43 research outputs found

    Injeção percutânea de etanol guiada por ultra-sonografia para paliação de carcinoma de paratireóide não-extirpável

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    BACKGROUND: Severe hypercalcemia is the leading cause of death in patients with parathyroid carcinoma. Non-curative resection and pharmacological measures may be useful for palliation in cases with recurrent and metastatic disease. Palliative treatment with intra-neoplastic ethanol injection has not been reported yet. METHODS: Ultrasound-guided percutaneous alcohol injection in one patient with unresectable parathyroid carcinoma is reported. RESULTS: One male patient with extensive recurrent parathyroid carcinoma suffering from severe hypercalcemia, refractory to all available medical measures has undergone two percutaneous ethanol injections. No major complications ensued and parathormone levels decreased from 2,990 pg/mL to 2,230pg/ml after the first injection, and to 1,104pg/mL after the second one. Calcium levels decreased from 19.8 mg/dL to 16.1 mg/dL and to 14.5 mg/dL, respectively. The patient died of metabolic hypercalcemia complications about two months later, probably due to mediastinal disease progression. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection may be employed to palliate parathyroid carcinoma in selected cases, with a transitory decrease in PTH and calcium levels.INTRODUÇÃO: A hipercalcemia severa é a principal causa de óbito nos pacientes com carcinoma de paratireóide. Em casos com recidiva ou doença metastática inoperáveis, a ressecção não curativa e as medidas farmacológicas podem ser úteis para a paliação. O presente estudo relata a experiência com a injeção de etanol na neoplasia para tratamento paliativo em um caso. MÉTODO: Relato da injeção percutânea de etanol em paciente com carcinoma de paratireóide recidivado, não passível de ressecção. RESULTADO: Paciente masculino com hipercalcemia refratária a tratamento clínico decorrente de recidiva local não extirpável de carcinoma de paratireóide. Submetido a duas sessões de injeção percutânea de etanol. Não houve complicações maiores. Após a primeira injeção, o nível de paratormônio reduziu-se de 2.990 pg/mL para 2.230 pg/ml. Após a segunda injeção, o nível caiu para 1.104 pg/mL. A calcemia declinou de 19,8 mg/dL para 16,1 mg/dL e 14,5 mg/dL, respectivamente. O paciente faleceu de complicação metabólica, cerca de dois meses depois, possivelmente pela progressão da doença no mediastino. CONCLUSÃO: A injeção percutânea de etanol pode ser utilizada para paliação do carcinoma de paratireóide em casos selecionados, com queda transitória do nível de hormônio da paratireóide e da calcemia

    Biometric measurements involving the terminal portion of the thoracic duct on left level IV: an anatomic study

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    INTRODUÇÃO: No esvaziamento cervical do nível IV à esquerda, a porção final do ducto torácico (DT) pode ser lesada, aumentando significativamente a morbimortalidade pós-operatória. O melhor tratamento é a prevenção. Contudo, não há disponível na literatura medidas biométricas que auxiliem a identificação da desembocadura do DT. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: a desembocadura do DT foi identificada e distâncias úteis foram medidas em 25 cadáveres não-formolizados. Análise estatística foi realizada para verificar associações. RESULTADOS: a desembocadura do DT ocorreu na confluência jugulo-subclávia (CJS – 60%), na veia jugular interna esquerda (VJIE – 36%) e na veia braquiocefálica esquerda (4%). Uma associação estatisticamente significante foi encontrada entre a desembocadura na confluência jugulo-subclávia e a distância entre a VJIE e o músculo omo-hioide (Medida #1). Indivíduos cujo DT desemboca na CJS apresentaram a Medida #1 com mediana de 34.5±12.0mm, já os com desembocadura na VJIE apresentaram mediana de 22.3±8.7mm (p=0.015 – Student´s t-test). A regressão logística demonstrou que para cada aumento de 10mm na Medida #1 há uma chance de 1.12x de encontrar a desembocadura do DT na CJS (OR=1.12; CI95%:1,01-1,25; p=0.032). Para essa Medida #1 estabeleceu-se um cut-off de 19mm como teste diagnóstico para prever a desembocadura do DT na CJS, com sensibilidade de 86.7% (CI95%:59.5-98.3%), especificidade de 55.6% (CI95%:21.2-86.3%), PPV de 76.5% (CI95%:50.1-93.2%), NPV de 71.4% (CI95%:25.8-97.2%) e ROC AUC de 79.3% (CI95%: 58.0-92.9%). CONCLUSÃO: este estudo anatômico demonstrou que o local de desembocadura do DT mais frequente é a CJS e que a Medida #1 é capaz de prever o local de desembocadura do DT.BACKGROUND: During a neck dissection involving the left IV level, the final segment of the thoracic duct (TD) may be injured, significantly increasing postoperative morbi-mortality. The best treatment is its prevention. However, there is a lack of helpful biometric measurements focusing on the TD termination in the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The TD termination was identified and some helpful biometric measurements were obtained on 25 non-preserved cadavers. Statistical analysis was performed to analyze correlations. RESULTS: TD termination was found on the jugulo-subclavian junction (JSJ - 60%), on the left internal jugular vein (LIJV - 36%), and on the left brachiocephalic vein in 4%. A statistically significant association was found between TD termination on the JSJ and the distance between LIJV and omohyoid muscle (Measurement #1). Individuals with TD termination on the JSJ had median Measurement #1 of 34.5±12.0mm, compared with median Measurement #1 of 22.3±8.7mm among individuals with TD termination on LIJV (p=0.015 – Student´s t-test). The logistic regression showed for every 10mm increment of Measurement #1 there was 1.12x chance to find the TD termination on the JSJ (OR=1.12; CI95%:1,01-1,25; p=0.032). A 19mm cut-off was established for this distance as a diagnostic test to predict the TD termination on the JSJ, with sensitivity of 86.7% (CI95%:59.5-98.3%), specificity of 55.6% (CI95%:21.2-86.3%), PPV of 76.5% (CI95%:50.1-93.2%), NPV of 71.4% (CI95%:25.8-97.2%) and ROC AUC of 79.3% (CI95%: 58.0-92.9%). CONCLUSION: This anatomic study demonstrated the most frequent TD termination was on JSJ and Measurement #1 is able to predict the localization of TD termination

    Malignancy rates for Bethesda III subcategories in thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)

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    OBJECTIVES: Most thyroid diseases are nodular and have been investigated using ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), the reports of which are standardized by the Bethesda System. Bethesda category III represents a heterogeneous group in terms of lesion characteristics and the malignancy rates reported in the literature. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the differences in the malignancy rates among Bethesda III subcategories. METHODS: Data from 1,479 patients who had thyroid surgery were reviewed. In total, 1,093 patients (89.6% female, mean age 52.7 (13-89) years) were included, and 386 patients were excluded. FNAB results (based on Bethesda Class) and histopathological results (benign or malignant) for coincident areas were collected. Bethesda III patients were subcategorized according to cytopathological characteristics (FLUS: follicular lesion of undetermined significance, Bethesda IIIA; AUS: atypia of undetermined significance, Bethesda IIIB). Data were correlated to obtain the malignancy rates for each Bethesda category and the newly defined subcategory. RESULTS: FNAB results for these patients were as follows: Bethesda I: 3.1%; Bethesda II: 18.6%; Bethesda III: 35.0%; Bethesda IV: 22.1%; Bethesda V: 4.1%; and Bethesda VI: 17.1%. The malignancy rates for Bethesda Class IIIB were significantly higher than those for Bethesda Class IIIA (

    Pharyngocutaneous fistula following total laryngectomy

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    Pharyngocutaneous fistula (PCF) is the most common complication after total laryngectomy. Objectives: To establish the incidence of this complication and to analyze the predisposing factors. Method: This is a cross-sectional study of a historical cohort including 94 patients who underwent total laryngectomy. The following aspects were correlated to the occurrence of PCF: gender, age, tumor site, TNM staging, type of neck dissection, previous radiation therapy, previous tracheotomy, and use of stapler for pharyngeal closure. The following were considered in PCF cases: the day into postoperative care when the fistula was diagnosed, duration of occurrence, and proposed treatment. Results: Twenty (21.3%) patients had PCF. The incidence of PCF was statistically higher in T4 tumors when compared to T2 and T3 neoplasms (p = 0.03). The other analyzed correlations were not statistically significant. However, 40.9% of the patients submitted to tracheostomy previously had fistulae, against 21.1% of the patients not submitted to this procedure. Conclusion: Advanced primary tumor staging is correlated with higher incidences of PCF

    Value of PET/CT in the approach to head and neck cancer

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a PET/CT na abordagem de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 63 prontuários e exames de PET/CT de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. RESULTADOS: Foram encontradas alterações em 76% dos exames. Destes, 7 (11%) foram considerados falso-positivos, com SUV < 5,0. A PET/CT mostrou-se negativa em 15 situações (24%). Dos 14 casos nos quais se utilizou o exame para estadiamento, em 3 (22%) houve aumento no estadiamento. CONCLUSÃO: A PET/CT mostra-se como exame de potencial valor na rotina de avaliação de pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, entretanto, necessitamos de maior número de casos para definirmos protocolo de uso

    Vocal fold mobility alteration reversed after thyroidectomy

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    The involvement of the inferior or recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) in mobility derangement of the vocal folds occurs more frequently due to thyroid malignancy invasion. Although uncommon, the same derangement, which is caused by benign thyroid entities, is also described and reverts to normality after a thyroidectomy in up to 89% of cases. In these cases, the pathogenesis of the vocal cord mobility disturbance is attributed to the direct compression of the RLN by massive thyroid enlargement. The authors describe three cases of patients presenting unilateral vocal cord palsy, which, before surgery, was diagnosed by laryngoscopy concomitantly with large and compressive goiter. Vocal fold mobility became normal after the thyroidectomy in all three cases. Therefore, it is noteworthy that these alterations may present reversibility after appropriate surgical treatment. An early surgical approach is recommended to reduce the nerve injury as much as possible; to preserve the integrity of both RLNs since the nerve function will be restored in some patient

    Identification if the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve during a thyroidectomy

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    Na primeira parte deste estudo, foram dissecados 30 polos superiores tireoideanos, de 15 cadáveres frescos, com o intuito de se identificar o ramo externo do nervo laríngeo superior (RELS) e analisar as suas relações anatômicas com o pedículo superior da glândula tireóide. Obedecendo a uma classificação eminentemente anátomo-cirúrgica, 1 nervo (3%) não foi localizado, 18 (60%) eram do Tipo 1 (cruzando os vasos tireoideanos superiores acima de 1 cm de um plano horizontal que passava pela borda do polo superior tireoideano), 5 (17%) eram do Tipo 2a (nervo a menos de 1 cm acima do plano acima descrito) e 6 (20%) eram do tipo 2b (nervo abaixo do plano). Esta última configuração anatômica foi considerada de alto risco de lesão iatrogênica durante uma hipotética tireoidectomia. A seguir, foi executado um estudo clínico, prospectivo e randomizado. Setenta e seis doentes, após uma avaliação fonoaudiológica completa pré-operatória, foram divididos em tres grupos. No Grupo 1, o polo superior foi dissecado pelo Autor com lupa, pesquisando-se o RELS, após a secção dos músculos pré-tireoideanos, por meio de um neuro-estimulador e observando-se a consequente contração do músculo crico-tireoídeo (MCf) no próprio campo operatório. No Grupo 2, o polo superior tireoideano foi dissecado por Médicos-Residentes de 20. Ano de Cirurgia Geral, estagiando na Disciplina de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (DCCP-HC FMUSP), sem qualquer tentativa para se individualizar o RELS. Os indivíduos do Grupo 3 foram operados obedecendo à mesma técnica descrita no grupo anterior, pelo Autor. No período pós-operatório, foi repetida a avaliação fonoaudiológica e realizada uma eletromiografia de ambos os MCT. Os doentes que tiveram uma lesão completa do RELS, comprovada pela ausência de atividade elétrica do MCT, sofreram novas avaliações fonoaudiológica e eletromiográfica tardias, 6 meses após a cirurgia. Nenhum caso do Grupo 1 apresentou lesão completa do RELS. No Grupo 2, 28% dos pacientes exibiram esta lesão, que foi definitiva em 57%. No Grupo 3, constataram-se lesões totais em 12% dos doentes; nenhuma das lesões analisadas tardiamente neste grupo foi definitiva. Quando comparados com os nervos não dissecados, houve um aumento estatisticamente significativo de lesões completas nos Grupos 2 (p=O,0002776) e 3 (p=O,0346393), enquanto que não houve diferença nos doentes do Grupo 1. A avaliação fonoaudiológica revelou uma melhora nos parâmetros dos casos do Grupo 1, mormente aqueles relacionados com a respiração. Observou-se uma deterioração da performance vocal nos doentes do Grupo 2, que persistiu, em parte, na avaliação fonoaudiológica tardia. Já no Grupo 3 foi marcante uma piora estatisticamente significativa nas frequências mais altas e uma redução acentuada na extensão vocal, que foram atribuídas a lesões parciais do RELS, não detectadas pela avaliação eletromiográfica. Concluiu-se que a única forma eficaz de se prevenir uma lesão iatrogênica do RELS durante uma tireoidectomia foi a sua pesquisa sistemática e objetiva na região do polo superior, com O auxílio de um neuro-estimulador.In the first part of this study, the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (RELS) was dissected in the region of 30 superior thyroid poles, in 15 fresh cadavers, with special attention for its anatomical relationship with the superior thyroid vessels. Four different kinds of nerves were found: Not localized - 1 (3%) nerve; Type 1 (crossing the superior thyroid vessels more than 1cm above a horizontal plane located at the upper limit of the superior thyroid pole) - 18 (60%); Type 2a (nerve situated less than 1 cm above the plane) - 5 (17%); Type 2b (nerve below the plane) - 6 (20%). This last relationship was considered to be \"high risk\", regarding an iatrogenic lesion during a hypothetical thyroidectomy. Then, a prospective randomized clinical study was undertaken. Seventy-six patients, after being submitted to a complete phonoaudiological evaluation, were divided in three groups. In Group 1, the superior thyroid pole was dissected by the Author with a loupe, searching the RELS with a nerve stimulator, after dividing the strap muscles to gain better exposure. The identification of the nerve was considered to be positive when a contraction of the cricothyroid muscle (MCT) was obtained. In Group 2, the superior thyroid pole was operated on by 2nd Year General Surgery Residents, training during a I-rnonth period at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School (DCCP-HC FMUSP), without any attempt to identify the RELS. In Group 3, the patients were operated on by the Author, according to the same technique described for the Group 2. In the postoperative period, the complete phonoaudiological evaluation was repeated and an electromiography of both MCTs was performed. Those cases who showed a complete lesion of the RELS, which was evident by the absence of any electrical activity of the MCT, underwent again both phonoaudiological and electromiographic evaluations, 6 months after the surgery. No patient in Group 1 showed any complete lesion of the RELS. In Group 2, 28% of the cases suffered this lesion, which was definitive in 57%. In Group 3, 12% of the patients had a complete paralysis of the nerve; none of the two lesions analyzed after 6 months (67%) proved to be definitive. A comparison of the three groups was established with the non-dissected nerves. A significant statistical difference was obtained in the Groups 2 (p=0.0002776) and 3 (p=0.00346393), clearly demonstrating an increased risk of lesion in these groups. No difference was observed between Group 1 and the non-dissected nerves group. An actual improvement in the vocal performance was noted in Goup 1, especially regarding respiratory characteristics. On the other hand, the vocal performance worsened in Group 2 patients, and this deterioration persisted, in part, also during the late evaluations. ln Group 3, there was a marked lowering of the highest frequencies, associated with a profound reduction in the vocal extension. These features were attributed to partial RELS lesions, which could not be detected by the electromiography. ln conclusion, the only effective way to prevent an iatrogenic lesion of the RELS during a thyroidectomy was, in this study, an objective and meticulous search of the nerve near the superior thyroid pole, using a nerve stimulator

    Identification if the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve during a thyroidectomy

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    Na primeira parte deste estudo, foram dissecados 30 polos superiores tireoideanos, de 15 cadáveres frescos, com o intuito de se identificar o ramo externo do nervo laríngeo superior (RELS) e analisar as suas relações anatômicas com o pedículo superior da glândula tireóide. Obedecendo a uma classificação eminentemente anátomo-cirúrgica, 1 nervo (3%) não foi localizado, 18 (60%) eram do Tipo 1 (cruzando os vasos tireoideanos superiores acima de 1 cm de um plano horizontal que passava pela borda do polo superior tireoideano), 5 (17%) eram do Tipo 2a (nervo a menos de 1 cm acima do plano acima descrito) e 6 (20%) eram do tipo 2b (nervo abaixo do plano). Esta última configuração anatômica foi considerada de alto risco de lesão iatrogênica durante uma hipotética tireoidectomia. A seguir, foi executado um estudo clínico, prospectivo e randomizado. Setenta e seis doentes, após uma avaliação fonoaudiológica completa pré-operatória, foram divididos em tres grupos. No Grupo 1, o polo superior foi dissecado pelo Autor com lupa, pesquisando-se o RELS, após a secção dos músculos pré-tireoideanos, por meio de um neuro-estimulador e observando-se a consequente contração do músculo crico-tireoídeo (MCf) no próprio campo operatório. No Grupo 2, o polo superior tireoideano foi dissecado por Médicos-Residentes de 20. Ano de Cirurgia Geral, estagiando na Disciplina de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (DCCP-HC FMUSP), sem qualquer tentativa para se individualizar o RELS. Os indivíduos do Grupo 3 foram operados obedecendo à mesma técnica descrita no grupo anterior, pelo Autor. No período pós-operatório, foi repetida a avaliação fonoaudiológica e realizada uma eletromiografia de ambos os MCT. Os doentes que tiveram uma lesão completa do RELS, comprovada pela ausência de atividade elétrica do MCT, sofreram novas avaliações fonoaudiológica e eletromiográfica tardias, 6 meses após a cirurgia. Nenhum caso do Grupo 1 apresentou lesão completa do RELS. No Grupo 2, 28% dos pacientes exibiram esta lesão, que foi definitiva em 57%. No Grupo 3, constataram-se lesões totais em 12% dos doentes; nenhuma das lesões analisadas tardiamente neste grupo foi definitiva. Quando comparados com os nervos não dissecados, houve um aumento estatisticamente significativo de lesões completas nos Grupos 2 (p=O,0002776) e 3 (p=O,0346393), enquanto que não houve diferença nos doentes do Grupo 1. A avaliação fonoaudiológica revelou uma melhora nos parâmetros dos casos do Grupo 1, mormente aqueles relacionados com a respiração. Observou-se uma deterioração da performance vocal nos doentes do Grupo 2, que persistiu, em parte, na avaliação fonoaudiológica tardia. Já no Grupo 3 foi marcante uma piora estatisticamente significativa nas frequências mais altas e uma redução acentuada na extensão vocal, que foram atribuídas a lesões parciais do RELS, não detectadas pela avaliação eletromiográfica. Concluiu-se que a única forma eficaz de se prevenir uma lesão iatrogênica do RELS durante uma tireoidectomia foi a sua pesquisa sistemática e objetiva na região do polo superior, com O auxílio de um neuro-estimulador.In the first part of this study, the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (RELS) was dissected in the region of 30 superior thyroid poles, in 15 fresh cadavers, with special attention for its anatomical relationship with the superior thyroid vessels. Four different kinds of nerves were found: Not localized - 1 (3%) nerve; Type 1 (crossing the superior thyroid vessels more than 1cm above a horizontal plane located at the upper limit of the superior thyroid pole) - 18 (60%); Type 2a (nerve situated less than 1 cm above the plane) - 5 (17%); Type 2b (nerve below the plane) - 6 (20%). This last relationship was considered to be \"high risk\", regarding an iatrogenic lesion during a hypothetical thyroidectomy. Then, a prospective randomized clinical study was undertaken. Seventy-six patients, after being submitted to a complete phonoaudiological evaluation, were divided in three groups. In Group 1, the superior thyroid pole was dissected by the Author with a loupe, searching the RELS with a nerve stimulator, after dividing the strap muscles to gain better exposure. The identification of the nerve was considered to be positive when a contraction of the cricothyroid muscle (MCT) was obtained. In Group 2, the superior thyroid pole was operated on by 2nd Year General Surgery Residents, training during a I-rnonth period at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School (DCCP-HC FMUSP), without any attempt to identify the RELS. In Group 3, the patients were operated on by the Author, according to the same technique described for the Group 2. In the postoperative period, the complete phonoaudiological evaluation was repeated and an electromiography of both MCTs was performed. Those cases who showed a complete lesion of the RELS, which was evident by the absence of any electrical activity of the MCT, underwent again both phonoaudiological and electromiographic evaluations, 6 months after the surgery. No patient in Group 1 showed any complete lesion of the RELS. In Group 2, 28% of the cases suffered this lesion, which was definitive in 57%. In Group 3, 12% of the patients had a complete paralysis of the nerve; none of the two lesions analyzed after 6 months (67%) proved to be definitive. A comparison of the three groups was established with the non-dissected nerves. A significant statistical difference was obtained in the Groups 2 (p=0.0002776) and 3 (p=0.00346393), clearly demonstrating an increased risk of lesion in these groups. No difference was observed between Group 1 and the non-dissected nerves group. An actual improvement in the vocal performance was noted in Goup 1, especially regarding respiratory characteristics. On the other hand, the vocal performance worsened in Group 2 patients, and this deterioration persisted, in part, also during the late evaluations. ln Group 3, there was a marked lowering of the highest frequencies, associated with a profound reduction in the vocal extension. These features were attributed to partial RELS lesions, which could not be detected by the electromiography. ln conclusion, the only effective way to prevent an iatrogenic lesion of the RELS during a thyroidectomy was, in this study, an objective and meticulous search of the nerve near the superior thyroid pole, using a nerve stimulator

    Prevalence of oral and oropharyngeal human papillomavirus infection in Brazilian population studies: a systematic review

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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Human papillomavirus has been associated with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. However, there is no conclusive evidence on the prevalence of oral or pharyngeal infection by human papillomavirus in the Brazilian population. OBJECTIVE: To determine the rate of human papillomavirus infection in the Brazilian population. METHODS: Systematic review of published articles. Medline, The Cochrane Library, Embase, Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences) and Scielo electronic databases were searched. The search included published articles up to December 2014 in Portuguese, Spanish and English. A wide search strategy was employed in order to avoid publication biases and to assess studies dealing only with oral and/or oropharyngeal human papillomavirus infections in the Brazilian population. RESULTS: The 42 selected articles enrolled 4066 patients. It was observed that oral or oropharyngeal human papillomavirus infections were identified in 738 patients (18.2%; IC 95 17.6-18.8), varying between 0.0% and 91.9%. The prevalences of oral or oropharyngeal human papillomavirus infections were respectively 6.2%, 44.6%, 44.4%, 27.4%, 38.5% and 11.9% for healthy people, those with benign oral lesions, pre-malignant lesions, oral or oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, risk groups (patients with genital human papillomavirus lesions or infected partners) and immunocompromised patients. The risk of human papillomavirus infection was estimated for each subgroup and it was evident that, when compared to the healthy population, the risk of human papillomavirus infection was approximately 1.5-9.0 times higher, especially in patients with an immunodeficiency, oral lesions and squamous cell carcinoma. The rates of the most well-known oncogenic types (human papillomavirus 16 and/or 18) also show this increased risk. CONCLUSIONS: Globally, the Brazilian healthy population has a very low oral human papillomavirus infection rate. Other groups, such as at-risk patients or their partners, immunocompromised patients, people with oral lesions and patients with oral cavity or oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma have a high risk of human papillomavirus infection