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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar a rela\ue7\ue3o do di\ue2metro e \ue1rea basal, as zonas de competi\ue7\ue3o, a densidade relativa e o autodesbaste em popula\ue7\uf5es monoclonais de Eucalyptus saligna Smith, com base em 238 parcelas permanentes distribu\ueddas em povoamentos com densidade completa, medidas dos 3 aos 18 anos de idade. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o modelo de densidade de Tang apresentou uma boa precis\ue3o e efici\ueancia. O autodesbaste tem in\uedcio quando a popula\ue7\ue3o atinge um di\ue2metro m\ue9dio de 8 cm, quando a densidade foi igual a 0,3446 (34,46 %), com linha do gradiente de 1,5818 (b). O m\ue1ximo incremento corrente anual em di\ue2metro ocorreu entre as idades de 14 e 15 anos quando as densidades eram de 12,5 e 25 % caracterizando a zona de crescimento livre de competi\ue7\ue3o entre os indiv\uedduos. A zona de aumento da competi\ue7\ue3o entre as densidades relativas de 25 e 50 % e a zona de iminente mortalidade ocorreu entre as densidades relativas de 50 e 100 %. O modelo permitiu estabelecer em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0 densidade relativa, cinco zonas de concorr\ueancia no desenvolvimento da popula\ue7\ue3o, definidas por zonas de espa\ue7o excessivo, crescimento livre, aumento de competi\ue7\ue3o, estoque completo e iminente mortalidade.The present work was developed in order to study the relation among the diameter and the basal area, the competition zones, the relative density, and the self-tinning in Eucalyptus saligna Smith monoclonal stand, with 238 pair's data basis of permanent sampling by full density stand distribution, observed from 3 to 18 years old. The results obtained allowed to conclude that Tang's density model was very precise and efficient. The self-thinning begins when the population reaches an average diameter of 8 cm. The relative density was equal 34.46%, with line gradient of 1.5818 (b). The maximum current annual increment in diameter and between the relative densities was observed between the ages of 14 and 15 years when the relative densities were 12.5% and 25%, characterizing a free growth competition zone among the individuals of the population. The zone of increasing competition between the relative densities of 25 and 50% and the imminent mortality zone occurred between the relative densities of 50 and 100%. The density model allowed detecting five competition zones, in the development of the stands, defined by zones of: excessive space, free growth, increase of competition, complete stock and imminent mortality, in relation to the relative density of the population

    Performance of the Pinus echinata at the Central Region of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

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    Neste trabalho, estudou-se o crescimento e a produ\ue7\ue3o em povoamento de Pinus echinata Mill. O povoamento foi instalado em 1996 em espa\ue7amento de 3,0 x 2,0 metros, no munic\uedpio de Boqueir\ue3o do Le\ue3o, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para o estudo, foram instaladas seis unidades amostrais, onde foram medidas e abatidas seis \ue1rvores de di\ue2metro m\ue9dio e de altura dominante para an\ue1lise de tronco. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a esp\ue9cie apresenta bom potencial de crescimento em di\ue2metro, altura e volume. Aos 12 anos de idade, o povoamento apresentou um di\ue2metro m\ue9dio de 18,4 cm, altura m\ue9dia de 12,6 m, altura dominante de 14,1 m, \ue1rea basal de 42,3 m2.ha-1, volume total com casca de 248,2 m3.ha-1 e um incremento m\ue9dio anual de 20,7 m3.ha-1.ano-1. Tais resultados iniciais indicam que a esp\ue9cie apresenta potencial de crescimento e produ\ue7\ue3o, podendo ser indicada para cultivo no estado do Rio Grande do Sul.In this work, the growth and the yield of a Pinus echinata Mill. stand were studied. The stand was implanted in 1996 in spacing of 3,0 x 2,0 meters, at Boqueir\ue3o do Le\ue3o, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For the study, 6 sample units were installed, and 6 trees of average diameter and dominant height were cut down for trunk analysis. Results indicated that the species presents a good growth in diameter, height and volume. At 12 years-old, the stand presented an average diameter of 18.4 cm, an average height of 12.6 m, a dominant height of 14.1 m, a basal area of 42.3 m2.ha-1, total volume with rind of 248.2 m3.ha-1 and an average annual increment of 20.7 m3.ha-1.yr-1. These initial findings indicate that the species bears a great potential for growth, what enables it to thrive in some regions of Rio Grande do Sul

    Schistosoma mansoni Venom Allergen Like Proteins Present Differential Allergic Responses in a Murine Model of Airway Inflammation

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    The Schistosoma mansoni Venom Allergen Like proteins (SmVALs) have been identified in the Transcriptome and Post-Genomic studies as targets for immune interventions. Two secreted members of the family were obtained as recombinant proteins in the native conformation. Antibodies produced against them showed that SmVAL4 was present mostly in cercarial secretions and SmVAL26 in egg secretions and that only the native SmVAL4 contained carbohydrate moieties. Due to concerns with potential allergic characteristics of this class of molecules, we have explored the mouse model of airway inflammation in order to investigate these properties in a more confined system. Sensitization and challenge with rSmVAL4, but not rSmVAL26, induced extensive migration of cells to the lungs, mostly eosinophils and macrophages; moreover, immunological parameters were also characteristic of an allergic inflammatory response. Our results showed that the allergic potential of this class of proteins can be variable and that the vaccine candidates should be characterized; the mouse model of airway inflammation can be useful to evaluate these properties

    A Rationale for Schistosomiasis Control in Elementary Schools of the Rainforest Zone of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    In 2001, a World Health Assembly resolution urged member states to ensure treatment against schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in endemic areas with the goal of attaining a minimum target of at least 75% of all school-aged children by 2010. In the highly endemic Rainforest Zone of Pernambuco (ZMP), northeast Brazil, the Schistosomiasis Control Program has registered a cumulative coverage of only 20% of the population at risk, which jeopardizes the accomplishment of the minimum target for that area. Demographic and parasitological data from a representative municipality of the ZMP provide evidence that the current, community-based approach to control can be complemented with school-based actions. In the most troubled municipalities, individual diagnosis and treatment could be focused on school-aged children rather than whole populations without compromising the principles of the primary health care system. Local health and education teams should be encouraged to include school-based interventions to scale up coverage and achieve a rapid impact on infection

    Whole genome resequencing of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni reveals population history and effects of selection

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