1,048 research outputs found

    Les jeux chez les Ayt Mgild du Moyen-Atlas

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    Les enfants Ayt Mgild possèdent une gamme très complète de jeux et font preuve d’une grande adresse. Claverie (« Jeux berbères (région d’Azrou) », Hesperis, VIII, 1928, p. 401-403) en fit le recensement d’où nous extrayons les exemples suivants : Azab Les enfants se rassemblent et se mettent en rond. L’un d’eux, au milieu, surveille ses camarades qui essaient de le frapper en disant : « Azab ! azab !... » Lui, se défend avec son pied droit, et fait face à ses adversaires en pivotant sur le pi..

    Cambios en la heterogeneidad del paisaje y organización espacial de bosques nativos en Patagonia, Argentina

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    Native forests in Patagonia have been influenced by human activities since the beginning of the past century. Nevertheless, the availability of aerial photographs to conduct analysis of changes at a landscape level due to anthropic factors is generally restricted to the last decades. Therefore this study was aimed to detect changes of the forest landscape heterogeneity during the last thirty years in the northwest region of Chubut, the middle-located Patagonian province, and to study spatial patterning of forest landscapes. For the first goal, we focused on a 2,000 ha landscape unit with prevailing Austrocedrus chilensis forests. In 466 ha covered by these forests, 41% of this area was negatively affected by forest fires, timber logging followed by livestock grazing and substitution with pine plantations. In contrast, growth of young Austrocedrus forests was verified in 9% of the forest area. Spatial patterns were studied on an area of 10,000 ha showing a high heterogeneity of the distinctive landscape configurations.Los bosques nativos en Patagonia han estado influidos por la acción del hombre desde principios del siglo pasado. Sin embargo, la disponibilidad de fotografías aéreas para efectuar análisis de cambios debidos a factores antrópicos a escala de paisaje está generalmente restringida a las últimas décadas. En consecuencia, este estudio estuvo orientado a detectar y analizar los cambios de la heterogeneidad del paisaje forestal durante los últimos treinta años en la región noroeste de Chubut, la provincia central de Patagonia en Argentina, y a estudiar la organización espacial de paisajes forestales. Para el primer objetivo, nos concentramos en una unidad de paisaje de 2.000 ha con predominancia de bosques de Austrocedrus chilensis. En 466 ha cubiertas con estos bosques, 41% de esta área fue negativamente afectado por incendios forestales, extracciones forestales seguidas de pastoreo y reemplazo de bosques nativos por plantaciones de pinos. En contraste, el crecimiento de bosques jóvenes de Austrocedrus se verificó en el 9% del área forestal. Los patrones espaciales se estudiaron en un área de 10.000 ha y mostraron una alta heterogeneidad de las configuraciones distintivas del paisaje

    The Little Book of Viruses

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    Michael Emerman reviews science writer Carl Zimmer's latest book

    Structural characterization of low‐temperature molecular beam epitaxial In0.52Al0.48As/InP heterolayers

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    A systematic study of the structural quality and arsenic content of as‐grown In0.52Al0.48As/InP layers deposited on InP by molecular beam epitaxy at temperatures between 150 and 450 °C was performed using transmission electron microscopy and particle‐induced x‐ray emission. We found that the amount of As incorporated in the layers generally increases with decreasing growth temperature, with the crystalline quality of the layers being good at growth temperatures higher than 200 °C. At 150 °C, a large density of pyramidal defects is formed, the defects are related to the very large amount of excess As incorporated into the layer. The mechanisms leading to the formation of these defects are discussed. At 200 °C, however, the amount of excess As is lower than expected, and wavy streaks of diffuse scattering are seen in electron diffraction. It is shown that small ordered domains of the CuPt type on the group III atoms are responsible for these features.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70657/2/APPLAB-60-8-989-1.pd

    Genome Analysis of Minibacterium massiliensis Highlights the Convergent Evolution of Water-Living Bacteria

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    Filtration usually eliminates water-living bacteria. Here, we report on the complete genome sequence of Minibacterium massiliensis, a β-proteobacteria that was recovered from 0.22-μm filtered water used for patients in the hospital. The unexpectedly large 4,110,251-nucleotide genome sequence of M. massiliensis was determined using the traditional shotgun sequencing approach. Bioinformatic analyses shows that the M. massiliensis genome sequence illustrates characteristic features of water-living bacteria, including overrepresentation of genes encoding transporters and transcription regulators. Phylogenomic analysis based on the gene content of available bacterial genome sequences displays a congruent evolution of water-living bacteria from various taxonomic origins, principally for genes involved in energy production and conversion, cell division, chromosome partitioning, and lipid metabolism. This phylogenomic clustering partially results from lateral gene transfer, which appears to be more frequent in water than in other environments. The M. massiliensis genome analyses strongly suggest that water-living bacteria are a common source for genes involved in heavy-metal resistance, antibiotics resistance, and virulence factors

    Field evaluation of rigid and flexible scarifier shanks

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    Se llevaron a cabo ensayos en campo con el objeto de evaluar parámetros de prestación de arcos de escarificador rígidos y flexibles. Se empleó un tractor de diseño convencional de 73 kW de potencia y un bastidor de tracción libre, registrándose los esfuerzos traccionales mediante una celda de carga interpuesta entre ambos, determinándose el área removida mediante un perfilómetro y obteniéndose los valores de resistencia específica. Los arcos rígidos produjeron un frente de labor significativamente mayor que los arcos flexibles. Los arcos rígidos son energéticamente más eficientes que los arcos flexiblesField tests were carried out with the aim to evaluate both rigid and flexible scarifier shanks performance parameters. A 2WD, 73 kW tractor and a pull type implement were used. The draft force was measured with a force transducer with strain gauges. The loosening area was recorded through a profilometer and, from this data, the specific resistance was calculated. The rigid shanks produced a significantly greather working area than the flexible shanks. The rigid shanks shows higher efficiency than the flexible shanksFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Field evaluation of rigid and flexible scarifier shanks

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    Se llevaron a cabo ensayos en campo con el objeto de evaluar parámetros de prestación de arcos de escarificador rígidos y flexibles. Se empleó un tractor de diseño convencional de 73 kW de potencia y un bastidor de tracción libre, registrándose los esfuerzos traccionales mediante una celda de carga interpuesta entre ambos, determinándose el área removida mediante un perfilómetro y obteniéndose los valores de resistencia específica. Los arcos rígidos produjeron un frente de labor significativamente mayor que los arcos flexibles. Los arcos rígidos son energéticamente más eficientes que los arcos flexiblesField tests were carried out with the aim to evaluate both rigid and flexible scarifier shanks performance parameters. A 2WD, 73 kW tractor and a pull type implement were used. The draft force was measured with a force transducer with strain gauges. The loosening area was recorded through a profilometer and, from this data, the specific resistance was calculated. The rigid shanks produced a significantly greather working area than the flexible shanks. The rigid shanks shows higher efficiency than the flexible shanksFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale