4,159 research outputs found

    Prediction of superhard carbon allotropes from the segment combination method

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    Many superhard allotropes of carbon have been proposed in recent years for the purpose of explaining the superhard carbon phases observed in the processes of cold compressing graphite and carbon nanotubes. In this paper, we have reviewed recent advances in searching for superhard phases of carbon from a segment combination view and found that they can be divided into two groups: (i) combinations of segments from cubic diamond and hexagonal diamond with 5-6-7 carbon rings and (ii) combinations of segments from hexagonal diamond and mutated hexagonal diamond with 4-6-8 carbon rings. Finally, an additional example of extending these allotropes of carbon to their corresponding boron nitride counterparts has been discussed.В останні роки було запропоновано безліч надтвердих алотропів вуглецю для пояснення його надтвердих фаз, які спостерігають в процесах холодного стиснення графіту і вуглецевих нанотрубок. У даній статті розглянуто останні досягнення в пошуках надтвердих фаз вуглецю з погляду методу комбінації структурних сегментів і виявлено, що вони можуть бути розділені на дві групи: 1) сполучення сегментів кубічного алмазу і гексагонального алмазу з 5-6-7-членними кільцями вуглецю і 2) сполучення сегментів гексагонального і мутованого гексагонального алмазу з 4-6-8-членними вуглецевими кільцями. Нарешті, розглядається відповідність алотропів вуглецю можливим структурам нітриду бору.В последние годы было предложены много сверхтвердых аллотропов углерода для объяснения его сверхтвердых фаз, наблюдаемых в процессах холодного сжатия графита и углеродных нанотрубок. В данной статье рассмотрены последние достижения в поиске сверхтвердых фаз углерода с точки зрения метода комбинации структурных сегментов и обнаружено, что они могут быть разделены на две группы: 1) сочетания сегментов кубического и гексагонального алмаза с 5-6-7-членными кольцами углерода и 2) сочетания сегментов гексагонального и мутированного гексагональног

    Time scales of epidemic spread and risk perception on adaptive networks

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    Incorporating dynamic contact networks and delayed awareness into a contagion model with memory, we study the spreading patterns of infectious diseases in connected populations. It is found that the spread of an infectious disease is not only related to the past exposures of an individual to the infected but also to the time scales of risk perception reflected in the social network adaptation. The epidemic threshold pcp_{c} is found to decrease with the rise of the time scale parameter s and the memory length T, they satisfy the equation pc=1T+ωTas(1eωT2/as)p_{c} =\frac{1}{T}+ \frac{\omega T}{a^s(1-e^{-\omega T^2/a^s})}. Both the lifetime of the epidemic and the topological property of the evolved network are considered. The standard deviation σd\sigma_{d} of the degree distribution increases with the rise of the absorbing time tct_{c}, a power-law relation σd=mtcγ\sigma_{d}=mt_{c}^\gamma is found

    Hybrid-Entanglement in Continuous Variable Systems

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    Entanglement is one of the most fascinating features arising from quantum-mechanics and of great importance for quantum information science. Of particular interest are so-called hybrid-entangled states which have the intriguing property that they contain entanglement between different degrees of freedom (DOFs). However, most of the current continuous variable systems only exploit one DOF and therefore do not involve such highly complex states. We break this barrier and demonstrate that one can exploit squeezed cylindrically polarized optical modes to generate continuous variable states exhibiting entanglement between the spatial and polarization DOF. We show an experimental realization of these novel kind of states by quantum squeezing an azimuthally polarized mode with the help of a specially tailored photonic crystal fiber

    Magnetic phases of the mixed-spin J1J2J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice

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    We study the zero-temperature phase diagram and the low-energy excitations of a mixed-spin (S1>S2S_1>S_2) J1J2J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model defined on a square lattice by using a spin-wave analysis, the coupled cluster method, and the Lanczos exact-diagonalization technique. As a function of the frustration parameter J2/J1J_2/J_1 (>0 >0), the phase diagram exhibits a quantized ferrimagnetic phase, a canted spin phase, and a mixed-spin collinear phase. The presented results point towards a strong disordering effect of the frustration and quantum spin fluctuations in the vicinity of the classical spin-flop transition. In the extreme quantum system (S1,S2)=(1,1/2)(S_1,S_2)=(1,{1/2}), we find indications of a new quantum spin state in the region 0.46<J2/J1<0.50.46< J_2/J_1<0.5Comment: 5 PRB pages, 7 figure

    A natural product-like JAK2/STAT3 inhibitor induces apoptosis of malignant melanoma cells

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    The JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway plays a critical role in tumorigenesis, and has been suggested as a potential molecular target for anti-melanoma therapeutics. However, few JAK2 inhibitors were being tested for melanoma therapy. In this study, eight amentoflavone analogues were evaluated for their activity against human malignant melanoma cells. The most potent analogue, compound 1, inhibited the phosphorylation of JAK2 and STAT3 in human melanoma cells, but had no discernible effect on total JAK2 and STAT3 levels. A cellular thermal shift assay was performed to identify that JAK2 is engaged by 1 in cell lysates. Moreover, compound 1 showed higher antiproliferative activity against human melanoma A375 cells compared to a panel of cancer and normal cell lines. Compound 1 also activated caspase-3 and cleaved PARP, which are markers of apoptosis, and suppressed the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 level. Finally, compound 1 induced apoptosis in 80% of treated melanoma cells. To our knowledge, compound 1 is the first amentoflavone-based JAK2 inhibitor to be investigated for use as an anti-melanoma agent.published_or_final_versio

    Using Chinese Version of MYMOP in Chinese Medicine Evaluation: Validity, Responsiveness and Minimally Important Change

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile (MYMOP) is a patient generated outcome instrument applicable in the evaluation of both allopathic and complementary medicine treatment. This study aims to adapt MYMOP into Chinese, and to assess its validity, responsiveness and minimally important change values in a sample of patients using Chinese medicine (CM) services.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A Chinese version of MYMOP (CMYMOP) is developed by forward-backward-forward translation strategy, expert panel assessment and pilot testing amongst patients. 272 patients aged 18 or above with subjective symptoms in the past 2 weeks were recruited at a CM clinic, and were invited to complete a set of questionnaire containing CMYMOP and SF-36. Follow ups were performed at 2<sup>nd </sup>and 4<sup>th </sup>week after consultation, using the same set of questionnaire plus a global rating of change question. Criterion validity of CMYMOP was assessed by its correlation with SF-36 at baseline, and responsiveness was evaluated by calculating the Cohen effect size (ES) of change at two follow ups. Minimally important difference (MID) values were estimated via anchor based method, while minimally detectable difference (MDC) figures were calculated by distribution based method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Criterion validity of CMYMOP was demonstrated by negative correlation between CMYMOP Profile scores and all SF-36 domain and summary scores at baseline. For responsiveness between baseline and 4<sup>th </sup>week follow up, ES of CMYMOP Symptom 1, Activity and Profile reached the moderate change threshold (ES>0.5), while Symptom 2 and Wellbeing reached the weak change threshold (ES>0.2). None of the SF-36 scores reached the moderate change threshold, implying CMYMOP's stronger responsiveness in CM setting. At 2<sup>nd </sup>week follow up, MID values for Symptom 1, Symptom 2, Wellbeing and Profile items were 0.894, 0.580, 0.263 and 0.516 respectively. For Activity item, MDC figure of 0.808 was adopted to estimate MID.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings support the validity and responsiveness of CMYMOP for capturing patient centred clinical changes within 2 weeks in a CM clinical setting. Further researches are warranted (1) to estimate Activity item MID, (2) to assess the test-retest reliability of CMYMOP, and (3) to perform further MID evaluation using multiple, item specific anchor questions.</p

    Localization from quantum interference in one-dimensional disordered potentials

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    We show that the tails of the asymptotic density distribution of a quantum wave packet that localizes in the the presence of random or quasiperiodic disorder can be described by the diagonal term of the projection over the eingenstates of the disordered potential. This is equivalent of assuming a phase randomization of the off-diagonal/interference terms. We demonstrate these results through numerical calculations of the dynamics of ultracold atoms in the one-dimensional speckle and quasiperiodic potentials used in the recent experiments that lead to the observation of Anderson localization for matter waves [Billy et al., Nature 453, 891 (2008); Roati et al., Nature 453, 895 (2008)]. For the quasiperiodic case, we also discuss the implications of using continuos or discrete models.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; minor changes, references update

    Cell surface properties of Pseudomonas stutzeri in the process of diesel oil biodegradation

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    Pseudomonas stutzeri, isolated from crude oil-contaminated soil, was used to degrade diesel oil. Of three surfactants, 120 mg rhamnolipids 1−1 significantly increased degradation of diesel oil giving 88% loss after 14 days compared to 54% loss without the surfactant. The system with rhamnolipids was characterised by relatively high particle homogeneity. However, the addition of saponins to diesel oil caused the cells to aggregate (the polydispersity index: 0.542) and the biodegradation of diesel oil was only 46%. The cell yield was 0.22 g l−1

    G1 Cosmologies with Gravitational and Scalar Waves

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    I present here a new algorithm to generate families of inhomogeneous massless scalar field cosmologies. New spacetimes, having a single isometry, are generated by breaking the homogeneity of massless scalar field G2G_2 models along one direction. As an illustration of the technique I construct cosmological models which in their late time limit represent perturbations in the form of gravitational and scalar waves propagating on a non-static inhomogeneous background. Several features of the obtained metrics are discussed, such as their early and late time limits, structure of singularities and physical interpretation.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure