284 research outputs found

    Integrated stratigraphy of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic) based on exposures and boreholes in south Dorset, UK

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    For the purposes of a high-resolution multi-disciplinary study of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation, two boreholes were drilled at Swanworth Quarry and one at Metherhills, south Dorset, UK. Together, the cores represent the first complete section through the entire formation close to the type section. We present graphic logs that record the stratigraphy of the cores, and outline the complementary geophysical and analytical data sets (gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, total organic carbon, carbonate, [delta]13Corg). Of particular note are the new borehole data from the lowermost part of the formation which does not crop out in the type area. Detailed logs are available for download from the Kimmeridge Drilling Project web-site at http://kimmeridge.earth.ox.ac.uk/. Of further interest is a mid-eudoxus Zone positive shift in the [delta]13Corg record, a feature that is also registered in Tethyan carbonate successions, suggesting that it is a regional event and may therefore be useful for correlation. The lithostratigraphy of the cores has been precisely correlated with the nearby cliff section, which has also been examined and re-described. Magnetic-susceptibility and spectral gamma-ray measurements were made at a regular spacing through the succession, and facilitate core-to-exposure correlation. The strata of the exposure and core have been subdivided into four main mudrock lithological types: (a) medium-dark–dark-grey marl; (b) medium-dark–dark grey–greenish black shale; (c) dark-grey–olive-black laminated shale; (d) greyish-black–brownish-black mudstone. The sections also contain subordinate amounts of siltstone, limestone and dolostone. Comparison of the type section with the cores reveals slight lithological variation and notable thickness differences between the coeval strata. The proximity of the boreholes and different parts of the type section to the Purbeck–Isle of Wight Disturbance is proposed as a likely control on the thickness changes

    Pollution aerosol across Northern Europe : assessing properties, processes and effects on regional climate

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    Atmospheric aerosols are the major component in the shorter-term variability governing the radiative balance of the climate system, particularly on regional scales. However, knowledge of the myriad of properties and processes associated with aerosols is often limited, which results in major uncertainties when assessing their climate effects. One such aspect is the chemical make-up of the atmospheric aerosol burden.Airborne measurements of aerosol properties across Northern Europe are presented here in order to facilitate constraint of the properties, processes and effects of aerosols in this highly populated and industrialised region. An Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) delivered highly time-resolved measurements of aerosol chemical components, which included organic matter, sulphate, nitrate and ammonium.The chemical composition of the aerosol burden was strongly determined by the dominant meteorological conditions in Northern Europe. Pollution loadings in North- Western Europe were strongly enhanced when air masses originated from Continental Europe. Conversely, much cleaner conditions were associated with air masses from the Atlantic Ocean.Organic matter was found to be ubiquitous across Northern Europe and predominantly secondary in nature, which is consistent with other analyses in polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, its concentration was generally comparable to, or exceeded that of, sulphate. Significant chemical processing of the organic aerosol component was observed. Highly oxidised secondary organic aerosol dominated, as the distance from source and photochemical processing increased.Ammonium nitrate was found to be a major component of the aerosol burden in Northern Europe, with peak contributions occurring in North-Western Europe, due to the co-location of its emission precursors (NH3 and NOx) in the region. Ammonium nitrate was found to be the dominant sub-micron chemical constituent during periods associated with enhanced pollution episodes. Its concentration was shown to be modulated by the thermodynamic structure of the lower troposphere, with enhanced concentrations prevalent at the top of the boundary layer. This phenomenon greatly enhanced the radiative impact of the aerosol burden; the increased mass and water uptake by the aerosol significantly amplified the aerosol optical depth in the region.The results presented in this thesis highlight a highly dynamic region, where major changes in emissions have played a significant role in determining the chemical composition of the aerosol burden. As substantial reductions in sulphur dioxide emissions have occurred over the past two decades in Northern Europe, the relative contribution of sulphate aerosols to the regional aerosol burden has decreased. Consequently, it is more pertinent to consider the roles of organic matter and ammonium nitrate, as their influence becomes more pronounced than sulphate on regional and global climate.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Airborne Prokaryotic, Fungal and Eukaryotic Communities of an Urban Environment in the UK

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    Bioaerosols often contain human pathogens and allergens affecting public health. However, relatively little attention has been given to bioaerosols compared with non-biological aerosols. In this study, we aimed to identify bioaerosol compositions in Manchester, UK by applying high throughput sequencing methods and to find potential sources. Samples were collected at Manchester Air Quality Super Site at the Firs Environmental Research Station in November 2019 and in February 2020. Total DNA has been extracted and sequenced targeting the 16S rRNA gene of prokaryotes, ITS region of fungal DNA and 18S rRNA gene of eukaryotes. We found marine environment-associated bacteria and archaea were relatively more abundant in the February 2020 samples compared with the November 2019 samples, consistent with the North West marine origin based on wind back-trajectory analysis. In contrast, an OTU belonging to Methylobacterium, which includes many species resistant to heavy metals, was relatively more abundant in November 2019 when there were higher metal concentrations. Fungal taxa that fruit all year were relatively more abundant in the February 2020 samples while autumn fruiting species generally had higher relative abundance in the November 2019 samples. There were higher relative abundances of land plants and algae in the February 2020 samples based on 18S rRNA gene sequencing. One of the OTUs belonging to the coniferous yew genus Taxus was more abundant in the February 2020 samples agreeing with the usual pollen season of yews in the UK which is from mid-January until late April. The result from this study suggests a potential application of bioaerosol profiling for tracing the source of atmospheric particles

    Aerosol liquid water content in the moist southern West African monsoon layer and its radiative impact

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    Water uptake can significantly increase the size and therefore alters the optical properties of aerosols. In this study, the regional-scale model framework COSMO-ART is applied to southern West Africa (SWA) for a summer monsoon process study on 2–3 and 6–7 July 2016. The high moisture and aerosol burden in the monsoon layer makes SWA favorable to quantify properties that determine the aerosol liquid water content and its impact on radiative transfer. Given the marked diurnal cycle in SWA, the analysis is separated into three characteristic phases: (a) the Atlantic inflow progression phase (15:00–02:00 UTC), when winds from the Gulf of Guinea accelerate in the less turbulent evening and nighttime boundary layer, (b) the moist morning phase (03:00–08:00 UTC), when the passage of the Atlantic inflow front leads to overall cool and moist conditions over land, and (c) the daytime drying phase (09:00–15:00 UTC), in which the Atlantic inflow front reestablishes with the inland heating initiated after sunrise. This diurnal cycle also impacts, via relative humidity, the aerosol liquid water content. We analyzed the impact of relative humidity and clouds on the aerosol liquid water content. As shown by other studies, accumulation-mode particles are the dominant contributor of aerosol liquid water. We find aerosol growth factors of 2 (4) for submicron (coarse-mode) particles, leading to a substantial increase in mean aerosol optical depth from 0.2 to 0.7. Considering the aerosol liquid water content leads to a decrease in shortwave radiation of about 20 W m−2, while longwave effects appear to be insignificant, especially during nighttime. The estimated relationships between total column aerosol liquid water and radiation are −305±39  W g−1 (shortwave in-cloud), −114±42  W g−1 (shortwave off-cloud) and about −10 W g−1 (longwave). The results highlight the need to consider the relative humidity dependency of aerosol optical depth in atmospheric models, particularly in moist tropical environments where their effect on radiation can be very large