66 research outputs found

    Legal Knowledge Representation in the Domain of Private International Law

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    This paper presents the development of a Prolog rule-based system in the domain of Private International Law. After having identified the legal and technical requirements for the representation, methodological choices and issues encountered during the development are discussed. Then, an example of the functioning of the system is presented. Finally, results are discussed

    Arg-tuProlog: A Modular Logic Argumentation Tool for PIL

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    open5noPrivate international law (PIL) addresses overlaps and conflicts between legal systems by distributing cases between the authorities of such systems (jurisdiction) and establishing what rules these authorities have to apply to each case(choice of law). A modular argumentation tool, Arg-tuProlog, is here presented that enables reasoning with rules and interpretations of multiple legal systems.Roberta Calegari and Giovanni Sartor have been supported by the H2020 ERC Project “CompuLaw” (G.A. 833647).Giuseppe Contissa, Giuseppe Pisano and Galileo Sartor have been supported by the European Union’s Justice programme under Grant Agreement No. 800839 for the project “InterLex: Advisory and Training System for Internet-related private International Law”.openCalegari, Roberta; Contissa, Giuseppe; Pisano, Giuseppe; Sartor, Galileo; Sartor, GiovanniCalegari, Roberta; Contissa, Giuseppe; Pisano, Giuseppe; Sartor, Galileo; Sartor, Giovann

    Defeasible Systems in Legal Reasoning: A Comparative Assessment

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    Different formalisms for defeasible reasoning have been used to represent legal knowledge and to reason with it. In this work, we provide an overview of the following logic-based approaches to defeasible reasoning: Defeasible Logic, Answer Set Programming, ABA+, ASPIC+, and DeLP. We compare features of these approaches from three perspectives: the logical model (knowledge representation), the method (computational mechanisms), and the technology (available software). On this basis, we identify and apply criteria for assessing their suitability for legal applications. We discuss the different approaches through a legal running example

    Argumentation and Defeasible Reasoning in the Law

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    Different formalisms for defeasible reasoning have been used to represent knowledge and reason in the legal field. In this work, we provide an overview of the following logic-based approaches to defeasible reasoning: defeasible logic, Answer Set Programming, ABA+, ASPIC+, and DeLP. We compare features of these approaches under three perspectives: the logical model (knowledge representation), the method (computational mechanisms), and the technology (available software resources). On top of that, two real examples in the legal domain are designed and implemented in ASPIC+ to showcase the benefit of an argumentation approach in real-world domains. The CrossJustice and Interlex projects are taken as a testbed, and experiments are conducted with the Arg2P technology

    The Force Awakens: Artificial Intelligence for Consumer Law

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    Recent years have been tainted by market practices that continuously expose us, as consumers, to new risks and threats. We have become accustomed, and sometimes even resigned, to businesses monitoring our activities, examining our data, and even meddling with our choices. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often depicted as a weapon in the hands of businesses and blamed for allowing this to happen. In this paper, we envision a paradigm shift, where AI technologies are brought to the side of consumers and their organizations, with the aim of building an efficient and effective counter-power. AI-powered tools can support a massive-scale automated analysis of textual and audiovisual data, as well as code, for the benefit of consumers and their organizations. This in turn can lead to a better oversight of business activities, help consumers exercise their rights, and enable the civil society to mitigate information overload. We discuss the societal, political, and technological challenges that stand before that vision

    GDPR Privacy Policies in CLAUDETTE: Challenges of Omission, Context and Multilingualism

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    The latest developments in natural language processing and machine learning have created new opportunities in legal text analysis. In particular, we look at the texts of online privacy policies after the implementation of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We analyse 32 privacy policies to design a methodology for automated detection and assessment of compliance of these documents. Preliminary results confirm the pressing issues with current privacy policies and the beneficial use of this approach in empowering consumers in making more informed decisions. However, we also encountered several serious issues in the process. This paper introduces the challenges through concrete examples of context dependence, omission of information, and multilingualism

    Towards Consumer-Empowering Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial Intelligence and Law is undergoing a critical transformation. Traditionally focused on the development of expert systems and on a scholarly effort to develop theories and methods for knowledge representation and reasoning in the legal domain, this discipline is now adapting to a sudden change of scenery. No longer confined to the walls of academia, it has welcomed new actors, such as businesses and companies, who are willing to play a major role and seize new opportunities offered by the same transformational impact that recent AI breakthroughs are having on many other areas. As it happens, commercial interests create new opportunities but they also represent a potential threat to consumers, as the balance of power seems increasingly determined by the availability of data. We believe that while this transformation is still in progress, time is ripe for the next frontier of this field of study, where a new shift of balance may be enabled by tools and services that can be of service not only to businesses but also to consumers and, more generally, the civil society. We call that frontier consumer-empowering AI


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    I sistemi basati su regole sono i sistemi di intelligenza artificiale maggiormente impiegati nel diritto. Il volume esamina la natura di tali sistemi, le tecnologie, le architetture e i linguaggi per la loro realizzazione e specifica gli ambiti in cui essi sono utilizzabili con profitto. Il lavoro si concentra sulle applicazioni giuridiche dei sistemi basati su regole e affronta tutti gli aspetti del loro funzionamento: le inferenze logiche, l\u2019euristica, le procedure, le scelte pragmatiche. La parte iniziale del volume introduce i sistemi basati su regole in termini generali e ne valuta realizzazioni e potenzialit\ue0 per il diritto. La parte centrale \ue8 riservata a vari esempi di tali sistemi nell\u2019ambito del diritto. La parte finale presenta alcune applicazioni pi\uf9 recenti, che vanno al di l\ue0 dell\u2019approccio tradizionale

    Responsabilit\ue0 e automazione: una metodologia per la valutazione del rischio giuridico basata sull'argomentazione

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    L\u2019obiettivo di questo lavoro \ue8 di presentare una ricerca mirata a rappresentare le regole giuridiche per mezzo di argument maps (mappe di argomenti), e l\u2019utilizzo di tali mappe all\u2019intero del Legal Case, uno strumento metodologico che ha l\u2019obiettivo di supportare l\u2019integrazione di tecnologie ad alta automazione nei sistemi complessi, in particolare nella gestione del traffico aereo. Il contributo presenta brevemente la metodologia, e descrive lo sviluppo e l\u2019utilizzo delle mappe di argomenti per la rappresentazione dell\u2019informazione giuridica. Sono infine presentati i risultati della validazione dell\u2019approccio basato sulle mappe, e le prospettive future della ricerca

    Le ontologie giuridiche e la loro integrazione con i sistemi basati su regole

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    In questo contributo \ue8 descritta la creazione di una ontologia formale per il dominio del diritto d\u2019autore, denominata ALIS IP Ontology. Le fasi dello sviluppo sono descritte sia dalla prospettiva giuridica sia dalla prospettiva tecnica. Sono discussi gli scopi e le caratteristiche di questa ontologia, i problemi incontrati durante il suo sviluppo, ed il modo in cui sono stati gestiti. Infine, \ue8 descritto il processo di integrazione dell'ontologia con una rappresentazione delle norme del diritto d'autore in forma di regole
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