2,467 research outputs found

    Nonlinear effects in superconducting thin film microwave resonators

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    We discuss how reactive and dissipative non-linearities affect the intrinsic response of superconducting thin-film resonators. We explain how most, if not all, of the complex phenomena commonly seen can be described by a model in which the underlying resonance is a single-pole Lorentzian, but whose centre frequency and quality factor change as external parameters, such as readout power and frequency, are varied. What is seen during a vector-network-analyser measurement is series of samples taken from an ideal Lorentzian that is shifting and spreading as the readout frequency is changed. According to this model, it is perfectly proper to refer to, and measure, the resonant frequency and quality factor of the underlying resonance, even though the swept-frequency curves appear highly distorted and hysteretic. In those cases where the resonance curve is highly distorted, the specific shape of the trajectory in the Argand plane gives valuable insights into the second-order physical processes present. We discuss the formulation and consequences of this approach in the case of non-linear kinetic inductance, two-level-system loss, quasiparticle generation, and a generic model based on a power-law form. The generic model captures the key features of specific dissipative non-linearities, but additionally leads to insights into how general dissipative processes create characteristic forms in the Argand plane. We provide detailed formulations in each case, and indicate how they lead to the wide variety of phenomena commonly seen in experimental data. We also explain how the properties of the underlying resonance can be extracted from this data. Overall, our paper provides a self-contained compendium of behaviour that will help practitioners interpret and determine important parameters from distorted swept-frequency measurements

    An Unexpected Diversity of Photoreceptor Classes in the Longfin Squid, Doryteuthis pealeii.

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    Cephalopods are famous for their ability to change color and pattern rapidly for signaling and camouflage. They have keen eyes and remarkable vision, made possible by photoreceptors in their retinas. External to the eyes, photoreceptors also exist in parolfactory vesicles and some light organs, where they function using a rhodopsin protein that is identical to that expressed in the retina. Furthermore, dermal chromatophore organs contain rhodopsin and other components of phototransduction (including retinochrome, a photoisomerase first found in the retina), suggesting that they are photoreceptive. In this study, we used a modified whole-mount immunohistochemical technique to explore rhodopsin and retinochrome expression in a number of tissues and organs in the longfin squid, Doryteuthis pealeii. We found that fin central muscles, hair cells (epithelial primary sensory neurons), arm axial ganglia, and sucker peduncle nerves all express rhodopsin and retinochrome proteins. Our findings indicate that these animals possess an unexpected diversity of extraocular photoreceptors and suggest that extraocular photoreception using visual opsins and visual phototransduction machinery is far more widespread throughout cephalopod tissues than previously recognized.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research Basic Research Challenge grant number N00014-10-0989 to T.W.C and R.T.H and a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) David Phillips Fellowship BB/L024667/1 to T.J.W. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research via grants numbered FA9550-09-0346 to R.T.H. and FA9550-12-1-0321 to T.W.C.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLoS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.013538

    First characterization of a superconducting filter-bank spectrometer for hyper-spectral microwave atmospheric sounding with transition edge sensor readout

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    We describe the design, fabrication, integration and characterization of a prototype superconducting filter bank with transition edge sensor readout designed to explore millimetre-wave detection at frequencies in the range 40 to 65 GHz. Results indicate highly uniform filter channel placement in frequency and high overall detection efficiency. The route to a full atmospheric sounding instrument in this frequency range is discussed.Centre for Earth Observing Instrumentation UK (CEOI

    Sarcoidosis of the hypothalamus and pituitary stalk

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    We report a rare case of sarcoidosis of the hypothalamic and suprasellar region, with clinical course and the magnetic resonance imaging follow-up

    Extra-gastrointestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease may be less common than previously reported

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    Extra-intestinal manifestations are well recognized in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To what extent the commonly recognized extra-intestinal manifestations seen in IBD patients are attributable to IBD is, however, not clear due to the limited number of controlled studies published

    CX3CR1 Polymorphisms are associated with atopy but not asthma in German children

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    Chemokines and their receptors are involved in many aspects of immunity. Chemokine CX3CL1, acting via its receptor CX3CR1, regulates monocyte migration and macrophage differentiation as well as T cell-dependent inflammation. Two common, nonsynonymous polymorphisms in CX3CR1 have previously been shown to alter the function of the CX3CL1/CX3CR1 pathway and were suggested to modify the risk for asthma. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight technology, we genotyped polymorphisms Val249Ile and Thr280Met in a cross-sectional population of German children from Munich (n = 1,159) and Dresden ( n = 1,940). For 249Ile an odds ratio of 0.77 (95% confidence interval 0.63-0.96; p = 0.017) and for 280Met an odds ratio of 0.71 ( 95% confidence interval 0.56-0.89; p = 0.004) were found with atopy in Dresden but not in Munich. Neither polymorphism was associated with asthma. Thus, amino acid changes in CX3CR1 may influence the development of atopy but not asthma in German children. Potentially, other factors such as environmental effects may modify the role of CX3CR1 polymorphisms. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Electrothermal feedback in kinetic inductance detectors

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    In kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) and other similar applications of superconducting microresonators, both the large and small-signal behaviour of the device may be affected by electrothermal feedback. Microwave power applied to read out the device is absorbed by and heats the superconductor quasiparticles, changing the superconductor conductivity and hence the readout power absorbed in a positive or negative feedback loop. In this work, we explore numerically the implications of an extensible theoretical model of a generic superconducting microresonator device for a typical KID, incorporating recent work on the power flow between superconductor quasiparticles and phonons. This model calculates the large-signal (changes in operating point) and small-signal behaviour of a device, allowing us to determine the effect of electrothermal feedback on device responsivity and noise characteristics under various operating conditions. We also investigate how thermally isolating the device from the bath, for example by designing the device on a membrane only connected to the bulk substrate by thin legs, affects device performance. We find that at a typical device operating point, positive electrothermal feedback reduces the effective thermal conductance from the superconductor quasiparticles to the bath, and so increases responsivity to signal (pair-breaking) power, increases noise from temperature fluctuations, and decreases the noise equivalent power (NEP). Similarly, increasing the thermal isolation of the device while keeping the quasiparticle temperature constant decreases the NEP, but also decreases the device response bandwidth
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