43 research outputs found

    Electrical detection of magnetic skyrmions by non-collinear magnetoresistance

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    Magnetic skyrmions are localised non-collinear spin textures with high potential for future spintronic applications. Skyrmion phases have been discovered in a number of materials and a focus of current research is the preparation, detection, and manipulation of individual skyrmions for an implementation in devices. Local experimental characterization of skyrmions has been performed by, e.g., Lorentz microscopy or atomic-scale tunnel magnetoresistance measurements using spin-polarised scanning tunneling microscopy. Here, we report on a drastic change of the differential tunnel conductance for magnetic skyrmions arising from their non-collinearity: mixing between the spin channels locally alters the electronic structure, making a skyrmion electronically distinct from its ferromagnetic environment. We propose this non-collinear magnetoresistance (NCMR) as a reliable all-electrical detection scheme for skyrmions with an easy implementation into device architectures

    A transmission electron microscope study of Néel skyrmion magnetic textures in multilayer thin film systems with large interfacial chiral interaction

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    Skyrmions in ultrathin ferromagnetic metal (FM)/heavy metal (HM) multilayer systems produced by conventional sputtering methods have recently generated huge interest due to their applications in the field of spintronics. The sandwich structure with two correctly-chosen heavy metal layers provides an additive interfacial exchange interaction which promotes domain wall or skyrmion spin textures that are Néel in character and with a fixed chirality. Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a high resolution method ideally suited to quantitatively image such chiral magnetic configurations. When allied with physical and chemical TEM analysis of both planar and cross-sectional samples, key length scales such as grain size and the chiral variation of the magnetisation variation have been identified and measured. We present data showing the importance of the grain size (mostly < 10 nm) measured from direct imaging and its potential role in describing observed behaviour of isolated skyrmions (diameter < 100 nm). In the latter the region in which the magnetization rotates is measured to be around 30 nm. Such quantitative information on the multiscale magnetisation variations in the system is key to understanding and exploiting the behaviour of skyrmions for future applications in information storage and logic devices

    Emergent Phenomena Induced by Spin-Orbit Coupling at Surfaces and Interfaces

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    Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) describes the relativistic interaction between the spin and momentum degrees of freedom of electrons, and is central to the rich phenomena observed in condensed matter systems. In recent years, new phases of matter have emerged from the interplay between SOC and low dimensionality, such as chiral spin textures and spin-polarized surface and interface states. These low-dimensional SOC-based realizations are typically robust and can be exploited at room temperature. Here we discuss SOC as a means of producing such fundamentally new physical phenomena in thin films and heterostructures. We put into context the technological promise of these material classes for developing spin-based device applications at room temperature

    Spin-transfer in an open ferromagnetic layer: from negative damping to effective temperature

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    Spin-transfer is a typical spintronics effect that allows a ferromagnetic layer to be switched by spin-injection. Most of the experimental results about spin transfer are described on the basis of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of the magnetization, in which additional current-dependent damping factors are added, and can be positive or negative. The origin of the damping can be investigated further by performing stochastic experiments, like one shot relaxation experiments under spin-injection in the activation regime of the magnetization. In this regime, the N\'eel-Brown activation law is observed which leads to the introduction of a current-dependent effective temperature. In order to justify the introduction of these counterintuitive parameters (effective temperature and negative damping), a detailed thermokinetic analysis of the different sub-systems involved is performed. We propose a thermokinetic description of the different forms of energy exchanged between the electric and the ferromagnetic sub-systems at a Normal/Ferromagnetic junction. The corresponding Fokker Planck equations, including relaxations, are derived. The damping coefficients are studied in terms of Onsager-Casimir transport coefficients, with the help of the reciprocity relations. The effective temperature is deduced in the activation regime.Comment: 65 pages, 10 figure

    Giant spin Hall effect in graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition

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    Advances in large-area graphene synthesis via chemical vapour deposition on metals like copper were instrumental in the demonstration of graphene-based novel, wafer-scale electronic circuits and proof-of-concept applications such as flexible touch panels. Here, we show that graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition on copper is equally promising for spintronics applications. In contrast to natural graphene, our experiments demonstrate that chemically synthesized graphene has a strong spin-orbit coupling as high as 20 meV giving rise to a giant spin Hall effect. The exceptionally large spin Hall angle ∼0.2 provides an important step towards graphene-based spintronics devices within existing complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology. Our microscopic model shows that unavoidable residual copper adatom clusters act as local spin-orbit scatterers and, in the resonant scattering limit, induce transverse spin currents with enhanced skew-scattering contribution. Our findings are confirmed independently by introducing metallic adatoms-copper, silver and gold on exfoliated graphene samples

    Le décapage ionique appliqué à la diffraction électronique par réflexion

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    Sur les champs magnétiques pulsés crowbar. I. Caractéristiques géométriques et électriques des bobines en cuivre

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    Un champ pulsé est défini par le champ crête B0, l'énergie magnétique W et le rayon intérieur a1 des bobines. Nous proposons un ensemble de formules qui, pour chaque couple w = W/2,5 a31 B20 et Γ = diamètre extérieur/longueur des bobines, donnent : l'« épaisseur » de chaque bobine, leur constante de temps, l'homogénéïté du champ magnétique, la température du bobinage à la fin d'une impulsion crowbar. Nous montrons, que pour chaque champ pulsé, c'est dans la bobine Γ = 1,36, que les contraintes magnétiques de coeur sont minimales. Nous analysons le rendement magnétique en prenant en compte l'échauffement adiabatique du bobinage. A chaque étape du texte, apparaît l'intérêt des bobines très épaisses

    Elektrostatisches Immersionsobjektiv hoher Feldst�rke

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