4,163 research outputs found
Non-classical symmetries and the singular manifold method: A further two examples
This paper discusses two equations with the conditional Painleve property.
The usefulness of the singular manifold method as a tool for determining the
non-classical symmetries that reduce the equations to ordinary differential
equations with the Painleve property is confirmed once moreComment: 9 pages (latex), to appear in Journal of Physics
Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA): Field Manual
Smallholder farmers are key to food security in sub-Saharan Africa where two thirds of the population depend on small-scale, rain-fed farming as their main source of food and income. Critical farming and household decisions depend upon the weather, for example, how much rain falls, the length and start date of the rainfall season and the timing of dry spells. Such aspects of the weather vary considerably from year to year.
The Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach aims to facilitate farmers to make informed decisions based on accurate, location specific, climate and weather information; locally relevant crop, livestock and livelihood options; and with the use of participatory tools to aid their decision making. This field manual is a step by step guide to working though the PICSA approach with farmer groups. It is primarily for the use of facilitators (e.g. NGO and extension field staff who have received training in the use of the PICSA approach). The PICSA approach is divided into twelve steps to be carried out with groups of farmers. Due to the location specific nature of PICSA there are a number of preparatory activities that need to be completed before field staff are trained in the approach.ESPAÑOL
Los pequeños agricultores son un elemento clave de la seguridad alimentaria en el África subsahariana, donde la agricultura de secano a pequeña escala es la principal fuente de alimento e ingreso de dos tercios de la población. Las decisiones importantes relacionadas con el hogar y la producción agrícola y pecuaria dependen del clima, por ejemplo, cantidad de lluvia, longitud y fecha de inicio de la estación lluviosa y el momento en que se den épocas de sequía. Tales aspectos del clima varían considerablemente de un año a otro.
El enfoque de los Servicios Integrados Participativos de Clima para la Agricultura (PICSA, sus siglas en inglés) busca facilitar que los agricultores tomen decisiones fundamentadas, basándose en información climática y meteorológica precisa y específica por sitio; cultivos pertinentes según su ubicación; alternativas de especies pecuarias y actividades de subsistencia; todo mediante el uso de herramientas participativas. Este manual de campo brinda instrucciones paso a paso para trabajar el enfoque PICSA con grupos de agricultores. Está dirigido principalmente a facilitadores (p. ej. ONG y extensionistas que han recibido capacitación sobre el uso del enfoque PICSA). Este enfoque consta de doce pasos que se llevan a cabo con grupos de agricultores. Dada la naturaleza específica por lugar, hay una serie de actividades de preparación que es necesario realizar antes de la capacitación del personal
Subsonic high-angle-of-attack aerodynamic characteristics of a cone and cylinder with triangular cross sections and a cone with a square cross section
Experiments were conducted in the 12-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel at Ames Research Center on three models with noncircular cross sections: a cone having a square cross section with rounded corners and a cone and cylinder with triangular cross sections and rounded vertices. The cones were tested with both sharp and blunt noses. Surface pressures and force and moment measurements were obtained over an angle of attack range from 30 deg to 90 deg and selected oil-flow experiments were conducted to visualize surface flow patterns. Unit Reynolds numbers ranged from 0.8x1,000,000/m to 13.0x1,000,000/m at a Mach number of 0.25, except for a few low-Reynolds-number runs at a Mach number of 0.17. Pressure data, as well as force data and oil-flow photographs, reveal that the three dimensional flow structure at angles of attack up to 75 deg is very complex and is highly dependent on nose bluntness and Reynolds number. For angles of attack from 75 deg to 90 deg the sectional aerodynamic characteristics are similar to those of a two dimensional cylinder with the same cross section
Solving the riddle of codon usage preferences: a test for translational selection
Translational selection is responsible for the unequal usage of synonymous codons in protein coding genes in a wide variety of organisms. It is one of the most subtle and pervasive forces of molecular evolution, yet, establishing the underlying causes for its idiosyncratic behaviour across living kingdoms has proven elusive to researchers over the past 20 years. In this study, a statistical model for measuring translational selection in any given genome is developed, and the test is applied to 126 fully sequenced genomes, ranging from archaea to eukaryotes. It is shown that tRNA gene redundancy and genome size are interacting forces that ultimately determine the action of translational selection, and that an optimal genome size exists for which this kind of selection is maximal. Accordingly, genome size also presents upper and lower boundaries beyond which selection on codon usage is not possible. We propose a model where the coevolution of genome size and tRNA genes explains the observed patterns in translational selection in all living organisms. This model finally unifies our understanding of codon usage across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Helicobacter pylori, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens are codon usage paradigms that can be better understood under the proposed model
Robust design optimisation of gas turbine compression systems
Engineering design commonly assumes nominal values for uncertain parameters to simplify the design process: the design of a gas turbine, or one of its modules, is generally approached with some specific operating conditions in mind (its design point). Unfortunately, engine components never exactly meet their specifications and do not operate at just one condition, but over a range of power settings. This simplification can then lead to a product that exhibits performance significantly worse than nominal in real-world conditions. This problem is exacerbated in the presence of heavily optimised designs, which tend to lie in extreme regions of the design space.15 In gas turbine design, safe and satisfactory off-design operation must be guaranteed and is generally evaluated before moving to the next phase of the design process. This approach, while guaranteeing that some minimum requirements are met, introduces a further loop in the design process and does not ensure the final design will be optimal with respect to this new requirement. The introduction of some robustness considerations into the design process can reduce the level of fragmentation and iteration typical of gas turbine engine design and produce further (and more robust) improvements relative to the traditional method. In this study, two approaches for dealing with off-design performance analysis are presented, integrated into an automatic optimisation system and applied to the preliminary design of a core compression system from a three-spool modern turbofan engine. Designs that are more robust than those found if only design-point performance is considered are successfully identified
Multi-Objective Optimisation of Aero-Engine Compressors
The design of a new aero-engine compressor is a complex
task: design objectives are almost always conflicting, the
design space is large, nonlinear and highly constrained, and
the effects of some geometrical changes can be difficult to
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is now widely used
in real-world applications and especially in the design of turbomachinery.
However, the large design space and the time
required for the numerical simulation of the whole turbomachine
make the use of CFD in the early phases of the design
process infeasible: preliminary design relies on a number of
physical and empirical relations, still quite similar to those
used in the early history of turbomachinery design.
In this study, 87 independent parameters were used to
define the geometry of a 7-stage compressor, the performance
of which was evaluated using proprietary design
codes for mean-line, multi-stage analysis. The effects on
efficiency and surge margin of changing 44 design variables
were analysed and their optimal values found by means
of deterministic (gradient-based) and meta-heuristic (Tabu
Search [TS]) optimisation methods.
The results show clearly how the use of meta-heuristic
optimisation tools can improve the preliminary design of
turbomachinery, allowing a more thorough but still rapid
exploration of the design space to identify the most promising
regions that will then be verified and further analysed
with higher fidelity tools.
The results also reveal the impact of introducing various
constraints into the design process, highlighting the effects
of design decomposition
The application of reliability methods in the design of stiffened FRP composite panels for marine vessels
The use of composite laminate materials has increased rapidly in recent years due to their excellent strength to weight ratio and resistance to corrosion. In the construction of marine vessels, stiffened plates are the most commonly used structural elements, forming the deck, bottom hull, side shells and bulkheads. This paper presents the use of a stochastic approach to the design of stiffened marine composite panels as part of a current research programme into developing stochastic methods for composite ship structures, accounting for variations in material properties, geometric indices and processing techniques, from the component level to the full system level. An analytical model for the solution of a stiffened isotropic plate using a grillage analogy is extended by the use of equivalent elastic properties for composite modelling. This methodology is applied in a reliability analysis of an isotropic (steel) stiffened plate before the final application for a reliability analysis for a FRP composite stiffened plate
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