305 research outputs found


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    自上世紀末起,不少學者已展開針對漢語與外文字詞混雜使用的研究,並稱此類進入漢語語法體制的詞彙為「字母詞」;當《現代漢語詞典》正式把「西文字母開頭的詞語」收錄入冊後,此課題得到更多人關注。對於「字母詞」的界定,雖然至今仍未有絕對一統的定義,但基本共識都是要求該詞彙擁有一些特殊的表徵,例如緊縮、與固定漢字組合、難以對譯等,而不會把日常語碼混合 (code mixing) 中借用到的英語詞都歸為同一類。然而,港式粵語中卻有一些特別的英語詞彙,它們保留著原來英語的發音和書寫方式,卻不再遵從原先的語法功能和意義,僅僅被香港的粵語使用者所能理解及廣泛普遍地應用。 本文挑選了「friend」、「OK」、「short」這三個經常被本地人使用的英語詞作分析。研究它們在粵語句子中充當的功能並且探討它們與其粵語對應詞的關係,在語法層面上歸納一套能夠解釋這類英語詞借入粵語的規律和機制

    Managing inter-agency co-ordination : an analysis of district level administration in Hong Kong

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    published_or_final_versionPolitics and Public AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio

    The Fee Sensitive Risk Exposures of Project Authorized Person in Hong Kong

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    Authorized Persons (AP) play a critical role in the design and construction of building works in Hong Kong. Under the Building Ordinance, design and construction of building works need to be coordinated and monitored by an AP registered with the Buildings Department. Professionally qualified Architects, Engineers and Surveyors are eligible to register as AP after completing the prescribed assessment. In addition, the project AP is often appointed by the project owner to be the project team leader. In these capacities, a project AP is exposed to various risks. This paper seeks to identify the fee sensitive risk exposures of project APs. Through an ANOVA study, these risks exposures are those due to liabilities under the Building Ordinance at the construction stage, those towards the third parties and the clients

    Hugus 哈格斯

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    Hugus is a pair of fluffy dolls designed for two parties who need to spend extended time periods separated by distance. Each of the parties owns one of the dolls. To connect the Hugus, all the parties have to do is to link up their smartphones with the Hugus App via Bluetooth, and set up a reunion date with a pairing code... 哈格斯是一對兩隻的毛毛玩偶,專為長期分隔異地的人而設計。二人雙方各擁一隻哈格斯玩偶,以智能手機透過藍芽接入哈格斯應用程式,再以配對碼設定相聚的日期,就能連結彼此的哈格斯... Award: Merit奬項: 優異

    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Auricular Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Managing Posthysterectomy Pain

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    Background. A patient- and assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine the effectiveness of auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in relieving posthysterectomy pain. Method. Forty-eight women who had undergone a total abdominal hysterectomy were randomly assigned into three groups (n = 16 each) to receive either (i) auricular TENS to therapeutic points (the true TENS group), (ii) auricular TENS to inappropriate points (the sham TENS group), or (iii) 20 minutes of bed rest with no stimulation (the control group). The intervention was delivered about 24 hours after the operation. A visual analogue scale was used to assess pain while resting (VAS-rest) and upon huffing (VAS-huff) and coughing (VAS-cough), and the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) was assessed before and at 0, 15, and 30 minutes after the intervention. Result. As compared to the baseline, only the true TENS group reported a significant reduction in VAS-rest (P = .001), VAS-huff (P = .004), and VAS-cough (P = .001), while no significant reduction in any of the VAS scores was seen in the sham TENS group (all P > .05). In contrast, a small rising trend was observed in the VAS-rest and VAS-huff scores of the control group, while the VAS-cough score remained largely unchanged during the period of the study. A between-group comparison revealed that all three VAS scores of the true TENS group were significantly lower than those of the control group at 15 and 30 minutes after the intervention (all P < .02). No significant between-group difference was observed in PEFR at any point in time. Conclusion. A single session of auricular TENS applied at specific therapeutic points significantly reduced resting (VAS-rest) and movement-evoked pain (VAS-huff, VAS-cough), and the effects lasted for at least 30 minutes after the stimulation. The analgesic effects of auricular TENS appeared to be point specific and could not be attributed to the placebo effect alone. However, auricular TENS did not produce any significant improvement in the performance of PEFR

    Restoring Hong Kong's landscar in the Anderson Quarry : an analysis of civic engagement strategies

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    published_or_final_versionPolitics and Public AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio

    SOAP3-dp: Fast, Accurate and Sensitive GPU-based Short Read Aligner

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    To tackle the exponentially increasing throughput of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), most of the existing short-read aligners can be configured to favor speed in trade of accuracy and sensitivity. SOAP3-dp, through leveraging the computational power of both CPU and GPU with optimized algorithms, delivers high speed and sensitivity simultaneously. Compared with widely adopted aligners including BWA, Bowtie2, SeqAlto, GEM and GPU-based aligners including BarraCUDA and CUSHAW, SOAP3-dp is two to tens of times faster, while maintaining the highest sensitivity and lowest false discovery rate (FDR) on Illumina reads with different lengths. Transcending its predecessor SOAP3, which does not allow gapped alignment, SOAP3-dp by default tolerates alignment similarity as low as 60 percent. Real data evaluation using human genome demonstrates SOAP3-dp's power to enable more authentic variants and longer Indels to be discovered. Fosmid sequencing shows a 9.1 percent FDR on newly discovered deletions. SOAP3-dp natively supports BAM file format and provides a scoring scheme same as BWA, which enables it to be integrated into existing analysis pipelines. SOAP3-dp has been deployed on Amazon-EC2, NIH-Biowulf and Tianhe-1A.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PLoS ONE, additional files available at "https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bhclhxpoiubh371/O5CO_CkXQE". Comments most welcom