15,112 research outputs found

    A systematic review of data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks

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    Hay un gran crecimiento en el volumen de datos porque las organizaciones capturan permanentemente la cantidad colectiva de datos para lograr un mejor proceso de toma de decisiones. El desafío mas fundamental es la exploración de los grandes volúmenes de datos y la extracción de conocimiento útil para futuras acciones por medio de tareas para el descubrimiento del conocimiento; sin embargo, muchos datos presentan mala calidad. Presentamos una revisión sistemática de los asuntos de calidad de datos en las áreas del descubrimiento de conocimiento y un estudio de caso aplicado a la enfermedad agrícola conocida como la roya del café.Large volume of data is growing because the organizations are continuously capturing the collective amount of data for better decision-making process. The most fundamental challenge is to explore the large volumes of data and extract useful knowledge for future actions through knowledge discovery tasks, nevertheless many data has poor quality. We presented a systematic review of the data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks and a case study applied to agricultural disease named coffee rust

    Toward a Cosmopolitan Ethic in Debt Restructuring

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    Corrales discusses the sovereign debt restructuring process. Process -- or the series of actions, actors, and influences involved in a transaction -- is rarely examined in law. But the dynamics of process and the unspoken codes that affect it are, nonetheless, key to complex transactions and sovereign debt restructuring

    Heteroreceptor complexes and their allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in the central nervous system. Focus on examples from Dopamine D2 and Serotonin 5-HT1a receptors

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    GPCR interacting proteins (specially β- arrestin) and their receptor-protein interactions are also covered but their interactions with the allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in heteroreceptor complexes remain to be elucidated. The physiological and pathological relevance of the allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in heteroreceptor complexes is emphasized and novel strategies for treatment of mental and neurological disease are introduced based on this new biological principle of integration. This work gives further experimental evidences which strongly support the current view that allosteric receptor–receptor interactions in heteroreceptor complexes appear to represent a new principle in biology making possible integration of signals already at the level of the plasma membrane. These heteroreceptor complexes and their dynamics may be part of the molecular basis of learning and memory. The receptor protomers and their allosteric receptor-receptor interactions can be disturbed in neurological and mental disorders, and in diseases of peripheral tissues like the endocrine, cardiovascular and immune systems. The dopamine (DA) neuron system most relevant for schizophrenia and Parkinson s diseases is the meso-limbic-cortical DA system inter alia densely innervating subcortical limbic regions as well as the dorsal striatum. The field of dopamine D2Rs changed significantly with the discovery of many types of D2R heteroreceptor complexes in the ventral and dorsal striatum. The results indicate that the D2R is a hub receptor (www.gpcr-hetnet.com) which interacts not only with many other GPCRs including DA isoreceptors but also with ion-channel receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, scaffolding proteins and DA transporters. Disturbances in several of these D2R heteroreceptor complexes may contribute to the development of schizophrenia and Parkinson s diseases through changes in the balance of diverse D2R homo- and heteroreceptor complexes mediating the DA signal, especially to the ventral striato-pallidal GABA pathway. In schizophrenia, this will have consequences for the control of this pathway of the glutamate drive to the prefrontal cortex via the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus which can contribute to psychotic processes. Allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in GPCR heteromers appeared to introduce an intermolecular allosteric mechanism contributing to the diversity and bias in the GPCR protomers. In A2A-D2R heteroreceptor complexes allosteric A2A-D2R receptor-receptor interaction brings about a biased modulation of the D2R protomer signalling (Chapter 1). A conformational state of the D2R is induced which moves away from Gi/o signaling and instead favours b-arrestin2 mediated signalling which may be the main mechanism for its atypical antipsychotic properties especially linked to the limbic A2AR-D2R heteroreceptor complexes. Furthermore, D2R-NTS1R heterocomplexes also exist in the ventral and dorsal striatum (Chapter 2) and likely also in midbrain DA nerve cells as D2R-NTS1R autoreceptor complexes where neurotensin produces antipsychotic and propsychotic actions, respectively. D2R protomer appeared to bias the specificity of the NT orthosteric binding site towards neuromedin N vs neurotensin in the heteroreceptor complex. There is a new awareness that Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) and transmitter activated GPCR possess the capacity for transactivation not only via GPCR induced release of neurotrophic factors, but also during signal initiation and propagation, using shared signaling pathways or using themselves as signaling platforms via direct allosteric receptor–receptor interactions. RTK are a family of transmembrane- spanning receptors that mediate the signaling from ligands such as growth factors, like the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and the fibroblast growth factor (FGF). This hypothesis on direct GPCR-RTK receptor-receptor interactions in heteroreceptor complexes was introduced by Fuxe et al 1983. They also proposed the existence of 5- HT1A-FGFR1 heteroreceptor complexes having a role in depression. The hypothesis was introduced that the neurotrophic system FGF-2/FGFR1 may be a good candidate to mediate antidepressant induced improvement in 5-HT neuronal communication and neurotrophism with regeneration of connections lost during depression. RTK transactivation in response to antidepressant drug treatment was postulated to take place via a new allosteric receptor–receptor between distinct serotonin receptor subtypes and FGFR1 in heteroreceptor complexes. The discovery of brain FGFR1-5-HT1A heteroreceptor complexes and their enhancement of neuroplasticity offers an integration of the serotonin and the neurotrophic factor hypotheses of depression at the molecular level. These heteroreceptor complexes were found in the hippocampus and midbrain raphe 5-HT nerve cells, enriched in 5-HT1A autoreceptors. Based on the triplet puzzle theory several sets of triplet homologies were identified that may be part of the receptor interface. Combined FGF-2 and 5-HT1A agonist treatment increased the formation of these heterocomplexes and the facilitatory allosteric receptor-receptor interactions within them leading to an enhancement of FGFR1 signaling (Chapter 3). This integrative phenomenon is reciprocal and RTK signaling can be placed downstream of GPCRs. Formation of such heterocomplexes involving two major classes of membrane receptors can be involved in regulating all aspects of receptor protomer function including recognition, signaling, trafficking, desensitization, and downregulation (Chapter 3). These events were associated with development of rapid antidepressant effects. These heteroreceptor complexes are a novel target for antidepressant drugs. These examples, based on solid experimental evidences, serve to illustrate that allosteric receptor-receptor interactions in GPCR heteroreceptor complexes play a significant role in receptor diversity and bias of the participating GPCR protomers.G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR)-mediated signalling is a more complicated process than described previously since every GPCR and GPCR heteromer requires a set of G protein interacting proteins (GIP) which interacts with the receptor in an orchestrated spatio-temporal fashion. Therefore, there is a high interest in understanding the dynamics of the receptor-receptor and receptor-protein interactions in space and time, and specially, their integration in GPCR heterocomplexes of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Also, pathological protein-protein interactions in homocomplexes and heterocomplexes of Aβ, Tau, and α-Syn are at the heart of the development of conformational protein disorders. Along this work, experimental evidences are given to illustrate that GPCR interactions have relevance for neurological and mental diseases and are targets for drug development. GPCR containing heteromers and higher order heteromers through allosteric receptor- receptor interactions have become major integrative centers at the molecular level and their receptor protomers act as moonlighting proteins. They have become exciting new targets for neurotherapeutics in e.g. Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, drug addiction, anxiety and depression opening up a new field in neuropsychopharmacology. Along this work, the allosteric receptor-receptor interactions over the interfaces in A2AR-D2R, D2R-NTS1R, D2R-Sigma1R and 5-HT1A-FGFR1 heteroreceptor complexes will be explored and their biochemical, pharmacological and functional integrative implications in the CNS described. Methodologies for studies on receptor- receptor interactions are discussed including the use of FRET and BRET-based techniques in the analysis of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) dimerization in living cells. In situ proximity ligation assay is performed to establish the existence of native heteroreceptor complexes in the CNS

    Business Process Retrieval Based on Behavioral Semantics

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    This paper develops a framework for retrieving business processes considering search requirements based on behavioral semantics properties; it presents a framework called "BeMantics" for retrieving business processes based on structural, linguistics, and behavioral semantics properties. The relevance of the framework is evaluated retrieving business processes from a repository, and collecting a set of relevant business processes manually issued by human judges. The "BeMantics" framework scored high precision values (0.717) but low recall values (0.558), which implies that even when the framework avoided false negatives, it prone to false positives. The highest pre- cision value was scored in the linguistic criterion showing that using semantic inference in the tasks comparison allowed to reduce around 23.6 % the number of false positives. Using semantic inference to compare tasks of business processes can improve the precision; but if the ontologies are from narrow and specific domains, they limit the semantic expressiveness obtained with ontologies from more general domains. Regarding the perform- ance, it can be improved by using a filter phase which indexes business processes taking into account behavioral semantics propertie

    On the critical group of matrices

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    Given a graph G with a distinguished vertex s, the critical group of (G,s) is the cokernel of their reduced Laplacian matrix L(G,s). In this article we generalize the concept of the critical group to the cokernel of any matrix with entries in a commutative ring with identity. In this article we find diagonal matrices that are equivalent to some matrices that generalize the reduced Laplacian matrix of the path, the cycle, and the complete graph over an arbitrary commutative ring with identity. We are mainly interested in those cases when the base ring is the ring of integers and some subrings of matrices. Using these equivalent diagonal matrices we calculate the critical group of the m-cones of the l-duplications of the path, the cycle, and the complete graph. Also, as byproduct, we calculate the critical group of another matrices, as the m-cones of the l-duplication of the bipartite complete graph with m vertices in each partition, the bipartite complete graph with 2m vertices minus a matching.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure
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