205 research outputs found

    Characterisation of hydraulic head changes and aquifer properties in the London Basin using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry ground motion data

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    In this paper, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry was applied to ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT satellite data covering 1992–2000 and 2002–2010 respectively, to analyse the relationship between ground motion and hydraulic head changes in the London Basin, United Kingdom. The integration of observed groundwater levels provided by the Environment Agency and satellite-derived displacement time series allowed the estimation of the spatio-temporal variations of the Chalk aquifer storage coefficient and compressibility over an area of ∼1360 km2. The average storage coefficient of the aquifer reaches values of 1 × 10−3 and the estimated average aquifer compressibility is 7.7 × 10−10 Pa−1 and 1.2 × 10−9 Pa−1 for the periods 1992–2000 and 2002–2010, respectively. Derived storage coefficient values appear to be correlated with the hydrogeological setting, where confined by the London Clay the storage coefficient is typically an order of magnitude lower than where the chalk is overlain by the Lambeth Group. PSI-derived storage coefficient estimates agree with the values obtained from pumping tests in the same area. A simplified one-dimensional model is applied to simulate the ground motion response to hydraulic heads changes at nine piezometers. The comparison between simulated and satellite-observed ground motion changes reveals good agreement, with errors ranging between 1.4 and 6.9 mm, and being 3.2 mm on average

    Interdisciplinary approaches based on imaging radar enable cutting-edge cultural heritage applications

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    : By analysing the technical advantages and characteristics of imaging radar in cultural heritage, we provide new insights for the future development of cutting-edge Digital Heritage approaches through technical integration and interdisciplinary synergy

    Avvio e gestione di attività estrattive: un approccio in "Prevention Through Design"

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    Una efficace analisi e gestione dei rischi presso le unità estrattive, su cui fondare l’attività in coerenza con le norme vigenti in materia di sicurezza del lavoro, implica un approccio pro-attivo, tenuto conto dei diversi fattori coinvolti. In tale contesto un approccio pro-attivo richiede una approfondita analisi di rischio, fondata sulla valutazione delle possibili opzioni progettuali e la conoscenza del sito e del programma di coltivazione; nel presente lavoro viene esposta una metodologia basata su un sistema di registrazione dei dati tecnici supportata da un apposito software interattivo, in grado di aiutare la valutazione degli aspetti generali e specifici della sicurezza di comparto e di singole unità estrattive. Il lavoro è stato svolto dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, dell’Ambiente e delle Geotecnologie del Politecnico di Torino (già Autore di Linee Guida in materia di sicurezza per il comparto estrattivo) con il supporto dell’Ufficio Tutela Ambientale della Provincia di Torino

    Unusual Skin Toxicity after a Chemotherapic Combination

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    As known calciphylaxis (CPX) is a rare condition involving subcutaneous vascular calcification and cutaneous necrosis, mostly observed in patients with renal failure. However CPX may also appear in patients affected by polymyositis, Sjogren syndrome, Lupus Erythematosus systemicus, Sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis, especially in children. Clinically CPX can present itself as subcutaneous nodules, infiltrate plaques or purpuric-like and livedo-like plaques, while in the late stages necrotic ulcers (with a bizarre shape and severe pain) may be the main cutaneous manifestations

    Satellite SAR Remote Sensing in Nasca

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    In 2012, a research project initiated at the British Geological Survey used space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery to investigate the environmental changes affecting the drainage basin of Rio Grande and its tributaries, in Southern Peru. Our research has provided evidence of the effects due to natural and anthropogenic processes on the cultural landscape where the Nasca Civilization flourished centuries ago. This chapter provides an overview of the new insights brought by satellite SAR technology to the understanding of land use and changes in the fertile river valleys, condition of local water resources, and archaeological heritage. Impacts of this research are discussed in relation to the rejuvenation of the water supply system and preservation of cultural identity

    Monitoring deformations of Istanbul metro line stations through Sentinel-1 and levelling observations

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    Turkey, as a developing country, is designing and performing massive construction projects around Istanbul. Beginning from the 1960s, rapid urbanization has been taking place due to industrialization, which brings an increase in the population. Yet, construction projects have been accelerated especially during the last decade, and many new projects are scheduled to be completed in a short time. Ground-based observations are generally carried out to monitor the deformations within construction sites, especially through geometric levelling, and GNSS techniques. However, in most cases, these monitoring measurements are only scheduled within the period of the construction process, and ensuing deformations are usually not considered. In addition to these techniques, the space-based interferometric technique can also be used to define the line of sight surface displacements with high accuracy, using the phase difference between image result for synthetic aperture radar images. In particular, Persistent Scatter Interferometry is one of the interferometric methods that are capable of defining the two-dimensional (vertical and horizontal) deformation for the desired epoch with a high temporal resolution. Thus it can be used as a complementary method for monitoring ground deformations, where the measurement is made by ground-based observations. In this study, the deforming areas related to underground metro construction are investigated through significant displacements between 2015 and 2018 of Sentinel-1 space-borne SAR data using the PSI technique. These results are validated by comparison with available levelling data corresponding to the new metro line

    Metatypical basal cell carcinoma: a clinical review

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    Background. Metatypical cell carcinoma can be considered as a new entity of skin cancer, being an intermediate typology between basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. The behaviour of the metatypical cell carcinoma lies between these two varieties of skin cancer. It is difficult to perform a differential diagnosis based on morphological and clinical features - therefore it is only possible by accurate histology. Methods. The authors have retrospectively analysed clinical records of 240 patients who were affected by metatypical skin cancer and who were treated by surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Results. MTC affected more males than females (62.5% vs 37.5%) than males. The most affected site was the cervicofacial area, 71.7%; then the trunk, 10%; the limbs, 9.6%; the scalp 3.7%; and other regions 5%. A recurrence occurred in 24 cases (10%), mainly in head and neck area. Conclusion. In this manuscript, the authors have emphasised the importance of conducting a differential diagnosis, and the importance of the specific treatment for metatypical skin cancer, even though more clinical studies and long-term follow-ups are required before establishing specific guidelines. © 2008 Tarallo et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. Final report

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    Final Report to Welsh Government, prepared by CEH on behalf of the Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme Team. The Glastir Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (GMEP) provides a comprehensive programme to establish a baseline against which future assessments of Glastir can be made. GMEP also contributes national trend data which supports a range of national and international biodiversity and environmental targets. GMEP fulfils a commitment by the Welsh Government to establish a monitoring programme concurrently with the launch of the Glastir scheme. The use of models and farmer surveys provides early indicators of the likely direction, magnitude and timing of future outcomes. The programme ensures compliance with the rigorous requirements of the European Commission’s Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF) through the Rural Development Plan (RDP) for Wales. This report represents the final results of the GMEP programme which ran from 2012 to 2016
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