30,123 research outputs found

    The spectral index image of the radio halo in the cluster Abell 520 hosting a famous bow shock

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    Synchrotron radio emission is being detected from an increasing number of galaxy clusters. Spectral index images are a powerful tool to investigate the origin, nature, and connection of these sources with the dynamical state of the cluster. The aim of this work is to investigate the spectral index distribution of the radio halo in the galaxy cluster A520, a complex system from an optical, radio, and X-ray point of view. We present deep Very Large Array observations in total intensity at 325 and 1400 MHz. We produced and analyzed spectral index images of the radio halo in this frequency range at a resolution of 39" and 60" and looked for possible correlations with the thermal properties of the cluster. We find an integrated radio halo spectral index alpha(325-1400) ~ 1.12. No strong radial steepening is present and the spectral index distribution is intrinsically complex with fluctuations only partially due to measurement errors. The radio halo integrated spectral index and the cluster temperature follow the global trend observed in other galaxy clusters although a strong point-to-point correlation between the spectral index and the thermal gas temperature has not been observed. The complex morphology in the spectral index image of the radio halo in A520 is in agreement with the primary models for radio halo formation. The flatness of the radial profile suggests that the merger is still ongoing and is uniformly and continuously (re-) accelerating the population of relativistic electrons responsible of the radio emission even at large (~ 1 Mpc) distances from the cluster center.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, A&A accepte

    Rich Counter-Examples for Temporal-Epistemic Logic Model Checking

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    Model checking verifies that a model of a system satisfies a given property, and otherwise produces a counter-example explaining the violation. The verified properties are formally expressed in temporal logics. Some temporal logics, such as CTL, are branching: they allow to express facts about the whole computation tree of the model, rather than on each single linear computation. This branching aspect is even more critical when dealing with multi-modal logics, i.e. logics expressing facts about systems with several transition relations. A prominent example is CTLK, a logic that reasons about temporal and epistemic properties of multi-agent systems. In general, model checkers produce linear counter-examples for failed properties, composed of a single computation path of the model. But some branching properties are only poorly and partially explained by a linear counter-example. This paper proposes richer counter-example structures called tree-like annotated counter-examples (TLACEs), for properties in Action-Restricted CTL (ARCTL), an extension of CTL quantifying paths restricted in terms of actions labeling transitions of the model. These counter-examples have a branching structure that supports more complete description of property violations. Elements of these counter-examples are annotated with parts of the property to give a better understanding of their structure. Visualization and browsing of these richer counter-examples become a critical issue, as the number of branches and states can grow exponentially for deeply-nested properties. This paper formally defines the structure of TLACEs, characterizes adequate counter-examples w.r.t. models and failed properties, and gives a generation algorithm for ARCTL properties. It also illustrates the approach with examples in CTLK, using a reduction of CTLK to ARCTL. The proposed approach has been implemented, first by extending the NuSMV model checker to generate and export branching counter-examples, secondly by providing an interactive graphical interface to visualize and browse them.Comment: In Proceedings IWIGP 2012, arXiv:1202.422

    Identifying Ultra-Cool Dwarfs at Low Galactic Latitudes: A Southern Candidate Catalogue

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    We present an Ultra-Cool Dwarf (UCD) catalogue compiled from low southern Galactic latitudes and mid-plane, from a cross-correlation of the 2MASS and SuperCOSMOS surveys. The catalogue contains 246 members identified from 5042 sq. deg. within 220 deg. <= l <= 360 deg. and 0 deg. < l <= 30 deg., for |b| <= 15 deg. Sixteen candidates are spectroscopically confirmed in the near-IR as UCDs with spectral types from M7.5V to L9. Our catalogue selection method is presented enabling UCDs from ~M8V to the L-T transition to be selected down to a 2MASS limiting magnitude of Ks ~= 14.5 mag. This method does not require candidates to have optical detections for catalogue inclusion. An optimal set of optical/near-IR and reduced proper-motion selection criteria have been defined that includes: an Rf and Ivn photometric surface gravity test, a dual Rf-band variability check, and an additional photometric classification scheme to selectively limit contaminants. We identify four candidates as possible companions to nearby Hipparcos stars -- observations are needed to identify these as potential benchmark UCD companions. We also identify twelve UCDs within a possible distance 20 pc, three are previously unknown of which two are estimated within 10 pc, complimenting the nearby volume-limited census of UCDs. An analysis of the catalogue spatial completeness provides estimates for distance completeness over three UCD MJ ranges, while Monte-Carlo simulations provide an estimate of catalogue areal completeness at the 75 per cent level. We estimate a UCD space density of Rho (total) = (6.41+-3.01)x10^3/pc^3 over the range of 10.5 <= MJ ~< 14.9, similar to values measured at higher Galactic latitudes (|b| ~> 10 deg.) in the field population and obtained from more robust spectroscopically confirmed UCD samples.Comment: MNRAS accepted April 2012. Contains 30 figures and 11 tables. Tables 2 and 6 to be published in full and on-line only. The on-line tables can also be obtained by contacting the author

    Measurements of the light-absorbing material inside cloud droplets and its effect on cloud albedo

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    Most of the measurements of light-absorbing aerosol particles made previously have been in non-cloudy air and therefore provide no insight into aerosol effects on cloud properties. Here, researchers describe an experiment designed to measure light absorption exclusively due to substances inside cloud droplets, compare the results to related light absorption measurements, and evaluate possible effects on the albedo of clouds. The results of this study validate those of Twomey and Cocks and show that the measured levels of light-absorbing material are negligible for the radiative properties of realistic clouds. For the measured clouds, which appear to have been moderately polluted, the amount of elemental carbon (EC) present was insufficient to affect albedo. Much higher contaminant levels or much larger droplets than those measured would be necessary to significantly alter the radiative properties. The effect of the concentrations of EC actually measured on the albedo of snow, however, would be much more pronounced since, in contrast to clouds, snowpacks are usually optically semi-infinite and have large particle sizes

    Octahedral tilting, monoclinic phase and the phase diagram of PZT

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    Anelastic and dielectric spectroscopy measurements on PZT close to the morphotropic (MPB) and antiferroelectric boundaries provide new insight in some controversial aspects of its phase diagram. No evidence is found of a border separating monoclinic (M) from rhombohedral (R) phases, in agreement with recent structural studies supporting a coexistence of the two phases over a broad composition range x < 0.5, with the fraction of M increasing toward the MPB. It is also discussed why the observed maximum of elastic compliance appears to be due to a rotational instability of the polarisation and therefore cannot be explained by extrinsic softening from finely twinned R phase alone, but indicates the presence also of M phase, not necessarily homogeneous. A new diffuse transition is found within the ferroelectric phase near x ~ 0.1, at a temperature T_IT higher than the well established boundary T_T to the phase with tilted octahedra. It is proposed that around T_IT the octahedra start rotating in a disordered manner and finally become ordered below T_T. In this interpretation, the onset temperature for octahedral tilting monotonically increases up to the antiferroelectric transition of PbZrO3, and the depression of T_T(x) below x = 0.18 would be a consequence of the partial relieve of the mismatch between the cation radii with the initial stage of tilting below T_IT.Comment: submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Virus diseases of lupins virus diseases of pastures

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    Virus diseases of lupins. Bean yellow mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus Effect of CMV isolate Effect of pod position Effect of dry conditions on establishment Effect of cultivar on seed transmission rates Effect of reflective mulch Survey of commercial seed stocks. Virus disease of pastures Bean yellow mosaic virus and cucumber and alfalfa mosaic viruses Symptoms Distribution Seed-borne infection Persistence Recommendations for control Lupin phyllody disorder Barley yellow dwarf virus Publication

    Obscured clusters.IV. The most massive stars in [DBS2003]179

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    Aims. We report new results for the massive evolved and main sequence members of the young galactic cluster DBS2003 179. We determine the physical parameters and investigate the high-mass stellar content of the cluster, as well as of its close vicinity. Methods. Our analysis is based on ISAAC/VLT moderate-resolution (R\approx4000) infrared spectroscopy of the brightest cluster members. We derive stellar parameters for sixteen of the stellar members, using full non-LTE modeling of the obtained spectra. Results. The cluster contains three late WN or WR/LBV stars (Obj 4, Obj 15, and Obj 20:MDM32) and at least 5 OIf and 5 OV stars. According to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for DBS2003 179, the WR stars show masses above 85Msun, the OIf stars are between 40 and 80Msun, and the main sequence O stars are >20Msun. There are indications of binarity for Obj 4 and Obj 11, and Obj 3 shows a variable spectrum. The cluster is surrounded by a continuous protostar formation region most probably triggered by DBS2003 179. Conclusions. We confirm that DBS2003 179 is young massive cluster (2.5 10^4Msun) very close to the Galactic center at the distance of 7.9+-0.8 kpc.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted in A&

    The Cop Number of the One-Cop-Moves Game on Planar Graphs

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    Cops and robbers is a vertex-pursuit game played on graphs. In the classical cops-and-robbers game, a set of cops and a robber occupy the vertices of the graph and move alternately along the graph's edges with perfect information about each other's positions. If a cop eventually occupies the same vertex as the robber, then the cops win; the robber wins if she can indefinitely evade capture. Aigner and Frommer established that in every connected planar graph, three cops are sufficient to capture a single robber. In this paper, we consider a recently studied variant of the cops-and-robbers game, alternately called the one-active-cop game, one-cop-moves game or the lazy-cops-and-robbers game, where at most one cop can move during any round. We show that Aigner and Frommer's result does not generalise to this game variant by constructing a connected planar graph on which a robber can indefinitely evade three cops in the one-cop-moves game. This answers a question recently raised by Sullivan, Townsend and Werzanski.Comment: 32 page

    Strengths of singularities in spherical symmetry

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    Covariant equations characterizing the strength of a singularity in spherical symmetry are derived and several models are investigated. The difference between central and non-central singularities is emphasised. A slight modification to the definition of singularity strength is suggested. The gravitational weakness of shell crossing singularities in collapsing spherical dust is proven for timelike geodesics, closing a gap in the proof.Comment: 16 pages, revtex. V2. Classification of irregular singular points completed, Comments and references on singularities with a continuous metric amende

    Interaction of Laser Radiation with Plasmas and Nonadiabatic Motion of Particles in Magnetic Fields

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    Contains reports on three research projects.United States Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(30-1)-3285