3,142 research outputs found

    Product renovation and shared ownership: sustainable routes to satisfying the world's growing demand for goods

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    It has been estimated that by 2030 the number of people who are wealthy enough to be considered as middle class consumers will have tripled. This will have a dramatic impact on the demands for primary materials and energy. Much work has been carried out on sustainable ways of meeting the World’s energy demands and some work has been carried out on the sustainable production and consumption of goods. It has been estimated that with improvements in design and manufacturing it is possible to reduce the primary material requirements by 30% to produce the current demand for goods. Whilst this is a crucial step on the production side, there will still be a doubling of primary material requirements by the end of the century because of an absolute rise in demand for goods and services. It is therefore clear that the consumption of products must also be explored. This is a key areas of research for the UK INDEMAND centre, which is investigating ways of reducing the UK’s industrial energy demand and demand for energy intensive materials. Our ongoing work shows that two strategies would result in considerable reductions in the demand for primary materials: product longevity and using goods more intensively (which may requires increased durability). Product longevity and durability are not new ideas, but ones that can be applied across a raft of goods as methods of reducing the consumption of materials. With long life products there is a potential risk of outdated design and obsolescence, consequently there is a need to ensure upgradability and adaptability are incorporated at the design stage. If products last longer, then the production of new products can be diverted to emerging markets rather than the market for replacement goods. There are many goods which are only used occasionally; these goods do not normally wear out. The total demand for such could be drastically reduced if they were shared with other people. Sharing of goods has traditionally been conducted between friends or by hiring equipment. The use of modern communication systems and social media could enable the development of sharing co-ops and swap spaces that will increase the utilisation of goods and hence reduce the demand for new goods. This could also increase access to a range of goods for those on low incomes. From a series of workshops it has been found that the principal challenges are sociological rather than technological. This paper contains a discussion of these challenges and explores possible futures where these two strategies have been adopted. In addition, the barriers and opportunities that these strategies offer for consumers and businesses are identified, and areas where government policy could be instigated to bring about change are highlighted

    Design, synthesis, conformational analysis and nucleic acid hybridisation properties of thymidyl pyrrolidine-amide oligonucleotide mimics (POM)

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    Pyrrolidine-amide oligonucleotide mimics (POM) 1 were designed to be stereochemically and conformationally similar to natural nucleic acids, but with an oppositely charged, cationic backbone. Molecular modelling reveals that the lowest energy conformation of a thymidyl-POM monomer is similar to the conformation adopted by ribonucleosides. An e cient solution phase synthesis of the thymidyl POM oligomers has been developed, using both N-alkylation and acylation coupling strategies. 1H NMR spectroscopy con rmed that the highly water soluble thymidyl-dimer, T2-POM, preferentially adopts both a con guration about the pyrrolidine N-atom and an overall conformation in D2O that are very similar to a typical C3 -endo nucleotide in RNA. In addition the nucleic acid hybridisation properties of a thymidyl-pentamer, T5-POM, with an N-terminal phthalimide group were evaluated using both UV spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). It was found that T5-POM exhibits very high a nity for complementary ssDNA and RNA, similar to that of a T5-PNA oligomer. SPR experiments also showed that T5-POM binds with high sequence delity to ssDNA under near physiological conditions. In addition, it was found possible to attenuate the binding a nity of T5-POM to ssDNA and RNA by varying both the ionic strength and pH. However, the most striking feature exhibited by T5-POM is an unprecedented kinetic binding selectivity for ssRNA over DNA

    Shape invariant hypergeometric type operators with application to quantum mechanics

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    A hypergeometric type equation satisfying certain conditions defines either a finite or an infinite system of orthogonal polynomials. The associated special functions are eigenfunctions of some shape invariant operators. These operators can be analysed together and the mathematical formalism we use can be extended in order to define other shape invariant operators. All the considered shape invariant operators are directly related to Schrodinger type equations.Comment: More applications available at http://fpcm5.fizica.unibuc.ro/~ncotfa

    Cooper pairs as resonances

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    Using the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equation, Cooper pairing can be generalized to include contributions from holes as well as particles from the ground state of either an ideal Fermi gas (IFG) or of a BCS many-fermion state. The BCS model interfermion interaction is employed throughout. In contrast to the better-known original Cooper pair problem for either two particles or two holes, the generalized Cooper equation in the IFG case has no real-energy solutions. Rather, it possesses two complex-conjugate solutions with purely imaginary energies. This implies that the IFG ground state is unstable when an attractive interaction is switched on. However, solving the BS equation for the BCS ground state reveals two types of {\it real} solutions: one describing moving (i.e., having nonzero total, or center-of-mass, momenta) Cooper pairs as resonances (or bound composite particles with a {\it finite} lifetime), and another exhibiting superconducting collective excitations sometimes known as Anderson-Bogoliubov-Higgs (ABH) modes. A Bose-Einstein-condensation-based picture of superconductivity is addressed.Comment: 5 pages in PS, including 3 figures. In press Physica

    An Estimate of the Vibrational Frequencies of Spherical Virus Particles

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    The possible normal modes of vibration of a nearly spherical virus particle are discussed. Two simple models for the particle are treated, a liquid drop model and an elastic sphere model. Some estimates for the lowest vibrational frequency are given for each model. It is concluded that this frequency is likely to be of the order of a few GHz for particles with a radius of the order of 50 nm.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Investigation of social, demographic and health variations in the usage of prescribed and over-the-counter medicines within a large cohort (South Yorkshire, UK)

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    Objectives Prescribed and over-the-counter (non-prescribed) medicine usage has increased in recent years; however, there has been less investigation of the socioeconomic predictors of use. This has been due to a lack of data, especially for over-the-counter medicines. Our study aims to understand how prescribed and over-the-counter medicine patterns vary by demographic, social and health characteristics within a large population cohort. Design Cross-sectional data analysis. Setting South Yorkshire, UK. Participants 27 806 individuals from wave 1 of the Yorkshire Health Study (2010–2012). Measures Individuals self-reported each medicine they were taking and whether each was prescribed or not. The medicines were grouped into 14 categories (eg, cardiovascular system, infection, contraception). Negative binomial regression models were used to analyse the count of medicine usage. We included demographic (age, gender, ethnicity), social (education), health-related (body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity) factors and chronic health conditions (eg, stroke, anxiety and heart disease) in our analyses. Results 49% of men and 62% of women were taking medicine with the majority of this prescribed (88% and 83%, respectively). Health conditions were found to be positively associated with prescribed medicine usage, but mixed in their associated with over-the-counter medicines. Educational attainment was negatively associated with prescribed and positively associated with over-the-counter usage. Conclusions Our study addresses a dearth of evidence to provide new insights into how behaviours in medicine usage vary by demographic, social and health-related factors. Differences in over-the-counter medicine usage by educational attainment may help our understanding of the determinants of health inequalities

    Gazeau-Klauder type coherent states for hypergeometric type operators

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    The hypergeometric type operators are shape invariant, and a factorization into a product of first order differential operators can be explicitly described in the general case. Some additional shape invariant operators depending on several parameters are defined in a natural way by starting from this general factorization. The mathematical properties of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the operators thus obtained depend on the values of the involved parameters. We study the parameter dependence of orthogonality, square integrability and of the monotony of eigenvalue sequence. The obtained results allow us to define certain systems of Gazeau-Klauder coherent states and to describe some of their properties. Our systematic study recovers a number of well-known results in a natural unified way and also leads to new findings.Comment: An error occurring in Theorem 12 and Theorem 13 has been correcte

    Schwinger-Dyson approach to non-equilibrium classical field theory

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    In this paper we discuss a Schwinger-Dyson [SD] approach for determining the time evolution of the unequal time correlation functions of a non-equilibrium classical field theory, where the classical system is described by an initial density matrix at time t=0t=0. We focus on λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 field theory in 1+1 space time dimensions where we can perform exact numerical simulations by sampling an ensemble of initial conditions specified by the initial density matrix. We discuss two approaches. The first, the bare vertex approximation [BVA], is based on ignoring vertex corrections to the SD equations in the auxiliary field formalism relevant for 1/N expansions. The second approximation is a related approximation made to the SD equations of the original formulation in terms of ϕ\phi alone. We compare these SD approximations as well as a Hartree approximation with exact numerical simulations. We find that both approximations based on the SD equations yield good agreement with exact numerical simulations and cure the late time oscillation problem of the Hartree approximation. We also discuss the relationship between the quantum and classical SD equations.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    Bose-Einstein condensation of nonzero-center-of-mass-momentum Cooper pairs

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    Cooper pair (CP) binding with both zero and nonzero center-of-mass momenta (CMM) is studied with a set of renormalized equations assuming a short-ranged (attractive) pairwise interfermion interaction. Expanding the associated dispersion relation in 2D in powers of the CMM, in weak-to-moderate coupling a term {\it linear} in the CMM dominates the pair excitation energy, while the quadratic behavior usually assumed in Bose-Einstein (BE)-condensation studies prevails for any coupling {\it only} in the limit of zero Fermi velocity when the Fermi sea disappears, i.e., in vacuum. In 3D this same behavior is observed numerically. The linear term, moreover, exhibits CP breakup beyond a threshold CMM value which vanishes with coupling. This makes all the excited (nonzero-CMM) BE levels with preformed CPs collapse into a single ground level so that a BCS condensate (where only zero CMM CPs are usually allowed) appears in zero coupling to be a special case in either 2D or 3D of the BE condensate of linear-dispersion-relation CPs.Comment: Four pages including four figures. To be published in Physica
