2,258 research outputs found

    Individual Differences in (Non-Visual) Processing Style Predict the Face Inversion Effect

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    Recent research suggests that individuals with relatively weak global precedence (i.e., a smaller propensity to view visual stimuli in a configural manner) show a reduced face inversion effect (FIE). Coupled with such findings, a number of recent studies have demonstrated links between an advantage for feature-based processing and the presentation of traits associated with autism among the general population. The present study sought to bridge these findings by investigating whether a relationship exists between the possession of autism-associated traits (i.e., as indicated by individualsautism quotient [(AQ) and the size of the FIE. Participants completed an on-line study in which the AQ was measured prior to a standard face recognition task where half of the faces were inverted at test. The results confirmed that higher AQ levels were predictive of smaller FIEs. Implications for a common underlying factor relating to processing orientation are discussed

    Effect of Organic and Inorganic Manures and Time of Application on Soil Properties and Yield of Sweetpotato in a Tropical Ultisol

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    The effect of different rates of a mixture of organic and inorganic manure and time of application on the root yield of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam) in a tropical Ultisol of South Eastern Nigeria was investigated during 2004 and 2005 cropping seasons. The research was carried out at the Eastern farm of National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike (NRCRI). The institute is located within latitude 05, 291 N and Long 7° 33 E1 of the Equator at an elevation of 122m above sea level. The aim was to determine the optimum rate and time of application of the mixture of organic and inorganic manure and their effect on some of the soil properties and root yield of Sweetpotato. The rates were 600kg/ha inorganic fertilizer,(NPK) 3.2t/ha poultry manure ,(PM) 450kg /ha NPK +0.8t/ha PM, 300kg/ha PM NPK+1.6t/ha, 150kg/ha NPK+2.4t/ha PM and a control. Time intervals were; at planting,2 weeks after planting, 4 weeks after planting and 6 weeks after planting. Results showed that amongst the various rates and time intervals investigated, application of 300kg/ha NPK +1.6t/ha PM of the two manure sources gave the highest economic root yield. The time interval of between 2-4 weeks after planting also gave the highest economical root yield of the crop .At this period also the recommended range of the investigated soil properties favourable to the root yield of the crop were obtained. These were pH, organic matter, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium and Exchangeable acidity

    Parasites Associated with Sachet Drinking Water (Pure Water) in Awka, South-Eastern, Nigeria

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    A study to ascertain the parasites associated with sachet drinking water, (popularly called “Pure Water” in Nigeria), in Awka, capital of Anambra State, southeast Nigeria was conducted. This was in order to determine the safety and suitability of such water for human consumption. Sachet water is a major source of drinking water for low and middle class Nigerians. The increase in demand of this water has led to the proliferation of industries in this sector, because of the economic benefits derivable from the sale. Samples of differently packaged sachet drinking water were purchased from producers, distributors, marketers and hawkers. Samples were observed macroscopically and pH tested. Using a sterile syringe, 10mls of water was taken from each sample and centrifuged at 2,500rpm per minute. Sediments observed were placed on a glass slide and observed microscopically using x10 and x40 objective lens for a possible parasite ova or cyst. The surface of each sachet of the packaged drinking water was also washed thoroughly and the resulting water was centrifuged and observed microscopically. All the tested water samples met the W.H.O. recommended standard, of being colorless, tasteless, odourless with average pH of 6.93. No parasites were found in the water in the sachets but some parasites were found on the surfaces of the sachets. The surface of the sachets of the packaged water purchased from hawkers had the highest number of parasites {15 (41.7%)}. Identified parasites include cysts of Ascaris lumbricoides (5.6%), Entamoeba histolytica (4.6%), hookworm (2.8), Trichuris trichuria (2.8%) and Giardia lamblia cysts (1.9%). Hawkers possibly play a very significant role (χ2 = 20.21, df =2,

    Neutron Transfer Studied with a Radioactive beam of 24Ne, using TIARA at SPIRAL

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    A general experimental technique for high resolution studies of nucleon transfer reactions using radioactive beams is briefly described, together with the first new physics results that have been obtained with the new TIARA array. These first results from TIARA are for the reaction 24Ne(d,p)25Ne, studied in inverse kinematics with a pure radioactive beam of 100,000 pps from the SPIRAL facility at GANIL. The reaction probes the energies of neutron orbitals relevant to very neutron rich nuclei in this mass region and the results highlight the emergence of the N=16 magic number for neutrons and the associated disappearance of the N=20 neutron magic number for the very neutron rich neon isotopes.Comment: Proceedings of the Carpathian Summer School of Physics, Mamaia-Constanta, Romania, 13-24 June 200

    Semantic dementia: a complex and culturally influenced presentation.

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    The variants of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) require careful differentiation from primary psychiatric disorders as the neuropsychiatric manifestations can overshadow the unique cognitive deficits. The language variants of FTD are less readily recognised by trainees despite making up around 43% of cases. This educational article presents an anonymised case of one of the language variants: semantic dementia. The cognitive deficits and neuropsychiatric manifestations (delusions and hyperreligiosity) are explored in terms of aetiology and management. By the end of the article, readers should be able to differentiate FTD from Alzheimer's disease, understand the principles of management and associated risks, and develop a multifaceted approach to hyperreligiosity in dementia

    Wilson Loops in N=2 Super-Yang-Mills from Matrix Model

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    We compute the expectation value of the circular Wilson loop in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with N_f=2N hypermultiplets. Our results indicate that the string tension in the dual string theory scales as the logarithm of the 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures; v2: Numerical factors corrected, simple derivation of Wilson loop and discussion of continuation to complex lambda added; v3: instanton partition function re-analyzed in order to take into account a contribution of the hypermultiplet

    Catalyst-free and solvent-free Michael addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to nitroalkenes by a grinding method

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    Abstract An environmentally benign, fast and convenient protocol has been developed for the Michael addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to β-nitroalkenes in good to excellent yields by a grinding method under catalyst-and solvent-free conditions. 53

    Noncommutative Particles in Curved Spaces

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    We present a formulation in a curved background of noncommutative mechanics, where the object of noncommutativity θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} is considered as an independent quantity having a canonical conjugate momentum. We introduced a noncommutative first-order action in D=10 curved spacetime and the covariant equations of motions were computed. This model, invariant under diffeomorphism, generalizes recent relativistic results.Comment: 1+15 pages. Latex. New comments and results adde

    Strain engineering and one-dimensional organization of metal-insulator domains in single-crystal VO2 beams

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    Spatial phase inhomogeneity at the nano- to microscale is widely observed in strongly-correlated electron materials. The underlying mechanism and possibility of artificially controlling the phase inhomogeneity are still open questions of critical importance for both the phase transition physics and device applications. Lattice strain has been shown to cause the coexistence of metallic and insulating phases in the Mott insulator VO2. By continuously tuning strain over a wide range in single-crystal VO2 micro- and nanobeams, here we demonstrate the nucleation and manipulation of one-dimensionally ordered metal-insulator domain arrays along the beams. Mott transition is achieved in these beams at room temperature by active control of strain. The ability to engineer phase inhomogeneity with strain lends insight into correlated electron materials in general, and opens opportunities for designing and controlling the phase inhomogeneity of correlated electron materials for micro- and nanoscale device applications.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, with supplementary informatio