18 research outputs found

    Gluten-free Bread: Economic, Nutritional And Technological Aspects

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    This chapter presents a detailed description of previously published works of the economical, nutritional and technological aspects of the research and production of gluten-free bread, which can benefit not only countries that do not produce wheat, but also celiac patients, whose life-long diet completely excludes foods containing wheat, oat, barley, rye and triticale. The real quality of the bread and wheat currently consumed will be investigated in this chapter: the years of research, massive financing by the wheat-exporting countries and private enterprises, high volume of production and intense marketing, all of which contributed to the rise in the global consumption of bread. The quality of gluten-free bread is not yet like that of wheat bread, but this research targets the improvement of the three-dimensional polysaccharide or protein network structure through physical and chemical modifications of starch or protein, so that they may result in wheat-free products of significant technological quality. © 2011 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.126(2000) Approved methods, , AACC -American Association of Cereal Chemists. 10 ed. 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    Experimental Design For The Evaluation Of Bread Protein Quality

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    The evaluation of protein quality is a key factor in determining nutritional and commercial value of food products. Techniques based mainly on the protein efficacy in stimulating animal growth have been developed and used for this purpose. Many works in the area of breadmaking have tried to complement the protein in wheat flour, which presents deficiencies in essential amino acids, with different protein sources, however, very few studies focus on the nutritional value. This chapter presents a proposal of nutritional studies which may be used to evaluate the nutritional quality of proteins, presenting some examples of works which have been applied in bread evaluation. Furthermore, reports the classic literature on the main methods of protein quality evaluation. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.227240Protein Quality Evaluation Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation (1991) Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, , FAO/WHO - Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health OrganizationHenley, E.C., Kuster, J.M., (1994) Food. Tech, 4, p. 74Sgarbieri, V.C., (1996) Proteínas em alimentos protéicos: propriedades, degradações, modificações, , São Paulo: Varela(1990), FAO/WHO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation / World Health Organization. Report on a joint FAO/WHO Expert Consolation on Protein Quality EvaluationSarwar, G., (1997) The protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score method overestimates quality of proteins containing antinutritional factors and of poorly digestible proteins supplemented with limiting amino acids in rats, 127, p. 758. , NutrSchaafsma, G., (2000) Nutr, 130, p. 1865Bender, A.E., Doell, B.H., (1957) British J. Nutr, 11, p. 138Friedman, M., (1996) J. Agric. Food Chem, 44, p. 6Mendes, F.Q., Oliveira, M.G.A., Costa, N.M.B., Pires, C.V., Hoffmam, Z.B., (2009) Alim. Nutr, 20, p. 77Lehninger, A.L., Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M., (2005) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, , 4th ed., New York: W.H. Freeman, Chapter 18Pires, C.V., Oliveira, M.G.A., Rosa, J.C., Costa, N.M.B., (2006) Ciênc. Tecnol. Alim, 26, p. 179Sgarbieri, V.C., (1987) Alimentação e nutrição: fator de saúde e desenvolvimento, , Campinas: UNICAMPMitchell, H.H., (1923) J. Biol. Chem, 58, p. 875Boas-Fixsen, M.A., (1930) Biochem, 24, p. 1794Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation / World Health Organization (1981) Report on a joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Energy and Protein Requirements, , FAO/WHOMitchell, H.H., (1923) J. Biol. Chem, 58, p. 905Mitchell, H.H., Carman, G.G., (1926) J. Biol. Chem, 68, p. 183Reeves, P.G., Nielsen, F.H., Fahey, G.C., (1993) J. Nutr, 123, p. 1939Ziegler, F.L.F., Sgarbieri, V.C., (2009) Rev. Nutr, 22, p. 61Alu'datt, H., Rababah, T., Ereifej, K., Alli, I., Alrababah, M.A., Almajwal, A., Masadeh, N., Alhamad, M.N., (2012) Food Hydrocolloids, 26, p. 13

    Extruded Rice Flour As A Gluten Substitute In The Poduction Of Rice Bread [farinha Extrusada De Arroz Como Substituto De Glúten Na Produção De Pão De Arroz]

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    Research regarding the production of gluten-free bread (GFB) is very important nutritionally, technically and economically speaking, both to celiac patients and to developing countries who import wheat. The main technological problem in the production of GFB is obtaining a gluten substitute that is both inexpensive and capable of retaining gas during bread fermentation and baking. The use of gelatinized starch as an alternative for gluten seems promising. In this project, rice bread was made using pre-gelatinized extruded rice flour as a gluten substitute. Pre-gelatinized rice flours (PRF) were manufactured in a single screw Brabender extruder, varying extrusion temperature (108-192°C) and the moisture of the raw material (19.2 - 24.8 %), and were used in a proportion of 10g for every 100g of raw rice flour, in the production of gluten-free bread. Results showed that rice flour extruded at a high temperature (180°) and low moisture content (20%), rendered bread with the best technological characteristics, presenting crust and crumb color similar to those of conventional wheat bread, although with volume and texture not as satisfactory in the same comparison. © 2007 Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición.563Wilhoft EMA. Bread Staling, I, Experimental Study, II, Theoretical Study. J. Sci. Food Agricultural. 1971, (22):176-183El-Dash, A.A., Molecular structure of gluten and viscoelastic properties of dough: A new concept (1991) Proceedings of the First Brazilian Congress Proteins. 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    Young bamboo culm flour of dendrocalamus asper: technological properties for food applications

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    Although bamboo is an agricultural product that moves billions of dollars in international trade, only its shoot has fiber production and use in food application. This study aimed to produce and evaluate the physicochemical and technological characteristics of young bamboo culm flour of Dendrocalamus asper for food application. Young culms were collected and divided into three fractions: bottom (B), middle (M) and top (T). The fractions were dried, ground, sieved and separated into two different particle sizes: F1 (d > 0.425 mm) and F2 (d ≤ 0.425 mm), totaling six samples: BF1, BF2, MF1, MF2, TF1 and TF2. The flours presented significant differences in proximate composition, whereas ash, protein and lipid contents were below 2%, and these flours can be considered as sources of fiber (67–79 g/100 g) and starch (from 6 to 16 g/100 g). Water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI) were significantly higher for the bottom samples (BF1 and BF2), compared to the other flours. Color parameters indicated white yellow color for all flours, being all the samples F1 (BF1, MF1 and TF1) clearer than flour F2. The results of this study open new perspectives for the food application of young bamboo culm flour.76230235COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informação2015/19637-4Sem informaçãoFAEPE

    Meat Analogue Produced With Soy Protein Isolate And Vital Gluten By Thermoplastic Extrusion: Technological, Physicochemical And Nutritional Characteristics

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    The consumer interest in healthy foods has pronounced effects within the food industry. Concerning this segment, the demand for vegetal proteins sources has shown significant increase. In vegetarian diets, meat has been replaced by meat analogues, which are usually made from soy protein. The texturized meat analogue produced with soy protein isolate should provide appearance, texture and nutritional value similar to meat. However, soy proteins do not provide all essential amino acids, once they are deficient in sulphur amino acid, such as methionine and cysteine, which makes the product with a lower biological value protein than meat and meat products. To complement the amino acid profile of soybeans and improve the physicochemical and technological characteristics of meat analogue, the use of vital gluten has been proposed. In addition to following the trend of reducing additive used in foods, the soy protein isolate in combination with vital gluten can promote formation of fibrous texture and complement the essential amino acid balance, since vital gluten is deficient of lysine, which is the abundant amino acid in soybeans. In turn, it complements soybeans with sulfur amino acids. This chapter aims to present the production of meat analogues by using vegetable proteins from soybeans and wheat, as well as the chemical interactions that occur between the constituents during the extrusion process. In addition, this chapter will discuss the main technological properties and the protein value as a chemical score of the mixtures of gluten and soybean protein needed to produce meat analogues with amino acid profile in quantity and quality acceptable for replacement of meat in vegetarian diets. © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 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    A Comparative Study Among Methods Used For Wheat Flour Analysis And For Measurements Of Gluten Properties Using The Wheat Gluten Quality Analyser (wgqa)

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    This study aimed at comparing both the results of wheat flour quality assessed by the new equipment Wheat Gluten Quality Analyser (WGQA) and those obtained by the extensigraph and farinograph. Fifty-nine wheat samples were evaluated for protein and gluten contents; the rheological properties of gluten and wheat flour were assessed using the WGQA and the extensigraph/farinograph methods, respectively, in addition to the baking test. Principal component analysis (PCA) and linear regression were used to evaluate the results. The parameters of energy and maximum resistance to extension determined by the extensigraph and WGQA showed an acceptable level for the linear correlation within the range from 0.6071 to 0.6511. The PCA results obtained using WGQA and the other rheological apparatus showed values similar to those expected for wheat flours in the baking test. Although all equipment used was effective in assessing the behavior of strong and weak flours, the results of medium strength wheat flour varied. WGQA has shown to use less amount of sample and to be faster and easier to use in relation to the other instruments used.342235242(1995), American Association for Clinical Chemistry-AACC, Approved Methods. 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    Nutritional Quality Of Proteins In Breads

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    Bread may be an optimal source for protein enrichment, as wheat proteins have quantitative deficiencies in some essential amino acids. Works focusing on the use of new protein sources in breads present a major concern about technological quality, however, few studies perform a full nutritional evaluation of the final product. In this chapter the main raw materials used to enhance bread protein value will be showed, where the amino acid profile will be discussed and the main works focusing on the nutritional quality of protein of bread will be presented. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 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    Cereal fiber: extrusion modifications for food industry

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    Although the consumption of whole grain foods has been encouraged due to the association between whole grains and health benefits, changes in the technological parameters and sensory attributes may limit the consumption of these products. This review addressed the effects on technological properties and sensory attributes of using cereal bran fiber in pasta and expanded extrudates (breakfast cereals and snacks). However, there are few studies on the microstructure and the fiber modification of these products, demonstrating that there is a great challenge to solve the technological and sensory problems of fiber-added expanded extruded products.33141148CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES140791/2017-5Sem informaçã