80 research outputs found

    Microclimate and ramulosis occurrence in a cotton crop under three plant population densities in Southern Brazil

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el microclima en el cultivo de algodón a tres densidades poblacionales y su efecto sobre la intensidad de la ramulosis. El experimento fue conducido en Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. Los genotipos IAC 23 y Coodetec 401 fueron sembrados a las densidades de 55.000, 111.000 y 166.000  plantas por hectárea. El cultivo fue inoculado con una suspensión de conidios de Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporoides a los 30 y a los 45 días después de la siembra.Las variables temperatura del aire, humedad relativa y duración del follaje mojado fueron registradas a través de una estación automática instalada en el sitio experimental y de seis micro-estaciones ubicadas dentro de la canopia del cultivo (tres en cada genotipo). Los resultados mostraron que la densidad de plantas tuvo poco efecto sobre la temperatura del aire, aunque se registraron diferencias en la humedad relativa y la duración de follaje mojado. Estas diferencias fueron observadas hasta el momento en el cual la cobertura de la canopia fue total. El microclima generado por las tres densidades de plantas tuvo poco efecto en el progreso de la enfermedad, ya que el macroclima durante el experimento fue siempre favorable para el desarrollo de la ramulosis. El genotipo IAC 23 fue más resistente a la ramulosis.El área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad presentó buena asociación con el rendimiento (R2 = 0,7 en todoslos tratamientos y R2 = 0,93 en los promedios), manifestándose como un parámetro potencial para la evaluación del impacto de la ramulosis en la producción de algodón en el sudeste de Brasil

    Análise da diversidade genética de isolados de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum do algodoeiro.

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    A mancha angular do algodoeiro, causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum (Xam), é uma doença de importância econômica e pode causar perdas apreciáveis no rendimento. A doença pode ser controlada por resistência varietal desde que haja conhecimento sobre a variabilidade das populações do patógeno. A variabilidade genética e a estabilidade patogênica entre os isolados deste patógeno não foram suficientemente estudadas, principalmente considerando a introdução de novas cultivares e a expansão da cultura. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a variabilidade genética entre os 61 isolados de Xam, provenientes de diversas cultivares e regiões do Brasil, através de ensaios moleculares. Análises de ERIC e REP-PCR demonstraram dois grupos distintos de Xam associados a região geográfica de origem. Não foram observadas diferenças nos perfis dos isolados através de PCR-RFLP da região 16S-23S rDNA. A região espaçadora 16S-23S rDNA de três linhagens de Xam foi analisada através de clonagem e sequenciamento e seis diferenças nas seqüências foram encontradas. A técnica de RAPD revelou um maior nível de polimorfismo, distinguindo 6 grupos de Xam a 85% de similaridade. Os resultados indicam a existência de variabilidade muito restrita entre os isolados analisados

    S-Glutathionylation at Cys328 and Cys542 Impairs STAT3 Phosphorylation.

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    STAT3 is a latent transcription factor that promotes cell survival and proliferation and is often constitutively active in cancers. Although many reports provide evidence that STAT3 is a direct target of oxidative stress, its redox regulation is poorly understood. Under oxidative conditions STAT3 activity can be modulated by S-glutathionylation, a reversible redox modification of cysteine residues. This suggests the possible cross-talk between phosphorylation and glutathionylation and points out that STAT3 is susceptible to redox regulation. Recently, we reported that decreasing the GSH content in different cell lines induces inhibition of STAT3 activity through the reversible oxidation of thiol groups. In the present work, we demonstrate that GSH/diamide treatment induces S-glutathionylation of STAT3 in the recombinant purified form. This effect was completely reversed by treatment with the reducing agent dithiothreitol, indicating that S-glutathionylation of STAT3 was related to formation of protein-mixed disulfides. Moreover, addition of the bulky negatively charged GSH moiety impairs JAK2-mediated STAT3 phosphorylation, very likely interfering with tyrosine accessibility and thus affecting protein structure and function. Mass mapping analysis identifies two glutathionylated cysteine residues, Cys328 and Cys542, within the DNA-binding domain and the linker domain, respectively. Site direct mutagenesis and in vitro kinase assay confirm the importance of both cysteine residues in the complex redox regulatory mechanism of STAT3. Cells expressing mutant were resistant in this regard. The data presented herein confirmed the occurrence of a redox-dependent regulation of STAT3, identified the more redox-sensitive cysteines within STAT3 structure, and may have important implications for development of new drugs

    Altered fibroblast proteoglycan production in COPD

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Airway remodeling in COPD includes reorganization of the extracellular matrix. Proteoglycans play a crucial role in this process as regulators of the integrity of the extracellular matrix. Altered proteoglycan immunostaining has been demonstrated in COPD lungs and this has been suggested to contribute to the pathogenesis. The major cell type responsible for production and maintenance of ECM constituents, such as proteoglycans, are fibroblasts. Interestingly, it has been proposed that central airways and alveolar lung parenchyma contain distinct fibroblast populations. This study explores the hypothesis that altered depositions of proteoglycans in COPD lungs, and in particular versican and perlecan, is a result of dysregulated fibroblast proteoglycan production.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Proliferation, proteoglycan production and the response to TGF-β<sub>1 </sub>were examined <it>in vitro </it>in centrally and distally derived fibroblasts isolated from COPD patients (GOLD stage IV) and from control subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phenotypically different fibroblast populations were identified in central airways and in the lung parenchyma. Versican production was higher in distal fibroblasts from COPD patients than from control subjects (p < 0.01). In addition, perlecan production was lower in centrally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients than from control subjects (p < 0.01). TGF-β<sub>1 </sub>triggered similar increases in proteoglycan production in distally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients and control subjects. In contrast, centrally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients were less responsive to TGF-β<sub>1 </sub>than those from control subjects.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results show that fibroblasts from COPD patients have alterations in proteoglycan production that may contribute to disease development. Distally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients have enhanced production of versican that may have a negative influence on the elastic recoil. In addition, a lower perlecan production in centrally derived fibroblasts from COPD patients may indicate alterations in bronchial basement membrane integrity in severe COPD.</p

    Transient acceleration events in LISA Pathfinder data: Properties and possible physical origin

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    We present an in depth analysis of the transient events, or glitches, detected at a rate of about one per day in the differential acceleration data of LISA Pathfinder. We show that these glitches fall in two rather distinct categories: fast transients in the interferometric motion readout on one side, and true force transient events on the other. The former are fast and rare in ordinary conditions. The second may last from seconds to hours and constitute the majority of the glitches. We present an analysis of the physical and statistical properties of both categories, including a cross-analysis with other time series like magnetic fields, temperature, and other dynamical variables. Based on these analyses we discuss the possible sources of the force glitches and identify the most likely, among which the outgassing environment surrounding the test-masses stands out. We discuss the impact of these findings on the LISA design and operation, and some risk mitigation measures, including experimental studies that may be conducted on the ground, aimed at clarifying some of the questions left open by our analysis