27 research outputs found

    Dug put do spasenja u Izraelu

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    In five books, "We Survived: Yugoslav Jews on the Holocaust" (three of them translated into English), the testimonies of a small number of surviving members of the Jewish community about World War II were collected. The peculiarity of the circumstances in which the entire population of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was found is reflected in the fact that at the beginning of the war, the country was occupied by five invaders: Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania and the fascist satellite formation, the so-called. The Independent State of Croatia. These circumstances also led to different ways of surviving and rescuing Jews from these areas. The Jewish Historical Museum of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia / Serbia published these books with the help of donations and volunteer work of the editorial board in which seven of nine members survived the Holocaust. These books are an extraordinary collection of tragic and dramatic experiences about unique choices - the struggle for life, dignity, and freedom in partisans; about concentration camps, about refugee life under constant threat, about help and friendships. They are also a good basis for exploring the Holocaust and the history of Jews from the former Yugoslavia. Each testimony is enriched with a series of photographs and together with the text, they make unique documentation material. As the suffering of Jews on the territory of the former Yugoslavia is poorly known to the general public, these books have the task of filling that space. They thus become a memorial for all the victims whose many names are found only in memory. One of those memories is "A long way to salvation in Israel" by Cvi Raam

    Saradnja tri strane u progonu i ubijanju Jevreja

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    Mađari, Hrvati i Nemci bili su kolektivno odgovorni za izbacivanje celih jevrejskih porodica iz svojih domova, stanovnika grada Temerina, Čuruga i okolnih sela u Bačkoj oblasti u Jugoslaviji. Pod velikom stražom su ih naterali da marširaju do leve obale Dunava, šaljući ih zatim parobrodom na desnu obalu, gde ih je preuzela druga naoružana jedinica, teškim maršem ih odvela do Šapca da bi ih predala vojnicima Vermahta. Oni su ih zatim smestili u logor u Šapcu i odatle su ih povremeno odvodili peške do sela Zasavica, gde su ih ubijali pucnjem u glavu i zakopavali u masovne grobnice

    Long way to salvation in Israel

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    U seriji od pet knjiga "Mi smo preživeli: Jevreji o Holokaustu" od kojih su tri prevedene na engleski jezik, sakupljena su svedočenja malobrojnih preživelih članova jevrejske zajednice o vremenu Drugog svetskog rata. Osobenost prilika u kojima se zateklo celokupno stanovništvo Kraljevine Jugoslavije ogleda se u činjenici da je tu državu, početkom rata, okupiralo pet zavojevača: Nemačka, Italija, Bugarska, Mađarska, Albanija i fašistička satelitska tvorevina, tzv. Nezavisna država Hrvatska. Te okolnosti su uslovile i različite načine preživljavanja i spašavanja Jevreja sa ovih prostora. Jevrejski istorijski muzej Saveza jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije/Srbije objavio je ove knjige uz pomoć donacija i uz volonterski rad redakcije u kojoj je sedam od devet članova preživelo Holokaust. One čine izuzetnu kolekciju tragičnih i dramatičnih iskustava o jedinstvenom izboru – borbi za život, dostojanstvo i slobodu u partizanima; o koncentracionim logorima, o izbegličkom životu pod stalnom pretnjom, o pomoći i prijateljstvima. One su i dobra podloga za istraživanje Holokausta i istorije Jevreja sa tla bivše Jugoslavije. Svako svedočenje je obogaćeno nizom fotografija i zajedno sa tekstom čine jedinstveni dokumentacioni materijal. Kako je stradanje Jevreja na tlu bivše Jugoslavije slabo poznato široj publici, ove knjige imaju zadatak da ispune taj prostor. One tako postaju spomenik za sve stradale čija se mnogobrojna imena nalaze samo u sećanjima. Jedno od tih sećanja je "Dug put do spasenja u Izraelu" Cvi Raama.In five books, "We Survived: Yugoslav Jews on the Holocaust" (three of them translated into English), the testimonies of a small number of surviving members of the Jewish community about World War II were collected. The peculiarity of the circumstances in which the entire population of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was found is reflected in the fact that at the beginning of the war, the country was occupied by five invaders: Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania and the fascist satellite formation, the so-called The Independent State of Croatia. These circumstances also led to different ways of surviving and rescuing Jews from these areas. The Jewish Historical Museum of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia / Serbia published these books with help of donations and volunteer work of the editorial board in which seven of nine members survived the Holocaust. These books are an extraordinary collection of tragic and dramatic experiences about unique choices - the struggle for life, dignity, and freedom in partisans; about concentration camps, about refugee life under constant threat, about help and friendships. They are also a good basis for exploring the Holocaust and the history of Jews from the former Yugoslavia. Each testimony is enriched with a series of photographs and together with the text, they make unique documentation material. As the suffering of Jews on the territory of the former Yugoslavia is poorly known to the general public, these books have the task of filling that space. They thus become a memorial for all the victims whose many names are found only in memory. One of those memories is "Dug put do spasenja u Izraelu" (A long way to salvation in Israel) by Cvi Raam

    Different aspects of Yugoslav - Israeli relations

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    Jevrejsko stanovništvo mandatornog područja Palestine pratilo je s odobravanjem i divljenjem herojsku borbu i uspehe Titovih partizana i boraca. Jugosloveni su pokazali vanredno razumevanje za neopisiva stradanja jevrejskog naroda pod nacizmom i njihovu elementarnu potrebu da spas nađu u jevrejskoj domovini. Otuda pozitivan i bratski stav jugoslovenskih vlasti prema imigraciji u Izrael.The Jewish population of the Mandatory Palestine area followed with approval and admiration for the heroic struggle and successes of Tito's partisans and fighters. The Yugoslavs showed an extraordinary understanding of the indescribable suffering of the Jewish people under Nazism and their elementary need to find salvation in the Jewish homeland. Hence the positive and brotherly attitude of the Yugoslav authorities towards immigration to Israel

    The Sarajevo dispute and Sephardic movement in Yugoslavia

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    U periodu između dva svetska rata među sarajevskim Jevrejima bilo je nekoliko sporova i neslaganja. Prvi je bio odmah nakon završetka Prvog svetskog rata kada je uspostavljena Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (Kraljevina S.H.S.). Dekret ministra unutrašnjih poslova Svetozara Pribićevića, po kome su neslaveni morali napustiti zemlju odnosio se i na Jevreje Aškenaze, ali je zahvaljujući pregovorima jevrejskih lidera dekret povučen. Međutim, Sarajevski Sefardi su zatražili zabranu aktivnosti sarajevske aškenaske zajednice. Ovaj sukob delom je povezan sa raspodelom vlasti u novim vladinim strukturama, i uskoro je trebao biti rešen. Ipak, ovo je izazvalo veliku netrpeljivost među sarajevskim Aškenazima, ali i među mnogim Sefardima. Još jedan veliki spor među sarajevskim Jevrejima dogodio se nekoliko godina kasnije u cionističkom pokretu sarajevskih Jevreja. S jedne strane bilo je Židovsko narodno društvo - ŽND, koje se kasnije transformisalo u Mesnu cionističku organizaciju - MCO. Neki od vođa MCO bili su Aškenazi (Adolf Benau, M. D. i Oskar Grof), neki Sefardi (Mihajlo Levi i David Levi-Dale). MCO je izdavao list "Židovska svijest" i promovisao cionističke ideje o budućnosti novog života u Palestini. Grupa, koju su predvodili dr Vita Kajon i Braco Poljokan zagovarala je "sefardske poglede" prema kojima je tada formiran poseban "sefardski pokret": želja za afirmacijom Sefarda u društvu u kojem žive "kao odraz opšte emancipacije". Ove ideje su propagirane u njihovoj publikaciji „Jevrejski život“ koja se počela objavljivati od 1924. godine u Sarajevu. Ovaj spor zaključen je 1928. godine, a njegov kraj obeležila je pojava nove publikacije „Jevrejski glas“ u Sarajevu, u kojoj su obe ideje izražene na kompromisan i pomirljiv način.Among the Sarajevo Jews, there were several disputes and disagreements in the period between two world wars. The first argument occurred right after World War I ended and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Kraljevina S.H.S.) was established. The Minister of Interior Svetozar Pribićević had then issued a decree ordering all non-Slav citizens to leave the country. Subsequently, some of Ashkenazic Jews had to leave the country, but by the intercession of the Jewish leaders, the decree was soon suppressed. However, while it was still effective, the group of Sarajevo Sephardim requested the prohibition of the activities of the Sarajevo Ashkenazic Community. This conflict was partly related to the distribution of power in new government structures and was soon resolved. Nevertheless, it had caused great discontent of Sarajevo Ashkenazim, but also among many Sephardim. Another big dispute among Sarajevo Jews happened several years later within the Zionist movement of Sarajevo Jews. On one side was the Židovsko narodno društvo (Jewish National Society) - ŽND, which later transformed into Mesna cionisticka organizacija (Communal Zionist Organization) - MCO. Some of the leaders of the MCO were Ashkenazim (Adolf Benau, M.D. and Oskar Grof), some Sephardim (Mihajlo Levi and David Levi-Dale). MCO was publishing the newspaper "Židovska svijest" (The Jewish Consciousness) and was promoting Zionist ideas about the future new life in Palestine. The confronting group, lead by Vita Kajon, Ph.D. and Braco Poljokan advocated Sephardic views out of which was then formed a particular "Sephardic movement": a wish for the affirmation of Sephardim in the society they live in "like the reflection of the general emancipation". Their ideas were propagated in their publication "Jevrejski život" (Jewish Life) published since 1924 in Sarajevo. This argument was concluded in 1928, and its end was marked by the appearance of the new publication "Jevrejski glas" (The Jewish Voice) in Sarajevo, in which both ideas were expressed in compromising and conciliatory ways

    History of the Jews of Yugoslavia by Jakir Eventov

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    Rad predstavlja opširni i dokumentovani prikaz prošlosti jugoslovenske jevrejske zajednice. Krajem 1954. godine Hitahdut olej Jugoslavija, Udruženje Jevreja iz Jugoslavije u Izraelu na poticaj Saveza opština Jugoslavije, a inicijativom Albija Vajsa, osnovalo je Historijsko-muzealni pododbor. Novi pododbor preuzeo je na sebe dužnost da skuplja materijal koji se odnosi na jugoslovenske Jevreje, da ga čuva i obrađuje, te da po njemu, u suradnji s odgovarajućim institucijama Saveza jevrejskih opština u Beogradu i sa znanstvenim društvima i arhivima u Jugoslaviji i Izraelu, pripremi izdavanje dokumentovane Historije Jevreja Jugoslavije. Za pročelnika Pododbora izabran je Jakir Eventov.The paper presents a large and documented review of the past of the Yugoslav Jewish community. At the end of 1954, the Hitahdut Olej Yugoslavia, the Association of Jews from Yugoslavia in Israel at the initiative of the Association of Communities of Yugoslavia, and Albie Weiss established the Historical-Museum Subcommittee. The new subcommittee has assumed the responsibility of collecting material relating to Yugoslav Jews, to preserve and process them, and to prepare, through it, the publication of a documented history of the Jews of Yugoslavia in cooperation with the relevant institutions of the Association of Jewish Communities in Belgrade and with scientific societies and archives in Yugoslavia and Israel. Jakir Eventov has been elected as the head of the Subcommittee

    A creative life - Avram Avišur/Werber, Ph.d, eng.

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    Kratka biografija jednog od malobrojnih useljenika u Palestinu iz Kraljevine Jugoslavije između dva svetska rata. Verber je bio jedan od retkih ali veoma potrebnih inženjera budućoj jevrejskoj državi.This paper provides a brief description of the very rich life of engineer Werber, born in what is today Ukraine, in Tarnopole (1888), who settled in Yugoslavia after WWI where, working as an engineer, he achieved outstanding results. Probably thanks to the fact that he proved to be an exceptional expert in hydrology, he was invited by the Jewish Agency to come to Palestine. Experts of his profile were, and still are, much needed in Israel, because in the severe climatic conditions prevailing in Israel they deal with the difficult issues of water supply. Engineer Werber provided a strong contribution to the development of Israel in the area of his expertise, especially related to water supply in the Negev desert

    Young Israeli generation

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    Obnova jevrejskog naroda u staro-novoj domovini ima mnogo, i vrlo različitih problema. Jedan od najznačajnijih je nastajanje mlade izraelske generacije, toliko različite od generacije otaca, generacije došljaka. Osnovna činjenica u životu mlade izraelske generacije je - sloboda. Ali ona nalazi svoj prirodni korektiv - ne u autoritetu roditelja ili škole, koji je u Izraelu manji nego igde u svetu, nego u zajednici u kojoj dete raste...The rebuilding of the Jewish people in the old-new homeland has many, and very different, problems. One of the most significant is the emergence of a young Israeli generation, so different from the fathers' generation, the newcomer generation. The basic fact in the life of the young Israeli generation is freedom. But it finds it's natural corrective - not in the authority of the parent or school, which is smaller in Israel than anywhere else in the world, but in the community in which the child grows up

    Israel on the begining of second decade

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    Iz haosa u kome su Englezi namerno ostavili novu državu Izrael, niče državni aparat koji uporedo organizuje administraciju, privredu, promet, školstvo i zdravstvo. Prima stotine hiljada novih useljenika koji su čekali dan formiranja države u logorima na Kipru i u različitim zemljama Evrope. Odbija napad arapskih armija koje su pohrlile da mladu državu utope u krvi i da "Jevreje bace u more". Rad opisuje neke od najvažnijih problema sa kojima se suočava država Izrael ali i njen veoma brzi napredak i mnoge uspehe - milion novih useljenika, izgradnja stambenih jedinica, navodnjavanje, intenzivno obrazovanje, kultura, zdravstvo, demokratija, odbrana.From the chaos in which the English intentionally left the new state of Israel, a state apparatus simultaneously organizes administration, economy, transport, education, and health. It receives hundreds of thousands of new immigrants who have been waiting for the state to form in camps in Cyprus and in various European countries. It rejects the attack by Arab armies who have rushed to drown the young state in blood and to throw the Jews into the sea. The paper describes some of the most important problems facing the State of Israel, but also it's very rapid progress and many successes - one million new immigrants, housing construction, irrigation, intensive education, culture, health, democracy, defense

    Hinko Gottlieb u Erec Jisraelu: uz desetogodišnjicu smrti

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    Književni deo “Jevrejskog almanaha“ u kome je objavljen tekst Cvi Rotema "Hinko Gottlieb u Erec Jisraelu", odnosi se na literarne radove sa jevrejskom tematikom iz oblasti istorije, književnosti, umetnosti, memoarske građe i Holokausta. Neki od radova iz ove rubrike objavljuju se po prvi put, neki su objavljeni i na drugim mestima a neki su delovi većih celina (zbirki, romana, memoarske građe, dnevnika i sl.).The literary section of the "Jewish Almanac" where is published text "Hinko Gottlieb u Erec Jisraelu" by Cvi Rotem, refers to literary works on Jewish topics in the fields of history, literature, art, memoirs, and Holocaust. Some of the works in this section are published for the first time, some have been published elsewhere and, some are parts of larger entities (collections, novels, memoirs, diaries, letters, etc.)