14 research outputs found

    Bassma Kodmani-Darwish. La diaspora palestinienne

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    Chenal. Bassma Kodmani-Darwish. La diaspora palestinienne. In: Politique étrangère, n°4 - 1997 - 62ᵉannée. pp. 661-664

    Bassma Kodmani-Darwish. La diaspora palestinienne

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    Chenal. Bassma Kodmani-Darwish. La diaspora palestinienne. In: Politique étrangère, n°4 - 1997 - 62ᵉannée. pp. 661-664

    «Azerbaïdjan : un monde retrouvé»

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    Chenal. «Azerbaïdjan : un monde retrouvé». In: CEMOTI, n°19, 1995. Laïcité(s) en France et en Turquie. pp. 509-512

    La France rattrapée par le drame algérien

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    France Caught Up in the Algerian Drama, by Alain Chenal Since 1988, Franco-Algerian relations have been marked by a solidarity between the two governments (despite doubts expressed when the Algerian electoral process was interrupted in January 1992) to the point that Paris appears to be the staunchest defender of the ideas of the Algerian government before the international community. In addition, France facing important elections itself wishes, as far as possible, to limit the effects of the Algerian crisis especially with regard to a possible influx into France of Algerian citizens. Recent crises have not really changed this directive which is far from finding unanimous support in French government circles.Les relations entre la France et l'Algérie sont marquées, depuis 1988, par une étroite solidarité entre les gouvernements, malgré les doutes qui se sont exprimés lors de l'interruption du processus électoral en janvier 1992, au point que Paris est apparu, depuis lors, comme le meilleur défenseur des thèses du pouvoir algérien au sein de la communauté internationale. A cela s'ajoute la volonté de préserver la France, qui fait face à des échéances politiques importantes, des retombées et des risques éventuels de la crise algérienne, notamment en matière d'accueil et de circulation des ressortissants algériens. Les crises récentes n'ont pas fondamentalement altéré cette ligne, sur laquelle les autorités françaises sont loin de s'être exprimées d'une voix unique.Chenal. La France rattrapée par le drame algérien. In: Politique étrangère, n°2 - 1995 - 60ᵉannée. pp. 415-425

    Droits de l'Homme et libertés politiques dans l'aire arabo-musulmane

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    Alain Chenal, Human and political rights in the Arabo-Muslim region Today, the debate on human rights and democratic liberties is taking shape in the Arab and Muslim world. Political failures and the economic and social crises have led to a rediscovery of the democratic value which are an essential condition for development. The rise of the Islamic movement has led to the consideration of an explanation. The question is to understand why a traditional and minority tendency has recently had such wide popular support. Manipulation is not a sufficient explanation of this fact. Repression as a response is neither acceptable nor appropriate. The only possible confrontation with this movement is within the sphere of political liberties : it is a challenge to democracy.Le débat sur les Droits de l'Homme et les libertés démocratiques se développe aujourd'hui dans le monde arabe et musulman. Les échecs politiques, la crise économique et sociale amènent à redécouvrir les valeurs démocratiques, qui sont une condition indispensable au développement. La montée du mouvement islamique conduit à envisager des explications. La question qui se pose est de comprendre pourquoi un courant traditionnel et minoritaire rencontre depuis quelque temps une large adhésion populaire. La manipulation ne suffit pas à expliquer ce fait. La répression n'est pas une réponse acceptable ni même appropriée. La seule confrontation possible avec ce mouvement se situe sur le terrain des libertés politiques : c'est le pari démocratique.Chenal Alain. Droits de l'Homme et libertés politiques dans l'aire arabo-musulmane. In: L'Homme et la société, N. 85-86, 1987. Les droits de l'homme et le nouvel occidentalisme. pp. 51-57

    «Azerbaïdjan : un monde retrouvé»

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    Chenal. «Azerbaïdjan : un monde retrouvé». In: CEMOTI, n°19, 1995. Laïcité(s) en France et en Turquie. pp. 509-512

    Prolonged display or rapid internalization of the IgG-binding protein ZZ anchored to the surface of cells using the diphtheria toxin T domain

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    International audienceWe have shown previously that the diphtheria toxin transmembrane domain (T) may function as a membrane anchor for soluble proteins fused at its C-terminus. Binding to membranes is triggered by acidic pH. Here, we further characterized this anchoring device. Soluble proteins may be fused at the N-terminus of the T domain or at both extremities, without modifying its membrane binding properties. This allows one to choose the orientation of the protein to be attached to the membrane. Maximum binding to the cell surface is reached within 1 h. Anchoring occurs on cells previously treated with proteinase K, suggesting that T interacts with the lipid phase of the membrane without the help of cell surface proteins. Binding does not permeabilize cells or affect cell viability, despite the fact that it permeabilizes liposomes and alters their structure. When attached to L929 fibroblasts, the proteins are not internalized and remain displayed at their surface for more than 24 h. When bound to K562 myeloid cells, the molecules are internalized and degraded. Thus, depending on the cell type, soluble proteins may be anchored to the surface of cells by the T domain for an extended time or directed towards an internalization pathway

    Alteration of the tertiary structure of the major bee venom allergen Api m 1 by multiple mutations is concomitant with low IgE reactivity

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    We have engineered a recombinant form of the major bee venom allergen (Api m 1) with the final goal of reducing its IgE reactivity. This molecule (Api mut) contains 24 mutations and one deletion of 10 amino acids. The successive introduction of these sequence modifications led to a progressive loss of specific IgE and IgG reactivity and did not reveal any immunodominant epitopes. However, Api mut exhibited a clear loss of reactivity for Api m 1-specific IgE and IgG. Injection of Api mut into mice induced specific antibody production. This humoral response was as high as that induced by the Api m 1 but the cross-reactivity of the antibodies was weak. As inferred by far UV circular dichroism, this mutant was correctly folded. However, near UV circular dichroism and denaturation curves of Api mut showed that it exhibits a dynamic tertiary structure and that it is a highly flexible molecule. Finally, as all the sequence modifications have been introduced outside the human and murine T cell epitope regions, we investigated its T cell properties in mice. We showed that Api mut-specific T lymphocytes induced in vivo were stimulated in vitro by both proteins. These data provide new insights in the design of hypoallergenic molecules

    Toxicity at three years with and without irradiation of the internal mammary and medial supraclavicular lymph node chain in stage i to III breast cancer (EORTC trial 22922/10925)

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    Introduction. The EORTC 22922/10925 trial investigated the potential survival benefit and toxicity of elective irradiation of the internal mammary and medial supraclavicular (IM-MS) nodes Accrual completed in January 2004 and first results are expected in 2012. We present the toxicity reported until year 3 after treatment. Patients and methods. At each visit, toxicity was reported but severity was not graded routinely. Toxicity rates and performance status (PS) changes at three years were compared by χ2 tests and logistic regression models in all the 3 866 of 4 004 patients eligible to the trial who received the allocated treatment. Results. Only lung (fibrosis; dyspnoea; pneumonitis; any lung toxicities) (4.3% vs. 1.3%; p < 0.0001) but not cardiac toxicity (0.3% vs. 0.4%; p = 0.55) significantly increased with IM-MS treatment. No significant worsening of the PS was observed (p = 0.79), suggesting that treatment-related toxicity does not impair patient's daily activities. Conclusions. IM-MS irradiation seems well tolerated and does not significantly impair WHO PS at three years. A follow-up period of at least 10 years is needed to determine whether cardiac toxicity is increased after radiotherapy