3,065 research outputs found

    Circulating micrornas correlate with multiple myeloma and skeletal osteolytic lesions

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most frequent hematological disease and can cause skeletal osteolytic lesions. This study aims to evaluate the expression of circulating microRNAs (miR-NAs) in MM patients and to correlate those levels with clinicopathological features, including bone lesions. A panel of miRNAs associated with MM onset and progression, or with bone remodeling, was analyzed in the plasma of 82 subjects (47 MM patients; 35 healthy controls). Results show that miR-16-5p, miR-20a-5p, and miR-21-5p are differently expressed between MM patients and healthy controls. Receiver operating characteristic analyses indicate that their combined expression has potential as a molecular marker (Area Under the Curve, AUC of 0.8249). Furthermore, significant correlations were found between the analyzed miRNAs and disease stage, treatment, ß2 microglobulin, serum albumin and creatinine levels, but not with calcium levels or genetic alterations. In this cohort, 65.96% of MM patients had bone lesions, the majority of which were in the vertebrae. Additionally, miR-29c-3p was decreased in patients with osteolytic lesions compared with patients without bone disease. Interestingly, circulating levels of miR-29b-3p correlated with cervical and thoracic vertebral lesions, while miR-195-5p correlated with thoracic lesions. Our findings suggest circulating miRNAs can be promising biomarkers for MM diagnosis and that their levels correlate with myeloma bone disease and osteolytic lesions.The project was supported by AO Spine-ESA Grant Award 2018 (AO Foundation); As-sociação Portuguesa Contra a Leucemia, Sociedade Portuguesa de Hematologia, AMGEN; and by Portuguese funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior in the framework of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031402-R2Bone (FEDER-Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020-Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation—POCI, Portugal 2020)

    Parasites and allergy: observations from Brazil.

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    Brazil is a middle-income country undergoing the epidemiological transition. Effects of changes in daily life habits, and access to clean water, sanitation and urban services on a growing urban population have contributed to a double burden of both infectious and non-communicable chronic diseases. Studies have indicated that parasite infections may modulate the human immune system and influence the development of allergic conditions such as asthma. However, there is no consensus in the published literature on the effects of parasitic infections on allergy, perhaps as a consequence of factors determining the epidemiology of these infections that vary between populations such as age of first infection, duration and chronicity of infections, parasite burden and species, and host genetic susceptibility. In this review, we discuss the observations from Brazil concerning the relationship between parasite infections and allergy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Modulation of CD4 T cell function via CD6-targeting

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    In recent years molecules involved on the immune synapse became successful targets for therapeutic immune modulation. CD6 has been extensively studied, yet, results regarding CD6 biology have been controversial, in spite of the ubiquitous presence of this molecule on virtually all CD4 T cells. We investigated the outcome of murine and human antibodies targeting CD6 domain 1. We found that CD6-targeting had a major impact on the functional specialization of CD4 cells, both human and murine. Differentiation of CD4 T cells towards a Foxp3+ Treg fate was prevented with increasing doses of anti-CD6, while Th1 polarization was favoured. No impact was observed on Th2 or Th17 specialization. These in vitro results provided an explanation for the dose-dependent outcome of in vivo anti-CD6 administration where the anti-inflammatory action is lost at the highest doses. Our data show that therapeutic targeting of the immune synapse may lead to paradoxical dose-dependent effects due to modification of T cell fate.Funded by UID/BIM/50005/2019, project funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) / Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) throught Fundos do Orçamento do Estado, pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) ( PTDC/DTP-FTO/3080/2014 ); and by the project SRecognite Infect - ERA/0003/2015 using national funds through FCT . Funders did not have a role in study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation, or in the writing of the manuscript

    Anoxia- and hypoxia-induced expression of LDH-A* in the Amazon Oscar, Astronotus crassipinis

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    Adaptation or acclimation to hypoxia occurs via the modulation of physiologically relevant genes, such as erythropoietin, transferrin, vascular endothelial growth factor, phosphofructokinase and lactate dehydrogenase A. In the present study, we have cloned, sequenced and examined the modulation of the LDH-A gene after an Amazonian fish species, Astronotus crassipinis (the Oscar), was exposed to hypoxia and anoxia. In earlier studies, we have discovered that adults of this species are extremely tolerant to hypoxia and anoxia, while the juveniles are less tolerant. Exposure of juveniles to acute hypoxia and anoxia resulted in increased LDH-A gene expression in skeletal and cardiac muscles. When exposed to graded hypoxia juveniles show decreased LDH-A expression. In adults, the levels of LDH-A mRNA did not increase in hypoxic or anoxic conditions. Our results demonstrate that, when given time for acclimation, fish at different life-stages are able to respond differently to survive hypoxic episodes

    Errors in chromosome segregation during oogenesis and early embryogenesis

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    Errors in chromosome segregation occurring during human oogenesis and early embryogenesis are very common. Meiotic chromosome development during oogenesis is subdivided into three distinct phases. The crucial events, including meiotic chromosome pairing and recombination, take place from around 11 weeks until birth. Oogenesis is then arrested until ovulation, when the first meiotic division takes place, with the second meiotic division not completed until after fertilization. It is generally accepted that most aneuploid fetal conditions, such as trisomy 21 Down syndrome, are due to maternal chromosome segregation errors. The underlying reasons are not yet fully understood. It is also clear that superimposed on the maternal meiotic chromosome segregation errors, there are a large number of mitotic errors taking place post-zygotically during the first few cell divisions in the embryo. In this chapter, we summarise current knowledge of errors in chromosome segregation during oogenesis and early embryogenesis, with special reference to the clinical implications for successful assisted reproduction

    Parameter selection for and implementation of a web-based decision-support tool to predict extubation outcome in premature infants

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 30% of intubated preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) will fail attempted extubation, requiring reintubation and mechanical ventilation. Although ventilator technology and monitoring of premature infants have improved over time, optimal extubation remains challenging. Furthermore, extubation decisions for premature infants require complex informational processing, techniques implicitly learned through clinical practice. Computer-aided decision-support tools would benefit inexperienced clinicians, especially during peak neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) census. METHODS: A five-step procedure was developed to identify predictive variables. Clinical expert (CE) thought processes comprised one model. Variables from that model were used to develop two mathematical models for the decision-support tool: an artificial neural network (ANN) and a multivariate logistic regression model (MLR). The ranking of the variables in the three models was compared using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The best performing model was used in a web-based decision-support tool with a user interface implemented in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and the mathematical model employing the ANN. RESULTS: CEs identified 51 potentially predictive variables for extubation decisions for an infant on mechanical ventilation. Comparisons of the three models showed a significant difference between the ANN and the CE (p = 0.0006). Of the original 51 potentially predictive variables, the 13 most predictive variables were used to develop an ANN as a web-based decision-tool. The ANN processes user-provided data and returns the prediction 0–1 score and a novelty index. The user then selects the most appropriate threshold for categorizing the prediction as a success or failure. Furthermore, the novelty index, indicating the similarity of the test case to the training case, allows the user to assess the confidence level of the prediction with regard to how much the new data differ from the data originally used for the development of the prediction tool. CONCLUSION: State-of-the-art, machine-learning methods can be employed for the development of sophisticated tools to aid clinicians' decisions. We identified numerous variables considered relevant for extubation decisions for mechanically ventilated premature infants with RDS. We then developed a web-based decision-support tool for clinicians which can be made widely available and potentially improve patient care world wide

    Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor and probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>This is the first report of the case of a patient with a natural history of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor associated with probable sudden unexplained death in epilepsy. These tumors are benign, arising within the supratentorial cortex. Over 100 cases have been reported in the literature since the first description by Daumas-Duport in 1988.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 24- year-old Caucasian woman had a long period of intractable complex partial seizures, sometimes with tonic-clonic generalization and neuropsychological abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a cortico-subcortical parietal tumor with all the characteristics of these types of tumors. After 14 years of evolution, our patient died suddenly during sleep.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of probable sudden unexplained death in symptomatic epilepsy due to dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor with natural history. Early and complete excision, with functional studies before and during the surgery, leads to better control of seizures, avoiding neuropsychological changes and the risk of death. Patients with refractory epilepsy should be evaluated for any sleep disorders and should have complete cardiology assessments including electrocardiographic evaluation of cardiac rhythm disturbances.</p