1,966 research outputs found

    Construction of near-optimal vertex clique covering for real-world networks

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    We propose a method based on combining a constructive and a bounding heuristic to solve the vertex clique covering problem (CCP), where the aim is to partition the vertices of a graph into the smallest number of classes, which induce cliques. Searching for the solution to CCP is highly motivated by analysis of social and other real-world networks, applications in graph mining, as well as by the fact that CCP is one of the classical NP-hard problems. Combining the construction and the bounding heuristic helped us not only to find high-quality clique coverings but also to determine that in the domain of real-world networks, many of the obtained solutions are optimal, while the rest of them are near-optimal. In addition, the method has a polynomial time complexity and shows much promise for its practical use. Experimental results are presented for a fairly representative benchmark of real-world data. Our test graphs include extracts of web-based social networks, including some very large ones, several well-known graphs from network science, as well as coappearance networks of literary works' characters from the DIMACS graph coloring benchmark. We also present results for synthetic pseudorandom graphs structured according to the Erdös-Renyi model and Leighton's model

    On combinatorial optimisation in analysis of protein-protein interaction and protein folding networks

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    Abstract: Protein-protein interaction networks and protein folding networks represent prominent research topics at the intersection of bioinformatics and network science. In this paper, we present a study of these networks from combinatorial optimisation point of view. Using a combination of classical heuristics and stochastic optimisation techniques, we were able to identify several interesting combinatorial properties of biological networks of the COSIN project. We obtained optimal or near-optimal solutions to maximum clique and chromatic number problems for these networks. We also explore patterns of both non-overlapping and overlapping cliques in these networks. Optimal or near-optimal solutions to partitioning of these networks into non-overlapping cliques and to maximum independent set problem were discovered. Maximal cliques are explored by enumerative techniques. Domination in these networks is briefly studied, too. Applications and extensions of our findings are discussed

    Partitioning networks into cliques: a randomized heuristic approach

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    In the context of community detection in social networks, the term community can be grounded in the strict way that simply everybody should know each other within the community. We consider the corresponding community detection problem. We search for a partitioning of a network into the minimum number of non-overlapping cliques, such that the cliques cover all vertices. This problem is called the clique covering problem (CCP) and is one of the classical NP-hard problems. For CCP, we propose a randomized heuristic approach. To construct a high quality solution to CCP, we present an iterated greedy (IG) algorithm. IG can also be combined with a heuristic used to determine how far the algorithm is from the optimum in the worst case. Randomized local search (RLS) for maximum independent set was proposed to find such a bound. The experimental results of IG and the bounds obtained by RLS indicate that IG is a very suitable technique for solving CCP in real-world graphs. In addition, we summarize our basic rigorous results, which were developed for analysis of IG and understanding of its behavior on several relevant graph classes

    An Order-based Algorithm for Minimum Dominating Set with Application in Graph Mining

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    Dominating set is a set of vertices of a graph such that all other vertices have a neighbour in the dominating set. We propose a new order-based randomised local search (RLSo_o) algorithm to solve minimum dominating set problem in large graphs. Experimental evaluation is presented for multiple types of problem instances. These instances include unit disk graphs, which represent a model of wireless networks, random scale-free networks, as well as samples from two social networks and real-world graphs studied in network science. Our experiments indicate that RLSo_o performs better than both a classical greedy approximation algorithm and two metaheuristic algorithms based on ant colony optimisation and local search. The order-based algorithm is able to find small dominating sets for graphs with tens of thousands of vertices. In addition, we propose a multi-start variant of RLSo_o that is suitable for solving the minimum weight dominating set problem. The application of RLSo_o in graph mining is also briefly demonstrated

    Desing of measuring of electric machine rotor temperatue

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou měření teploty na rotujících částích elektrických strojů. Součástí je i návrh a realizace hardwarového řešení, které umožňuje vícekanálové měření teploty pomocí čidel PT100 a bezdrátový přenos aktuální teploty do počítače. Softwarová aplikace má grafické uživatelské rozhraní a je spustitelná na operačních systémech Windows. Hardwarové nároky jsou minimální. Systém je primárně určen k provádění tepelných zkoušek strojů, nebo i k dlouhodobému monitoringu strojů ve stálém provozu. Vysílací modul byl navrhován tak, aby jeho velikost a energetická spotřeba byla minimální. Důraz byl kladený na vysokou mechanickou odolnost a také na odolnost vůči teplotám uvnitř stroje. A právě vysoké požadavky na nízkoenergetický provoz, kompaktní rozměry a vyšší provozní teploty vyžadují komplexnější přístup k celému řešení systému.This bachelor thesis is focused on temperature measurement issues of rotating parts of electrical devices. Thesis includes proposition and implementation of hardware solution, which enables multi-channel temperature measurements using PT100 sensors. Measured temperature is transmitted into the user’s PC. Thesis also includes user software solution for Windows platforms. Hardware requirements are low. System is primarily determined for temperature test of electrical devices. It can be also used for long-term monitoring of devices in operating state. Transmitter was designed with following considerations. Minimal size, low consumption, mechanical and thermal endurance. These demands require comprehensive approach to the whole system solution.