260 research outputs found

    Perceptions of portuguese family health care teams regarding the expansion of nurses’ scope of practice = Perceções de equipas de saúde familiar portuguesas sobre o alargamento do campo de exercício da enfermagem

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    Theoretical framework: Expanding primary health care nurses’ scope of practice is a strategy that has been used in various health systems to good advantage. Its feasibility depends on the health professionals’ consensus as to its suitability. Objectives: To find out the perceptions of Portuguese family health care teams regarding the expansion of primary care nurses’ scope of practice. Methodology: Focus groups. Results: The team perception is that citizen expectations, the shortage of nurses and the need for specific training are the main issues to be faced. The teams discussed various roles that the nursing profession could take on in Primary Health Care (PHC) via a work reorganisation included in the regulatory framework. Conclusion: The assignment of wider clinical roles to PHC nurses is not unanimously approved of, since it is perceived by some doctors and nurses as inappropriate and unfair. Some health care teams expressed their willingness to take part in this option, due to its potential contribution to improving the response to care needs not currently being met. Enquadramento: O alargamento do campo de exercício do enfermeiro de cuidados primários tem constituído uma estratégia utilizada em diversos sistemas de saúde com ganhos conhecidos. A sua exequibilidade depende do consenso dos profissionais de saúde sobre a sua adequação. Objetivos: Conhecer as perceções de equipas de saúde familiar portuguesas sobre o alargamento do campo de exercício do enfermeiro de cuidados primários. Metodologia: Grupos focais. Resultados: Na perceção das equipas, as expetativas dos cidadãos, a escassez de enfermeiros e a necessidade de formação específica são os principais problemas a enfrentar. As equipas discutiram vários papéis que a profissão de enfermagem poderia assumir em Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP), mediante uma reorganização do trabalho, enquadrada normativamente. Conclusão: A atribuição de papéis clínicos mais vastos ao enfermeiro de CSP não reúne unanimidade, por ser percebida, por alguns médicos e enfermeiros, como desajustada e iníqua. Algumas equipas de saúde manifestaram disponibilidade para aderir a esta opção, face ao seu potencial contributo para melhorar a resposta a necessidades assistenciais atualmente não satisfeitas.publishersversionpublishe

    Supercritical CO2 assisted impregnation of ibuprofen on medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA)

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    This work is financed by national funds from FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project UIDB/50006/2020 of the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV, the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences-UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy-i4HB. Liane Meneses and Alexandre Paiva would like to acknowledge FCT for the financial support through SFRH/BD/148510/2019 and IF/01146/2015.In this work, we propose the utilization of scCO2 to impregnate ibuprofen into the mcl- PHA matrix produced by Pseudomonas chlororaphis subs. aurantiaca (DSM 19603). The biopolymer has adhesive properties, is biocompatible and has a melting temperature of 45 °C. Several conditions, namely, pressure (15 and 20 MPa) and impregnation time (30 min, 1 h and 3 h) were tested. The highest ibuprofen content (90.8 ± 6.5 mg of ibuprofen/gPHA) was obtained at 20 MPa and 40 °C, for 1 h, with an impregnation rate of 89 mg/(g.h). The processed mcl-PHA samples suffered a plasticization, as shown by the decrease of 6.5 °C in the Tg, at 20 MPa. The polymer’s crystallinity was also affected concomitantly with the matrices’ ibuprofen content. For all the impregnation conditions tested the release of ibuprofen from the biopolymer followed a type II release profile. This study has demonstrated that the mcl-PHA produced by P. chlororaphis has a great potential for the development of novel topical drug delivery systems.publishersversionpublishe

    Avaliação agronômica e caracterização química de acessos de gengibre (Zingiber officinale) nas condições de Manaus, AM.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar agronomicamente três acessos de gengibre nas condições de Manaus, AM.Edição dos Resumos do 52º Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Salvador, jul. 2012

    Deep eutectic systems for carbonic anhydrase extraction from microalgae biomass to improve carbon dioxide solubilization

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    This work was supported by the project “DESalgae – Capturing and re-using CO2 using deep eutectic solvents and microalgae” funded by Dutch national fund NWO Open Competition Domain Science – XS [ OCENW.XS4.162 ]; Special thanks to AlGreen B.V. (Wageningen) for providing Spirulina sp. biomass. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors.This work is the first proof-of-concept of the use of carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzyme from microalgae biomass, extracted with deep eutectic systems (DES), with the goal of engineering a solution that will lead to a breakthrough in the Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) strategy. Three distinct microalgae were processed-Tisochrysis lutea, Chlorella vulgaris, and Spirulina sp.-with three DES-Choline chloride-Urea (ChCl-U), Choline chloride-Poly(ethylene glycol) (ChCl-PEG), and Poly(ethylene glycol)-Urea (PEG-U). To evaluate the most promising microalgae-DES, CA activity was evaluated with a specific enzymatic activity kit and through CO2 solubility assays. Preliminary results indicate that: DES is a suitable solvent medium for CA extraction from microalgal biomass, preserving its activity (specific CA activity up to 0.70 mU.mg-1); CA extraction efficiency differs between DES and microalgal species, indicating the potential for further research; from the tested DES, the ones containing PEG were favorable to maintain CA activity (CO2 solubility up to 4 g CO2.g-1 DES). This work paves the way towards a disruptive CCU approach.publishersversionpublishe

    Ciclo de vida y dinámica poblacional de la enigmática tanaide Chondrochelia dubia (Tanaidacea: Leptocheliidae) en un lecho de algas tropicales

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    The present study describes the population dynamics and life history parameters of the enigmatic tanaid Chondrochelia dubia collected in Paiva Beach, tropical coast of Brazil. The region was impacted by a large, unexpected oil spill from August to October 2019. Samples were taken monthly between July 2019 and July 2020 in beds of the red seaweed Jania capillacea. The abundance of individuals was negatively correlated with monthly rainfall, with higher abundances in drier months. There was an unexpected significant drop in abundance in September, possibly caused by contact with the crude oil, but the population recovered fully within two months. The parameters of the von Bertallanfy growth equation, calculated for the first time for the species, were Linf=5.26 mm; k=3.36 year–1; t0=0.0. Compared with other studies, the specimens are very small (2.04 ± 0.95 mm in length), females reach sexual maturity very early (L50=2.3 mm), and natural mortality is high (Z=M=5.77 year–1), indicating an opportunistic life strategy. This study reinforces the bioindication potential of C. dubia and the use of bootstrapped length-based methods to estimate key population parameters in small marine invertebrates.El presente estudio describió la dinámica poblacional y los parámetros del ciclo de vida del enigmático tanaidáceo Chondrochelia dubia recolectado en la playa de Paiva, costa tropical de Brasil. La región se vio afectada por un gran derrame de petróleo inesperado de agosto a octubre de 2019. Se tomaron muestras mensualmente entre julio de 2019 y julio de 2020 en lechos de algas rojas Jania capillacea. La abundancia de individuos se correlacionó negativamente con la precipitación mensual, con mayor abundancia en los meses más secos. Hubo una inesperada caída significativa de la abundancia en septiembre, posiblemente causada por el contacto con el petróleo crudo, sin embargo, la población se recuperó por completo en dos meses. Los parámetros de la ecuación de crecimiento de von Bertallanfy, calculados por primera vez para la especie, fueron: Linf=5.26 mm; k=3.36 año–1; t0=0,0. En comparación con otros estudios, los ejemplares son muy pequeños (2.04 ± 0.95 mm de longitud), las hembras alcanzan la madurez sexual muy temprano (L50=2.3 mm), y la mortalidad natural es relativamente alta (Z=M=5.77 año–1), lo que indica una estrategia de vida oportunista. Este estudio refuerza el potencial de bioindicación de C. dubia y el uso de métodos bootstrap basados en la longitud para estimar parámetros de población clave en pequeños invertebrados marinos

    Electrodialytic removal of tungsten and arsenic from secondary mine resources – Deep eutectic solvents enhancement

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    UID/AMB/04085/2019. LAQV UID/QUI/50006/2019. PD\BD\135170\2017. IF/01146/2015.Tungsten is a critical raw material for European and U.S. economies. Tungsten mine residues, usually considered an environmental burden due to e.g. arsenic content, are also secondary tungsten resources. The electrodialytic (ED) process and deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been successfully and independently applied for the extraction of metals from different complex environmental matrices. In this study a proof of concept demonstrates that coupling DES in a two-compartment ED set-up enhances the removal and separation of arsenic and tungsten from Panasqueira mine secondary resources. Choline chloride with malonic acid (1:2), and choline chloride with oxalic acid (1:1) were the DES that in batch extracted the average maximum contents of arsenic (16%) and tungsten (9%) from the residues. However, when ED was operated at a current intensity of 100 mA for 4 days, the extraction yields increased 22% for arsenic and 11% for tungsten, comparing to the tests with no current. From the total arsenic and tungsten extracted, 82% and 77% respectively were successfully removed from the matrix compartment, as they electromigrated to the anolyte compartment, from where these elements can be further separated. This achievement potentiates circular economy, as the final treated residue could be incorporated in construction materials production, mitigating current environmental problems in both mining and construction sectors.proofpublishe

    Petrografia e Geoquímica do Complexo Migmatítico de Bemposta (Zona Centro Ibérica, NE de Portugal)

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    ABSTRACT: The Bemposta Migmatite Complex (CMB) belong to the Central-Iberian Zone, NE Portugal. It is a high-grade metamorphic belt composed by metasediments of Ediacarian-Lower Cambrian age affected by partial melting during the second Variscan deformation event (D2). The anatexis culminated with intrusion of syn-tardi-D2 leucogranite sills in the CMB. Field and petrographic evidence suggest that the anatexis of the metasediments was controlled by muscovite dehydration-melting reactions. On the other hand, the stromatic leucosomes show that they were probably produced at a slightly deeper structural level (through biotite dehydration-melting reactions) and subsequently injected in these lithologies. The geochemical data reveals that leucosomes no longer correspond to the original melt compositions. During melt migration and ascent, they underwent fractional crystallization and accumulation of K-feldspar. Syn-tardi-D2 leucogranites that intrude CMB were most likely produced by higher degrees of partial melting. They have fractionated compositions and variable degrees of contamination with residual accessory mineral phases. Thus, CMB is interpreted as a Migmatite Injection Complex, where anatectic melts produced at slightly deeper levels were accumulated.RESUMO: O Complexo Migmatítico de Bemposta (CMB) situa-se na Zona Centro Ibérica (NE Portugal) correspondendo a um cinturão metamórfico de alto grau, composto por metassedimentos do Ediacariano-Câmbrico Inferior afetados por fusão parcial durante a segunda fase de deformação Varisca (D2). A anatexia destas rochas culminou com a intrusão de leucogranitos sin-tardi-D2 do tipo sill. As evidências de campo em consonância com a petrografia sugerem que a anatexia dos metassedimentos foi controlada pela reação de desidratação da moscovite. Os leucossomas mostram evidências de terem sido produzidos em níveis estruturais inferiores (através da reação da desidratação da biotite) e subsequentemente injetados nestas litologias. Os dados de geoquímica revelam que os leucossomas durante a sua ascensão foram afetados por cristalização fracionada e acumulação de feldspato potássico. Os leucogranitos sin-tardi-D2 que intruem o CMB resultaram de altas taxas de fusão e possuem composições equivalentes a magmas afetados por cristalização fracionada, contaminados por minerais acessórios residuais. Assim, o CMB é interpretado como um Complexo Migmatítico de Injeção, onde os líquidos anatéticos produzidos em profundidade se acumularam.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    a systematic review

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    The release of modified mosquitoes to suppress/replace vectors constitutes a promising tool for vector control and disease prevention. Evidence regarding these innovative modification techniques is scarce and disperse. This work conducted a systematic review, gathering and analysing research articles from PubMed and Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde databases whose results report efficacy and non-target effects of using modified insects for disease prevention, until 2016. More than 1500 publications were screened and 349 were analysed. Only 12/3.4% articles reported field-based evidence and 41/11.7% covered modification strategies’ post-release efficacy. Variability in the effective results (90/25.7%) questioned its reproducibility in different settings. We also found publications reporting reversal outcomes 38/10.9%, (e.g. post-release increase of vector population). Ecological effects were also reported, such as horizontal transfer events (54/15.5%), and worsening pathogenesis induced by natural wolbachia (10/2.9%). Present work revealed promising outcomes of modifying strategies. However, it also revealed a need for field-based evidence mainly regarding epidemiologic and long-term impact. It pointed out some eventual irreversible and important effects that must not be ignored when considering open-field releases, and that may constitute constraints to generate the missing field evidence. Present work constitutes a baseline of knowledge, offering also a methodological approach that may facilitate future updates.publishersversionpublishe

    Innovative concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up columns

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    This paper presents an innovative type of concrete-filled cold-formed steel (CF-CFS) built-up composite column. Twenty- four innovative specimens of four CF-CFS cross-section configurations were used to investigate their behavior at ambient and elevated temperatures. First, the axial load-bearing capacity of the innovative CF-CFS was obtained using a series of experimental tests under pure compression. Then their fire resistance was evaluated using another series of experimental tests subjected to elevated temperatures. Moreover, finite element modeling approaches were developed to further explore the behavior of the CF-CFS composite columns. The applicability of the available design codes, including EN 1994-1-1 and EN 1994-1-2 for the CF-CFS composite column, was discussed. The results showed that the design codes could conservatively predict the CF-CFS composite columns when the effective cross-sectional area was used to determine the Class 4 CFS components. In contrast, unconservative results were obtained using the gross cross-sectional area. Enhanced design methodologies were developed, tackling the specificities associated with the use of built-up tubular steel sections. Therefore, a modification was introduced for the innovative CF-CFS columns to predict buckling and fire resistance with a good agreement. Reliability analysis was also performed to reliability index for each methodology.This work is financed by national funds throughthe Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under grant agreement 2021.06528.BD attributed to the 1st author and under the grant agreement 2020.03588. CEECIND attributed to the 2nd author. The authors gratefully acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and T echnology (FCT) for its support under the framework of the research project PTDC/ECI-EGC/31858/2017 - INNOCFSCONC - Innovative hybrid structural solutions using cold-formed steel and lightweight concrete ", financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme- COMPETE and by national funds through FCT , and PCIF/AGT/0062/2018 – INTERFACESEGURA – Segurança e Resiliência ao Fogo das Zonas e Interface Urbana-Florestal, financed by FCT through National funds. This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020