2,015 research outputs found

    A influência de variáveis ambientais no crescimento de espécies/procedências de Eucalyptus spp. nos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo.

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    Foram analisados onze experimentos de introdução de espécies e procedências potenciais de Eucalyptus instalados em várias localidades dos estados de Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo. O estudo da influência de variáveis ambientais dos locais de introdução no crescimento em altura dessas espécies, aos três anos e meio de idade, permitiu concluir que a altitude do local do experimento foi a variável que mais influenciou o crescimento em altura de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. dunnii, E. grandis, E. pellita e E. tereticornis; o déficit hídrico isoladamente influenciou significativamente apenas o crescimento em altura de E. urophylla; a temperatura média e o total anual de precipitações não influenciaram isoladamente o crescimento em altura das oito espécies estudadas, e que é possível prever o comportamento das espécies e procedências em relação ao crescimento em altura, conhecendo-se a altitude, déficit hídrico e total anual médio de precipitações do local de introdução

    Performance of a Low Noise Front-end ASIC for Si/CdTe Detectors in Compton Gamma-ray Telescope

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    Compton telescopes based on semiconductor technologies are being developed to explore the gamma-ray universe in an energy band 0.1--20 MeV, which is not well covered by the present or near-future gamma-ray telescopes. The key feature of such Compton telescopes is the high energy resolution that is crucial for high angular resolution and high background rejection capability. The energy resolution around 1 keV is required to approach physical limit of the angular resolution due to Doppler broadening. We have developed a low noise front-end ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit), VA32TA, to realize this goal for the readout of Double-sided Silicon Strip Detector (DSSD) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) pixel detector which are essential elements of the semiconductor Compton telescope. We report on the design and test results of the VA32TA. We have reached an energy resolution of 1.3 keV (FWHM) for 60 keV and 122 keV at 0 degree C with a DSSD and 1.7 keV (FWHM) with a CdTe detector.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, IEEE style file, to appear in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc

    Análise estatística de um sistema agroflorestal através do índice de produção equivalente.

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    As interações biológicas, econômicas e ambientais que ocorrem entre as culturas componentes de um sistema agroflorestal) (SAF, implicam em respostas diferenciadas das respectivas culturas, conforme os arranjos aos quais as mesmas estejam submetidas. Num ensaio de avaliação de S SAF' , cada parcela apresenta mais de uma variável a ser estudada e portanto, os dados apresentam-se de forma multidimensional. Assim sedo, a forma mais apropriada para análise desses sistemas é através do uso das técnicas da estatísticas multivariadas. Não obstante, o tipo de analise estatística mais freqüentemente realizado nos sistemas consorciados é através da transformação do problema multivariado em um problema univariado através da obtenção de uma única variável como função resposta das observações das culturas componentes e, a partir da mesma, aplicam-se os testes estatísticos comumente empregados na análise de dados agronômicos

    Honey bee attractants and pollination in sweet orange, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, var. Pera-Rio

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    This experiment studied the frequency and behavior of insects on sweet orange flowers, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, their effect on fruit production (quantity and quality), nectar and pollen collection, and the effectiveness of different attractants. Over three consecutive years, the most frequent visitor to the flowers was Apis mellifera (Africanized). Flowers visited less than ten times showed low fructification. Fruit production was 35.30% greater in uncovered flowers. Fruit mean weight was much greater in uncovered (180.2g) than in covered flowers (168.5g). Fruits from the covered were more acid (1.411g of citric acid/100ml of juice) than the uncovered flowers (1.164g of citric acid/100ml of juice). The number of seeds per bud was higher in the uncovered (1 seed/bud) than in the covered treatment (0.8 seed/bud). Bee-HereR, eugenol, geraniol, citral, and lemon grass extract, mainly diluted in water, were effective in attracting honeybees to orchards. However, these compounds were less effective when diluted in sugar syrup. The same products had variable attractiveness to honeybees in different years

    Análise de um sistema agroflorestal usando estatística multivariada.

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    Os cultivos consorciados onde são cultivados no mesmo espaço, de forma simultânea ou seqüencial, culturas anuais e/ou fruteiras com espécies florestais, com a presença ou não de animais, receberam a denominação específica de sistemas agroflorestais, ou simplesmente, s SAF' . Nas regiões tropicais, parece óbvio as vantagens desses sistemas em relação às outras formas de cultivo, principalmente no que tange a sua sustentabilidade a longo prazo. Não obstante, as análises quantitativas dos efeitos diretos das culturas componentes dos s SAF' , bem como das associações existentes entre essas culturas, são fundamentais para uma melhor compreensão e sistematização desses sistemas de cultivo. Entre os componentes dos s SAF' , há interações biológicas, econômicas e ambientais, entre outras, o que torna complexo as análises e interpretações dos mesmos

    Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) Balloon Flight Data Handling Overview

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    The GLAST Balloon Flight Engineering Model (BFEM) represents one of 16 towers that constitute the Large Area Telescope (LAT), a high-energy (>20 MeV) gamma-ray pair-production telescope being built by an international partnership of astrophysicists and particle physicists for a satellite launch in 2006. The prototype tower consists of a Pb/Si pair-conversion tracker (TKR), a CsI hodoscopic calorimeter (CAL), an anti-coincidence detector (ACD) and an autonomous data acquisition system (DAQ). The self-triggering capabilities and performance of the detector elements have been previously characterized using positron, photon and hadron beams. External target scintillators were placed above the instrument to act as sources of hadronic showers. This paper provides a comprehensive description of the BFEM data-reduction process, from receipt of the flight data from telemetry through event reconstruction and background rejection cuts. The goals of the ground analysis presented here are to verify the functioning of the instrument and to validate the reconstruction software and the background-rejection scheme.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in IEEE Transacations on Nuclear Science, August 200

    Resposta da videira BRS morena sob cobertura plástica a diferentes sistemas de alerta fitossanitário.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso de diferentes sistemas de alerta fitossanitário para o controle do míldio na videira cv BRS Morena cultivada sob cobertura plástica impermeável.Resumo expandido

    Endothelial Dysfunction In Cardiovascular And Endocrine-metabolic Diseases: An Update.

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    The endothelium plays a vital role in maintaining circulatory homeostasis by the release of relaxing and contracting factors. Any change in this balance may result in a process known as endothelial dysfunction that leads to impaired control of vascular tone and contributes to the pathogenesis of some cardiovascular and endocrine/metabolic diseases. Reduced endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and increased production of thromboxane A2, prostaglandin H2 and superoxide anion in conductance and resistance arteries are commonly associated with endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive, diabetic and obese animals, resulting in reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and in increased vasoconstrictor responses. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated the role of enhanced overactivation of β-adrenergic receptors inducing vascular cytokine production and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) uncoupling that seem to be the mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction in hypertension, heart failure and in endocrine-metabolic disorders. However, some adaptive mechanisms can occur in the initial stages of hypertension, such as increased NO production by eNOS. The present review focuses on the role of NO bioavailability, eNOS uncoupling, cyclooxygenase-derived products and pro-inflammatory factors on the endothelial dysfunction that occurs in hypertension, sympathetic hyperactivity, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. These are cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic diseases of high incidence and mortality around the world, especially in developing countries and endothelial dysfunction contributes to triggering, maintenance and worsening of these pathological situations.44920-3

    Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic diseases: an update

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    The endothelium plays a vital role in maintaining circulatory homeostasis by the release of relaxing and contracting factors. Any change in this balance may result in a process known as endothelial dysfunction that leads to impaired control of vascular tone and contributes to the pathogenesis of some cardiovascular and endocrine/metabolic diseases. Reduced endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and increased production of thromboxane A2, prostaglandin H2 and superoxide anion in conductance and resistance arteries are commonly associated with endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive, diabetic and obese animals, resulting in reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and in increased vasoconstrictor responses. In addition, recent studies have demonstrated the role of enhanced overactivation of β-adrenergic receptors inducing vascular cytokine production and endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) uncoupling that seem to be the mechanisms underlying endothelial dysfunction in hypertension, heart failure and in endocrine-metabolic disorders. However, some adaptive mechanisms can occur in the initial stages of hypertension, such as increased NO production by eNOS. The present review focuses on the role of NO bioavailability, eNOS uncoupling, cyclooxygenase-derived products and pro-inflammatory factors on the endothelial dysfunction that occurs in hypertension, sympathetic hyperactivity, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. These are cardiovascular and endocrine-metabolic diseases of high incidence and mortality around the world, especially in developing countries and endothelial dysfunction contributes to triggering, maintenance and worsening of these pathological situations449920932CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçã

    Energetic characterization of Matá-Matá wood from the brazilian rainforest (Eschweilera Mart Ex Dc).

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    Apesar da grande diversidade da Floresta Amazônica, apenas um número restrito de espécies arbóreas é explorado, resultando em um aproveitamento parcial das áreas florestais em exploração, com conseqüências técnicas, econômicas e ambientais desvantajosas. Muitas espécies de grande freqüência na Amazônia brasileira, aptas ao manejo florestal, algumas vezes não são comercializadas por desconhecimento de suas propriedades, entre estas, cita-se o gênero Eschweilera Mart. Ex DC. ? Lecythidaceae, popularmente conhecido como matá-matá. Tendo isto em vista, o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar física e quimicamente, e avaliar o potencial energético da madeira de Eschweilera. Para tanto, determinou-se os teores dos principais componentes químicos, poder calorífico superior (PCS), densidade básica (DB) e a densidade energética (DE) da madeira de 11 indivíduos de matá-matá. Os resultados observados foram comparados com os obtidos a partir de um clone de Eucalyptus comumente utilizado como fonte energética. As madeiras de Eschweilera sp., comparativamente ao Eucalyptus, apresentaram maiores valores de DB, DE, teor em lignina e minerais. A madeira de matá-matá apresenta características químicas e física superiores às espécies comumente utilizadas como fonte de energia