419 research outputs found

    Topological modes bound to dislocations in mechanical metamaterials

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    Mechanical metamaterials are artificial structures with unusual properties, such as negative Poisson ratio, bistability or tunable vibrational properties, that originate in the geometry of their unit cell. At the heart of such unusual behaviour is often a soft mode: a motion that does not significantly stretch or compress the links between constituent elements. When activated by motors or external fields, soft modes become the building blocks of robots and smart materials. Here, we demonstrate the existence of topological soft modes that can be positioned at desired locations in a metamaterial while being robust against a wide range of structural deformations or changes in material parameters. These protected modes, localized at dislocations, are the mechanical analogue of topological states bound to defects in electronic systems. We create physical realizations of the topological modes in prototypes of kagome lattices built out of rigid triangular plates. We show mathematically that they originate from the interplay between two Berry phases: the Burgers vector of the dislocation and the topological polarization of the lattice. Our work paves the way towards engineering topologically protected nano-mechanical structures for molecular robotics or information storage and read-out.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; changes to text and figures and added analysis on mode localization; see http://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/~paulose/dislocation-modes/ for accompanying video

    Haptic guidance improves the visuo-manual tracking of trajectories

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    BACKGROUND: Learning to perform new movements is usually achieved by following visual demonstrations. Haptic guidance by a force feedback device is a recent and original technology which provides additional proprioceptive cues during visuo-motor learning tasks. The effects of two types of haptic guidances-control in position (HGP) or in force (HGF)-on visuo-manual tracking ("following") of trajectories are still under debate. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPALS FINDINGS: Three training techniques of haptic guidance (HGP, HGF or control condition, NHG, without haptic guidance) were evaluated in two experiments. Movements produced by adults were assessed in terms of shapes (dynamic time warping) and kinematics criteria (number of velocity peaks and mean velocity) before and after the training sessions. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These results show that the addition of haptic information, probably encoded in force coordinates, play a crucial role on the visuo-manual tracking of new trajectories

    The space group classification of topological band insulators

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    Topological band insulators (TBIs) are bulk insulating materials which feature topologically protected metallic states on their boundary. The existing classification departs from time-reversal symmetry, but the role of the crystal lattice symmetries in the physics of these topological states remained elusive. Here we provide the classification of TBIs protected not only by time-reversal, but also by crystalline symmetries. We find three broad classes of topological states: (a) Gamma-states robust against general time-reversal invariant perturbations; (b) Translationally-active states protected from elastic scattering, but susceptible to topological crystalline disorder; (c) Valley topological insulators sensitive to the effects of non-topological and crystalline disorder. These three classes give rise to 18 different two-dimensional, and, at least 70 three-dimensional TBIs, opening up a route for the systematic search for new types of TBIs.Comment: Accepted in Nature Physic

    Topological Crystalline Insulators in the SnTe Material Class

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    Topological crystalline insulators are new states of matter in which the topological nature of electronic structures arises from crystal symmetries. Here we predict the first material realization of topological crystalline insulator in the semiconductor SnTe, by identifying its nonzero topological index. We predict that as a manifestation of this nontrivial topology, SnTe has metallic surface states with an even number of Dirac cones on high-symmetry crystal surfaces such as {001}, {110} and {111}. These surface states form a new type of high-mobility chiral electron gas, which is robust against disorder and topologically protected by reflection symmetry of the crystal with respect to {110} mirror plane. Breaking this mirror symmetry via elastic strain engineering or applying an in-plane magnetic field can open up a continuously tunable band gap on the surface, which may lead to wide-ranging applications in thermoelectrics, infrared detection, and tunable electronics. Closely related semiconductors PbTe and PbSe also become topological crystalline insulators after band inversion by pressure, strain and alloying.Comment: submitted on Feb. 10, 2012; to appear in Nature Communications; 5 pages, 4 figure

    Topological Surface States Protected From Backscattering by Chiral Spin Texture

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    Topological insulators are a new class of insulators in which a bulk gap for electronic excitations is generated by strong spin orbit coupling. These novel materials are distinguished from ordinary insulators by the presence of gapless metallic boundary states, akin to the chiral edge modes in quantum Hall systems, but with unconventional spin textures. Recently, experiments and theoretical efforts have provided strong evidence for both two- and three-dimensional topological insulators and their novel edge and surface states in semiconductor quantum well structures and several Bi-based compounds. A key characteristic of these spin-textured boundary states is their insensitivity to spin-independent scattering, which protects them from backscattering and localization. These chiral states are potentially useful for spin-based electronics, in which long spin coherence is critical, and also for quantum computing applications, where topological protection can enable fault-tolerant information processing. Here we use a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to visualize the gapless surface states of the three-dimensional topological insulator BiSb and to examine their scattering behavior from disorder caused by random alloying in this compound. Combining STM and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show that despite strong atomic scale disorder, backscattering between states of opposite momentum and opposite spin is absent. Our observation of spin-selective scattering demonstrates that the chiral nature of these states protects the spin of the carriers; they therefore have the potential to be used for coherent spin transport in spintronic devices.Comment: to be appear in Nature on August 9, 200

    One-dimensional Topological Edge States of Bismuth Bilayers

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    The hallmark of a time-reversal symmetry protected topologically insulating state of matter in two-dimensions (2D) is the existence of chiral edge modes propagating along the perimeter of the system. To date, evidence for such electronic modes has come from experiments on semiconducting heterostructures in the topological phase which showed approximately quantized values of the overall conductance as well as edge-dominated current flow. However, there have not been any spectroscopic measurements to demonstrate the one-dimensional (1D) nature of the edge modes. Among the first systems predicted to be a 2D topological insulator are bilayers of bismuth (Bi) and there have been recent experimental indications of possible topological boundary states at their edges. However, the experiments on such bilayers suffered from irregular structure of their edges or the coupling of the edge states to substrate's bulk states. Here we report scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments which show that a subset of the predicted Bi-bilayers' edge states are decoupled from states of Bi substrate and provide direct spectroscopic evidence of their 1D nature. Moreover, by visualizing the quantum interference of edge mode quasi-particles in confined geometries, we demonstrate their remarkable coherent propagation along the edge with scattering properties that are consistent with strong suppression of backscattering as predicted for the propagating topological edge states.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, and supplementary materia

    A comprehensive evaluation of the accuracy of CBCT and deformable registration based dose calculation in lung proton therapy

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    The uncertainties in water equivalent thickness (WET) and accuracy of dose estimation using a virtual CT (vCT), generated from deforming the planning CT (pCT) onto the daily cone-beam CT (CBCT), were comprehensively evaluated in the context of lung malignancies and passive scattering proton therapy. The validation methodology utilized multiple CBCT datasets to generate the vCTs of twenty lung cancer patients. A correction step was applied to the vCTs to account for anatomical modifications that could not be modeled by deformation alone. The CBCT datasets included a regular CBCT (rCBCT) and synthetic CBCTs created from the rCBCT and rescan CT (rCT), which minimized the variation in setup between the vCT and the gold-standard image (i.e., rCT). The uncertainty in WET was defined as the voxelwise difference in WET between vCT and rCT, and calculated in 3D (planning target volume, PTV) and 2D (distal and proximal surfaces). The uncertainty in WET based dose warping was defined as the difference between the warped dose and a forward dose recalculation on the rCT. The overall root mean square (RMS) uncertainty in WET was 3.6 ± 1.8, 2.2 ± 1.4 and 3.3 ± 1.8 mm for the distal surface, proximal surface and PTV, respectively. For the warped dose, the RMS uncertainty of the voxelwise dose difference was 6% ± 2% of the maximum dose (%mD), using a 20% cut-off. The rCBCT resulted in higher uncertainties due to setup variability with the rCT; the uncertainties reported with the two synthetic CBCTs were similar. The vCT followed by a correction step was found to be an accurate alternative to rCT

    Electrospray deposition and direct patterning of polylactic acid nanofibrous microcapsules for tissue engineering

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    Electrospun nanofibers composed of biodegradable polymers are attractive candidates for cell culture scaffolds in tissue engineering. Their fine-meshed structures, resembling natural extracellular matrices, effectively interact with cell surfaces and promote cell proliferation. The application of electrospinning, however, is limited to two-dimensional (2D) or single tube-like scaffolds, and the fabrication of arbitrary three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds from electrospun nanofibers is still very difficult due to the fibers’ continuous and entangled form. To address this issue, in this paper, we describe the use of phase-separation-assisted electrospray and electrostatic focusing to perform continuous direct 3D patterning of nanofibrous microcapsules of biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA). These microcapsules exhibit fiber-particle duality because they are composed of nanofibers suitable for cell attachment while also being easy to handle as particles for direct 3D patterning. By varying the flow rate of the polymer solution and the humidity of the electrospray atmosphere during electrospraying, the diameter of the microcapsule and its surface porosity can be controlled. The utility of the direct-patterning process is demonstrated by fabricating high-aspect-ratio microscaffolds and subsequent cell cultures. The nanofibrous and hollow structure of the microcapsules combined with the direct 3D patterning process offers a new approach for fabricating tailor-made scaffolds for regenerative medicine

    Fibulin-2: A Novel Biomarker for Differentiating Grade II from Grade I Meningiomas

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    There is an unmet need for the identification of biomarkers to aid in the diagnosis, clinical management, prognosis and follow-up of meningiomas. There is currently no consensus on the optimum management of WHO grade II meningiomas. In this study, we identified the calcium binding extracellular matrix glycoprotein, Fibulin-2, via mass-spectrometry-based proteomics, assessed its expression in grade I and II meningiomas and explored its potential as a grade II biomarker. A total of 87 grade I and 91 grade II different meningioma cells, tissue and plasma samples were used for the various experimental techniques employed to assess Fibulin-2 expression. The tumours were reviewed and classified according to the 2016 edition of the Classification of the Tumours of the central nervous system (CNS). Mass spectrometry proteomic analysis identified Fibulin-2 as a differentially expressed protein between grade I and II meningioma cell cultures. Fibulin-2 levels were further evaluated in meningioma cells using Western blotting and Real-time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR); in meningioma tissues via immunohistochemistry and RT-qPCR; and in plasma via Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Proteomic analyses (p &lt; 0.05), Western blotting (p &lt; 0.05) and RT-qPCR (p &lt; 0.01) confirmed significantly higher Fibulin-2 (FBLN2) expression levels in grade II meningiomas compared to grade I. Fibulin-2 blood plasma levels were also significantly higher in grade II meningioma patients compared to grade I patients. This study suggests that elevated Fibulin-2 might be a novel grade II meningioma biomarker, when differentiating them from the grade I tumours. The trend of Fibulin-2 expression observed in plasma may serve as a useful non-invasive biomarker.</jats:p

    First Clinical Investigation of Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Deformable Registration for Adaptive Proton Therapy for Lung Cancer

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    PURPOSE: An adaptive proton therapy workflow using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is proposed. It consists of an online evaluation of a fast range-corrected dose distribution based on a virtual CT (vCT) scan. This can be followed by more accurate offline dose recalculation on the vCT scan, which can trigger a rescan CT (rCT) for replanning. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The workflow was tested retrospectively for 20 consecutive lung cancer patients. A diffeomorphic Morphon algorithm was used to generate the lung vCT by deforming the average planning CT onto the CBCT scan. An additional correction step was applied to account for anatomic modifications that cannot be modeled by deformation alone. A set of clinical indicators for replanning were generated according to the water equivalent thickness (WET) and dose statistics and compared with those obtained on the rCT scan. The fast dose approximation consisted of warping the initial planned dose onto the vCT scan according to the changes in WET. The potential under- and over-ranges were assessed as a variation in WET at the target's distal surface. RESULTS: The range-corrected dose from the vCT scan reproduced clinical indicators similar to those of the rCT scan. The workflow performed well under different clinical scenarios, including atelectasis, lung reinflation, and different types of tumor response. Between the vCT and rCT scans, we found a difference in the measured 95% percentile of the over-range distribution of 3.4 ± 2.7 mm. The limitations of the technique consisted of inherent uncertainties in deformable registration and the drawbacks of CBCT imaging. The correction step was adequate when gross errors occurred but could not recover subtle anatomic or density changes in tumors with complex topology. CONCLUSIONS: A proton therapy workflow based on CBCT provided clinical indicators similar to those using rCT for patients with lung cancer with considerable anatomic changes
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