376 research outputs found

    Succession Planning In Academic Libraries In Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria: An Evaluative Study

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    The study X-rayed succession planning in academic libraries in Owerri, Imo State Nigeria. It seeks to explore the existence of succession plans, the type of succession plan applied in academic libraries, strategies used in implementing succession plan, the impacts and constraints to succession plan and implementation. The study adopted the survey method in the collection of research data. The findings show that succession plan exist and written/unwritten succession plan is mostly applied, with job assignment and job rotation between departments as strategies used in implementation. The perceived impact of succession planning includes ensuring continuity of leaders for key positions as well as increased opportunities for high potentials. The study recommended among other things that library organization should establish a well structure plan n a formal and written form

    Substance use and sexual risk behaviours amongst in-school youth and young adults living in Liberia

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    Little is known about the prevalence of and association of substance use and sexual risk behaviors among youth in Liberia. The present study was undertaken to examine the substance use behaviors and sexual practices of students in 16 secondary schools in greater and central Monrovia, Liberia. The sample consisted of 802 students in grades 7th to 12th who were enrolled in a co-educational school. Among substances reported,alcohol was the most commonly tried substance with almost 50% using it at some point in their life. 78% of respondents had engaged in sex with 13% reported having sex for monetary gain. Of those, more than 25% never or occasionally used a condom. Results indicated an association between alcohol and engaging in sex and an increase in the number of sexual partners. Future research should target both in-school and out-of-school students to develop school education and health services unique to thispopulation.Keywords: post-conflict Liberia, substance use, sexual risk behaviors, in-school student

    Control interno y las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT en la UGEL Vilcas Huamán, Ayacucho 2021

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    The research was to seek the relationship between internal control and hiring of less than 8 UIT in the UGEL Vilcas Huamán, Ayacucho 2021, considering the methodology with a quantitative approach, basic type and correlational level, non-experimental design, with a sample of 43 servers The survey technique and the questionnaire data collection were used. Reaching the following conclusions, internal control and hiring of less than 8 UIT have a positive relationship with a result of (r = 0.565). Likewise, it was determined that there is a relationship between the internal control environment and hiring of less than 8 UIT, being positive (r = 0.373). Likewise, it was evidenced that risk management and contracts of less than 8 UIT are related, obtaining a significant result of (r = 0.584). In the same way, it was described that control activities are related to hiring of less than 8 UIT, being positive (r = 0.402). Also, it was established that information and communication is related to hiring of less than 8 UIT with a positive result of (r = 0.591) and, finally, it was observed that supervision is related to hiring of less than 8 UIT with a result positive of (r = 0.517).La investigación fue buscar la relación entre el control interno y las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT en la UGEL Vilcas Huamán, Ayacucho 2021, planteándose la metodología con un enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básica y nivel correlacional, diseño no experimental, con una muestra de 43 servidores, se utilizó la técnica de encuesta y recolección de datos el cuestionario. Llegando, a las conclusiones siguientes, el control interno y las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT tienen relación positiva con un resultado de (r=0.565). Igualmente, se determinó que existe relación entre el ambiente del control interno y las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT, siendo positivo (r=0.373). Asimismo, se evidencio que gestión de riesgo y las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT se relacionan, obteniendo un resultado significativo de (r= 0,584). De la misma forma, se describió que las actividades de control se relacionan con las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT, siendo positiva (r=0.402). También, se estableció que la información y comunicación se relaciona con las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT con un resultado positivo de (r=0.591) y, por último, se observó que la supervisión se relaciona con las contrataciones inferiores a 8 UIT con un resultado positivo de (r=0.517)

    Does preoperative neutrophil lymphocyte ratio predict risk of recurrence and occult central nodal metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma?

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    Background Preoperative neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) might be prognostic in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Given the controversy of prophylactic central neck dissection (pCND) in clinically nodal-negative (cN0) PTC, our study evaluated whether preoperative NLR predicted disease-free survival (DFS) and occult central nodal metastasis (CNM) in cN0 PTC. Methods A total of 191 patients who underwent pCND were analyzed. Complete blood counts with differential counts were taken before operation. NLR was calculated by dividing preoperative neutrophil count with lymphocyte count. Patients were categorized into NLR tertiles: first (NLR 2.79; n = 64). Four other patient types, namely, benign nodular goiter, clinically nodal-positive (cN1) PTC, poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma, and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC), were used as references. Results Age at operation (p < 0.001) and tumor size (p = 0.037) significantly increased with higher NLR. First tertile had significantly more TNM stage I tumors (p = 0.01) and lowest MACIS score (p = 0.002). Tumor size [hazard ratio (HR) 1.422, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.119-1.809, p = 0.004] and multicentricity (HR = 2.545, 95% CI 1.073-6.024, p = 0.034) independently predicted DFS, whereas old age [odds ratio (OR) 1.026, 95% CI 1.006-1.046, p = 0.009), male (OR 2.882, 95% CI 1.348-6.172, p = 0.006), and large tumor (OR 1.567, 95% CI 1.209-2.032, p = 0.001) independently predicted occult CNM. NLR was not significantly associated with DFS or occult CNM. ATC had significantly higher NLR than cN1 PTC (7.28 vs. 2.74, p < 0.001). Conclusions Although a higher NLR may imply a poorer tumor profile, it was not significantly associated with a worse DFS or higher risk of occult CNM in cN0 PTC. Perhaps, future research should focus on the prognostic value in other thyroid cancer types with a poorer prognosis. © 2014 Société Internationale de Chirurgie.postprin

    Análisis del impacto del Covid - 19 en las ventas de una empresa de autopartes de la provincia de Jaén, Perú

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    The general objective of the study entitled: Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the sales of an auto parts company in the province of Jaén, was to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the sales of an auto parts company in the province of Jaén. Through a descriptive study, with documentary analysis and observation, it was possible to obtain as a result, that COVID - 19 that the decrease in sales of an auto parts company in the province of Jaén, if it was due to the social isolation decreed by the government with the purpose of paralyzing the contagion by COVID - 19, being the month with more fall July 2020, with 99%, these data allowed to conclude that, such impact, is very significant, directly affecting the financial statements of this organization, which have not been able to meet their current and non-current liabilities scheduled in almost 09 months, causing labor problems, as judicial for this breach, in the same way the measures taken by the government have not been able to remedy these problems in full, the company must access the reactive Peru in order to cover some economic obligations that has generated the closure of companies on the issue of social isolation.El trabajo titulado: Análisis del impacto del COVID 19 en las ventas de una empresa de autopartes de la provincia de Jaén, tuvo como objetivo general&nbsp;&nbsp; determinar el impacto del COVID-19 en las ventas de una empresa de autopartes de la provincia de Jaén. A través de un estudio descriptivo, con análisis documental y observación, permitieron obtener como resultado, que el COVID – 19 que la disminución de las ventas de una empresa de autopartes de la provincia de Jaén, si se debió por el aislamiento social que decretó el gobierno con el propósito de paralizar el contagio por el COVID – 19, siendo el mes con más caída&nbsp; julio del 2020, con el 99%, estos datos permitieron concluir que, dicho impacto, es muy significativo, afectando directamente los estados financieros de esta organización, lo cual no han podido cumplir con sus pasivos corrientes y no corrientes programados en casi 09 meses, ocasionándole problemas laborales, como judiciales por este incumplimiento, de la misma manera las medidas tomadas por el gobierno no han podido subsanar estos problemas en su totalidad, debiendo la empresa acceder al reactiva Perú con el propósito de cubrir algunas obligaciones económicas que ha generado el cierre de las empresas por el tema del aislamiento social

    Understanding cohort differences in appraisals of reconstruction priorities of mental health systems in postconflict Liberia

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    Objective: This study analyzes the relationship between informants’ age and their assessment of mental health needs in postconflict society and examines if mental health needs assessment priorities differ depending upon whether or not the informant was exposed to the Liberian civil war.Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in March 2009 to obtain data on mental health needs of Liberian children, adolescents and young adults. A total of 171 individuals were interviewed. The data were analyzed using a two- way ANOVA.Results: Elder respondents expressed a preference for young adults to receive services in a church/mosque (F = 4.020, p &lt; .05); for adolescents in volunteer programs (F = 3.987, p &lt; .05) and for children in sports programs (F = 4.396, p &lt; .05). Experiencing conflict did exert some influence on treatment setting preferences. Those who resided outside Liberia during the conflict cited a preference for traditional healers and medical clinics. However, this preference was for the children and young adult age categories. Those who experienced the civil war reported significantly higher preferences for adolescent services to be located in medical clinics, with traditional healers, and in churches/mosques.Conclusion: This study provides additional support for the premise that the utilization of psychiatric services needs to be viewed from the perspective of Liberians and that there are differences in preferences across groups. Our results suggest that service providers and policy makers take into account the age of the patient when deciding where to locate treatment settings for the population.Keywords: Mental Health; Liberia; Treatment Settings; Elders; Needs AssessmentAfrican Journal of Psychiatry • November 2013, 16(6

    Assessment of the needs of vulnerable youth populations in post-conflict Liberia

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    Objective: The study examined key informants’ perceptions of the emotional impact of traumatic events, major problems, functional limitations and appropriate treatment settings for children, adolescents, and young adults in post-conflict Liberia.Method: This research is a based on cross-sectional survey conducted between March 30, 2009 and April 30, 2009 in Liberia with 171 local key Liberian informants. Analysis was conducted using mixed methods. The findings we will report were collected in the qualitative portion of the survey. Results: We found that while different interventions were preferred for different types of young people, some interventions were mentioned for all youth and by all age and gender groups of key informants. These includedcounseling, education, and skills training. Also frequently chosen were housing, community reintegration, recreation, and medical care. In general, key informants reported similar concerns regardless of their ages or genders. Notable exceptions to this were in interventions for youth who joined fighting forces. Men over 50 were the only ones to recommend apology and reparations. Similarly, in recommendations for criminals and violent youth, a number of men mentioned prison, whereas the women did not.Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the needs of post-conflict Liberian youth span a variety of domains, including physical, emotional, medical, psychological, and educational. These findings can be used to guide the development of treatment programs for these young people.Keywords: Post-Conflict Liberia; Mental Health Needs Assessment; Children and Adolescent

    Absence of renal hypoxia in the subacute phase of severe renal ischemia reperfusion injury

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     This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Physiological Society via the DOI in this recordTissue hypoxia has been proposed as an important event in renal ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) particularly during the period of ischemia and in the immediate hours following reperfusion. However, little is known about renal oxygenation during the subacute phase of IRI. We employed four different methods to assess the temporal and spatial changes in tissue oxygenation during the subacute phase (24 h and 5 days after reperfusion) of a severe form of renal IRI in rats. We hypothesized that the kidney is hypoxic 24 h and 5 days after an hour of bilateral renal ischemia, driven by a disturbed balance between renal oxygen delivery (DO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2). Renal DO2 was not significantly reduced in the subacute phase of IRI. In contrast, renal VO2 was 55% less 24 h, and 49% less 5 days after reperfusion than after sham-ischemia. Inner medullary tissue PO2, measured by radiotelemetry was 25 {plus minus} 12% greater 24 h after ischemia than after sham-ischemia. By 5 days after reperfusion, tissue PO2 was similar to that in rats subjected to sham-ischemia. Tissue PO2 measured by Clark electrode was consistently greater 24 h, but not 5 days, after ischemia than after sham-ischemia. Cellular hypoxia, assessed by pimonidazole adduct immunohistochemistry, was largely absent at both time-points and tissue levels of hypoxia inducible factors were downregulated following renal ischemia. Thus, in this model of severe IRI, tissue hypoxia does not appear to be an obligatory event during the subacute phase, likely due to the markedly reduced oxygen consumption.British Heart FoundationBritish Heart FoundationNational Health and Medical Research Council of AustraliaEuropean Union, Seventh Framework Programm