18 research outputs found

    Dinamica y manejo de poblaciones de malas hierbas Dynamics and management of weed populations

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    El presente trabajo es una revisión de la modelización de estudios de dinámica de poblaciones de malas hierbas, que fue presentada como ponencia en el XVIII Congresso Brasile iro de Herbicida s e Plant as Daninh as en 1991, Brasília. Partiendo de la población, como unidad básica de los ecosistemas agrarios, se relacionan diferentes modelos de dinámica incluyendo el fenómeno de competencia intra específica, la evolución del banco de semillas y aplicaciones a la asociación cultivo y mala hierba. A través de los diagramas de ciclos vitales, que relacionan los estados funcionales y los procesos demográficos, se llega al establecimiento del modelo matricial.<br>This literature review is a report about the study model of weed population dynamics, which was presented at the XVIII Congress of the Brazilian Weed Science Society, held in Brasilia, Brazil, 1991. Starting from population as the basic block of farm ecosystems, different models of dynamics are related, including the phenomenon of intraspecific competition, the evolution of seed banks, and applications to the weed/crop asso ciation. Through life cycle diagrams, which relates the functional status and the demographic processes, it is possible to achieve a matricial model

    Buttonweed emergence as affected by seed burial depth and straw on the soil surface

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    Knowledge of the effects of seed burial depth and the presence of straw on the soil surface on weed seedling emergence provides useful information for the development of weed management tactics. Buttonweed (Borreria densiflora DC.) is a troublesome weed that occurs in large infestations in soybean and sugarcane crops from north-central Brazil. This study investigated buttonweed emergence at different seed burial depths and straw amounts present on the soil surface. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions, under a factorial design between four seed burial depths and four amounts of surface straw. Percent seedling emergence and fresh biomass (g) were evaluated at twenty-five days after installation (DAI). Greater buttonweed emergence occurred in seeds that were placed on the soil surface either without surface straw or with up to 1,000 kg ha−1 of straw on the soil surface. With 4,000 kg ha−1 of surface straw, buttonweed emergence was prevented when seeds were placed at a depth of 0.5 cm or deeper in the soil. These data indicated emergence of this weed species was greater at depths near the soil surface and in soils with the least amounts of surface straw. Information generated in this study provides a starting point for the development of knowledge for understanding the biology of buttonweed emergence and its population dynamics. Such information may be directly transmitted to growers and lays the groundwork for an integrated management approach for this weed species