13 research outputs found

    Investigating the effect of attributs on user trust in social media

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    One main challenge in social media is to identify trustworthy information. If we cannot recognize information as trustworthy, that information may become useless or be lost. Opposite, we could consume wrong or fake information - with major consequences. How does a user handle the information provided before consuming it? Are the comments on a post, the author or votes essential for taking such a decision? Are these attributes considered together and which attribute is more important? To answer these questions, we developed a trust model to support knowledge sharing of user content in social media. This trust model is based on the dimensions of stability, quality, and credibility. Each dimension contains metrics (user role, user IQ, votes, etc.) that are important to the user based on data analysis. We present in this paper, an evaluation of the proposed trust model using conjoint analysis (CA) as an evaluation method. The results obtained from 348 responses, validate the trust model. A trust degree translator interprets the content as very trusted, trusted, untrusted, and very untrusted based on the calculated value of trust. Furthermore, the results show a different importance for each dimension: stability 24%, credibility 35% and quality 41%

    Acceptability and Use of Mobile Health Applications in Health Information Systems: A Case of eIDSR and DHIS2 Touch Mobile Applications in Tanzania

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    Part 2: Digital Platforms for DevelopmentInternational audienceThe use of modern information and communication technology plays a significant role in healthcare services improvement. In the recent years, various mobile application systems have been deployed in the health sectors of different developing countries to facilitate remote data collection and transmission so as to improve its quality and availability. Consequently, understanding the factors contributing to mobile technology acceptance is imperative. The purpose of this study was to adopt a modified UTAUT theoretical model to understand the factors influence acceptance and use of mobile health applications by health workers at health facilities in Tanzania. Questionnaires were used to collect data from health facilities workers. Out of 150 health facilities workers, only 108 return, a 72% return rate whose data was statistically analyzed using SPSS tool. The findings show that effort expectancy and facilitating conditions significantly influence the users located in the urban area on behavioral intention to use mobile health applications. Furthermore, the study shows that the constructs such as social influence, training adequacy, and voluntariness of use do not have a significant influence on the use of mobile health applications

    United we stand ::exploring the notion of cooperation support system for business model design

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    In this chapter, we identify possible connections between the notion of co-utility and new business models, which are based on cooperation among consumers. We start with known cases of sharing economy (Uber and AirBnB) to introduce the business model canvas as a tool to support the design of right incentives for cooperation among stakeholders. Then we use the business model canvas to illustrate two research projects and two real-life applications focused on a transportation firm and a boutique hotel

    Stadsplaneringsprocessen i förÀndring

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    Bostadsbristen i Stockholm har lett till en debatt om hur planprocessen för byggnation kan effektiviseras och hur mycket denna effektivisering fÄr kosta. Debatten inleds av Statens offentliga utredningar, SOU 2013:34 dÀr det punktas upp förslag pÄ hur planprocessen kan tidseffektiviseras. FöresprÄkare av denna typ av effektivisering anser att en bra lösning Àr att minska pÄ medborgarnas möjligheter att överklaga planer. PÄ den andra sidan i debatten Äterfinns organisationer som menar att medborgarnas Äsikter Àr av högsta relevans och menar istÀllet att en ökad möjlighet för medborgarna att delta i planprocessen kan bidra till demokratiska fördelar. För att undersöka debatten kring planprocessen, effektivitet och medborgardeltagande, har tidningsartiklar, branschtidningen PLAN, en bok utgiven av tre professorer pÄ KTH samt tre olika statliga utredningar studerats. Studien har en diskursanalytisk karaktÀr, dÄ sjÀlva debatten och hur den framstÀlls Àr studerad istÀllet för att fokus ligger pÄ att fÄnga in en statisk bild av samhÀllet. För att förklara de olika argumenten, har de relaterats till olika demokratimodeller tillsammans med Arnsteins stege, vilken förklarar olika grader av medborgardeltagande. Resultatet av studien Àr att planprocessen Àr i stÀndig förÀndring. För tillfÀllet övervÀger de röster i debatten som föresprÄkar tidseffektivisering