13 research outputs found

    Faire face aux tensions liées à la reconfiguration du système universitaire italien : la voix des professeurs(es)

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    La reconfiguration du système universitaire est un phénomène international d’actualité. Il est caractérisé par de nombreux changements liés aux pratiques quotidiennes de tous les acteurs qui vivent dans ce contexte (professeurs, étudiants, personnel technique-administratif, etc.). Parmi ces changements, l'article se concentre sur les transformations de l’agir professionnel des professeurs universitaires – avec une attention particulière aux activités de recherche, d’enseignement et de gouvernance – à travers l'analyse des résultats d'une recherche menée à l'université Suor Orsola Benincasa de Naples. Réalisée à partir d’une posture épistémologique et méthodologique de type compréhensive, la recherche s’est articulée en deux phases successives. Une première phase exploratoire a permis de préciser les questions de recherche, de choisir le terrain d’investigation, d’élaborer des hypothèses ancrées et de construire les outils méthodologiques pour l’enquête empirique. La deuxième phase, faisant usage de l’entretien semi-structuré, a visé à faire émerger et à déconstruire les représentations dominantes de l’agir professionnel. Les résultats montrent que, pour faire face aux tensions liées à la reconfiguration du système universitaire italien, les professeurs d’UNISOB oscillent entre différentes grammaires actionnelles.The reconfiguration of University system is an international phenomenon of profound relevance. This is composed by several changes relating to everyday practices acted by the actors (professors, students, technical-administrative staff, etc.) who inhabit this context. Among these changes, the paper focuses on the transformations of professional agency of university professors – with particular attention to activities of research, teaching and governance – through the analysis of the results of a research conducted at Suor Orsola Benicasa University of Naples. Based on a comprehensive epistemological and methodological posture, the research was articulated in two successive phases. A first exploratory phase aimed to specify the research questions, to choose the field of investigation, to elaborate anchored hypotheses and to construct the methodological tools for the empirical investigation. The second phase, making use of semi-structured interviews, aimed to bring out and deconstruct the dominant representations of professional action. The results show that, in order to face with the tensions associated with the reconfiguration of the Italian university system, professors switch between different action grammars

    Dal fuori al dentro? Lo spazio della formazione di sé in Michel Foucault

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    The importance of space as a “pedagogical agent” has been repeatedly emphasised by the educational theory that draws on Foucault’s works: the organization of spaces deeply affects the design of the educational process, conditioning it through different forms of latency. Against this subjectification, the subject can exert either the thought of the outside (which considers the process through which one forms her/himself as a kind of desubjectification) or the care of the self (which is a subjective production based on an invention). These pedagogical grammars – which were long interpreted as opposite phases in Foucaultian thought – are reread, thanks to the most recent scholarship, as connected by a strict ethical-political circularity, that shows the persistence of the thought of the outside in the care of the self. This circularity raises some issues regarding the epistemological identity of pedagogy as a reflection aimed at elaborating a criticalcomprehensivespace of self-formation.L’importanza dello spazio quale “operatore pedagogico” è stata enfatizzata a più riprese dalla pedagogia di ascendenza foucaultiana, che ha dimostrato come l’organizzazione degli spazi disegni en profondeur il processo educativo, condizionandolo attraverso varie forme di latenza. Contro tale assoggettamento, il soggetto può agire esercitando il pensiero del fuori (secondo cui la formazione coincide con una definitiva desoggettivazione) o la cura di sé (secondo cui la formazione coincide con una produzione soggettiva che si dà come invenzione). Tali grammatiche pedagogiche – a lungo intese come fasi opposte del pensiero foucaultiano – sono rilette, alla luce dalla critica più recente, come legate da una stretta circolarità etico-politica, che mostra la persistenza del pensiero del fuori nella cura di sé. Lì dove tale circolarità pone alcuni interrogativi sull’identità epistemologica della pedagogia, quale sapere volto all’elaborazione di uno spazio critico-comprensivo della formazione di sé

    Pre-service teachers’ approaches to gender-nonconforming children in preschool and primary school: Clinical and educational implications

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    Corrective approaches taken by teachers towards gender nonconformity in childhood may increase the gender pressure that children feel, negatively affecting well-being and development. This study was aimed at assessing whether the approaches of 305 pre-service preschool and primary school teachers towards gender nonconformity in childhood are influenced by sexist and homophobic attitudes and feelings. The results indicated that the majority of the sample would adopt a supportive and affirmative approach towards gender nonconformity in childhood. Notwithstanding, the results also showed that sexism influenced the likelihood of adopting corrective approaches only to gender-nonconforming primary school children, whilst homophobia was positively associated with adoption of a corrective approach to gender nonconformity in both preschool and primary school children. Suggestions for educational and clinical practice are discussed

    La tras-formazione dell’agire professionale dei professori universitari. Studio di caso

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    The reconfiguration of University system is an international phenomenonof profound relevance. This is composed by several changes relating to everydaypractices acted by the actors who inhabit this context. Among thesechanges, the paper focuses on the trans-formations of professional agencyof university professors – with particular attention to activities of research,education and governance – through the analysis of the results of a researchconducted with some professors of Suor Orsola Benicasa University ofNaples.La riconfigurazione del sistema universitario è un fenomeno internazionaledi profonda attualità, che si compone di numerosi cambiamenti che attengonoalle pratiche quotidiane agite dagli attori che abitano tale contesto. Traquesti cambiamenti, l’articolo si sofferma sulle tras-formazioni dell’agire professionaledei professori universitari – con particolare attenzione alle attivitàdi ricerca, formazione e governance – attraverso l’analisi dei risultati di unaricerca condotta con alcuni docenti dell’Università degli Studi Suor OrsolaBenincasa di Napoli

    Per una pedagogia al tempo presente : conoscenza, agire formativo ed educabilitĂ  nel pensiero di Jeanne Hersch

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    Élaborée à partir d'un paradigme épistémologique de type compréhensif, la thèse se situe dans le domaine de la pédagogie critique et se caractérise, par la méthode herschienne du "mime", pour une réflexion sur la pédagogie comme savoir téléologiquement orienté. En déconstruisant le débat épistémologique contemporaine, concernant notamment l'opposition entre expliquer/interpréter, et en critiquant la posture postmoderniste, la thèse a pour finalité d'identifier la compréhension comme troisième espace de la pensée et de l'agir. Cet espace montre la racine commune, de type intersobjectif et transactionnel, à la base des opposition modernes. Cette posture trouve sa "traduction", au niveau de la théorie et de la pratique pédagogique, par une réflexion sur la philosophie de Hersch. Hersch propose une pensée de la limite qui consente de repenser la connaissance, l'agir formatif et la liberté comme des taches dont l'être humaine doit s'investir pour "devenir ce qu'il a à être"

    L’insegnamento tra transizioni professionali e transazioni identitarie

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    International audienc

    Transitions professionnelles et transactions identitaires. Réflexions pédagogiques sur les transformations de l'enseignement.

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    International audienceIl mondo dell’insegnamento è attraversato da dinamiche di trasformazione profonde e globali che richiedono ai docenti, sia novizi sia esperti, di confrontarsi con transizioni professionali inedite, portatrici di intense riconfigurazioni sociali e personali. Obiettivo del volume, dunque, è indagare – attraverso posture epistemologiche e metodologiche di tipo critico-comprensivo – le transazioni identitarie dei professori dell’istruzione secondaria e superiore a partire da ricerche empiriche effettuate in molteplici contesti professionali (scuole, agenzie di formazione professionale, università, centri di ricerca) all’interno di diversi paesi europei ed extra-europei (Francia, Italia, Québec, Svizzera). Lì dove l’interesse che muove una tale analisi è orientato non solo a conoscere le logiche d’azione dei professionisti dell’insegnamento in situazioni di transizione, ma anche a progettare percorsi di formazione iniziale e in servizio più adeguati a sostenere e ad accompagnare questi complessi processi transazionali.Le monde de l'enseignement est marqué par une dynamique de transformation profonde et globale qui oblige les enseignants, novices et experts, à faire face à des transitions professionnelles inédites, entraînant avec elles des reconfigurations sociales et personnelles intenses. L'objectif de l'ouvrage est donc d'étudier - à travers des postures épistémologiques et méthodologiques de type critique et compréhensif - les transactions identitaires des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur à partir de recherches empiriques menées dans des contextes professionnels multiples (écoles, agences de formation professionnelle, universités, centres de recherche) dans différents pays européens et non européens (France, Italie, Québec, Suisse). L’'intérêt que suscite une telle analyse vise non seulement à connaître la logique d'action des professionnels de l'enseignement en situation de transition, mais aussi à planifier des formations initiales et continues plus appropriées pour soutenir et accompagner ces processus transactionnels complexes

    FragilitĂ  educative e comportamenti antisociali degli adolescenti: categorie concettuali e pratiche educative

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    The paper presents and discusses the processes and the results of a Systematic Review of the scientific literature conducted with the aim to become aware of how the antisocial behaviour (AB) of adolescents are understood (repertoire of categories) and educationally managed (repertoire of practices). The results show how the phenomenon is understood mainly through an explanatory and experimental epistemological and methodological approach. Such approach aims at identifying several risks and protection factors that determine/influence AB as well as at defining indications on the practices to be implemented for the design of adequate prevention programmes. Based on these results, the paper proposes some critical reflections on a deterministic conception of AB.L’articolo presenta e discute il processo e i risultati di una revisione sistematica della letteratura scientifica che muove dall’obiettivo di sondare come vengono interpretati (repertorio delle categorie) e gestiti educativamente (repertorio delle pratiche) i comportamenti antisociali (CA) degli adolescenti. I risultati mostrano come il fenomeno venga investigato prevalentemente attraverso un approccio epistemologico e metodologico di tipo esplicativo e sperimentale che punta, da un lato, all’individuazione dei fattori di rischio e di protezione che determinano/influenzano i CA e, dall’altro lato, alla definizione di indicazioni sulle pratiche da attuare per la progettazione di adeguati programmi di prevenzione. In relazione a questa concezione determinista di CA, si propongono alcune riflessioni critiche e si prospettano alcune piste di ricerca per ripensare il fenomeno alla luce di un approccio epistemologico e metodologico di tipo transazionale

    IFN-Îł/IL-6 and related cytokines in chronic spontaneous urticaria: evaluation of their pathogenetic role and changes during omalizumab therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies highlight that high levels of cytokines may precede the onset of many systemic autoimmune disorders and may also be related to chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) activity. METHODS: Eight patients with CSU candidate to omalizumab therapy were enrolled. Four healthy controls were included with the purpose of comparing baseline cytokine levels. We evaluated serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, TNF-α, and GM-CSF. For the patient group, venous blood samples were drawn at T0, T1 (1 week after first drug administration), T2 (after 3 months), T3 (after 6 months), and in case of relapse. Cytokine levels were measured using the human cytokines 8-plex kit. Disease activity and effect of therapy were calculated by means of Urticaria Activity Score 7. RESULTS: Higher levels of IL-6 and IFN-γ were found in patients with CSU compared to those observed in the control group. Moreover, a common trend between these cytokines and the clinical history of disease could be hypothesized, with a decrease in levels of IFN-γ and IL-6 following remission of CSU with omalizumab treatment. Levels of other tested cytokines were similar between patients and healthy subjects. CONCLUSION: IFN-γ and IL-6 are proinflammatory cytokines that are strongly related to autoimmunity. Despite being limited by the small sample size, our data offer new insight into a better understanding of the pathogenesis of CSU and support the need for further investigations

    Association between vitamin D receptor polymorphisms, tight junction proteins and clinical features of adult patients with atopic dermatitis

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    Background: Few studies have explored the intricate connections between vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms, VDR, tight junction (TJ) protein expression and clinical features of atopic dermatitis (AD). Methods: From 43 adult AD patients, VDR polymorphisms were genotyped from peripheral blood samples using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. VDR, occludin, claudin-1 and ZO-1 protein expression from skin lesion biopsies were assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results: The A1012G heterozygous VDR polymorphism exhibited a lower odds ratio (OR) for juvenile AD onset (OR: 0.046, 95% CI 0.004-0.51, p=0.012). In contrast, the presence of ≥2 homozygous VDR polymorphisms were significantly associated with positive skin prick test (SPT) (10/20, 50%) vs. negative SPT (1/23, 4.3%; p=0.0003). The most highly expressed TJ proteins in lesions of AD patients were claudin-1 and ZO-1, while VDR and occludin were less prevalent. A significant correlation was observed between ZO-1 expression and a body mass index ≥30 kg/m2 (OR: 12.1, 95% CI 1.06-137.9, p=0.045). Claudin-1 expression was associated with a positive SPT (OR: 8.23, 95% CI 1.04-65.5, p=0.046) and serum 25(OH)D levels were negatively correlated with ZO-1 expression (rho= -0.43, p=0.0058). Conclusion: This study provides novel insights into the relationship between VDR gene polymorphisms, VDR, TJ protein expression, and clinical features in adult AD patients, highlighting a significant role of vitamin D in the pathophysiology of this disease