13 research outputs found

    Comportamento Dos Consumidores E Os Efeitos Da Oferta De Cultivares Francesas De Batatas

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    The present work aimed to analyze the factors that affect the purchase of potatoes in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil, and the effects of the availability of many different French cultivars to this market. In France, there is a large variety of potatoes with different shapes, skin colors and textures and indications for different culinary uses. Therefore, cluster analysis was performed and a mixed effects linear regression model was adjusted to analyze the factors that can influence the purchase of potatoes by consumers. The factors analyzed were the size, skin color and texture and the presence of information about the cultivar name, culinary use and seal of quality. Age, education, region and income were important parameters in determining a groups’ intent to purchase, and factors such as potato shape, skin color and presence of a seal of quality were significantly important in the analysis. The presence of information related to the name of the cultivar and recommended culinary use had no significant effect on purchase intention. Last, the introduction of new French potato cultivars into such markets as Belo Horizonte city should be preceded by an educational process to prepare consumers to receive information regarding the recommended culinary use of potatoes and the final sensory quality of the preparations illustrated with these potatoes. © 2016, Universidade Federal de Uberlandia. All rights reserved.32230831

    Mapa de preferência de couve minimamente processada Preference mapping of fresh-cut collard

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    Determinou-se por meio da técnica de mapa de preferência, a aceitabilidade de diferentes cortes de couve minimamente processada. A separação espacial das amostras de couve sugeriu a existência de três grupos, de acordo com a aceitação das mesmas. As amostras de couve minimamente processada que obtiveram aceitação por um maior número de consumidores foram as de 1 e 2 mm de largura.<br>The acceptability of fresh-cut collard leaves chopped in different widths was determined by employing the preference mapping technique. Spatial separation of samples suggested the existence of three groups, according to their acceptability. Fresh-cut samples showing acceptability by a large number of consumers where 1 and 2 mm wide

    Qualidade de méis produzidos por apicultores e méis provenientes de entrepostos registrados no Serviço de Inspeção Federal

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    This study was carried out to compare the physiochemical quality of honeys from beekeepers in northern Zona da Mata, MG, and honeys from warehouses registered at the Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF) in the State of Minas Gerais. Physiochemical analysis involving 39 samples were done, with three samples from each of the 13 beekeepers and 18 samples from warehouses registered at SIF-MG. Differences in quality from the two origins occurred in: free acidity, ashes, hydroxymethylfurfural, apparent sucrose and insoluble solids, where honeys from warehouses were of better quality. In addition, for free acidity and insoluble solids, two samples from northern Zona da Mata showed values above the established by the Instrução Normativa n°11 relative to the year 2000, whereas the values for insoluble solids in 11 samples from northern Zona da Mata and 2 samples from warehouses were in disagreement with this legislation

    Composição centesimal e aceitação de lingüiça elaborada com reduzido teor de gordura e adicionada de concentrados protéicos de soro de leite Centesimal composition and acceptance of sausages produced with reduced tenor of fat and added of whey protein concentrates

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a composição centesimal e aceitação de lingüiças de carne suína fabricadas com Concentrado Protéico do Soro (WPC) ou com concentrado protéico, com elevado teor de b-lactoglobulina, como substitutos da gordura. Foram realizados sete tratamentos, um grupo controle, contendo 20% de gordura, e seis tratamentos com reduzido teor de gordura, contendo diferentes níveis de adição de WPC ou de fração de b-lactoglobulina, a saber, três tratamentos com 10% de gordura e adição de três diferentes concentrações de WPC (0,2%, 0,5% e 1,0%) e três tratamentos com 10% de gordura e três diferentes níveis de concentrado protéico, com elevado teor de b-lactoglobulina (0,1%, 0,3% e 0,6%). O experimento foi realizado com cinco repetições, contendo todos os tratamentos. Foram realizadas análises em dois tempos de avaliação, um dia após a fabricação e após um período de sete dias de estocagem a aproximadamente 4&deg;C. Foram realizadas análises de proteína (g/100g), gordura (g 100g-1), umidade (g 100g-1), estimativa de valor calórico (kcal 100g-1) e análise sensorial. Os resultados dos teores de proteína, gordura e valor calórico apresentaram diferença (P&pound;0,05) entre o grupo controle e os demais tratamentos. Os resultados das análises de umidade e sensorial não apresentaram diferenças (P>0,05). As proteínas lácteas foram eficazes na substituição da gordura de lingüiças de carne suína, em todos os tratamentos realizados, atendendo às especificações do Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Qualidade das Lingüiças do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento, mantendo a qualidade sensorial.<br>The objective of the research was to evaluate the composition and acceptance of pork sausages manufactured with whey protein concentrate (WPC) or with protein concentrate containing high level of b-lactoglobulin (hereof called b-lactoglobulin) as fat substitutes. Seven treatments were established, a control containing 20% of fat, and six containing different levels of WPC or b-lactoglobulin addition (three treatments containing 10% of fat and 0.2%, 0.5% or 1.0% of WPC, and three treatments containing 10% of fat and 0.1%, 0.3% or 0.6% of b-lactoglobulin). Each treatment was repeated in five batches, and the samples of each batch was evaluated the first and seventh day after processing and storage at 4&deg;C. The samples were analyzed for protein (g 100g-1), fat (g 100g-1), moisture content (g 100g-1), caloric value (kcal/g) and sensory analyses. The results of protein, fat and caloric value were different between the group control and the other treatments (P&pound;0.05). Additionally, the moisture content and sensory analyses results showed that there was no difference (P>0.05) for the different treatments used in this experiment. The protein concentrates were efficient for the fat substitution in pork sausages, in the treatment levels used in the current experiment, complying with the specifications of the Brazilian legal requirements

    Processamento do presunto "cook-in" de cordeiros Processing of cook-in ham of lambs

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver tecnologia para produto curado (presunto "cook-in"), com pernis de cordeiros cruza Texel x Corriedale em associação com tratamentos tecnológicos (massagem em "tumbler" e processo "cook-in"). O estudo foi desenvolvido pela EMBRAPA/CPPSUL e Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Após as análises da composição química, a carne foi injetada manualmente com 20 % de salmoura composta por água + gelo 79%, cloreto de sódio 7,52%, condimento para presunto 4,70%, fosfatos 1,97%, sais de cura 1,88%, sacarose 3,38% e glutamato monossódico 0,19 %. Os presuntos foram avaliados quanto à composição química (umidade, proteína, gordura, cinzas, pigmentos totais e pH), parâmetros sensoriais (cor, aroma, sabor, textura e aceitabilidade) e rendimento. Uma das principais características dos presuntos obtidos com pernil de cordeiros cruza Texel x Corriedale foi o baixo conteúdo de gordura associado ao bom rendimento e à excelente aceitabilidade.<br>The aim of this study was to develop technology for the curing lambs (cook-in hams) which were manufactured from the legs of crossbred Texel x Corriedale lambs in association with technologic treatment (massaging in tumbler and cook-in process). The experiment was conducted at the EMBRAPA-CPPSUL/ UFSM, RS, Brazil. After the evaluation of the chemical composition, the meat was injected with it manually - 20 % of brine containing water 79%, salt 7.52%, curing salts 1.88%, sucrose 3.38%, ham condiments 4.70%, phosphate 1.97% and sodium glutamate 0.19%. The ham quality was evaluated by analysis of its chemical composition (moisture, protein, ash, fat, pH), sensory properties (color, aroma, texture, acceptability) and yield. The main characteristics of lamb hams were low fat contents associated with excellent acceptability and good yield