3 research outputs found

    La educaci贸n inclusiva frente a las desigualdades sociales: un estado de la cuestion y algunas reflexiones geograficas

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    Este art铆culo establece un estado de la cuesti贸n e la educaci贸n inclusiva en el mundo y sugiere algunas reflexiones al respecto. El primer apartado recuerda las conexiones ineludibles entre las preocupaciones educativas por la educaci贸n inclusiva y las preocupaciones m谩s generales por la desigualdad. El segundo consigna los criterios de b煤squeda de las publicaciones acad茅micas, y observa dos grandes temas en sus contenidos: sobre todo, el cambio interno de las escuelas atrae las miradas, pero en segundo plano tambi茅n el entorno territorial despierta algunas inquietudes. El tercero anota los criterios de b煤squeda de la documentaci贸n del Banco Mundial, la OCDE y la UNESCO. En este 谩mbito los simposios de la Oficina Internacional de la Educaci贸n de UNESCO revelan una interpretaci贸n dispar, aunque convergente, del concepto de educaci贸n inclusiva en las distintas regiones mundiales. Asimismo, todas las publicaciones oficiales muestran una atenci贸n prioritaria a las din谩micas internas de las escuelas, puesto que apenas algunas esbozan ciertas relaciones entre la educaci贸n inclusiva y las pol铆ticas p煤blicas. El 煤ltimo apartado adelanta varios argumentos a favor de una mayor consideraci贸n de las escalas local y estatal de la educaci贸n inclusiva. Las principales razones para atender a la dimensi贸n local provienen de la causalidad acumulativa de las privaciones sociales, de la necesidad de articular la acci贸n de las escuelas y de la posibilidad de abrir un espacio significativo para la participaci贸n ciudadana. Asimismo, las principales razones para atender a la dimensi贸n estatal surgen de las posibles sinergias entre la educaci贸n inclusiva y la expansi贸n educativa (p. ej. 驴es correlativo el avance de la escolarizaci贸n en los distintos ciclos escolares?) como tambi茅n entre la educaci贸n inclusiva y la protecci贸n social (p. ej. 驴tienen una implicaci贸n pedag贸gica consistente las abundantes condiciones educativas de las transferencias sociales?

    Mobile Phone Use for Empowerment and Well-Being of the Physically Challenged in Nigeria

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    Part 2: Digital Platforms for DevelopmentInternational audienceNational and economic benefits of mobile phone use in developing countries has been a well-articulated research domain over an extended period. This can be attributed to the ubiquitous nature of mobile phones and their increased penetration in developing nations. However, the potential benefits of mobile phones for empowerment and well-being of people with disability (PWD) has been ignored. This paper focuses on the well-being of the physically challenged in Nigeria and how mobile phones can be employed to empower them. The link between ICT and human development has been well researched, but minimal research has attempted to link ICT, mobile phone and disability using the Capability Approach as a theoretical lens. The critical realist ethnographic study approach is employed in this study to show how mobile phones can be used to empower and impact on the well-being of the physically challenged. Data were collected from the Adamawa skill acquisition center for persons with disability, Nigeria. It is argued that mobile phones have the capabilities to empower and impact on the well-being of the physically challenged. Thus, the findings illustrate that mobile phones play significant roles in the well-being and empowerment of the physically challenged

    Developing Inclusive Education Policy in Sierra Leone: A Research Informed Approach

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    In common with many countries in Africa and globally, the Government of Sierra Leone has given a commitment to address the requirements for ensuring universal primary education (Education for All) as demanded by the Sustainable Development Goals (UNESCO 2015). This chapter reports a process of inclusion policy development based upon research conducted within Sierra Leone in order to obtain the perspectives of service users and providers to inform an agenda for educational change across the country. Sierra Leone, situated on the Atlantic coast of Africa and bordered by Guinea and Liberia, has a proud history of education but in recent years has been devastated by warfare and an outbreak of Ebola and both natural and manmade disasters that have had a negative impact upon the country鈥檚 infrastructure and economic and social stability. This has resulted in significant numbers of children, and particularly those with disabilities or from remote areas of the country being out of education. Data were collected during a period of field work through the use of interviews and focus groups conducted with key respondents, including education professionals, disabled persons groups, parents and NGO personnel. These focused upon the current challenges of providing accessible schooling, a well prepared workforce and appropriate resourcing to enable all children to take their place within the Sierra Leone education system. Following analysis of the data, a series of consultation meetings were held across the country prior to developing a policy document which included key action points aimed at providing education for all children, including those who have been previously marginalised or excluded