4 research outputs found

    D25V apolipoprotein C-III variant causes dominant hereditary systemic amyloidosis and confers cardiovascular protective lipoprotein profile

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    Apolipoprotein C-III deficiency provides cardiovascular protection, but apolipoprotein C-III is not known to be associated with human amyloidosis. Here we report a form of amyloidosis characterized by renal insufficiency caused by a new apolipoprotein C-III variant, D25V. Despite their uremic state, the D25V-carriers exhibit low triglyceride (TG) and apolipoprotein C-III levels, and low very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)/high high-density lipoprotein (HDL) profile. Amyloid fibrils comprise the D25V-variant only, showing that wild-type apolipoprotein C-III does not contribute to amyloid deposition in vivo. The mutation profoundly impacts helical structure stability of D25V-variant, which is remarkably fibrillogenic under physiological conditions in vitro producing typical amyloid fibrils in its lipid-free form. D25V apolipoprotein C-III is a new human amyloidogenic protein and the first conferring cardioprotection even in the unfavourable context of renal failure, extending the evidence for an important cardiovascular protective role of apolipoprotein C-III deficiency. Thus, fibrate therapy, which reduces hepatic APOC3 transcription, may delay amyloid deposition in affected patients

    Apolipoprotein CIII hyperactivates β cell CaV1 channels through SR-BI/β1 integrin-dependent coactivation of PKA and Src

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    Apolipoprotein CIII (ApoCIII) not only serves as an inhibitor of triglyceride hydrolysis but also participates in diabetes-related pathological events such as hyperactivation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) (Ca(V)) channels in the pancreatic β cell. However, nothing is known about the molecular mechanisms whereby ApoCIII hyperactivates β cell Ca(V) channels. We now demonstrate that ApoCIII increased Ca(V)1 channel open probability and density. ApoCIII enhanced whole-cell Ca(2+) currents and the Ca(V)1 channel blocker nimodipine completely abrogated this enhancement. The effect of ApoCIII was not influenced by individual inhibition of PKA, PKC, or Src. However, combined inhibition of PKA, PKC, and Src counteracted the effect of ApoCIII, similar results obtained by coinhibition of PKA and Src. Moreover, knockdown of β1 integrin or scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) prevented ApoCIII from hyperactivating β cell Ca(V) channels. These data reveal that ApoCIII hyperactivates β cell Ca(V)1 channels through SR-BI/β1 integrin-dependent coactivation of PKA and Src