610 research outputs found

    Maximum Power Game as a Physical and Social Extension of Classical Games

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    We consider an electric circuit in which the players participate as resistors and adjust their resistance in pursuit of individual maximum power. The maximum power game(MPG) becomes very complicated in a circuit which is indecomposable into serial/parallel components, yielding a nontrivial power distribution at equilibrium. Depending on the circuit topology, MPG covers a wide range of phenomena: from a social dilemma in which the whole group loses to a well-coordinated situation in which the individual pursuit of power promotes the collective outcomes. We also investigate a situation where each player in the circuit has an intrinsic heat waste. Interestingly, it is this individual inefficiency which can keep them from the collective failure in power generation. When coping with an efficient opponent with small intrinsic resistance, a rather inefficient player gets more power than efficient one. A circuit with multiple voltage inputs forms the network-based maximum power game. One of our major interests is to figure out, in what kind of the networks the pursuit for private power leads to greater total power. It turns out that the circuits with the scale-free structure is one of the good candidates which generates as much power as close to the possible maximum total.ope

    Mobile phone text messaging intervention to improve alertness and reduce sleepiness and fatigue during shiftwork among emergency medicine clinicians: Study protocol for the SleepTrackTXT pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Mental and physical fatigue while at work is common among emergency medical services (EMS) shift workers. Extended shifts (for example 24 hours) and excessive amounts of overtime work increase the likelihood of negative safety outcomes and pose a challenge for EMS fatigue-risk management. Text message-based interventions are a potentially high-impact, low-cost platform for sleep and fatigue assessment and distributing information to workers at risk of negative safety outcomes related to sleep behaviors and fatigue.Methods/Design: We will conduct a pilot randomized trial with a convenience sample of adult EMS workers recruited from across the United States using a single study website. Participants will be allocated to one of two possible arms for a 90-day study period. The intervention arm will involve text message assessments of sleepiness, fatigue, and difficulty with concentration at the beginning, during, and end of scheduled shifts. Intervention subjects reporting high levels of sleepiness or fatigue will receive one of four randomly selected intervention messages promoting behavior change during shiftwork. Control subjects will receive assessment only text messages. We aim to determine the performance characteristics of a text messaging tool for the delivery of a sleep and fatigue intervention. We seek to determine if a text messaging program with tailored intervention messages is effective at reducing perceived sleepiness and/or fatigue among emergency medicine clinician shift workers. Additional aims include testing whether a theory-based behavioral intervention, delivered by text message, changes 'alertness behaviors'.Discussion: The SleepTrackTXT pilot trial could provide evidence of compliance and effectiveness that would support rapid widespread expansion in one of two forms: 1) a stand-alone program in the form of a tailored/individualized sleep monitoring and fatigue reduction support service for EMS workers; or 2) an add-on to a multi-component fatigue risk management program led and maintained by employers or by safety and risk management services.Trial Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02063737, Registered on 10 January 2014. © 2014 Patterson et al

    Protection against Divergent Influenza H1N1 Virus by a Centralized Influenza Hemagglutinin

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    Influenza poses a persistent worldwide threat to the human population. As evidenced by the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, current vaccine technologies are unable to respond rapidly to this constantly diverging pathogen. We tested the utility of adenovirus (Ad) vaccines expressing centralized consensus influenza antigens. Ad vaccines were produced within 2 months and protected against influenza in mice within 3 days of vaccination. Ad vaccines were able to protect at doses as low as 107 virus particles/kg indicating that approximately 1,000 human doses could be rapidly generated from standard Ad preparations. To generate broadly cross-reactive immune responses, centralized consensus antigens were constructed against H1 influenza and against H1 through H5 influenza. Twenty full-length H1 HA sequences representing the main branches of the H1 HA phylogenetic tree were used to create a synthetic centralized gene, HA1-con. HA1-con minimizes the degree of sequence dissimilarity between the vaccine and existing circulating viruses. The centralized H1 gene, HA1-con, induced stronger immune responses and better protection against mismatched virus challenges as compared to two wildtype H1 genes. HA1-con protected against three genetically diverse lethal influenza challenges. When mice were challenged with 1934 influenza A/PR/8/34, HA1-con protected 100% of mice while vaccine generated from 2009 A/TX/05/09 only protected 40%. Vaccination with 1934 A/PR/8/34 and 2009 A/TX/05/09 protected 60% and 20% against 1947 influenza A/FM/1/47, respectively, whereas 80% of mice vaccinated with HA1-con were protected. Notably, 80% of mice challenged with 2009 swine flu isolate A/California/4/09 were protected by HA1-con vaccination. These data show that HA1-con in Ad has potential as a rapid and universal vaccine for H1N1 influenza viruses

    Disorder Effects on Exciton-Polariton Condensates

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    The impact of a random disorder potential on the dynamical properties of Bose Einstein condensates is a very wide research field. In microcavities, these studies are even more crucial than in the condensates of cold atoms, since random disorder is naturally present in the semiconductor structures. In this chapter, we consider a stable condensate, defined by a chemical potential, propagating in a random disorder potential, like a liquid flowing through a capillary. We analyze the interplay between the kinetic energy, the localization energy, and the interaction between particles in 1D and 2D polariton condensates. The finite life time of polaritons is taken into account as well. In the first part, we remind the results of [G. Malpuech et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206402 (2007).] where we considered the case of a static condensate. In that case, the condensate forms either a glassy insulating phase at low polariton density (strong localization), or a superfluid phase above the percolation threshold. We also show the calculation of the first order spatial coherence of the condensate versus the condensate density. In the second part, we consider the case of a propagating non-interacting condensate which is always localized because of Anderson localization. The localization length is calculated in the Born approximation. The impact of the finite polariton life time is taken into account as well. In the last section we consider the case of a propagating interacting condensate where the three regimes of strong localization, Anderson localization, and superfluid behavior are accessible. The localization length is calculated versus the system parameters. The localization length is strongly modified with respect to the non-interacting case. It is infinite in the superfluid regime whereas it is strongly reduced if the fluid flows with a supersonic velocity.Comment: chapter for a book "Exciton Polaritons in Microcavities: New Frontiers" by Springer (2012), the original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Two NAD-linked redox shuttles maintain the peroxisomal redox balance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, peroxisomes are the sole site of fatty acid β-oxidation. During this process, NAD(+) is reduced to NADH. When cells are grown on oleate medium, peroxisomal NADH is reoxidised to NAD(+) by malate dehydrogenase (Mdh3p) and reduction equivalents are transferred to the cytosol by the malate/oxaloacetate shuttle. The ultimate step in lysine biosynthesis, the NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenation of saccharopine to lysine, is another NAD(+)-dependent reaction performed inside peroxisomes. We have found that in glucose grown cells, both the malate/oxaloacetate shuttle and a glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1(Gpd1p)-dependent shuttle are able to maintain the intraperoxisomal redox balance. Single mutants in MDH3 or GPD1 grow on lysine-deficient medium, but an mdh3/gpd1Δ double mutant accumulates saccharopine and displays lysine bradytrophy. Lysine biosynthesis is restored when saccharopine dehydrogenase is mislocalised to the cytosol in mdh3/gpd1Δ cells. We conclude that the availability of intraperoxisomal NAD(+) required for saccharopine dehydrogenase activity can be sustained by both shuttles. The extent to which each of these shuttles contributes to the intraperoxisomal redox balance may depend on the growth medium. We propose that the presence of multiple peroxisomal redox shuttles allows eukaryotic cells to maintain the peroxisomal redox status under different metabolic conditions

    Evaluation of a range of mammalian and mosquito cell lines for use in Chikungunya virus research

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is becoming an increasing global health issue which has spread across the globe and as far north as southern Europe. There is currently no vaccine or anti-viral treatment available. Although there has been a recent increase in CHIKV research, many of these in vitro studies have used a wide range of cell lines which are not physiologically relevant to CHIKV infection in vivo. In this study, we aimed to evaluate a panel of cell lines to identify a subset that would be both representative of the infectious cycle of CHIKV in vivo, and amenable to in vitro applications such as transfection, luciferase assays, immunofluorescence, western blotting and virus infection. Based on these parameters we selected four mammalian and two mosquito cell lines, and further characterised these as potential tools in CHIKV research

    Regulation of mammary gland branching morphogenesis by the extracellular matrix and its remodeling enzymes.

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    A considerable body of research indicates that mammary gland branching morphogenesis is dependent, in part, on the extracellular matrix (ECM), ECM-receptors, such as integrins and other ECM receptors, and ECM-degrading enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). There is some evidence that these ECM cues affect one or more of the following processes: cell survival, polarity, proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, and migration. Both three-dimensional culture models and genetic manipulations of the mouse mammary gland have been used to study the signaling pathways that affect these processes. However, the precise mechanisms of ECM-directed mammary morphogenesis are not well understood. Mammary morphogenesis involves epithelial 'invasion' of adipose tissue, a process akin to invasion by breast cancer cells, although the former is a highly regulated developmental process. How these morphogenic pathways are integrated in the normal gland and how they become dysregulated and subverted in the progression of breast cancer also remain largely unanswered questions

    The Discovery of Two New Satellites of Pluto

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    Pluto's first known moon, Charon, was discovered in 1978 (Christy 1978) and has a diameter about half that of Pluto (Buie 1992,Young 1994, Sicardy 2005), which makes it larger relative to its primary than any other moon in the Solar System. Previous searches for other satellites around Pluto have been unsuccessful (Stern 1991, Stern 1994, Stern 2003), but they were not sensitive to objects <=150 km in diameter and there are no fundamental reasons why Pluto should not have more satellites (Stern 1994). Here we report the discovery of two additional moons around Pluto, provisionally designated S/2005 P1 (hereafter P1) and S/2005 P2 (hereafter P2), which makes Pluto the first Kuiper belt object (KBO) known to have multiple satellites. These new satellites are much smaller than Charon (diameter~1200 km), with P1 ranging in diameter from 60-165 km depending on the surface reflectivity, and P2 about 20% smaller than P1. Although definitive orbits cannot be derived, both new satellites appear to be moving in circular orbits in the same orbital plane as Charon, with orbital periods of ~38 days (P1) and ~25 days (P2). The implications of the discovery of P1 and P2 for the origin and evolution of the Pluto system, and for the satellite formation process in the Kuiper belt, are discussed in a companion paper (Stern 2006).Comment: Preprint of a paper accepted for publication in the journal Natur

    Strengthening Healthcare Capacity Through a Responsive, Country-Specific, Training Standard: The KITSO AIDS Training Program’s Sup-port of Botswana’s National Antiretroviral Therapy Rollout

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    In parallel with the rollout of Botswana’s national antiretroviral therapy (ART) program, the Botswana Ministry of Health established the KITSO AIDS Training Program by entering into long-term partnerships with the Botswana–Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership for HIV Research and Education and others to provide standardized, country-specific training in HIV/AIDS care. The KITSO training model has strengthened human capacity within Botswana’s health sector and been indispensable to successful ART rollout. Through core and advanced training courses and clinical mentoring, different cadres of health care workers have been trained to provide high-quality HIV/AIDS care at all ART sites in the country. Continuous and standardized clinical education will be crucial to sustain the present level of care and successfully address future treatment challenges