32 research outputs found

    Travelling in time with networks: revealing present day hybridization versus ancestral polymorphism between two species of brown algae, Fucus vesiculosus and F. spiralis

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    Background: Hybridization or divergence between sympatric sister species provides a natural laboratory to study speciation processes. The shared polymorphism in sister species may either be ancestral or derive from hybridization, and the accuracy of analytic methods used thus far to derive convincing evidence for the occurrence of present day hybridization is largely debated. Results: Here we propose the application of network analysis to test for the occurrence of present day hybridization between the two species of brown algae Fucus spiralis and F. vesiculosus. Individual-centered networks were analyzed on the basis of microsatellite genotypes from North Africa to the Pacific American coast, through the North Atlantic. Two genetic distances integrating different time steps were used, the Rozenfeld (RD; based on alleles divergence) and the Shared Allele (SAD; based on alleles identity) distances. A diagnostic level of genotype divergence and clustering of individuals from each species was obtained through RD while screening for exchanges through putative hybridization was facilitated using SAD. Intermediate individuals linking both clusters on the RD network were those sampled at the limits of the sympatric zone in Northwest Iberia. Conclusion: These results suggesting rare hybridization were confirmed by simulation of hybrids and F2 with directed backcrosses. Comparison with the Bayesian method STRUCTURE confirmed the usefulness of both approaches and emphasized the reliability of network analysis to unravel and study hybridization

    Charge-order-driven multiferroic properties of Y1-xCaxMnO3

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    Dielectric measurements on the charge-ordered insulators, Y1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.4. 0.45 and 0.5), show maxima in the dielectric constant around the charge ordering transition temperature while magnetic measurements show the presence of weak ferromagnetic interactions at low temperatures. Besides the magnetic field dependence of the dielectric constant, these manganites also exhibit second harmonic generation. Thus, the charge-ordered Y1-xCaxMnO3 compositions are multiferroic and magnetoelectric, in accordance with theoretical predictions. Magnetoelectric properties are retained in small particles of Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ambipolar transport and magneto-resistance crossover in a Mott insulator, Sr2IrO4

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    Electric field effect (EFE) controlled magnetoelectric transport in thin films of undoped and La-doped Sr2IrO4 (SIO) is investigated using ionic liquid gating. The temperature dependent resistance measurements exhibit insulating behavior in chemically and EFE doped samples with the band filling up to 10%. The ambipolar transport across the Mott gap is demonstrated by EFE tuning of the channel resistance and chemical doping. We observe a crossover from high temperature negative to low temperature positive magnetoresistance around  ~80–90 K, irrespective of the filling. This temperature and magnetic field dependent crossover is discussed in the light of conduction mechanisms of SIO, especially variable range hopping (VRH), and its relevance to the insulating ground state of SIO.clos

    Ferroelectricity in Pb1+δZrO3 Thin Films

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    Antiferroelectric PbZrO3 is being considered for a wide range of applications where the competition between centrosymmetric and noncentrosymmetric phases is important to the response. Here, we focus on the epitaxial growth of PbZrO3 thin films and understanding the chemistry-structure coupling in Pb1+δZrO3 (δ = 0, 0.1, 0.2). High-quality, single-phase Pb1+δZrO3 films are synthesized via pulsed-laser deposition. Although no significant lattice parameter change is observed in X-ray studies, electrical characterization reveals that while the PbZrO3 and Pb1.1ZrO3 heterostructures remain intrinsically antiferroelectric, the Pb1.2ZrO3 heterostructures exhibit a hysteresis loop indicative of ferroelectric response. Further X-ray scattering studies reveal strong quarter-order diffraction peaks in PbZrO3 and Pb1.1ZrO3 heterostructures indicative of antiferroelectricity, while no such peaks are observed for Pb1.2ZrO3 heterostructures. Density functional theory calculations suggest the large cation nonstoichiometry is accommodated by incorporation of antisite PbZr defects, which drive the Pb1.2ZrO3 heterostructures to a ferroelectric phase with R3c symmetry. In the end, stabilization of metastable phases in materials via chemical nonstoichiometry and defect engineering enables a novel route to manipulate the energy of the ground state of materials and the corresponding material properties

    Ultrafast dynamics of localized magnetic moments in the unconventional Mott insulator Sr2IrO4.

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    We report a time-resolved study of the ultrafast dynamics of the magnetic moments formed by the [Formula: see text] states in Sr2IrO4 by directly probing the localized iridium 5d magnetic state through resonant x-ray diffraction. Using optical pump-hard x-ray probe measurements, two relaxation time scales were determined: a fast fluence-independent relaxation is found to take place on a time scale of 1.5 ps, followed by a slower relaxation on a time scale of 500 ps-1.5 ns

    Effect of strain and grain boundaries on dielectric properties in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films

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    High dielectric constant and its dependence on structural strain and grain boundaries (GB) in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films are reported. X-ray diffraction, magnetization, and magneto-transport measurements of the LSMO films, made by pulsed laser deposition on two different substrates—MgO and SrTiO3 (STO), were compared to co-relate magnetic properties with dielectric properties. At room temperature, in the ferromagnetic phase of LSMO, a high dielectric constant (6 × 104) was observed up to 100 kHz frequency for the films on MgO, with polycrystalline properties and more high-angle GB related defects, while for the films on STO, with single-crystalline properties but strained unit cells, high dielectric constant (≈104) was observed until 1 MHz frequency. Also, a large dielectric relaxation time with significant broadening from the Debye single-dielectric relaxation model has been observed in samples with higher GB defects. Impedance spectroscopy further shows that large dielectric constant of the single-crystalline, strained LSMO film is intrinsic in nature while that in the polycrystalline films are mainly extrinsic due to higher amount of GBs. The presence of high dielectric constant value until high frequency range rules out the possibility of “apparent giant dielectric constant” arising from the sample-electrode interface. Coexistence of ferromagnetism and high dielectric constant can be very useful for different microelectronic applications