125 research outputs found

    PCO-IB: Churn Analysis P2P Networks Using A Peer Co-Operative Intensive Based Schema

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    The Peer-to-Peer networks used technology of distributed computing.  The P2P network is essential for network communication. P2P networks are utilized in many applications due to these benefits. For example, record sharing, broadcast communications, and media streaming. There are a lot of nodes connected to the P2P network. Peers of network frequently join and leave the network at the same time. In the P2P network, this kind of paradigm is called churn. Numerous new examination works uncovered that stir is the primary issue looked by the present P2P organization. Content availability, data accuracy, and overhead were significantly reduced by the churn process. An Incentive-Based (IB) schema was proposed in this paper in order to circumvent the limitations of the P2P network for multimedia transmission. The IB schema that has been proposed encourages fair communication and cooperation among the nodes. Multimedia transmission efficiency in real-time P2P networks is maximized by the IB schema. In this paper, IB outline for the most part centered around the upgrade of the P2P organizations. The proposed construction is carried out utilizing Organization Test system. In P2P networks, the proposed IB schema improved multimedia transmission performance

    A Novel Method to Improve the Efficiency of Classification Phase of a Decision Tree

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    So far, most of the research on classification algorithms in machine learning has been focused only on improving the training speed and further improving the technical performance evaluation measures of the constructed models. There is no focus on improving the runtime efficiency of the classification phase which is much required in some critical applications. In this paper, we are considering the computation complexity of a decision tree's classification phase as the major criterion. A novel approach has been proposed to predict the class label of an unseen instance using the decision tree in less time than the regular tree traversal method. In the proposed method, the constructed decision tree is represented in the form of arrays. Then, the process of finding the class label is carried out by performing the bitwise operations between the elements of the arrays and test instance. Empirical results on various UCI data sets proved that the proposed method outperforms the standard method and five other benchmark classifiers and its classification is at least four times faster than the regular method

    Study of the Topology Mismatch Problem in Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    The advantages of peer-to-peer (P2P) technology are innumerable when compared to other systems like Distributed Messaging System, Client-Server model, Cloud based systems. The vital advantages are not limited to high scalability and low cost. On the other hand the p2p system suffers from a bottle-neck problem caused by topology mismatch. Topology mismatch occurs in an unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) network when the peers participating in the communication choose their neighbors in random fashion, such that the resultant P2P network mismatches its underlying physical network, resulting in a lengthy communication between the peers and redundant network traffics generated in the underlying network[1] However, most P2P system performance suffers from the mismatch between the overlays topology and the underlying physical network topology, causing a large volume of redundant traffic in the Internet slowing the performance. This paper surveys the P2P topology mismatch problems and the solutions adapted for different applications

    Two-Party Threshold Key Agreement Protocol for MANETs using Pairings

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    In MANET environment, the nodes are mobile i.e., nodes move in and out dynamically. This causes difficulty in maintaining a central trusted authority say Certification Authority CA or Key Generation Centre KCG. In addition most of cryptographic techniques need a key to be shared between the two communicating entities. So to introduce security in MANET environment, there is a basic need of sharing a key between the two communicating entities without the use of central trusted authority. So we present a decentralized two-party key agreement protocol using pairings and threshold cryptography ideas. Our model is based on Joux2019;s three-party key agreement protocol which does not authenticate the users and hence is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. This model protects from man-in-the-middle attack using threshold cryptography

    Integrated Nutrient Management Sustainable for Land Use in Watersheds

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    Apart from water shortage, the productivity in rain-fed systems is also constrained by low soil fertility. The soils in the SAT regions generally have low organic matter and nutrient reserves. Extensive survey of the farmers’ &elds in the SAT regions of India revealed that the de&ciencies of sulfur, boron and zinc are very widespread and in most cases 80-100% farmers’ &elds were found critically de&cient in these nutrients. This paper underscores the need to integrate soil and water conserving practices with balanced nutrition of crops by adopting INM

    Ceramic Materials (Phosphors) for Display Applications

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    Phosphors the ceramic materials should able to work in tough environment surrounded and bombarded by high energy Vacuum Ultra Violet (VUV), UV or electron beam radiations in any discharge tube. The plasma display panel (PDP) is increasingly gaining attention over conventional cathode ray tube (CRT)-based TVs as a medium of large format (60+”) television (TV), particularly high definition TVs (HDTVs). Improvements have been made not only in size but also in other areas such as resolution, luminescence efficiency, brightness, contrast ratio, power consumption, and cost reduction. The formation of a phosphor host and doping process by solid solution is critical and is highly dependent on the reaction temperature and conditions. Since the purity of starting chemicals is very important to the synthesis of phosphors, the starting chemicals are typically 99.9%, 99.999% in purity. Required amounts of starting ingredients are mixed in the presence of an appropriate flux (if necessary) and fired at high temperatures (1200 °C) in air or in a controlled atmosphere (N2, C, CO, or N2 with 2-5% of H2). The present paper reports the synthesis and luminescence characteristics of different ceramic materials (phosphors) for display applications

    Synthesis and Characterization of Sr2CeO4 Phosphor Doped with Erbium

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    The present paper reports the Photoluminescence (PL) of the Sr2CeO4 phosphor, singly doped with Erbium rare-earth ion with different concentrations (0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1%).The phosphor samples were synthesized using the standard solid state reaction technique. The effect of Er dopant on the structural, morphological, and Photoluminescent properties of the samples are studied with X-ray diffraction (XRD), PL and SEM analysis. The PL emission of undoped Sr2CeO4 phosphor was observed at 470 nm with high intensity followed by the primary Er emissions with good intensity at 525, 530, 549, 557 and 565 nm

    Assessing unrealized yield potential of maize producing districts in India

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    The projected demand of maize production in India in 2050 is 4–5 times of current production. With the scope for area expansion being limited, there is need for enhancement of yield. This calls for identifying areas where huge unrealized yield potential exists. With a view to address the issue, the present study delineates homogeneous agro-climatic zones for maize production system in India taking district as a unit and using the factors production, viz. climate, soil, season and irrigated area under the crop. There are 146 districts in India that grow maize as a major crop. They were divided into 26 zones using multivariate cluster analysis. Study of variation in yield between districts within a zone vis-à-vis crop management practices adopted in those districts was found useful in targeting the yield gaps. These findings can have direct relevance to the maize farmers and district level administrators
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