49 research outputs found

    La destrucci贸n de libros por los tradicionistas

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    This paper is a survey of the destruction of books particularly by traditionists (collectors, transmitters, and critics of hadith) and particularly in the ninth century CE and before, offered as an addendum to Omar Ali de Unzaga鈥檚 forthcoming study of book burning in Islam. The destruction of books from distrust of written transmission has been adequately brought out by Michael Cook. What I chiefly add to previous scholarly accounts are some additional examples, a brief consideration of destroying books for the sake of orthodoxy, and a better account of pious reasons for destroying books, which had much to do with distrust not of writing hadith but of teaching it as a temptation to pride and a distraction from weightier things.Este art铆culo ofrece una panor谩mica de la destrucci贸n de libros especialmente por parte de los tradicionistas (compiladores, transmisores, cr铆ticos del hadiz), especialmente en el siglo IX de la era cristiana y antes, que sirve como una adenda al estudio (en curso de publicaci贸n) de Omar Ali de Unzaga sobre la quema de libros en el islam. La destrucci贸n de libros a causa de la desconfianza hacia la transmisi贸n escrita ha sido analizada en profundidad por Michael Cook. Lo que me interesa a帽adir a la investigaci贸n previa son algunos ejemplos adicionales, unas breves consideraciones sobre la destrucci贸n de libros en pro de la ortodoxia, y una mejor presentaci贸n de las razones piadosas para destruir libros, razones que ten铆an mucho que ver con la desconfianza no tanto de poner escrito el hadiz, sino de ense帽arlo, en tanto que tentaci贸n para caer en la vanidad y distracci贸n de asuntos m谩s importantes

    Rapid dispersal of a hydrothermal plume by turbulent mixing

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    Author Posting. 漏 The Author(s), 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 57 (2010): 931-945, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2010.04.010.The water column imprint of the hydrothermal plume observed at the Nibelungen field (8掳18' S 13掳30' W) is highly variable in space and time. The off-axis location of the site, along the southern boundary of a non-transform ridge offset at the joint between two segments of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is characterized by complex, rugged topography, and thus favorable for the generation of internal tides, subsequent internal wave breaking, and associated vertical mixing in the water column. We have used towed transects and vertical profiles of stratification, turbidity, and direct current measurements to investigate the strength of turbulent mixing in the vicinity of the vent site and the adjacent rift valley, and its temporal and spatial variability in relation to the plume dispersal. Turbulent diffusivities Kp were calculated from temperature inversions via Thorpe scales. Heightened mixing (compared to open ocean values) was observed in the whole rift valley within an order of Kp around 10-3 m2 s-1. The mixing close to the vent site was even more elevated, with an average of Kp = 4 x 10-2 m2 s-1. The mixing, as well as the flow field, exhibited a strong tidal cycle, with strong currents and mixing at the non-buoyant plume level during ebb flow. Periods of strong mixing were associated with increased internal wave activity and frequent occurrence of turbulent overturns. Additional effects of mixing on plume dispersal include bifurcation of the particle plume, likely as a result of the interplay between the modulated mixing strength and current speed, as well as high frequency internal waves in the effluent plume layer, possibly triggered by the buoyant plume via nonlinear interaction with the elevated background turbulence or penetrative convection.This work was supported by the Priority Program SPP1144 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; this is SPP 1144 contribution number 51. Funding for the ABE team from WHOI was provided by Grant # OE-2006-218 from NOAA's Ocean Exploration Program; funding for the MAPR work was provided by NOAA's Vents Program

    When Not to Recite the Qur'an

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    Biography of Muhammad ibn Wasi`: from Abu Nu`aym, _Hilyat al-awliya'_.

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    This is a collection of sayings by and about Muhammad ibn Wasi`, a Muslim renunciant of the early eighth century C.E

    Tillier Mathieu, L鈥檌nvention du cadi. La justice des musulmans, des juifs et des chr茅tiens aux premiers si猫cles de l鈥橧slam. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, Biblioth猫que historique des pays d鈥橧slam, 2017

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    Melchert Christopher. Tillier Mathieu, L鈥檌nvention du cadi. La justice des musulmans, des juifs et des chr茅tiens aux premiers si猫cles de l鈥橧slam. Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, Biblioth猫que historique des pays d鈥橧slam, 2017. In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n掳32, 2018. pp. 42-43

    Sufis, renunciants, and worshippers in T膩r墨kh Baghd膩d

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    Al-Kha峁玝 al-Baghd膩d墨 (d. Baghdad, 463/1071) adhered to the Sh膩fi士i school of law and suffered for his adherence to the Ash士ari school of theology. As a litt茅rateur, he collected amusing stories of misers and spongers. However, his principal importance lies in the fields of hadith and biography. As for hadith, he was a major systematizer; in biography, he left what is usually referred to as T膩r墨kh Baghd膩d, a hugely useful dictionary of over 7,000 persons who lived or at least passed through Baghdad. I propose to review those identified as renunciants (zuhh膩d, nuss膩k), worshippers (士ubb膩d), and Sufis, or at least are associated with famous renunciants, worshippers, and Sufis. A useful list of them was abstracted by Balsam Ba峁墨 士Izzat (2004) from the new edition of Bashsh膩r 士Aww膩d Ma士r奴f (also 2004), his supervisor, although I would add or subtract some names. It is useful to have them profiled by someone outside the Sufi tradition himself; e.g., so that we read of al-Qushayr墨 as an Ash士ar墨, not a Sufi. Al-Kha峁玝 also to some extent documents the continuation of the old renunciant tradition into the Sufi period. However, classical Sufism originated in and spread from Baghdad, and al-Kha峁玝鈥檚 heavy dependence on earlier biographers testifies partly to how thoroughly that tradition took over the literature of otherworldly piety


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    Ahmad ibn Hanbal : Makers of the Muslim World

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    The formation of the Sunni schools of law, ninth-tenth centuries C.E.

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    The Sunni schools of law are named for various jurisprudents of the 8th and 9th centuries CE, but I show that they did not actually function so early. On the one hand, that is, jurisprudents at that time were identified mainly not with the later schools but with the two great parties of ra\u27y and hadith; on the other hand, such schools as there were lacked crucial elements of the schools as we know them from the 11th century onwards, above all their regular means of forming students. Relying mainly on biographical dictionaries, I trace back the constitutive elements of the classical school and find that they first came together with the work of Ibn Surayj (d. 306/918), who virtually founded the Shafi\u27i school. The new form spread rapidly during the 10th century. Meanwhile, Abu Bakr al-Khallal (d. 311/923) virtually founded the classical Hanbali school. The traditionalization of Hanafi jurisprudence was completed about the same time, and Hanafi jurisprudents began to produce commentaries. Their development of a regular teaching method finally culminated in the work of al-Karkhi (d. 340/952). The history of Malikism in the West is bound up with politics. The Maliki, Zahiri, and Jariri schools of Baghdad were alternative attempts at a rationalistic jurisprudence that would yet be acceptable to the traditionalists. For reasons I discuss, none endured past the early 1000\u27s