495 research outputs found

    Generating Discorrelated States for Quantum Information Protocols by Coherent Multimode Photon Addition

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    AbstractIt is demonstrated that the recently developed technique of delocalized single photon addition may generate discorrelation, a new joint statistical property of multimode quantum light states, whereby the number of photons in each mode can take any value individually, but two modes together never exhibit the same. By coherently adding a single photon to two identical coherent states of light in different temporal modes, the first experimental observation of discorrelation is provided. The capability of manipulating this statistical property has applications in scenarios involving the secure distribution of information among untrusted parties, like in the so‐called "mental poker" games

    Zoon's Balanitis: Benign or Premalignant Lesion?

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    Zoon's balanitis or balanitis circumscripta plasmacellularis is a chronic disease of unknown origin. This condition usually manifests in middle-aged or elderly uncircumcised men. Although of unknown etiology, different factors have been reported to be involved in its genesis (local infections, poor hygiene, heat, friction, and constant rubbing). It is generally considered to be a benign condition, and its association with malignancies has been rarely reported. We report the case of an uncircumcised man, who developed clinically and histopathologically evident squamous cell carcinoma of the penis in an area affected by Zoon's balanitis

    Fuzzy-Based Variable Speed Limits System Under Connected Vehicle Environment: A Simulation-Based Case Study in the City of Naples

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    This paper handles the problem of controlling speed limits on freeways in a connected traffic environment to reduce traffic congestion and improve both the operational and environmental performance of the road network. In order to achieve this objective, we present a Variable Speed Limit (VSL) system that utilizes fuzzy logic, which adjusts the speed limits that connected vehicles must comply with by leveraging traffic data such as vehicle flow, occupancy, and speed obtained from loop detectors installed along the road. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed Fuzzy-based VSL system and its potential benefits compared to the conventional rule-based VSL system in terms of traffic congestion and environmental impact, we conducted a simulation analysis using the microscopic traffic simulator, VISSIM. Specifically, three simulation scenarios are taken into account: i) no VSL, where the VSL system is not enabled; ii) Rule-based VSL system, where a typical a decision tree-based system is considered; iii) Fuzzy-based VSL system, where the herein proposed approach is appraised. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach enhances road efficiency by decreasing speed variation, increasing average speed and vehicle volume, and reducing fuel consumption

    Exploiting the Nutrient Potential of Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge: A Review

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    The world is currently witnessing a rapid increase in sewage sludge (SS) production, due to the increased demand for wastewater treatment. Therefore, SS management is crucial for the economic and environmental sustainability of wastewater treatment plants. The recovery of nutrients from SS has been identified as a fundamental step to enable the transition from a linear to a circular economy, turning SS into an economic and sustainable source of materials. SS is often treated via anaerobic digestion, to pursue energy recovery via biogas generation. Anaerobically digested sewage sludge (ADS) is a valuable source of organic matter and nutrients, and significant advances have been made in recent years in methods and technologies for nutrient recovery from ADS. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview, describing the advantages and drawbacks of the available and emerging technologies for recovery of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) from ADS. This work critically reviews the established and novel technologies, which are classified by their ability to recover a specific nutrient (ammonia stripping) or to allow the simultaneous recovery of multiple elements (struvite precipitation, ion exchange, membrane technologies, and thermal treatments). This study compares the described technologies in terms of nutrient recovery efficiency, capital, and operational costs, as well as their feasibility for full-scale application, revealing the current state of the art and future perspectives on this topic

    Psoriatic Disease and Tuberculosis Nowadays

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    Psoriasis is a chronic, relapsing and remitting inflammatory skin and joint disease that has a prevalence of 2-3% in the world's population, whereas of 1–2% in Europe. The traditional concept of psoriasis as the “healthy people's” disease has been recently revised because of ever-increasing reports of associations with various pathological conditions (hypertension, Crohn's disease, type II diabetes mellitus, obesity, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, infectious conditions). Particularly, advances in psoriasis therapies have introduced biologic agents. All the tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors are associated with an increased risk of developing active disease in patients with latent tuberculosis infection, because of TNF-α key role against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. For this reason, exclusion of active tuberculosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection are clinical imperatives prior to starting this therapy. Moreover active surveillance for a history of untreated or partially treated tuberculosis or latent form has already been shown to be effective in reducing the number of incident tuberculosis cases

    Detection of buffalo milk adulteration with cow milk by capillary electrophoresis analysis.

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    The addition of cow milk during the production of buffalo mozzarella is a common fraud in dairy industries because of the lower price and greater availability of cow milk throughout the year. The aim of this study was to develop a new, rapid, and robust capillary electrophoresis method for detecting and quantifying cow milk in buffalo milk by exploiting cow α-lactalbumin as a marker of adulteration. In particular, a linear calibration curve was generated, using a training set of calibrators consisting of 7 series of 17 buffalo/bovine whey mixtures, obtained after casein precipitation, with increasing percentages of cow whey. The capillary electrophoresis method showed high linearity (R2 = 0.968), repeatability [relative standard deviation (RSD) = 2.11, 3.02, 4.38, and 1.18%, respectively for 5, 10, 20, and 50% of buffalo/bovine whey mixtures], and intermediate precision (RSD = 2.18, 2.49, 5.09, and 3.19%, respectively, for 5, 10, 20, and 50% buffalo/bovine whey mixtures). Moreover, the minimum amount of detectable fraudulent cow milk was 1%, and the limit of quantification was 3.1%

    Integrating tools for an effective testing of connected and automated vehicles technologies

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    The development of connected and automated driving functions involves that the interaction of autonomous/ automated vehicles with the surrounding environment will increase. Accordingly, there is a necessity for an improvement in the usage of traditional tools of the automotive development process. This is a critical problem since the classic development process used in the automotive field uses a very simplified driver model and the traffic environment, while nowadays it should contemplate a realistic representation of these elements. To overcome this issue, the authors proposed an integrated simulation environment, based on the co-simulation of Matlab/Simulink environment with simulation of urban mobility, which allows for a realistic model of vehicle dynamic, control logics, driver behaviour and traffic conditions. Simulation tests have been performed to prove the reasoning for such a tool, and to show the capabilities of the instrument. By using the proposed platform, vehicles may be modelled with a higher level of details (with respect to microscopic simulators), while the autonomous/automated driving functions can be tested in realistic traffic scenarios where the features of the road traffic environment can be varied to verify in a realistic way the level of robustness of the on-board implemented functions

    Rapid liquid AP-MALDI MS profiling of lipids and proteins from goat and sheep milk for speciation and colostrum analysis

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    Rapid profiling of the biomolecular components of milk can be useful for food quality assessment and for food fraud detection. Differences in commercial value and availability of milk from specific species are often the reasons for the illicit and fraudulent sale of milk whose species origin is wrongly declared. In this study, a fast, MS-based speciation method is presented to distinguish sheep from goat milk and sheep colostrum at different phases. Using liquid atmospheric pressure (AP)-matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) MS, it was possible to classify samples of goat and sheep milk with 100% accuracy in one minute of data acquisition per sample. Moreover, an accuracy of 98% was achieved in classifying pure sheep milk samples and sheep milk samples containing 10% goat milk. Evaluating colostrum quality and postnatal stages represents another possible application of this technology. Classification of sheep colostrum samples that were collected within 6 hours after parturition and 48 hours later was achieved with an accuracy of 84.4%. Our data show that substantial changes in the lipid profile can account for the accurate classification of colostrum collected at the early and late time points. This method applied to the analysis of protein orthologs of different species can, as in this case, allow unequivocal speciation analysis

    Analysis of Bacterial Stent Colonization: The Role of Urine and Device Microbiological Cultures

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    In this study, we explored the incidence of double J (JJ) contamination of patients who underwent an endourological procedure for urinary stones and ureteral stenosis. We developed a prospective study between January 2019 and December 2021. Ninety-seven patients, 54 male and 43 female, were enrolled. Urine culture was taken during four steps: before stent insertion, a sample from selective renal pelvis catheterization, a sample two days after the JJ insertion and finally, after the stent removal procedure. At the time of the stent removal, 1 cm of proximal and distal ends were cut off and placed in the culture for bacterial evaluation. Cohen's kappa coefficient value (k) and concordance rates of microbiological culture results were evaluated. The study group comprised 56% of male patients. Proximal and distal stent cultures were positive in 81 and 78 patients. The concordance rate of microbiological cultures between proximal and distal double J stent is 88% (k 0.6). The most common pathogens isolated from urine and stent cultures were Enterococcus spp. in 52 cases and Klebsiella spp. in 27 cases