16 research outputs found

    A System Dynamics Approach for Hospital Waste Management in a City in a Developing Country: The Case of Nablus, Palestine

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    Hospitals and health centers provide a variety of healthcare services and normally generate hazardous waste as well as general waste. General waste has a similar nature to that of municipal solid waste and therefore could be disposed of in municipal landfills. However, hazardous waste poses risks to public health, unless it is properly managed. The hospital waste management system encompasses many factors, i.e., number of beds, number of employees, level of service, population, birth rate, fertility rate, and not in my back yard (NIMBY) syndrome. Therefore, this management system requires a comprehensive analysis to determine the role of each factor and its influence on the whole system. In this research, a hospital waste management simulation model is presented based on the system dynamics technique to determine the interaction among these factors in the system using a software package, ithink. This model is used to estimate waste segregation as this is important in the hospital waste management system to minimize risk to public health. Real data has been obtained from a case study of the city of Nablus, Palestine to validate the model. The model exhibits wastes generated from three types of hospitals (private, charitable, and government) by considering the number of both inpatients and outpatients depending on the population of the city under study. The model also offers the facility to compare the total waste generated among these different types of hospitals and anticipate and predict the future generated waste both infectious and non-infectious and the treatment cost incurred

    Use of Cross-Taxon Congruence for Hotspot Identification at a Regional Scale

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    One of the most debated problems in conservation biology is the use of indicator (surrogate) taxa to predict spatial patterns in other taxa. Cross-taxon congruence in species richness patterns is of paramount importance at regional scales to disclose areas of high conservation value that are significant in a broader biogeographical context but yet placed in the finer, more practical, political context of decision making. We analysed spatial patterns of diversity in six arthropod taxa from the Turkish fauna as a regional case study relevant to global conservation of the Mediterranean basin. Although we found high congruence in cross-taxon comparisons of species richness (0.241<r<0.645), hotspots of different groups show limited overlap, generally less than 50 per cent. The ability of a given taxon to capture diversity of other taxa was usually modest (on average, 50 percent of diversity of non-target taxa), limiting the use of hotspots for effective conservation of non-target groups. Nevertheless, our study demonstrates that a given group may partially stand in for another with similar ecological needs and biogeographical histories. We therefore advocate the use of multiple sets of taxa, chosen so as to be representative of animals with different ecological needs and biogeographical histories

    Posterior fossa arachnoid cysts

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    Arachnoid cysts of the posterior fossa are rare lesions that are considered to be mostly congenital in origin. In this article, we retrospectively review 12 patients who underwent surgical treatment for their symptomatic posterior fossa arachnoid cysts. The most common presenting symptoms were gait disturbances and headache. The diagnosis was established on computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Surgery consisted of cyst wall excision with fenestration in nine cases and shunting procedures in three cases. In all cases except one who died, the postsurgical follow-up neuroradiological investigations showed that the cysts had decreased in size, the cerebellum had re-expanded, and if there was preoperative hydrocephalus, the ventricular size was decreased. The follow-up period ranged from 1 to 11 years. All surviving cases are free of symptoms and no arachnoid cysts recurred. The classification, pathophysiology; differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of infratentorial arachnoid cysts are discussed and the relevant literature is reviewed

    Iniencephaly: neuroradiological and surgical features - Case report and review of the literature

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    Iniencephaly is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by spina bifida of the cervical vertebrae, fixed retroflexion of the head on the cervical spine, and occipital bone defect. There are only five reports of surviving patients with iniencephaly. The authors report the case of a newborn who presented with iniencephaly and an encephalocele that were surgically treated in our service. Neurological examination of the patient yielded normal results except for a moderate psychomotor retardation. The neuroradiological and surgical findings of the case suggested that the trigger of the anomaly was the occipital bone defect and rachischisis of the posterior vertebral arches

    Two different surgical techniques for reduction cranioplasty

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    Reduction cranioplasty is required in selected patients when macrocephaly interferes with head control, seating, locomotion, and social acceptance. Two different surgical techniques for reduction cranioplasty in two cases of older hydrocephalic patients are described. Emphasis is placed on the basic stages of the procedure

    Hydrocephalus and chronically increased intracranial pressure in achondroplasia

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    Two achondroplastic children with ventriculomegaly are reported. The patients had no signs of increased intracranial pressure, but in one blindness had previously been detected by the parents. Neuroradiological examinations showed ventriculomegaly in both. Intracranial pressure remained at high levels (20-55 mmHg) preoperatively; ventriculo-peritoneal shunting was performed in both cases, and postoperatively levels fell to normal (5-16 mmHg). The need for the treatment of ventriculomegaly seen in achondroplastic children is analyzed on the basis of these two patients, with a brief review of literature

    Effect of nimodipine and N-acetylcysteine on lipid peroxidation after experimental spinal cord injury

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    The effectiveness of nimodipine and N-acetylcysteine in experimental spinal cord injury was evaluated by measuring tissue lipid peroxidation levels of the damaged spinal cords 1 hour after the injury. We used the clip compression method to produce acute spinal cord injury in 40 female Sprague-Dawley rats were used. The rats were divided into four groups of 10 each. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring the tissue content of malonil dialdehyde (MDA). In group 3, nimodipine, and in group 4, N-acetylcysteine was administered i.p. as a single dose immediately after the injury. The rats were sacrificed 1 hour after clip application. The tissue mean MDA content was 3,992 mu mol MDA/gww in group 1 (sham operated), 10,192 mu mol MDA/gww in group 2 (trauma), 10,449 mu mol MDA/gww in group 3 (nimodipine treatment) and 9,009 mu mol MDA/gww in group 4 (N-acetylcysteine treatment). These results demonstrated that a single dose of nimodipine and N-acetylcysteine had no effect on peroxidation of lipid membranes in the early period of experimental spinal cord injury

    Influence of aging on blood-brain barrier permeability and free radical formation following experimental brain cold injury

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of experimental cold brain injury on blood-brain barrier integrity, on brain oedema formation, and on lipid peroxidation and to compare the results between the aged and young rats. Cold brain injury was used to create a standard model of brain trauma in old and young rats. Disruption of the blood-brain barrier was analyzed by Evans blue method. Them values of cerebral water content were calculated by using the fresh and dry weights of the cerebral hemispheres. Lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring the tissue content of malonyl dialdehyde