23 research outputs found

    Caractérisation de lymphocytes infiltrant les tumeurs coliques et implication du récepteur CD94/NKG2A dans l'immunité anti-tumorale

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    Dans la perspective de dĂ©velopper des immunothĂ©rapies, j'ai Ă©tudiĂ© les lymphocytes T infiltrants les tumeurs coliques, en particulier 2 clones T, g9.2 et .b, spĂ©cifiques de la lignĂ©e tumorale autologue. J'ai montrĂ©: 1/ que le clone g9 2 tue spontanĂ©ment une majoritĂ© de lignĂ©es tumorales coliques, de façon TCR, LFA-3 et NKG2D dĂ©pendante et que tous les lymphocytes g9 2 partagent cette propriĂ©tĂ©, suggĂ©rant l'intĂ©rĂȘt de ces cellules en immunothĂ©rapie et 2/ que le clone .b co-exprime CD8 b CD4 et sĂ©crĂšte un panel de cytokines potentiellement rĂ©gulateur (TNF , IL-2, IL-4, TGF ). ParallĂšlement, j'ai Ă©tudiĂ© le rĂŽle de HLA-E, ligand du rĂ©cepteur CD94/NKG2A, dans la rĂ©ponse anti-mĂ©lanome. J'ai montrĂ© 1/ que HLA-E est exprimĂ© par les mĂ©lanocytes et les mĂ©lanomes primaires mais est perdu ou fortement diminuĂ© dans les mĂ©lanomes mĂ©tastatiques et 2/ la production, par les mĂ©lanocytes et les mĂ©lanomes mĂ©tastatiques, d'une forme soluble de HLA-E, augmentĂ©e par l'IFN , mais dont le rĂŽle est inconnu.With the perspective to develop immunotherapies of colorectal cancer, I studied the lymphocyte infiltrate (TIL) of these tumors, especially the phenotype and function of 2 clones: a 9 2 and an , specific for the autologous tumor cell line. I showed that : 1/ the 9 2 clone killed spontaneously the majority of colon carcinoma cell lines in a TCR- LFA-3- and NKG2D-dependant manner; 2/ all the 9 2 T cells shared this property, suggesting their interest for immunotherapy; 3/ the clone co-expressed CD8 and CD4 and secreted an array of cytokine of potential regulatory function (TGF- , IL-4, IL-2, TNF- ). I also studied the role of HLA-E, the CD94/NKG2A receptor ligand, in the anti melanoma response. I showed that 1/ HLA-E is expressed in vivo by melanocytes and most primary melanoma tumor cells but fe metastatic ones; 2/ melanocytes and melanoma cell lines spontaneously shed a soluble form of HLA-E undescribed so far, of unknown function and upregulated by IFN-gNANTES-BU Sciences (441092104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bilan de la conciliation médicamenteuse dans un service de médecine interne

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    IntroductionL’initiative medication reconciliation (Med’Rec) a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e par l’organisation mondiale de la santĂ© en 2006&nbsp;pour sĂ©curiser la prescription aux points de transition du parcours de soin. Dans notre service de&nbsp;mĂ©decine interne, la conciliation mĂ©dicamenteuse a dĂ©marrĂ© en 2014. OĂč en est-on en 2016&nbsp;?MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodesUne Ă©tude rĂ©trospective a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le service durant 4&nbsp;mois (05/09/16&nbsp;au 31/12/16). Les patients inclus avaient&nbsp;plus de 75&nbsp;ans et au moins 5&nbsp;mĂ©dicaments. La conciliation Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e par une Ă©tudiante en pharmacie affectĂ©e au service. Les donnĂ©es de conciliation (Ăąge, sexe, nombre de mĂ©dicaments&nbsp;Ă  l’admission, durĂ©e de la conciliation d’entrĂ©e et de sortie, divergences non intentionnelles (DNI), sources d’information des mĂ©dicaments) sont ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies sur fichier ExcelÂź puis analysĂ©es. A partir de ces donnĂ©es, nous avons calculĂ© les indicateurs de suivi Med’Rec.RĂ©sultatsSur 60&nbsp;patients Ă©ligibles, 53&nbsp;ont Ă©tĂ© conciliĂ©s (entrĂ©e et sortie). La moyenne d’ñge des patients Ă©tait de 84,4&nbsp;ans, le sex-ratio Ă©tait de 0,66&nbsp;et le nombre moyen de mĂ©dicament Ă  l’entrĂ©e Ă©tait de 9,6. La durĂ©e de conciliation Ă  l’entrĂ©e (50&nbsp;minutes) Ă©tait plus longue qu’à la sortie (30&nbsp;minutes). On a observĂ©&nbsp;davantage de DNI Ă  la sortie (18&nbsp;Ă  l’entrĂ©e contre 30&nbsp;Ă  la sortie). En moyenne, 3,4&nbsp;sources ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es. D’aprĂšs les indicateurs Med’Rec, 88,3&nbsp;% patients Ă©ligibles ont Ă©tĂ© conciliĂ©s (I1), 45,3&nbsp;% prĂ©sentaient au moins une DNI (I2) et 18,9&nbsp;% ont Ă©tĂ© conciliĂ©s dans les 24&nbsp;heures&nbsp;de l’admission (MR1).DiscussionLes rĂ©sultats sont comparables Ă  ceux d’autres Ă©tudes (projet Med’Rec, centre hospitalier&nbsp;de Libourne). La durĂ©e de la conciliation Ă©tait de 50&nbsp;minutes Ă  l’entrĂ©e contre 30&nbsp;minutes Ă  la sortie, cette diffĂ©rence s’explique par la rĂ©alisation d’entretiens Ă  l’entrĂ©e. Lors du projet Med’Rec, le temps nĂ©cessaire pour la conciliation Ă  l’admission Ă©tait compris entre 26&nbsp;et 66&nbsp;minutes.&nbsp;L’oubli de prescription est la DNI la plus frĂ©quente. Le nombre de sources d’information&nbsp;utilisĂ©es est conforme aux recommandations de Med’Rec (minimum 3&nbsp;sources). En comparant les rĂ©sultats Ă  ceux de l’étude menĂ©e dans le service de mĂ©decine interne du centre hospitalier de Libourne (I1&nbsp;=&nbsp;21,8&nbsp;%&nbsp;; I2&nbsp;=&nbsp;45,2&nbsp;%&nbsp;; MR1&nbsp;=&nbsp;20,6&nbsp;%)&nbsp;: davantage de patients Ă©ligibles ont Ă©tĂ© conciliĂ©s Ă  Angers (I1), autant de patients conciliĂ©s ont au moins une DNI (I2) et moins de patients ont Ă©tĂ© conciliĂ©s dans les 24&nbsp;heures de l’admission (MR1) (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;4,8&nbsp;×&nbsp;10−6). Dans le projet Med’Rec la valeur du score MR1&nbsp;dans les 9&nbsp;Ă©tablissements varie de 2,6&nbsp;% Ă  64,9&nbsp;% en 2014. Des difficultĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© rencontrĂ©es, notamment avec le logiciel (lent, peu pratique, bugs) mais aussi dans l’interaction avec les autres membres de l’équipe, liĂ©es notamment au manque de disponibilitĂ© des internes en mĂ©decine, Ă  l’absence d’interne en pharmacie ou de pharmacien dans le service.ConclusionLes rĂ©sultats correspondent Ă  ceux de la littĂ©rature. Cependant, le nombre de patients conciliĂ©s dans les 24&nbsp;heures de l’admission (MR1) est faible, cet indicateur est Ă  amĂ©liorer notamment en augmentant les moyens humains. On notera que des amĂ©liorations sont en cours telles que la modification du formulaire de saisie, l’affectation d’un interne en pharmacie dans le service, la sensibilisation des internes en mĂ©decine au travail de conciliation et la mise en place d’un courrier de sortie adressĂ© aux mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes et aux pharmaciens d’officine.</p

    Expression of CD94/NKG2-A on Human T Lymphocytes Is Induced by IL-12: Implications for Adoptive Immunotherapy

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    International audienceNK cell receptors (NKRs) are expressed on a subset of human T cells, predominantly CD8(+), within which they can modulate TCR-mediated functions. In an attempt to identify the mechanisms leading to NKR expression, we analyzed the capacity of IL-12 to modulate the expression by T cells of the components of the CD94/NKG2-A inhibitory receptor, a member of the C-type lectin-like family of NKR. We show that IL-12 induces the expression of NKG2-A and/or CD94 by CD8(+) T cells in culture, and that this induction was mediated neither by IFN-gamma nor by IL-15. We also show, using the redirected killing assay, that IL-12-induced expression of both CD94 and NKG2-A led to the acquisition by T cells of a functional inhibitory receptor. Expression of the CD94/NKG2-A inhibitory receptor was also induced by IL-12 during T cell Ag stimulation so that in the presence of this cytokine a high proportion of melanoma-reactive CTL induced from PBL by melanoma peptide stimulation expressed this receptor. This study emphasizes the implication of IL-12 in the modulation of immune responses through NKR induction

    The Tachykinins Substance P and Hemokinin-1 Favor the Generation of Human Memory Th17 Cells by Inducing IL-1ÎČ, IL-23, and TNF-Like 1A Expression by Monocytes

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    International audienceThe nervous system influences immune responses through the release of neural factors such as neuropeptides. Among them, the tachykinin substance P (SP) signals via the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK-1R), which is expressed by various immune cells. We thereby analyzed in this paper whether tachykinins may participate in human CD4(+) Th cell polarization. We report that SP and hemokinin-1 (HK-1) upregulate IL-17A and IFN-Îł production by human memory CD4(+) T cells without affecting IL-4 and IL-10 production. SP and HK-1 switch non-Th17-committed CD4(+) memory T cells into bona fide Th17 cells and Th1/Th17 cells. In contrast, SP and HK-1 do not modulate the polarization of naive CD4(+) T cells. SP- and HK-1-induced Th17 cell generation is mediated through NK-1R and requires the presence of monocytes. SP and HK-1 trigger IL-1ÎČ, IL-6, and TNF-α production, upregulate IL-23 production, and enhance TNF-like 1A expression on monocyte surface. Neutralization experiments demonstrated that IL-1ÎČ, IL-23, and TNF-like 1A are involved in the SP- and HK-1-induced Th17 cell. The other members of the tachykinin family, neurokinins A and B, have no effect on the differentiation of naive and memory T cells. These results thereby show that SP and HK-1 are novel Th17 cell-inducing factors that may act locally on memory T cells to amplify inflammatory responses

    Expression and Release of HLA-E by Melanoma Cells and Melanocytes: Potential Impact on the Response of Cytotoxic Effector Cells

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    International audienceHLA-E are nonclassical MHC molecules with poorly characterized tissue distribution and functions. Because of their capacity to bind the inhibitory receptor, CD94/NKG2A, expressed by NK cells and CTL, HLA-E molecules might play an important role in immunomodulation. In particular, expression of HLA-E might favor tumor cell escape from CTL and NK immunosurveillance. To address the potential role of HLA-E in melanoma immunobiology, we assessed the expression of these molecules ex vivo in human melanoma biopsies and in melanoma and melanocyte cell lines. Melanoma cell lines expressed no or low surface, but significant intracellular levels of HLA-E. We also report for the first time that some of them produced a soluble form of this molecule. IFN-␄ significantly increased the surface expression of HLA-E and the shedding of soluble HLA-E by these cells, in a metalloproteinase-dependent fashion. In contrast, melanocyte cell lines constitutively expressed HLA-E molecules that were detectable both at the cell surface and in the soluble form, at levels that were poorly affected by IFN-␄ treatment. On tumor sections, a majority of tumor cells of primary, but a low proportion of metastatic melanomas (30-70 and 10-20%, respectively), expressed HLA-E. Finally, HLA-E expression at the cell surface of melanoma cells decreased their susceptibility to CTL lysis. These data demonstrate that HLA-E expression and shedding are normal features of melanocytes, which are conserved in melanoma cells of primary tumors, but become dependent on IFN-␄ induction after metastasis. The biological significance of these findings warrants further investigation

    Tumor-reactive CD4+CD8αÎČ+ CD103+ αÎČT cells: A prevalent tumor-reactive T-cell subset in metastatic colorectal cancers

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    International audienceHigh level of T-cell infiltration in colorectal carcinomas (CRCs) is a good prognostic indicator, but the tumor reactivity of thisinfiltrate (tumor infiltrating lymphocytes [TIL]) is poorly documented. This study examined the presence, phenotype andfunctional features of tumor-reactive lymphocytes in human CRC. Freshly dissociated TIL and T cell lines were isolated fromCRC samples and from some paired normal colonic mucosa. Four tumor cell lines were obtained. Autologous tumor reactivityof CRC TIL and tumor-reactive cell features were analyzed. We demonstrate the presence among CRC TIL of variable fractions(up to 18%) of double positive CD41CD8ab1 (DP) ab T cells. Interestingly, a high proportion (16–20%) of this TIL subsetdisplayed tumor reactivity, whilst this was the case for no or few single positive TIL. Low levels of DP TIL were found in mostCRC samples and in normal colonic mucosa, but these cells were higher in metastatic CRC. Furthermore, we showed that DPTIL were polyclonal, restricted by HLA class-I, proliferated poorly and secreted higher amounts of IL-4 and IL-13 than singlepositive T cells, on cognate or CD3 stimulation. DP CRC TIL also expressed CD103, confirming their mucosal origin. Increasedfrequencies of tumor-reactive DP TIL in metastatic CRC suggest that these cells play a role in the metastatic process of thiscancer. Based on their high secretion of IL-4 and IL-13 and on previously described roles of these cytokines in cancers, wepostulate that DP TIL could favor CRC growth or metastasis and/or downmodulate immune responses to these tumors