116 research outputs found

    Funcionalidad física como indicador de disponibilidad de hábitat en Islas Marietas, Nayarit, México

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    Background. Few investigations use functional diversity and the reef functional index (IFA) to assess the sta-te of reef communities. Objectives. Evaluate physical functionality as an indicator of fish habitat availability and its relationship with functional diversity. Methods. The physical functionality of the reef was evaluated using the IFA, integrating data on coral cover, structural complexity, and calcification rate. The structure of the fish assemblages was analyzed by calculating functional diversity indices (richness, evenness, and divergen-ce) based on six functional traits (body size, mobility, activity period, type of aggregation, position in the water column, and diet). The relationship between functional diversity and IFA was evaluated using linear regression analysis. Results. Área de Restauración showed the highest values in the IFA; on the contrary, Túnel Amarra-dero presented the lowest values. In both sites, a greater presence of Pocillopora verrucosa was observed. Functional diversity presented the lowest values in the three functional indices in Área de Restauración. Linear regression analyses were not significant. Conclusions. No linear relationship was found between the IFA and functional diversity; this can be attributed to the fact that in sites with low coral cover, such as Islas Marietas, the functional diversity of fish presents a weak relationship with the three-dimensionality provided by corals since in sites with low coral cover, other structural elements (geologic features and rock substrates) could promote these three-dimensional structures.Antecedentes. Pocas investigaciones emplean la diversidad funcional y el Índice de Función Arrecifal (IFA) para evaluar el estado de las comunidades arrecifales. Objetivo. Evaluar la funcionalidad física como indica-dor de disponibilidad de hábitat de peces y su relación con la diversidad funcional. Métodos. La funcionalidad física del arrecife se evaluó mediante el IFA integrando datos de cobertura coralina, complejidad estructural y tasa de calcificación. La estructura de los ensamblajes de peces se analizó mediante el cálculo de índices de diversidad funcional (riqueza, equidad y divergencia) con base en seis atributos funcionales (tamaño corporal, movilidad, periodo de actividad, tipo de agregación, posición en la columna de agua y dieta). La relación entre la diversidad funcional del ensamblaje y el IFA se evaluó mediante un análisis de regresión lineal. Resultados. La Zona de Restauración presentó los valores más altos en el IFA; por el contrario, Túnel Amarradero presentó los valores másbajos. En ambos sitios se observó una mayor presencia de Pocillopora verrucosa. La diversidad funcional presentó los valores más bajos en los tres índices funcionales en la Zona de Restauración. Los análisis de regresión lineal no fueron significativos. Conclusiones. No se encontró una relación lineal entre el IFA y la diversidad funcional, esto puede atribuirse a que en sitios con baja cobertura coralina como Islas Marietas, la diversidad funcional de peces presenta una débil relación con la tridimen-sionalidad otorgada por los corales. Lo anterior debido a que, en sitios con baja cobertura coralina, otros elementos estructurales (características geológicas y sustratos rocosos) podrían proveer de esas estructuras tridimensionales

    Archeology and the environment in Los Tuxtlas. Where does the balance tip?

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    Se presenta la problemática de la sierra de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México, respecto al manejo, difusión y atención diferenciados del medio ambiente y vestigios arqueológicos por parte de las autoridades, prestadores de servicios turísticos y la población quienes privilegian la ecología sobre aspectos arqueológicos. Mediante una comparación entre dos museos y un centro turístico que presume promover la ecología e historia cultural de la región se expone la desinformación del pasado arqueológico que ocasiona confusión cultural y de identidad entre habitantes al priorizar manifestaciones étnicas externas promovidas para atraer la atención y el interés de los turistas, por lo que se plantea reconsiderar aspectos arqueológicos y ecológicos en conjunto para fortalecer los vínculos de la sociedad con su pasado.This study presents the problematic case of the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas with regard to the different forms of management, dissemination, and attention dedicated to the environment and archaeological remains by the authorities, the tourism sector, and the population of the region, who favor ecology over archaeology. Through a comparison between two museums and one tourist attraction, which claims to promote the ecology and cultural history of the region, this study exposes disinformation about the archaeological past which causes confusion related to culture and identity among local inhabitants by promoting non-local ethnic manifestations to attract the attention and interest of tourists. This study proposes that archaeology and ecology be considered together to strengthen the society’s bonds with its past

    Prof with a Porpoise

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    Testate amoebae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinidae) as indicators of dissolved oxygen concentration and water depth in lakes of the Lacandón Forest, Southern Mexico

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    The ecology of aquatic protists such as testate amoebae is poorly known worldwide, but is almost completely unknown in lakes of the northern Neotropics. To address this knowledge gap, we analyzed testate amoebae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinidae) in lakes of the Lacandón Forest, one of the most biodiverse parts of southern México. We set out to evaluate the diversity of testate amoebae communities and assess whether testate amoebae taxa are reliable indicators of environmental variables dissolved oxygen and water depth. We collected 17 surface sediment samples from a range of water depths in six lakes across the Naha-Metzabok Biosphere Reserve, northeastern Chiapas state. We identified 15 testate amoebae taxa distributed across seven genera. Eleven were identified to species level and four to strain (infra-subspecific level), and taxa were distributed unevenly among samples. Distribution of taxa in samples was related to dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the water measured near the sediment surface. Arcella discoides and Centropyxis aculeata strain “aculeata” were the most tolerant of low oxygen concentrations, whereas the other taxa require higher DO levels. The influence of oxygen was also seen at the assemblage level. Sites with low DO concentrations had Shannon Diversity Index (SDI) values <1.5, an indication of stressful ambient conditions. We identified two species assemblage types, which are distinguished by their oxygen concentration requirements. Assemblage 1 was more diverse and possessed species that are intolerant of low oxygen concentrations, whereas Assemblage 2 possessed fewer, rarer, opportunistic species that tolerate stressful conditions. Low oxygen concentrations are related to water depth and the combination of these two variables is important in determining the composition of testate amoebae assemblages in Lacandón Forest lakes. Quantitative relationships between testate amoebae assemblages and water depth will enable use of sedimented amoebae remains for paleolimnological inference of past water level changes in lakes of the Lacandón Forest.Fil: Charqueño Celis, Norma Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Parque Nacional "Nahuel Huapi"; ArgentinaFil: Garibay, Martin. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Sigala, Itzel. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Brenner, Mark. University of Florida; Estados UnidosFil: Echeverria Galindo, Paula. Technische Universitat Carolo Wilhelmina Zu Braunschweig. Iinstitut fur Geosysteme und Bioindikation.; AlemaniaFil: Lozano García, Socorro. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Massaferro, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Administración de Parques Nacionales. Parque Nacional "Nahuel Huapi"; ArgentinaFil: Pérez, Liseth. Technische Universitat Carolo Wilhelmina Zu Braunschweig. Iinstitut fur Geosysteme und Bioindikation.; Alemani

    The evolution of the Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management Network and Forum (CaMPAM): 20 years of the Regional Multidimensional Program for Strengthening MPA Practitioners

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    In 1997, the United Nations Environment’s Caribbean Environment Program (UNEP-CEP) convened a meeting of 50 MPA managers from which CaMPAM was born. Since then, CaMPAM has adaptively evolved into a comprehensive regional program that aims at strengthening Caribbean marine protected areas at the site and national level through a variety of mechanisms. CaMPAM’s original focus was to provide training, information sharing, and communications. Shortly after, grants awarding for learning exchanges and for implementing small projects started. Partnerships were established with interested organizations. Some collaborators became mentors and served as instructors and activities\u27 coordinators.These tools allowed the capacity building program to address the MPA changing needs. These needs have been captured through site visits, consultations with scientists and managers, surveys, evaluations of courses and the entre program, CaMPAM project reports, specific requests of donors, the intergovernmental meetings of UNEP-CEP’s Cartagena Convention’s Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) Protocol, etc. and have shaped the program. In the spirit of having a balance between the region’s needs and the role of CaMPAM as the SPAW MPA capacity building tool, in 2016 the UNEP-CEP commissioned the review of CaMPAM program in order to make it more relevant and useful. This paper co-autored by the CaMPAM founder, its coordinator, the main collaborator, and the expert commissioned to assess CaMPAM performance describes the activities implemented in 1997-2017 and the latest assessment of the program

    Notes on scutellation, length, and distribution of rattlesnakes (serpentes: viperidade: crotalus) in the state of hidalgo, México.

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    We studied the eight species of Crotalus inhabiting the Mexican state of Hidalgo and found additional variation involving number of scales, body length, and distribution previously unreported in the literature. Supplementary morphological variation is reported for C. aquilus and C. atrox, and new distributional records are reported for C. aquilus, C. atrox, C. intermedius, C. scutulatus, and C. totonacusEstudiamos las ocho especies del género Crotalus distribuidas en el estado de Hidalgo y encontramos variación adicional a la registrada en la literatura. C. aquilus y C. atrox registran variación morfológica, mientras que se registran nuevos datos de distribución para C. aquilus, C. atrox C. intermedius, C. scutulatus, y C. totonacus

    Contribuciones para la facilitación de los estudios sobre dieta en ratones silvestres, tomando como ejemplo al género Peromyscus

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    La dieta de los ratones del género Peromyscus esta integrada tanto por vegetales como por animales. El presente estudio se enfocó en la parte vegetativa, del cual se reconocen hasta el momento 147 especies, siendo las herbáceas y los arbustos los más consumidos, de los que aprovechan principalmente los frutos, y en menor proporción hojas y flores. En el área de estudio, ubicado en el Parque Nacional “Desierto de los Leones”, Distrito Federal, México; se encontraron seis especies de plantas que han sido reportadas como alimento de los ratones del género Peromyscus. Asimismo, otras 25 especies pueden considerarse susceptibles de ser consumidas; en total se determinaron 31 especies, de las cuales 19 son herbáceas, nueve arbustivas, dos árboles y una subfrutescente. De estas las familias mejor representadas fueron Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Rosaceae y Ericaceae. La fenología de la comunidad vegetal durante el año de estudio fue la siguiente: una mayor producción de flores en los meses de enero a mediados de marzo, que corresponden con la época seca y a los meses más fríos; mientras que la fructificación se concentró a finales de marzo a junio, que pertenece a la época húmeda y cálida del año. Debido a que las técnicas histológicas convencionales para la elaboración de laminillas en la determinación de la dieta en roedores requieren de tiempos estrictos y manejo de reactivos con acceso restringido, se desarrolló una técnica alternativa integrada y más expedita, mediante la aplicación de los mismos procedimientos para la elaboración de laminillas de referencia y de contenido gastrointestinal o heces, la utilización de etanol e hipoclorito de sodio en lugar de hidrato de cloral, la inclusión de la tinción en el medio de montaje; que evitan la pérdida de material durante los lavados y deshidrataciones que se requerían antes; la nueva técnica evita la sobretinción, resultando más rápida, eficaz y económica. Finalmente se dan las bases para la integración de un catálogo con fotomicrografías de estructuras vegetativas que sirvan de referencia en la determinación de los compuestos de la dieta en roedores. La propuesta de catálogo incluye la descripción, fotografía del ejemplar en campo, distribución, fenología y compuestos químicos (e. g. nutrientes, toxinas) de cada una de la especies vegetales consideradas como susceptibles de ser consumidas por los roedores en el “Desierto de los Leones”, Distrito Federal, México.The mice of the genus Peromyscus consume plant and animal items. This study is focused on the vegetal component of the diet, from which are far recognized 147 species. The mice consume primarily fruits, followed by leaves and flowers of forbs and shrubs. The study area is located within the “Desierto de los Leones” National Park Distrito Federal, México. In this area we found six species of plants that are consumed by mice in other range of its distribution. Also, other 25 species likely to be consumed were identified, 19 were herbs, nine shrubs, two trees and one a subfrustescent. The Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Ericaceae families were the most diverse. The phenology of the plant community during the period studied was as follows: greater production of flowers were from January to mid March, time that correspond to the dry season and the coldest months, while the fructification were from late March to June, which belongs to the wet season and warmer months of the year. The classical procedure technique of histological studies require strict time and chloral hydrate, this last is a reagent restricted by Mexican law, for that an alternative technique was developed. This new procedure is faster and we can apply it to the gastrointestinal contents or feces slide. We use ethanol and sodium hypochlorite instead of chloral hydrate, and the inclusion of staining in the same mounting medium in addition to preventing loss of material during the washing and dehydration. This new technique avoids overstaining, is faster, efficient and more economical than the classic technique. Finally, I propose integrate a reference plant catalog to be used in determining the components of the diet in rodents. This catalog must include a description of the tissues, pictures of wild specimen; close up pictures of fruits, leaves and stems, range maps, phenology and chemical compounds (e. g. nutrients, toxins) of each species included