220 research outputs found

    Effect on longitudinal growth and anemia of zinc or multiple micronutrients added to vitamin A: a randomized controlled trial in children aged 6-24 months

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The benefits of zinc or multiple micronutrient supplementations in African children are uncertain. African children may differ from other populations of children in developing countries because of differences in the prevalence of zinc deficiency, low birth weight and preterm delivery, recurrent or chronic infections such as HIV, or the quality of complementary diets and genetic polymorphisms affecting iron metabolism.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to ascertain whether adding zinc or multiple micronutrients to vitamin A supplementation improves longitudinal growth or reduces prevalence of anemia in children aged 6-24 months.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Randomized, controlled double-blinded trial of prophylactic micronutrient supplementation to children aged 6-24 months. Children in three cohorts - 32 HIV-infected children, 154 HIV-uninfected children born to HIV-infected mothers, and 187 uninfected children born to HIV-uninfected mothers - were separately randomly assigned to receive daily vitamin A (VA) [n = 124], vitamin A plus zinc (VAZ) [n = 123], or multiple micronutrients that included vitamin A and zinc (MM) [n = 126].</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among all children there were no significant differences between intervention arms in length-for-age Z scores (LAZ) changes over 18 months. Among stunted children (LAZ below -2) [n = 62], those receiving MM had a 0.7 Z-score improvement in LAZ versus declines of 0.3 in VAZ and 0.2 in VA (P = 0.029 when comparing effects of treatment over time). In the 154 HIV-uninfected children, MM ameliorated the effect of repeated diarrhea on growth. Among those experiencing more than six episodes, those receiving MM had no decline in LAZ compared to 0.5 and 0.6 Z-score declines in children receiving VAZ and VA respectively (P = 0.06 for treatment by time interaction). After 12 months, there was 24% reduction in proportion of children with anemia (hemoglobin below 11 g/dL) in MM arm (P = 0.001), 11% in VAZ (P = 0.131) and 18% in VA (P = 0.019). Although the within arm changes were significant; the between-group differences were not significant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Daily multiple micronutrient supplementation combined with vitamin A was beneficial in improving growth among children with stunting, compared to vitamin A alone or to vitamin A plus zinc. Effects on anemia require further study.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number .NCT00156832.</p

    Errors in the measurement of voltage-activated ion channels in cell-attached patch-clamp recordings

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    Patch-clamp recording techniques have revolutionized understanding of the function and sub-cellular location of ion channels in excitable cells. The cell-attached patch-clamp configuration represents the method of choice to describe the endogenous properties of voltage-activated ion channels in the axonal, somatic and dendritic membrane of neurons, without disturbance of the intracellular milieu. Here, we directly examine the errors associated with cell-attached patch-clamp measurement of ensemble ion channel activity. We find for a number of classes of voltage-activated channels, recorded from the soma and dendrites of neurons in acute brain-slices and isolated cells, that the amplitude and kinetics of ensemble ion channel activity recorded in cell-attached patches is significantly distorted by transmembrane voltage changes generated by the flow of current through the activated ion channels. We outline simple error–correction procedures that allow a more accurate description of the density and properties of voltage-activated channels to be incorporated into computational models of neurons

    Single-channel properties of a stretch-sensitive chloride channel in the human mast cell line HMC-1

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    A stretch-activated (SA) Cl− channel in the plasma membrane of the human mast cell line HMC-1 was identified in outside-out patch-clamp experiments. SA currents, induced by pressure applied to the pipette, exhibited voltage dependence with strong outward rectification (55.1 pS at +100 mV and an about tenfold lower conductance at −100 mV). The probability of the SA channel being open (Po) also showed steep outward rectification and pressure dependence. The open-time distribution was fitted with three components with time constants of τ1o = 755.1 ms, τ2o = 166.4 ms, and τ3o = 16.5 ms at +60 mV. The closed-time distribution also required three components with time constants of τ1c = 661.6 ms, τ2c = 253.2 ms, and τ3c = 5.6 ms at +60 mV. Lowering extracellular Cl− concentration reduced the conductance, shifted the reversal potential toward chloride reversal potential, and decreased the Po at positive potentials. The SA Cl− currents were reversibly blocked by the chloride channel blocker 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS) but not by (Z)-1-(p-dimethylaminoethoxyphenyl)-1,2-diphenyl-1-butene (tamoxifen). Furthermore, in HMC-1 cells swelling due to osmotic stress, DIDS could inhibit the increase in intracellular [Ca2+] and degranulation. We conclude that in the HMC-1 cell line, the SA outward currents are mediated by Cl− influx. The SA Cl− channel might contribute to mast cell degranulation caused by mechanical stimuli or accelerate membrane fusion during the degranulation process

    Zinc or Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation to Reduce Diarrhea and Respiratory Disease in South African Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Prophylactic zinc supplementation has been shown to reduce diarrhea and respiratory illness in children in many developing countries, but its efficacy in children in Africa is uncertain.To determine if zinc, or zinc plus multiple micronutrients, reduces diarrhea and respiratory disease prevalence.Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial.Rural community in South Africa.THREE COHORTS: 32 HIV-infected children; 154 HIV-uninfected children born to HIV-infected mothers; and 187 HIV-uninfected children born to HIV-uninfected mothers.Children received either 1250 IU of vitamin A; vitamin A and 10 mg of zinc; or vitamin A, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K and copper, iodine, iron, and niacin starting at 6 months and continuing to 24 months of age. Homes were visited weekly.Primary outcome was percentage of days of diarrhea per child by study arm within each of the three cohorts. Secondary outcomes were prevalence of upper respiratory symptoms and percentage of children who ever had pneumonia by maternal report, or confirmed by the field worker.Among HIV-uninfected children born to HIV-infected mothers, median percentage of days with diarrhea was 2.3% for 49 children allocated to vitamin A; 2.5% in 47 children allocated to receive vitamin A and zinc; and 2.2% for 46 children allocated to multiple micronutrients (P = 0.852). Among HIV-uninfected children born to HIV-uninfected mothers, median percentage of days of diarrhea was 2.4% in 56 children in the vitamin A group; 1.8% in 57 children in the vitamin A and zinc group; and 2.7% in 52 children in the multiple micronutrient group (P = 0.857). Only 32 HIV-infected children were enrolled, and there were no differences between treatment arms in the prevalence of diarrhea. The prevalence of upper respiratory symptoms or incidence of pneumonia did not differ by treatment arms in any of the cohorts.When compared with vitamin A alone, supplementation with zinc, or with zinc and multiple micronutrients, did not reduce diarrhea and respiratory morbidity in rural South African children.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00156832

    Major Role for Amphotericin B–Flucytosine Combination in Severe Cryptococcosis

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    BACKGROUND: The Infectious Diseases Society of America published in 2000 practical guidelines for the management of cryptococcosis. However, treatment strategies have not been fully validated in the various clinical settings due to exclusion criteria during therapeutic trials. We assessed here the optimal therapeutic strategies for severe cryptococcosis using the observational prospective CryptoA/D study after analyzing routine clinical care of cryptococcosis in university or tertiary care hospitals. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Patients were enrolled if at least one culture grew positive with Cryptococcus neoformans. Control of sterilization was warranted 2 weeks (Wk2) and 3 months (Mo3) after antifungal therapy onset. 208 HIV-positive or -negative adult patients were analyzed. Treatment failure (death or mycological failure) at Wk2 and Mo3 was the main outcome measured. Combination of amphotericin B+flucytosine (AMB+5FC) was the best regimen for induction therapy in patients with meningoencephalitis and in all patients with high fungal burden and abnormal neurology. In those patients, treatment failure at Wk2 was 26% in the AMB+5FC group vs. 56% with any other treatments (p<0.001). In patients treated with AMB+5FC, factors independently associated with Wk2 mycological failure were high serum antigen titer (OR [95%CI] = 4.43[1.21-16.23], p = 0.025) and abnormal brain imaging (OR = 3.89[1.23-12.31], p = 0.021) at baseline. Haematological malignancy (OR = 4.02[1.32-12.25], p = 0.015), abnormal neurology at baseline (OR = 2.71[1.10-6.69], p = 0.030) and prescription of 5FC for less than 14 days (OR = 3.30[1.12-9.70], p = 0.030) were independently associated with treatment failure at Mo3. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results support the conclusion that induction therapy with AMB+5FC for at least 14 days should be prescribed rather than any other induction treatments in all patients with high fungal burden at baseline regardless of their HIV serostatus and of the presence of proven meningoencephalitis

    Understanding Sensory Nerve Mechanotransduction through Localized Elastomeric Matrix Control

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    BACKGROUND: While neural systems are known to respond to chemical and electrical stimulation, the effect of mechanics on these highly sensitive cells is still not well understood. The ability to examine the effects of mechanics on these cells is limited by existing approaches, although their overall response is intimately tied to cell-matrix interactions. Here, we offer a novel method, which we used to investigate stretch-activated mechanotransduction on nerve terminals of sensory neurons through an elastomeric interface. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To apply mechanical force on neurites, we cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons on an elastic substrate, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), coated with extracellular matrices (ECM). We then implemented a controlled indentation scheme using a glass pipette to mechanically stimulate individual neurites that were adjacent to the pipette. We used whole-cell patch clamping to record the stretch-activated action potentials on the soma of the single neurites to determine the mechanotransduction-based response. When we imposed specific mechanical force through the ECM, we noted a significant neuronal action potential response. Furthermore, because the mechanotransduction cascade is known to be directly affected by the cytoskeleton, we investigated the cell structure and its effects. When we disrupted microtubules and actin filaments with nocodozale or cytochalasin-D, respectively, the mechanically induced action potential was abrogated. In contrast, when using blockers of channels such as TRP, ASIC, and stretch-activated channels while mechanically stimulating the cells, we observed almost no change in action potential signalling when compared with mechanical activation of unmodified cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that sensory nerve terminals have a specific mechanosensitive response that is related to cell architecture

    Pharmacological Properties and Physiological Function of a P2X-Like Current in Single Proximal Tubule Cells Isolated from Frog Kidney

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    Although previous studies have provided evidence for the expression of P2X receptors in renal proximal tubule, only one cell line study has provided functional evidence. The current study investigated the pharmacological properties and physiological role of native P2X-like currents in single frog proximal tubule cells using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Extracellular ATP activated a cation conductance (P2Xf) that was also Ca2+-permeable. The agonist sequence for activation was ATP = αβ-MeATP > BzATP = 2-MeSATP, and P2Xf was inhibited by suramin, PPADS and TNP-ATP. Activation of P2Xf attenuated the rundown of a quinidine-sensitive K+ conductance, suggesting that P2Xf plays a role in K+ channel regulation. In addition, ATP/ADP apyrase and inhibitors of P2Xf inhibited regulatory volume decrease (RVD). These data are consistent with the presence of a P2X receptor that plays a role in the regulation of cell volume and K+ channels in frog renal proximal tubule cells

    Atomic structure and defect dynamics of monolayer lead iodide nanodisks with epitaxial alignment on graphene

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    Lead Iodide (PbI2) is a large bandgap 2D layered material that has potential for semi- conductor applications. However, atomic level study of PbI2 monolayer has been limited due to challenges in obtaining thin crystals. Here, we use liquid exfoliation to produce monolayer PbI2 nanodisks (30-40 nm in diameter and > 99% monolayer purity) and deposit them onto suspended graphene supports to enable atomic structure study of PbI2. Strong epitaxial alignment of PbI2 monolayers with the underlying graphene lattice occurs, leading to a phase shift from the 1 T to 1 H structure to increase the level of commensuration in the two lattice spacings. The fundamental point vacancy and nanopore structures in PbI2 monolayers are directly imaged, showing rapid vacancy migration and self-healing. These results provide a detailed insight into the atomic structure of monolayer PbI2, and the impact of the strong van der Waals interaction with graphene, which has importance for future applications in optoelectronics

    Rapid Internalization of the Oncogenic K+ Channel KV10.1

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    KV10.1 is a mammalian brain voltage-gated potassium channel whose ectopic expression outside of the brain has been proven relevant for tumor biology. Promotion of cancer cell proliferation by KV10.1 depends largely on ion flow, but some oncogenic properties remain in the absence of ion permeation. Additionally, KV10.1 surface populations are small compared to large intracellular pools. Control of protein turnover within cells is key to both cellular plasticity and homeostasis, and therefore we set out to analyze how endocytic trafficking participates in controlling KV10.1 intracellular distribution and life cycle. To follow plasma membrane KV10.1 selectively, we generated a modified channel of displaying an extracellular affinity tag for surface labeling by α-bungarotoxin. This modification only minimally affected KV10.1 electrophysiological properties. Using a combination of microscopy and biochemistry techniques, we show that KV10.1 is constitutively internalized involving at least two distinct pathways of endocytosis and mainly sorted to lysosomes. This occurs at a relatively fast rate. Simultaneously, recycling seems to contribute to maintain basal KV10.1 surface levels. Brief KV10.1 surface half-life and rapid lysosomal targeting is a relevant factor to be taken into account for potential drug delivery and targeting strategies directed against KV10.1 on tumor cells