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0781.2011.00620.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."Borrar Background: The purpose of this study is to quantify ultraviolet (UV) exposure of several groups of amateur athletes in their training or recreational schedules. Methods: The athletes were monitored using dosimeters (VioSpor).The study took place in Valencia, Spain, from May to July 2010, and involved a group of 10 mountaineers, four tennis players and five runners. Results: The mean daily personal UV exposure for mountaineers was 9.48±3.23 standard erythema dose (SED). The tennis players received a mean of 10.65±1.57 SED for every 2days of training, and the runners received a mean of 7.62±4.28 SED for every 5days of training. Conclusion: Mountaineers received a higher dose of UV exposure and have a higher exposure ratio than the tennis players, probably because they spent more time outdoors. However, the runners received a low dose of UV exposure, perhaps because their training takes place in the evening. Mean daily UV exposure of the mountaineers and tennis players exceeded 5 SED, which means that, in the case of non-sun-adapted skin type III and the non-use of sun protection, erythema may be induced in these subjects. Accordingly, it is necessary to encourage the use of high protection sunscreens and protective clothing, and to avoid UV exposure in the hottest part of the day.The translation of this paper was funded by the UPV, Spain. This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science as part of research project CGL2010-15931 and the Generalitat Valenciana as part of project PROMETEO/2010/064.Serrano Jareño, MA.; Cañada, J.; Moreno, J. (2011). Ultraviolet exposure for different outdoor sports in Valencia, Spain. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine. 27:311-317. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0781.2011.00620.xS3113172

    Erythemal ultraviolet solar radiation doses received by young skiers

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    Children are a special group since epidemiological evidence indicates that excessive exposure to sunlight at an early age increases the risk of skin cancer in later life. The purpose of this study is to quantify children s UV exposure when skiing, using dosimeters (VioSpor) placed on the shoulders of 10 participants. The children received a median daily Standard Erythema Dose of 2.1 within a range of 4.9 0.71, this being approximately 35% of the calculated 24 h ambient UV radiation on the horizontal plane. According to the results obtained, young skiers are exposed to UV radiation that can potentially cause skin damage and erythema and increase the risk of skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. These findings emphasise the need for adequate protective measures against solar radiation when skiing. The results also suggest that sun-protection campaigns should be undertaken aimed at children engaged in outdoor sports, including winter activities.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science within the research project CGL2010-15931 and the Generalitat Valenciana within project PROMETEO/2010/064.Serrano Jareño, MA.; Cañada, J.; Moreno, J. (2013). Erythemal ultraviolet solar radiation doses received by young skiers. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 12(11):1976-1983. https://doi.org/10.1039/c3pp50154j19761983121