226 research outputs found

    Building Middle-earth: an Exploration into the uses of Architecture in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien

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    Many aspects of Tolkien\u27s Middle-earth have been the attention of scholarly interest since the boom of \u27Tolkien studies\u27 but an area that seems to be lacking in criticism, but is certainly full of detail and character in Tolkien\u27s books, is architecture. This essay explores how important the creation of buildings and living spaces in Middle-earth is to the underlying messages of the tale and how the architecture of Middle-earth impacts the reader\u27s journey. This essay starts as we the reader does - in a hole - and explores the way that architecture is used to help explain hobbits, show their character and the growing map of the Shire. Architecture is also shown to be a technique used by Tolkien as a way of reorienting the reader between the real and the imaginary. Architecture is then used as a comparative point between the men of Rohan and those of Gondor, showing their cultural preoccupations and the significances of these. Finally, this essay wanders through the unusual architecture of the elves, specifically in Lothlorien, demonstrating that despite West Minster Abbey\u27s impressive design, it is the home of Lady Galadriel which is the truest embodiment of Gothic principles, and why this relationship between elves and trees holds a particular significance for Tolkien

    Anatomical characteristics and conservation status of endemic campanula betulifolia and c. choruhensis (campanulaceae)

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    Kuzey Yarıküre ve Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde doğal olarak yayılış gösteren ve dünyada 420’ye yakın türle temsil edilen Campanula L. cinsi, yurdumuzda yeni eklenen türlerle beraber, 136 takson ihtiva etmektedir. Taksonların yarıdan fazlası Türkiye için endemiktir. Bu çalışmada, oldukça yakın ilişkili iki endemik tür (C. betulifolia C.Koch ve C. choruhensis Kit Tan & Sorger) anatomik açıdan detaylı olarak incelenmiş ve IUCN risk kategorileri yeniden değerlendirilmiştir. Bitkisel materyaller, Artvin ili Yusufeli ilçesinden toplanmış ve herbaryum materyalleri hazırlanmıştır. Morfolojik incelemeler herbaryum örnekleri üzerinden, anatomik incelemeler ise %70’lik alkolde fikse edilen örnekler üzerinden yapılmıştır. El ile gövdeden enine, yapraklardan ise enine ve yüzeysel kesitler hazırlanmıştır. Anatomik incelemelerde, türler orta damar kalınlıkları, iletim demetleri uzunluk ve genişlikleri, lamina şekli ve kalınlıkları açısından karşılaştırılmış ve taban yapraklarının gövde yapraklarına göre belirgin farklılıklar gösterdiği görülmüştür. Yüzeysel kesitlerden türler arasındaki amfistomatik tip stomaların uzunlukları, indeksleri ve mm2’deki stoma sayıları karşılaştırılmıştır. Stoma uzunlukları C. choruhensis taban yaprağının adaksial yüzeylerinde en fazla, C. betulifolia’nın aynı yüzeyinde ise en azdır. mm2’deki stoma sayıları ve stoma indeksleri açısından C. choruhensis’te daha yüksek değerler tespit edilmiştir. Epidermis türlerin gövde ve taban yaprağının adaksial yüzeylerinde düz çeperli, abaksial yüzeylerinde ise dalgalı-kıvrımlıdır. Bu çalışmada, yakın ilişkili görülen iki endemik türün anatomik özellikleri ilk defa karşılaştırmalı olarak ortaya konmuştur.The genus Campanula L., naturally distributed in Northern hemisphere and Mediterranean Region and represented by almost 420 species in the World, comprises 136 taxa including recently recorded new species in our country. More than half of the taxa are endemic to Turkey. In this investigation, two closely relative and endemic species (C. betulifolia C.Koch and C. choruhensis Kit Tan & Sorger) were examined anatomically and IUCN risk categories were reevaluated. Plant samples were collected from Yusufeli district of Artvin province and Herbarium materials were prepared. Morphological observations were performed in herbarium samples, while anatomical examinations were made from fixated specimens in 70% alcohol. Transverse sections of stem and leaf, and paradermal sections of upper and lower epidermis of leaves were prepared manually. Thickness of midrib, lengths and widths of vascular bundles, shape and thickness of leaf lamina were compared between the species and important differences were observed in basal leaves from than cauline leaves of the species. From paradermal sections, amphistomatic type stomata’s lengths, indexes and number of stomata per mm2 were compared among the species. The biggest stomatal lengths were detected in the adaxial surfaces of basal leaves for C. choruhensis, while the smallest ones were observed in the same leaf surfaces of C. betulifolia. According to stomatal numbers per 1 mm2 and stomatal indexes, C. choruhensis has the highest values. Epidermal leaf surfaces are straight in adaxial surfaces of both basal and cauline leaves, whereas undulate-sinuous surfaces are present in abaxial surfaces. This study displays anatomical characteristic of two closely related endemic species here, for the first time

    Art + Bioéthique : L’art comme médiation

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    Compte-rendu / ReviewCe texte est tiré du catalogue de l’exposition Art + Bioéthique qui réunissait six artistes et six chercheurs à Espace Projet à l’hiver 2016. Il présente un survol des démarches des artistes et des œuvres de l’exposition par le regard de l’une des commissaires.This text is taken from the catalog of the exhibition Art + Bioéthique which gathered together six artists and six researchers at Espace Projet in winter 2016. It presents an overview of the artists’ approaches and of the exhibited works through the eyes of one of the curators

    Para onde seguir com a pesquisa em determinantes sociais da saúde?

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    This critical commentary extends the debate on social determinants of health and disease. Its main argument is that while further studies are unnecessary to demonstrate the fundamentally social distribution of health outcomes, extant analyses rarely engage with the fact that poverty and other forms of oppression are political choices made by societies, which are both contemporaneously contingent and historically situated. This view must guide research and debate in the area so that studies intending to bring injustice to light do not end up naturalizing it. Research based on this fundamental understanding may help to overcome the narrow scope of multicausal black box approaches, which do not analyze the interrelations among determinants and make only a limited contribution to the construction of healthy societies.Este comentário crítico retoma o debate sobre a determinação social da saúde e da doença. Seu principal argumento é o de que, se por um lado, são desnecessárias novas pesquisas que procurem conferir maior consistência aos resultados que fundamentam essa interpretação, por outro, é escassa, nesses estudos, uma análise pautada pela noção de que a pobreza e outras formas de opressão são escolhas políticas da sociedade, que devem ser situadas historicamente. Essa noção deve orientar a pesquisa e o debate na área, sob pena de que as associações encontradas supostamente para denunciar a injustiça terminem por naturalizá-la. A pesquisa pautada por esses princípios pode superar o alcance limitado de abordagens multicausais do tipo caixa-preta, que não analisam as inter-relações entre os determinantes e pouco contribuem para a construção de sociedades saudáveis

    Identificação e análise qualitativa dos conceitos de saúde em participantes de um grupo de idosos de Florianópolis/SC

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Saúde Pública

    <i>Centaurea horrida</i> Badarò

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    Descrizione della specie Centaurea horrida Badarò

    Assessing the EU's Added Value in the Area of Terrorism Prevention and Violent Radicalisation

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    This paper questions the effectiveness and the prospects of EU efforts to prevent terrorism and violent radicalisation. After the terrorist of attacks of Madrid and London,, member states agreed on a comprehensive strategy to prevent radicalisation and recruitment into terrorism, but simultaneously underlined the limits of EU competences. The European Commission therefore focused on indirect measures, such as research support. Over time, however, both flexible cooperation among a subset of member states and new EU initiatives generated few or biased policy outputs. The second part of the paper questions the resulting proposal to create a network of local or sub-national actors for best practice exchange. It is argued that preventive counterterrorism relies on contentious scientific evidence and that authoritative evaluations remain tied to national policy-making. Finally, the EU Commission cannot mobilise sufficient resources to ensure that 'frontline' organisations, such as police services, implement new practices. The conclusions raise further research questions on the use of knowledge and complex governance patterns in EU internal security