12,765 research outputs found

    Approximating the maximum ergodic average via periodic orbits

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    Let sigma: Sigma(A) -> Sigma(A) be a subshift of finite type, let M-sigma be the set of all sigma-invariant Borel probability measures on Sigma(A), and let f : Sigma(A) -> R be a Holder continuous observable. There exists at least one or-invariant measure A which maximizes integral f d mu. The following question was asked by B. R. Hunt, E. Ott and G. Yuan: how quickly can the maximum of the integrals integral f d mu be approximated by averages along periodic orbits of period less than p? We give an example of a Holder observable f for which this rate of approximation is slower than stretched-exponential in p

    Biomass estimates of Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, in California from the 1991-92 spawning-ground surveys

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    The spawning biomass of Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, estimated from spawning-ground surveys in San Francisco Bay declined to 41,000 tons this season. This was the second consecutive year that the San Francisco Bay herring population estimate has declined. In Tomales Bay, the 1991-92 season spawning biomass estimate, including the catch of 24 tons from Bodega Bay, was 1,238 tons. This was the third consecutive season that the Tomales-Bodega area herring population has increased. The 1991-92 Humboldt Bay herring spawning biomass estimate of 225 tons, was nearly half of last season's estimate of 400 tons. December and January were the peak months of spawning activity in all areas surveyed. In San Francisco Bay, the first major spawn since the 1981-82 season occurred in the Sausalito area, and the Oakland-Alameda area accounted for 50% of all spawning activity. A total of 3.5 million m2 of eelgrass, Zostera marina, was measured in Tomales Bay this season. The eelgrass density declined in most beds this season. (46p.

    Characterization of the complications associated with plasma exchange for thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura and related thrombotic microangiopathic anaemias: a single institution experience.

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    Plasma exchange (PEX) is a life-saving therapeutic procedure in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopaenic purpura (TTP) and other thrombotic microangiopathic anaemias (TMAs). However, it may be associated with significant complications, exacerbating the morbidity and mortality in this patient group

    SM 601 Supervised Ministry

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    • This SUPERVISED MINISTRY HANDBOOK is your working guide and textbook for two semesters of field education. It serves for SM 601, SM 602, and SM 603. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep it in a separate three-ring binder, since it is not a book-bound. STUDENT PASTORS who are enrolled in SM 601C will not use this handbook but will use the handbook titled, STUDENT PASTOR HANDBOOK. • An addendum of this handbook is the EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THE STUDENT HANDBOOK . The self- referent case study based on our EXTENDED CASE GUIDELINES format is the basic learning instrument for courses in supervised ministries. This addendum provides you with the model format and instruction for good case writing. • SM 601, 602 The text Lay Leadership for Ministry Training is required for Courses SM 601 and 602 (not Student Pastors). This text is needed for the Pastor and Local Church Lay Committee members of the local church where you serve. Request free copies via e-mail from the S.Min. office in Wilmore via e-mail to Claire Williams or you can download the material from the Intranet. • The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Local Church should be distributed to your supervising pastor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring pastor. (Student Pastors are exempt from having a Field Supervisor.) Copies are available from the S.Min. office or may be downloaded by clicking on “Intranet, Students, Class Syllabi, 2003-2004, Wilmore, Fall 2003, Smin 601, 602 FS Handbook.” • SM 603 The text Field Supervisors Handbook: Institutional should be distributed to your supervisor to familiarize him/her with the role of supervising and mentoring.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2884/thumbnail.jp

    Measurement of the Nodal Precession of WASP-33 b via Doppler Tomography

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    We have analyzed new and archival time series spectra taken six years apart during transits of the hot Jupiter WASP-33 b, and spectroscopically resolved the line profile perturbation caused by the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. The motion of this line profile perturbation is determined by the path of the planet across the stellar disk, which we show to have changed between the two epochs due to nodal precession of the planetary orbit. We measured rates of change of the impact parameter and the sky-projected spin-orbit misalignment of db/dt=0.02280.0018+0.0050db/dt=-0.0228_{-0.0018}^{+0.0050} yr1^{-1} and dλ/dt=0.4870.076+0.089d\lambda/dt=-0.487_{-0.076}^{+0.089}~^{\circ} yr1^{-1}, respectively, corresponding to a rate of nodal precession of dΩ/dt=0.3730.083+0.031d\Omega/dt=0.373_{-0.083}^{+0.031}~^{\circ} yr1^{-1}. This is only the second measurement of nodal precession for a confirmed exoplanet transiting a single star. Finally, we used the rate of precession to set limits on the stellar gravitational quadrupole moment of 9.4×105<J2<6.1×1049.4\times10^{-5}<J_2<6.1\times10^{-4}.Comment: Published in ApJL. 5 pages, 3 figures. Corrected error in the calculation of J_

    Towards the synthesis of fluoro-thromboxane A₂ analogues

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    Firstly, the biosynthesis and physiological role of thromboxanes and the potential for a thromboxane A₂ antagonist in cardiovascular therapy are discussed. Secondly, the importance of fluorine in drug design is outlined and the syntheses of a series of thromboxane A₂ structural analogues are reviewed. This is concluded by proposing how fluorine substitution should allow synthesis of a stable structural analogue of thromboxane A₂ which may have antagonistic properties. Finally, the synthetic conversion of a carbohydrate precursor, levoglucosan, into a suitable precursor to 10-α-flurothromboxane A₂ is discussed in detail